Recruit: Book One of the Univ...

By GeorgeMcDormanJr

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Cory has always believed we were not alone. After he meets Krystal, a beautiful woman he literally bumps into... More

Recruit : Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 10

324 27 17
By GeorgeMcDormanJr

  Cory slowly opened his eyes and looked over at Krystal, who was still sleeping, and smiled as he remembered the previous evening. He found out that they were completely compatible physically, but more importantly they seemed to complete each other. It seemed as though he found the one thing he had searched for. A soulmate, the one thing he was missing in his life. Although he didn't want to say it and scare Krystal away, he knew he was in love with her. He would willingly give his life to protect her.

  Krystal opened her eyes and smiled at him.

  "That was incredible." She said as she stretched.

  "Yes, it was." Cory said emphatically, "But I want to ask you something, if you wouldn't mind."

  "Depends on the question." She replied.

  "When I first touched you I felt like an electric current went through me. Afterwards I couldn't get you out of my head. I felt like I wanted to be with you. Forever. Do you know what happened ?" Cory asked her.

  "You felt that? I did, too." Krystal said "For my people it signifies you found your life mate."

  "Life mate?" Cory said "I wouldn't mind if you're unattached. Actually, I'd like that very much."

  "I'm unattached as you put it." Krystal told him "I would like that, as well."

  "So what is the custom of your people when it comes to being married. Or pair bonding, lifemate declaring." Cory asked.

   "Just say so." Krystal replied "Introduce each other as your mate to everyone you meet."

  "That's it?" He said "No ceremony, no fancy dress, no party to announce?"

  "Only if you want." She replied "Nothing formal if that's what you mean."

"Nice, on my world it's a big deal. You need a religious leader, take vows of love. Be recognized as husband and wife." Cory informed her "I like your way better but if we settle on Earth we'll need to get married. My parents won't settle for less."

  "When we get back, I'll get married to you, if that's what you want." Krystal stated.

  "Until then, we'll do it your way." Cory said "It's much easier."

  "OK" She replied "We'll tell T'ilvesh after we clean up and eat."

  "Great !!" Cory said.

  They shared a quick shower and got dressed.  Walking hand in hand to the mess hall they drew the eyes of the crew members they passed in the corridor. When they got there they found Surni, Rufe and Hawk eating while talking about their duties as weapons instructors. Rufe glanced up and spotted the couple walking in.

  "Look who's here." Rufe said  "Wonder what's up with them?"

  "Hi guys," Cory said "We decided to become "lifemates"

  "That was quick." Hawk said as he stuffed his mouth full.

  "I'll say." Surni agreed "Unless..."

  "Unless what?" Rufe prodded around a mouthful of steak.

  "Well, Krystal's people have a built-in mate response when they meet their lifemate. A type of tell tale physical feeling, like an electric current that flows through their bodies." Surni elaborated "Did that happen to you?" She asked Krystal.

  "Yes, but it seems Cory felt it as well because he asked about it this morning." She answered.

  "It just made me curious." Cory stated "I never felt anything like it before. Although on my world I never felt like this with any woman I dated. There was never this kind of chemistry with any of them."

  "How many were there?" Hawk asked.

  "Two or three, nothing serious." Cory replied "Just dates."

  "And now?" Surni inquired

  "I never want to be apart from Krystal, ever." Cory said "She's the only one I've ever felt this way about. Like she is my air. I don't think I would want to live without her."

  "That's the way it works." Surni related to the group "Apparently Cory is destined to be Krystals mate."

  "Lucky man." Rufe said to Cory.

  "Don't I know it!" Cory replied looking at Krystal, smiling widely "She's the greatest thing that ever happened to me."

  "You're sweet." Krystal told him then kissed him lightly.

  "Enough talking, I'm starving. Let's get breakfast." Cory said "I'm going to have eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, toast and a pot of coffee."

  "Sounds good, whatever sausage is." Krystal said as her stomach growled. "I tried the other things when we went back for his food and things."

  Cory went to the dispenser and brought back platters of everything and two pots of coffee. Krystal took a small portion of each and brought a fork full of eggs to her mouth. A smile broke out as she sampled the sausage.

  The rest of the group tried each of the items. They all agreed that the food was good then left so Cory and Krystal could enjoy their breakfast together in peace.

  After they finished they walked to the Command Center to tell T'ilvesh about their decision to become mates. With an arm around each others waist they announced their decision to the Commander.

  "Congratulations!" T'ilvesh said as he came around his desk. He shook Corys hand and gave Krystal a hug.

  "I was wondering what was going on with you two." the Commander stated looking pointedly at Krystal.

  "Why?" Cory asked, confused why he said that.

  "Because Krystal couldn't keep her mind on her duties if you weren't around her." T'ilvesh replied "I know how her race finds mates but wasn't aware of just how it affected her. Now I know."

  "Well, we just wanted to tell you our decision before we got busy." Krystal said.

  "You still have some free time left, so you go and enjoy yourselves." T'ilvesh replied smiling "That's an order."

  "Yes, sir!" they both said as they saluted.

  Walking along the hallway towards Krystals cabin they decided to detour to the training bay to see how the crew was progressing with the rifles. When they got there they found the squad smiling at how well the crew was progressing with the weapons. Seeing that they weren't needed they headed to the hanger and stood looking out into space, their arms around each others waists.

  "I don't know about you, but I've never felt more complete." Cory whispered in Krystals ear.

  "I had always wondered how it would feel when I found my mate." She said "It's the most wonderful feeling I've ever had."

  "So what do you want to do now?" Cory asked her.

  "Let's go to your cabin for awhile then meet the others for lunch." came the answer.

  "Sounds good to me." Cory stated.

  By now the rest of the crew knew they were together, since many of the species seemed to thrive on gossip, so they received many congratulations and blessings as they walked back to the cabin to spend a few hours alone.

  When they left Corys quarters to have lunch they stopped at the supply area to get a matched pair of rings. Cory found a set that looked like they had been carved out of the stars.

  "What are these made of?" He asked.

  "These are carved from talicine." he was told by the being in charge, who was of reptilian descent.

  "I've never heard of it before." Cory stated "Where does it come from?"

  "Asteroids in a galaxy that's already been overrun. My world is there." came the reply.

  "They're beautiful." Krystal sighed as she tried one on.

  "How much?" Cory inquired.

  "For you, nothing." the being told them "You gave us the means to fight for my home. It's the least I can do."

  "Thank you..." Cory started to say "I don't know your name."

  "Call me Iggy." Iggy said.

  "Thank you, Iggy." They chimed.

  "You're welcome," Iggy said "See you later."

  "Definitely." Cory told him.

  As they walked towards the mess hall hand in hand, Cory started to worry. He had never been so happy. Now he wondered what would mess it up. That's just the way his luck ran. One good thing would happen to him then the bottom would fall out from underneath him throwing his life into turmoil. He dreaded what would happen next.




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