She is His

By True_Legend_

76.4K 2K 99

*Completed* No one takes what is the King's, especially his Queen. Being reckless and getting in trouble is k... More



2.2K 56 0
By True_Legend_

Hazel's pov

Of course I'm going. I mean I'm only going to see why he gave me the roses. Well...and I'm going to see what he really wants with me. Damn I sound so desperate. Any way I jumped in my car again and stared on my way. My gps said it would take about thirty-five minutes. I ran a few lights but I wasn't focused on it so it didn't bother me much.

I seen Ace's bike with his helmet on it in front of a large metal gate. If it's here then that means he should be here too. I walked to the bike slowly, the closer I got I seen the gate had an intercom on the side so I pushed it.

"How may I help you?" A man said through it.

"Ummm I'm looking for Ace King. He told me to meet him here." I replied to the man.

"Sir Ace is in his room. I will buzz you in."

"Thank you." I pushed the bike out the way and drove in. For about three minutes it was just a long dirt road, then a mansion appeared out of oblivion. It was huge, way bigger then my adopted father's. I parked my car roughy five feet away from the stairs that led to the main door. I walked up slowly not knowing if this was a trick or not. Knocking on the large door I waited to see what would happen. You know those scary movies where the door slowly opens by its self? Well if that happens best believe I will be faster then Bolt and be out of here.

"Ace get the door!" I heard a lady say.

"Okay ma!" That was Ace's voice. I'm regretting this quickly.

The door opened to Ace looking back at something. There was a huge dog at his feet, the dog jumped on me. It caught Ace's attention quickly as he pulled the dog off.

"Aragon down boy. Come on get down." Once the dog was off me Ace frowned at me. Not offering me a hand up at all I sat on my knees now petting the dog.

"Cute puppy." It's like I felt him roll his eyes.

"What do you want?" He asked annoyed.

"Damn I just did what you asked in your little note. I'll just go tho." I handed him the roses and started back to my car with his puppy behind me.

"You said to leave you alone. I am." He said with a pissy tone. All that attitude, two can play that game.

"Fine, I'll go." I turned on my heels and headed to my car, the pup on my tail.

"Aragon come." The dog stopped looking between Ace and me opening my car door. He disobeyed Ace and whined at me.

"Go on baby, listen to your owner." I said scratching his ear.

"Ace son who was at th-. Oh hello dear. Would you like to come in?" A sweet lady with dark brown hair and eyes asked.

"No thank you. I came to talk with Ace but he doesn't wanna talk so I'm just going to head back home. Thank you for the invitation." I said putting my first leg in.

"My son forgot his manners I see. Please come in I know you drove a while to get here, it's starting to go into the late late night. Come sleep here and you may be on your way later on." I looked at my phone realizing it was midnight already. I nodded and closed my car door. Argon jumped up and down at me as I gave a smile to him. I walked pass Ace ignoring him completely and followed his mom in the house.

A older gentleman took my coat as I thanked him. Ace hit my shoulder walking by which just made me roll my eyes. I followed him though, I followed him into a kitchen with his mom putting stuff away. Ace had her smoothness if that's a thing, she glided effortlessly across the kitchen moving to the soft music.

"I'm Amelia King Ace's mom. His Father is somewhere in this house." I reached over and shook her hand.

"I'm Hazel Grey it's wonderful to meet you. Your home is lovely." I said looking around the beautiful kitchen.

"Why thank you sweetheart. Least someone appreciates decorations isn't that right Ace." He smirked looking back down at his phone still paying me no mind.

"You are very welcome, my mother would love this if she was still here." Ace froze, oh that grabbed your attention huh.

"I'm sorry for your loss." Amelia smiled at me and I returned one.

We just made small talk for another hour or so. I felt a shadow come in the kitchen but there was nothing there. I just assumed it was the wind. After a bit Ace left for roughly thirty minutes and me and Amelia talked about cooking.

She loves to cook and so do I do it was nice to have an older perspective on some of the things I've cooked. She is such a sweet lady from what I can tell, definitely a great mom for sure.

"Ah Ace you are back. Take Hazel to your room and let her go to bed. It is two am already and I don't want her to sleep her life away like your younger brother." I turned to see Ace leaning against the door frame.

"Yea ma'am. Come on Hazel." I gave one more cheerful smile to Amelia before catching up to Ace.

I yawned and all of a sudden I was in the air being carried bridal style. I looked up as Ace acted like everything was normal. I was to tired to argue for him to put me down. He opened a door and suddenly his crispy firewood smell surrounded me. I was laid in a soft silk bed with a blanket pulled up to my chin. The opposite side dipped and I felt warmth against my back before I just drifted off into dream land with no care in the world. I felt safe, protected and that's all I needed to sleep peacefully for the first time in a long time.

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