Know Yourself [] PJM & MYG/ Y...

By Leviathicc

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[UNDERGOING EDITING] Min Yoongi, widely known as rapper Suga of the famous Korean pop band, BTS. Despite bein... More

Chapter 1: Inspiration
Chapter 2: Rehearsal
Chapter 3: Realization
Chapter 4: Speak
Chapter 5: Embrace
Chapter 6: Secrets
Chapter 7: Sabotage
Chapter 8: Suffering
Chapter 9: Serendipity
Chapter 10: Bonds
Chapter 11: Unearthed
Chapter 12: Struggle
Chapter 14: Despair
Chapter 15: Brotherhood
Chapter 16: Finale
Know Yourself PT 2?
🚨Fiction Awards! 🚨

Chapter 13: Creep

206 7 5
By Leviathicc

           [This chapter may be a tad longer than the others but I have provided nice pictures to break up the monotony. There's just a lot going on in this chapter.]

       The next five days passed slowly. Everyone was drained after the press conference but managed to turn their focus on the music. After each member had finished their schedule for the day, the went to the studio or the practice room. Hoseok and Jungkook worked on a choreography routine. Namjoon and Yoongi worked on the composition and the rap lyrics. Jin, Jimin, and Taehyung worked on the vocal lyrics.
       Yoongi couldn't help but enjoy the hectic days that passed. He and Jimin were able to spend almost all their evenings together to synchronize their work. Sadly, as much as Yoongi wanted to take advantage of their closeness, they spent mostly all of the time working. Perhaps that's what made the small looks, light touches, and quick peck kisses so perfect. Despite their business, they could still find moments to appreciate the other. And Yoongi did appreciate Jimin.
      Yoongi found a new love in watching Jimin's face light up everytime the younger completed a new set of lyrics. The sparkle in his warm eyes whenever Jimin sang to Yoongi's music. Over the past months the song had become directed towards Jimin. In a way, Yoongi thought the song had been for Jimin since the beginning. Even if Yoongi had been delusional about his own sexuality.
        "Yah," Namjoon's voice pulled Yoongi from his own head. "We're done for today. Let's get to the studio."
       Yoongi nodded, following Namjoon and Hobeom to the van in the parking garage. Hoseok following quickly behind them, passing Yoongi and Namjoon the coffees he had bought at the café. The three rappers tired from their early morning spot for a hip hop radio recording. Each pushing themselves despite their lack of sleep. Drawing energy from the sleepless early days of their career and determination from their long evident work ethic. When it came to their music, every single member was serious, focused, and determined. A trait, Yoongi believed helped them all get to the stature of fame they're at today. Though he prided himself on his hard work, Yoongi still complained about having to work at all. Lazy exterior, opposite interior Jimin told him once.
       Namjoon hopped into the front seat of the van, Hoseok stepping into the back, and Hobeom taking his place behind the wheel. Yoongi had fell behind a little after nearly spilling his coffee, a disaster he didn't have the emotional fortitude to deal with at that moment. Just before stepping inside the van, motion caught Yoongi's attention. His eyes quickly shifting across the garage to an old brown van. He could of sworn someone was behind the drivers seat but now the car seemed abandoned. Abandoned and... Familiar?
         I think I'm hallucinating from exhaustion, Yoongi thought. Brushing the instance aside and jumping into the van. Desperately wishing his coffee wasn't so hot so he could chug it.

                     • • • • • • • • • •

        Namjoon, Hoseok, and Yoongi sluggishly slipped out of the van. The cold air of the day waking them up as they headed inside the building. Hobeom leading the way, holding the glass door open for them as they headed inside. Yoongi was the last to enter. Pausing for a moment and looking around them. He could've sworn he saw a flash. Then again, he so tired and hungry he's sure his brain is playing games on him. Before he could wonder if the van across the street was really that familiar, Hobeom tugged Yoongi inside.
      They had all been working on the new song in different pieces but today they finally had the chance to try putting the song together. The seven agreeing to meet at the dance studio when they finished their schedules for the day. The rap line arrived first, trudging into the vacant practice room. Falling lazily onto the couch in the corner.
         Namjoon didn't take much rest before pulling his laptop and sound board from his bag. Setting them up on the table in front of them. Hoseok groaned, stretching as he stood up, before pulling up the mirror covers along the far wall. Immediately going to the center of the room, tossing his coat on the couch, and beginning his normal pre-dance stretches.
      Yoongi's phone chimed loudly in the quiet space, muffling the hunger rumbling in his stomach. The elder jumped at the sudden sound before pulling out his phone.

New SNS Message from
Jiminie ♥

   Yoongi smiled to himself as he opened the message, knowing his lover had added the heart to his name without the elder knowing.

