I want to be with you.

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(5 months later)

Naya pdv's:

It's been 5 months since Demi and I kiss, the treatment it's been going great, I'm really proud of her, I'm always there with her and her mom, Selena and Nick too, I'm just glad she's good because I don't want to lose her, she's really important to me and I really want to be with her, I want to tell her, but how? Every time I talk to her, I feel those butterflies and fireworks in my stomach and I feel nervous, I don't know how to tell her, I'm so in love with her and I just want to kiss her again, feel that soft lips in mine "Naya?" "Oh yeah?" Selena laugh a little "What?" "You were thinking in Demi, right?" "Every time" "Just tell her Naya" "I can't" "You already kissed her, now, tell her the truth" "It's just...ugh, is not easy Selena" "Look, all I can say is that she loves you more than anything and you will make her happy if you tell her that you love her" I look at Selena and sigh "You know you're a really good friend?" I smile a little and she smile "I thought I was best friend" "Well yeah, you're a really good best friend" She laugh a little and hugged me "I got to go but, tell her Naya or I'll do it" "I promise I will" "Ok" She kissed my cheek and left, I sigh and look at Demi, I smile and she smile "Hey gorgeous" "Hey beautiful" "Ready to go?" "Sure" We we walking in the park and we didn't say anything, we were just walking, I look at her and smile, she's so beautiful, so perfect, her eyes, her smile, her lips, her hair, all of her, I smile again and look at the ground "I know you were staring at me, I can feel your eyes" I giggle "Sorry, I can't help myself, you're just so gorgeous" She giggle "Demi..." We stop and I look at her "Yeah?" "I-I'm in love with you, we already kiss and I just love you, I know you're scared becaus eyou don't want to die, I don't want that either and I know you will not die because you're so strong Demi and you have a reason to live, you have people that loves you so much and I am one of those persons, I love you so much Demi, not as a best friend, not as a sister, more then that" She smile "Naya...I don't know what to say" "You don't have to say anything just..." I pull her closer and look at her eyes "Kiss me..." I whispered and she kissed me, I kissed back and she wrapped her arms around my neck, I missed her lips so fucking much, I needed them, is like, they are my drug, a few minutes later we pulled away and I smile "I'm in love with you too Naya, I really want ot be with you too but..." "You will not die Demi, I'll be here with you no matter what, I love you and no one can destroy this feeling" She smile and pecked my lips "I love you Naya" "I love you too" I smile and hugged her "Be mine?" I whispered "Only if you're mine too" "Of course" She look at me and smile "Then, yes, I'm only yours" I smile and took her hand.

We were in her room and we were cuddling "Naya?" "Yeah?" "Why you fell for me?" I took a deep breath and smile "Because you're so beautiful, no, gorgeous, I love your eyes, your lips, your hair, your body, all of you, I love all of you, I could stare at you forever and I love when you kiss my lips softly" I smile and she look at me and smile "Like this?" She kissed my lips softly and I smile, I kissed back and a few minutes later we pulled away "Yeah, like that" She giggle "Your hair is long" "Yeah well, my hair was short, I was losing my hair but then, I didn't lose all my hair, with the time my hair grew up" She smile a little "Your hair is really beautiful" "Yours too" I smile "You know, you always say me that I'm beauitful and gorgeous and more things but you don't know how beautiful you are, you're gorgeous, perfect to me and I love all of you" I smile and pecked her lips "Thanks baby" Wow, I just called her baby, she blush and I giggle "I can get used with that nickname" "Good, because I love to call you baby" She smile "I love you babe" I smile and she giggle "I love you too baby"

Demi pdv's:

I woke up and I was about to stand up but I felt arms around me, I look at Naya and smile, I can't believe she's my girlfriend, her lips are my drug, I can't stop thinking about her, she makes me so happy, I smile to myself and just stare at her, she's so perfect, her eyes, her hair, her lips, god, those lips, I could kiss her forever "I can feel your eyes" I giggle and she smile "I can't help myself, you're just so gorgeous" "Hey! I said that to you a few hours ago!" "I know but is true, you're so gorgeous" she blush "Ow! I love hen you blush!" See hit my arm playfully "Stop it!" "Ouch!" "Sorry baby" I pouted "Ow, my baby is pouting?" "Yes, she is" I said in a baby voice "How can I make her smile? I wan to see that beautiful smile" "Well, maybe you could kiss your baby" I bit my lip and she smile, she kissed my lips softly but passionate, I kissed back and pull we closer, we pulled away after a make out session and I smile "Now I'm happy" I whispered and she giggle "I'm glad" I smile "Hungry?" I nodded "Want to eat something?" "Pizza?" She nodded and we stand up, I order the pizza and she was waiting for me in the kitchen, I was looking for something and Naya giggle "What's so funny?" "That you're small" "Hey!" "What can I say? I'm more taller and you're not" She wrapped her arms around my waist and kiss my neck "But I like it" She whispered in my ear and I smile, we heard a knock in the door "I'll go" I look at her walking and smile, she's really sweet, she's the best thing that ever happend to me, I love her with all my heart, please God, let me stay here, just please "Demi?" "Oh yeah?" "What you were thinking?" "Oh just..." She had a cute look in her face and I couldn't tell her that I'm scared, I smile a little and kissed her nose "How much I love you" She smile and pecked my lips "I love you too, so much" She smile and I smile "Let's eat" "Ok" We sat down and I can't stop thinking about the cancer, sometimes I feel that I can and sometimes I feel that I'll not make it, but I have to stay strong for my mom, Nick, Selena and Naya, I can't leave them, I don't want to leave yet, Iw ant to stay here and be with them, be happy, see my brother playing baseball, spend time with my mom, have sleepovers with Selena, but most importantly...be forever with Naya, kiss her, hug her, make her laugh, make her smile, I don't want to hurt her, I just want to be happy with them, I just want to live.

I was looking pictures of me and Naya, I smile and I heard the door "Hey sweetie" "Hey mom" I smile and sat in my bed "She's really special to you, right?" "Really, really special" "Yeah well, now that she's your girlfriend" She laugh a little and I laugh a little too "Demi...Iw ant you to be strong, the cancer is not easy and I want you to live" "I know mom, I promise I'll do my best" "You're doing it but...sometimes I see you like...depressed and I want you to be strong" "I know mom, I want to live and I promise I'll not die, I'll stay here annoying you" She smile and laugh "You never annoy me sweetie, you and Nick are the best thing in my life, I love both of you and I'll always do" I smile "Thanks mom, for everything, seriously, you're the best mom ever" I hugged her and she sigh "I love you so much Demi" "I love you so much too mom" I smile and she kissed my cheek "Ok so um...I'll make dinner, want something special?" "No mom" "Ok" She smile and leave, that's one of the reason I can't leave, my mom will suffer so much, I had tears in my eyes and I called Selena.

S: Hey D!

D: Selena?

S: Why are you crying? 

D: I-I need my best friend...

S: I'll be there in 10 minutes.

I hand up and sigh, I wanted to call Naya but I know she will worru even more, after 10 minutes, I heard the door and look at Selena, she hugged me and I cried in her arms "Why are you crying Demi?" "I'm scared" "Scared of what?" "Die. I'm scared to die, I don't want to die" She look at me "Demi you will not die, you're so strong and I know you can do it, just believe and don't let the cancer win" I nodded and hugged her even more "Please Demi...don't leave me...I-I need my sister with me" With that words, I felt my heart stopped "I-I will not" She kissed my forehead and I sigh, see God? I can't leave now, I just can't.

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