The Duke's Forbidden Lover (F...

By bvtterflyeffect

507K 24.1K 4.4K

In the year 2018, lives Nalini, an ordinary Indian girl who is forced to marry a man twice her age, selected... More

Updated A/N: please read
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.

Chapter 12.

11.8K 600 25
By bvtterflyeffect

"Miss Chandhy," the deep voice of the Duke echoed throughout the entire hall of the manor. "Come in."

She clenched her fists, her hands clammy and cold as she pushed the door open all the way and stepped inside. Her stomach had dropped, filled with dread and she gulped to try and moisten her dry throat.

"Yes, Your Grace?" she asked, softly.

The Duke studied her with narrowed eyes for a moment before leaning against his chair. He crossed his leg, one ankle placed on top of the other legs' knee.

"I am grateful for your involvement during that fiasco."

Nalini froze, shocked to hear those words but said nothing. Instead, she nodded her stiff head, speechless.

He stared at her, eyes unwavering.

"Furthermore, I must say that I do not regret employing you as I initially did." He crossed his arms.

"So I thank you," he continued, surprisingly genuine. "My son is my world. You did well, Miss Chandhy."

At the mention of Richard, Nalini noticed a flash of an emotion that looked like...sorrow, but as soon as it appeared, it vanished.

She wanted to ask if he was okay, but she didn't want to get into any trouble.

The Duke was thanking her for the first time and she had to take it and leave as soon as she could.

A small smile curved up onto Nalini's lips and she bowed her head a little.

"You're most welcome, Your Grace! Richard is an amazing boy and I don't think he or any child should go through that."

The Duke just inclined his head in reply and she took that as her dismissal. Quickly getting up, she turned and opened the slightly heavy wooden door.

It was when she made her way back to Richard sitting on the floor with paper, looking at her expectantly that she realised that the Duke had pronounced her last name perfectly.

He had been saying it quite differently from the very first time but it seemed like he had gotten the hang of it - despite the accent, the pronunciation was perfect.

She couldn't help but giggle as she absentmindedly taught Richard how to write basic words.

When he looked up at her with those innocent eyes of his, Nalini jerked a little at how spaced out she had been, but then smiled at him softly.

"Thank you for helping me, Miss," he said, fumbling with his words as the tips of his ears turned red.

Her smile wavered, changing into a tender one. She reached out and smoothed down his hair, his golden locks running through her fingers as glossy as silk. 

"Of course, Richard. I'll always be here to help you. You know that right?"

He nodded, his blue eyes crinkling at the sides as he looked up at her with a radiating smile.

Nalini laughed, seeing his expression and ruffled his hair.

"Now, now, let's not get distracted!" she said, pointing to the paper in front of him.

He pouted, his shoulders slumping dramatically.

"But writing is sooo boring!"

She giggled. "Well, writing's very important, Richard!"

He humphed and crossed his arms and she bit her lip to stop herself from smiling.

She knew that 'blackmailing' him was a wrong thing to do, but she couldn't help it when it came to the adorable child in front of her.

Nalini leaned in closer with a mischievous smile.

"Is someone not listening? I guess that means no cookies for a certain someone, tonight..." she trailed off when Richard gasped and shook his head furiously.

"No! I-I'll listen! See?"

He turned his attention back to the sheet in front of him, his tongue out in concentration as he normally did.

"I'm writing, Miss!"

Unable to stop it, a large smile bloomed across her face.

"Good! Now I want you to write as many words as you remember from our last lesson."

Just as she said those words, a prickling sensation tickled her neck. She felt like she was being watched. Involuntarily, Nalini turned her head, only to see the Duke watching the scene with an emotion she couldn't really pinpoint.

He glanced at her, but looked away and at his son as if she was just a speck of dirt not worth looking at. Nalini didn't really mind. The fact that he had thanked her was still ringing through her mind. His looks scared her but she didn't care much - she wasn't really fond of the man anyway.

He was just like all the other men in the world - even in the century she was living in. As soon as Nalini looked away, from her peripheral vision, she watched as the Duke ordered something to a maid who scampered away. He then walked up the spiral staircase and down the hallway. Obviously from where she sat, she couldn't see anything but she could hear the gentle thud of the door shutting.

She felt the sudden urge to follow him but pushed it down.

No! Don't pry, Nalini. It isn't right.

She shook her head, looking back at Richard.

Whatever he was doing was none of her business.

He was giving her a job and saving her ultimately. There was no need to risk anything due to her curiosity.


Alastair grabbed an unused book from its equally unused shelf. Cracking it open, he analysed the creasing, yellowing pages of the book and slammed it shut. His fingers clenched the nose's bridge and he shut his eyes, tightly. 