  Jiminie ♥: What do you want for dinner, Hyung?
Me: Anything you want Jagiya.

Jiminie ♥: ....
Jiminie ♥: Okay... Yoongi-Oppa ≧ω≦

       Yoongi choked on his coffee at the message. His brain remembering the sound of Jimin's voice whenever he called Yoongi "oppa". His face flushed. He was so tired he didn't even realize he had referred to Jimin as "jagiya". Of course, he'd been thinking it for a while now. But saying it and hearing/reading the reply was enough to fill Yoongi with an overflow of energy. He sprang from the couch, tossing off his warming layers and joining Hoseok in his stretches. Looking for a new outlet for his sudden boost of energy.
        An hour sped by. Yoongi practicing the new choreo for the duet with Hoseok. Running to Namjoon whenever he needed help mixing, the leader's tall figure lumbering over the table. Large headphones hanging around his long neck. All the back and forth was enough to burn Yoongi's energy away.  Leaving the elder laying on the cold floor, trying to catch his breath.
       The studio door creaked open, the quiet space quickly becoming loud as the other four members enter the room. "We brought dinner!" Taehyung announced, setting two bags of take out on the table near Namjoon.
       Namjoon threw off his headphones and instantly reached out for one of the iced coffees Jungkook was carrying, "Aigoo, you guys are my hero right now. I was starving."
      Hoseok hopped up from beside Yoongi, joining the others at the table as the group grumbled over who gets what.
       Yoongi remained on the floor. Unable to gather the energy to get his own food. Jimin, as if reading his mind, walked towards Yoongi. Taking a seat beside the elder and laying down a bowl of jjajangmyun in front of him. Followed by a perfectly large iced coffee. Jimin crawled over Yoongi, his face upsidedown in Yoongi's eyes. The younger sharing a warm smile before pressing their lips together for a moment. A moment far too short for Yoongi's liking.
        "Oppa," Jimin whispered, causing Yoongi's pale skin to flush red. "Let's eat."
       Jimin simply calling Yoongi "oppa" was enough to make the elder want to run a mile as he hopped up and grabbed the coffee. The drink cooling his heated body.
       The younger sat across from Yoongi, unwrapping his bowl of jjajangmyun. Mixing the noodles with one hand while placing the kimchi and pickled radish between them to share. The studio growing quietly against as everyone stuffed their faces. Enjoying the greasy food they don't usually get to eat.
       Yoongi mindlessly picked up a slice of pickled radish and placed it on top of the bite of noodles Jimin already had spun around his chopsticks. The action earning a bright pink blush from Jimin's cheeks and a shy smile. The other members, forced to witness the action, groaned loudly in feigned disapproval.
       Jin throwing a napkin at the couple, "Oy! Yenma! Feed yourself!"
        Yoongi threw the napkin back, "Yah, pusnaegi! Mind your own business."
          The group laughed, piling up their empty food containers. Practically licked clean. The youngest two tossing everything into the trash as Jimin and Yoongi pulled themselves off the floor. Everyone crowding around Namjoon and the sound-studio-on-the-go set up. Jimin happy to see the lack of space on the couch. Leaving him to smile wide and take his seat on Yoongi's lap. Forcing the elder to recite a new mantra in his head: Don't touch his ass.... Don't touch his ass...  Don't touch his ass....
      Yoongi secretly, subtly placed his hand on Jimin's ass. Glad the younger didn't out him.
       "The song is pretty much done now," Namjoon said. Quickly reflecting pack on the insane past few days in which the seven members ran around like chickens with their heads cut off. "Who has a free schedule tomorrow?"
      Yoongi, Jimin, and Jungkook raised their hands. Hoseok and Jin noted they had an appearance on a cooking show and Taehyung mentioning a lunch date with the cast members from Hwarang. Namjoon nodded, making notes on a small notepad beside him.
      "Hobi, Yoongi-hyung, Jiminie, and Kookie should stay here tonight to work on the choreography," Namjoon took on his role as leader so easily. "Tomorrow, me and Kookie will help on the recording. Then we will go over the whole song together tomorrow night before presenting it at the meeting."

       The group mumbled in agreement before separating and moving on with their tasks. Sejin taking Taehyung, Jin, and Namjoon back to the dorm for some much needed rest. While Hobeom stayed with Hoseok, Jimin, Jungkook, and Yoongi at the dance studio. The manager reclining on the couch as the four members begin warming up again. Hoseok attaching the flash drive Namjoon left behind to the stereo, beginning their arduous practice.

