Always and Forever.

By holtzbertgoodeday

5.9K 162 28

New story! yay! More

New Story!
Most beautiful girl.
Falling for you.
'Prom' Night.
What's up bitches?!
I want to be with you.
Be strong for me.
Making you mine.
She's mine.
Perfect date.
Thousand years.
Lies behind lies.
One truth out.
All I Ask.
I should have.
Always and Forever.

How can I tell you this?

335 11 0
By holtzbertgoodeday

Naya pdv's:

I was shocked and I couldn't find the words, Demi heard me...oh my god! "I um..." "Hey, sorry girls but I need to tell you something Demi" Thanks mami! "Ok Demi, so, you will come every Monday and Friday so we can start your treatment, this is not easy to fix but I'll try my best, I know you can do it" Demi smile "I know too, thank you so much" "No problem Demi" My mom left and I look at her "So?" Damn. "Well...y-yeah, I said I love you because're my best friend" "Oh..." She said a little...sad? "So um...let's eat" She just nodded and I look at her, she's sad because I said she's my best friend? Oh my god, how I can tell her that I love her but not like a best friend "Demi I..." She look at me, oh god, her eyes are so big and beautifuls "I um...what I was trying to say is that um...I love you but..." She look at me and I see glow in her eyes but..."Like a sister" I couldn't. "Oh, um well...I love you too" She smile a little and I smile, ugh Naya, you have to tell Demi, I look at her "Demi?" "Yeah?" "Well...there's a little party, is like a prom but is not a prom and I want you to come with me" She smile "I would love you" "Really?" "Of course yes Nay" I love when she call me like that "Great so, today is your last day so, we can go tomorrow to find a beautiful dress for us" "Ok" She smile and we start to talk about so much things. Dianna is now with Demi and I'm here with Selena, she look at me and smile, I look at her and smile "What?" "You're so in love with Demi, right?" I smile "Yeah, so in love" "So, what are you waiting for? Tell her" "I can't, is not easy Selena" "You just have to say 'I'm in love with you' and that's it" "I don't know if I can, I already asked her if she want to go to a party with me" "Ow, you should kiss her in the party" "What? No I can't" "Yes you can, oh come on Naya, I thought girls were different" "I thought to, but is not" "Wait so...Demi is the only girl that you've been in love with?" I nodded slowly "Really?!" "Well, I liked one but she was with a guy, plus, I was not in love with her, I never kiss a girl before" She looked at me surprised "Demi have to be the first girl!" "And the only girl" I smile and she smile "Trust me when I say she loves you" I smile a little and bit my lip"

I was getting ready to go with Demi to the mall, I promised her mom to take care of her, I heard a knock in my door and I opened the door "Demi! What are you doing here?" "Well, my mom was going to the market and I told her to bring me here and I'm here" She smile and I smile "Well, I'm ready, let's go" I took her hand and we left, we look like a couple and I really don't care, I love her and I want to tell her but I'm scared, I look at her and smile, she's just so beautiful, her short hair, her eyes, her smile, her laugh, her body, she's just so perfect, I see a beautiful dress and I smile "How about that dress for you?" She look at the dress "Mmm...I think is more you" "You think?" "I bet you look gorgeous in the dress" I blush a little and I nodded "We'll see" We've been 6 hours here in the mall and we already found our dress, we stop in the ice cream store and sit down "Tty this" I give her a little of my ice cream "I like it, try this" She give a little of her ice cream "I love it" She smile and I smile "So, when is the 'prom'?" I laugh a little "Tomorrow, I'll pick you up at 7, ok?" "Ok, I can't wait" "I can't wait either" She smile, I'm really happy with her, I want to just be able to kiss her lips, I shiver every time her lips touch my cheek, I want to taste those lips "What are you thinking about?" She smile "You" She blush a little "About?" " gorgeous you are, how amazing you are, and how perfect you are" I smile and she blush even more "Am I perfect?" "For me, you are" She smile and kissed my cheek "You are perfect to me too" She bit her lip and I smile, 'Just kiss her Naya, do it' I look at her lips and we lean in, we were about to kiss when her phone ring, I pulled away and look away, I look at Demi and she nodded "Ok, bye" "What happend?" "Oh just my mom, I think is late, can you drive me to my house?" "Sure, let's go" We made pur way to her house and I walk her to the door "Thanks for today, was amazing" "You're welcome, see you tomorrow" "Sure" She smile and almost kissed my lips, she smile and left, I smile to myself and bit my lip, I'll kiss you soon Demi, I will.

Demi pdv's:

I was looking at my mirror and I had the dress in my hands, tomorrow is the party and I'm really excited because I'll go with Naya, I'm so in love with her, what if Selena is right? And she love me? We almost kissed, I just want to kiss her lips all day and all night, I but my lip and smile "That dress is beautiful" I look at Nick and smile "Yeah I know" "So you will go with Naya somewhere?" "A party, is like a prom but is not a prom" "Cool, I hope she take care of my little sister" "You know she do" "I know, I just want to see you happy" He kissed my forehead and I smile "I am happy" He smile "Ok well, go to sleep, you need to rest, goodnight sis" He kissed my forehead one more time and left, I smile and look at a picture of me and Naya "Tomorrow night, will be amazing" I smile and changed my cloths, I lay down in my bed and look at my phone.

N: I bet you look gorgeous in that dress, can't wait to see ya(;<3

I smile and but my lip.

D: I bet you look gorgeous too, see ya tomorrow:*<3

I smile and sigh, Naya is the one, I know she is but...what if I die? She will be hurt, she will suffer like my family, I don't want her to suffer, I just want to be with her but what if I die? I don't want to tell her this but I'm not so sure that I can do this, is not easy, I just want to be normal, I want to live my life, I want to be like the other girls, beautiful, with no cancer, I want to be normal. I woke up the next morning feeling better, feeling normal, I smile to myself and look at my dress, I smile and stand up "Good morning beatiful" "Good morning mom" "Ready for today?" "I am" She smile "Eat your breakfast" I nodded and start eating, I was thinking about tonight, dancing slow with Naya, her arms wrapped around me, her eyes connected with mine, the perfect night, after a while I finished my breakfast and it was 12 pm, wow, the day is passing fast. "Demi wake up, it's already 6" "What?!" I stand up and start getting ready, I put on my make up and do my hair, I heard the door and I fix a little my hair, I went down stairs and I see Naya "Hey Nay" She look at me and she was like surprised, wow, she really look so hot in that dress "D-Demi...hi" I smile "Y-you look r-really gorgeous" She said nervous and I laugh a little "You too" She smile and she took my hand and intertwine our fingers "Ready my princess?" "Ready" I blush and smile a little, we left and we were talking in the car, wow, she really look so damn gorgeous, I can't believe someone like her likes me, I'm so in lvoe with Naya.

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