                     • • • • • • • • • •

      The dance practiced ended, leaving the four members sweaty and panting. Chugging water as the collected their stuff. Nudging the sleeping ball of Hobeom awake. The manager clearly as exhausted as the members themselves. Yoongi and Jimin helping Hobeom grab his stuff and holding the door for him as they all exited the studio.
        They all sighed with relief when they stepped out into the chilled night air. The sounds of the city calmer now as Yoongi checked his Rolex. 2:34 am. Yoongi sighed, his body feeling the after effects of the six hour practice. A length they had gotten used too through the years. Making sure to take breaks in between.
        "Ah, I'm so tired," Jimin groaned, the last one out the door, wrapping his toned arms around Yoongi's shoulders. "I need sleep."
       Yoongi would have gladly carried the younger to the car if something hadn't of distracted him. Yoongi distinctly saw a flash from across the street. His dark eyes focused on the familiar tan van. A black figured hidden in the dark behind the wheel. He couldn't tell if the figure was watching them but he could feel eyes on them. Why was the van so familiar?
     Before Yoongi could think about it more, Jimin pulled him towards the van to head home. The elders eyes still focusing on the suspicious vehicle until Hobeom drove away from the venue and towards their dorm. Unlike the car in the distance, Yoongi's suspicion didn't fade.

                   • • • • • • • • • •

          The four members arrived home, sluggishly kicking off their shoes and crawling to the couches in the living room. Even Jungkook, who was normally very tidy, didn't even care to put his shoes in the correct place. The maknae simply toppled over the arm of the love seat, sinking into the cushions. Taehyung, who was up playing games, quickly came to Jungkooks aid. Massaging his worn muscles. Hoseok laid sprawled on the floor and Jimin laid on the couch. His head resting comfortably in Yoongi's lap. The elder unable to resist running his fingers through Jimin's sweat damp hair.
          "Where's Namjoonie?" Yoongi asked Taehyung in a quieted voice in case any one was sleeping.
      Taehyung looked up from his playful massage with Jungkook, "Oh, Namjoon-hyung is in his room. He worked on the song for a bit and then went to sleep. He said he emailed you the updated version of the song to add any last minute adjustments before recording tomorrow."
      "Jin-hyung?" Hoseok rasped from the floor.
      Taehyung turned back to Jungkook, "He's asleep too. But he made lunches for tomorrow."
        Hoseok began crawling comedically down the hallway, "I need sleep. Good night!"
     "Night," the others called back to the Hope-worm wiggling to his room.
       Taehyung convinced Jungkook to play he's with him for a bit before going to sleep. The two youngest skipping off to Jungkook's room.
        Jimin and Yoongi sat in comfortable silence. The elder running his fingers through Jimin's hair. The younger's eyes closed, enjoying Yoongi's touch. Moments like this were ones Yoongi had come to value most. They were comfortable and calm. He felt content with Jimin. Even when they weren't speaking, he was still happy being near him. And more so now than ever, happy to touch him.
      "Yoongi-oppa," Jimin whispered, leaving Yoongi's cheeks to burn red.
         "Ye, jagiya," Yoongi replied, trying to hide his smile.
       Jimin hesitated but eventually spoke, "I wish I could sleep beside you tonight."
      Yoongi smiled at the thought of waking up to Jimin's face again, but his rational mind won out in the end, "So do I. But Jin-hyung is already sleeping and I don't think Hobi is ready to wake up to the sight of us in bed together."
       Jimin frowned and sat up, "Yeah, you're right."
          Yoongi shared in Jimin's disappointment. But before the younger could tear at Yoongi's heart with another sad look, the elder pulled Jimin close. Their lips pressed together in a firm but gentle Kiss. Jimin leaned into him with ease, pulling at Yoongi's shirt. Their mouths working in a passionate rhythm as the savored the taste of each other before slowly pulling away. Their foreheads resting against each other.
       Yoongi brushed Jimin's soft cheek with his thumb, "Fuck... I want you so bad right now.... But I'm so tired."
      Jimin chuckled lightly, giving Yoongi a quick peck, "I want you too, Oppa. But you're right."
        After lingering for a moment, Jimin took to his feet and headed towards his room. Looking back around the corner. Jimin flashed a smile at Yoongi, who was already heading to his room, "Goodnight, Oppa."
     Jimin's voice was clear and loud, flushing the elder with embarrassment as he turned back. But Yoongi fell weak at the sight of Jimin's smile, "Goodnight, jagiya."
      They shared shy grins before heading to their separate rooms. Yoongi tip toeing past the sleeping eldest member and going to his side of the room. Taking a seat at his desk to work on the song. But despite the volume in his headset and the focus on the song, something still bothered Yoongi.
       The tan van. The flashes. The feeling of being watched. All made Yoongi even more restless. A pit growing in his stomach but he forced himself to focus on working. He'd deal with the rest of reality, later.

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