He had had enough of everything. Even just...feeling was becoming too much of an effort. This library was pulling him into a deeper pit full of emptiness that he wanted to stay in. However, as the Duke, he could do no such thing. He had to get a grip and march on.

As he gazed around the room that was much larger than his entire bedroom, he chuckled a cold, gravelly sound. This place wasn't the most ideal for relaxation, he knew. Yet, it gave him an odd sense of comfort. 

It reminded him of Adelia. He let out a shuddering breath. It had been years since he stepped into this room. Alastair had vowed he would never do so.

Never torture him so. However, he always made his way back to this place. It was, conclusively, the only thing to remember her by. He had ordered most other things to be thrown out and given to other family members as he did not want to think of her any more than he had to.

The reason he ventured into the large, dark and empty room full of leather-clad and faded books was to ease his anger. He had wanted to beat something, or rather someone, but he could not. The mere thought of someone laying their hands on Richard caused his hands to twitch uncontrollably.

No, do not give in so easily, Alastair.

Calming his breath down, he reached out with a shaky hand and grabbed another book, holding it tightly. It was a way to distract his racing mind. A scowl adorned his face as Agnes clouded his thoughts. It was too big of a deal to simply push aside.

He simply could not do it.

Chucking the book angrily on the plush cushion, he breathed heavily. Alastair ran a hand through his hair as his fists clenched and unclenched. Unfortunately, he couldn't find fault in Nalini at this time. She had been the reason the problem had come to light.

Perhaps it may have gotten worse over the years and he would have never come to know if not for her. In that sense, he was, he dare say it, glad that she was amongst his employees.

In an attempt to drag his attention away from Adelia, it wandered towards Landon. He scoffed incredulously. He was not sure what he would do if he saw that sorry excuse of a man, again.

As Alastair sat down on one of the many velvet cushions, he leaned back in thought. If only he could catch him in an act then he could be banished for good. But Alastair had no intention of going out of his way in order to catch a fool that would trip up sooner or later.

He allowed his eyes to wander around the well-kept room. The only room no one but him was allowed in and the only room he himself cleaned. A sigh left his lips.

Bloody hell.

He rubbed his temples. He was in a much better mood now that he had thrown Agnes out and had come in here but he was still frustrated. As he pushed himself off the cushion, he strode out of the room and down the stairs. He walked over to his study, head pounding.

Alastair could not wait to get a cup of tea or some whiskey to ease his tense muscles. He ignored the figure of Nalini sitting beside Richard in the corner, teaching him to write. Alastair almost scoffed at the way she smiled at his son as if she belonged here.

He had no problem with her as of now, but it was only a matter of time before the chit would begin to bring back trouble. Alastair tore his eyes away from the two, about to walk into his room when two knocks on the door caused him to freeze.

Nalini had looked up at him, her charcoal eyes wide in shock. He inclined his head, gesturing her to not worry as he calmly walked towards the front door. A man came rushing from another room, opening the door before Alastair could.

He inclined his head towards the men but said nothing as the door opened to reveal Nathaniel. Alastair raised an unamused eyebrow.

"Nathaniel," he acknowledged in a monotonous voice. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Nathaniel's eyes widened. "Why, is that how you greet an old friend, Alastair?" he jested.

Alastair did not bother to hide his irritation. "Time to myself is hard to attain. Such things are more important than friendship."

Nathaniel rolled his eyes and marched in. His eyes travelled towards Nalini who stood up and bowed hesitantly, her face aghast with confusion.

"Ah, I see! This is Miss Chandhy, I presume?"

She seemed taken aback, as was Alastair. He turned with narrowed eyes on the cheeky man beside him.

"And how did you obtain such information?" he questioned sternly, his voice dark.

Nathaniel ignored him, speaking to the brat in front of them. "The Duke speaks much of you."

At that, Alastair froze. He turned his glacial eyes towards Nathaniel, glaring menacingly.

"I do no such thi—"

"Let us go into the room, now." Nathaniel cut him short.

Without another word, he shuffled away towards his study after nodding in acknowledgement towards Nalini.

Alastair's narrowed eyes never left his back and stayed on the closed door. His muscles stiffened and his jaw clenched painfully.

The nerve of that bloody—

A soft giggle from behind him caused him to turn around swiftly. Frustrated, his eyes landed on Nalini who tried to hide her delight by looking away, holding back a smile.

She glanced up at Alastair through her lowered eyelashes and instantly, the smile vanished.

Alastair's mouth set in a thin, angry line as he scrutinised the woman in front of him. Does she dare laugh at a Duke?

He, however, could not fault her in the slightest as it was certainly true that he talked about her, however, not as much as Nathaniel hinted and certainly not good things.

Alastair noticed Richard giggling along, seeing his father distraught and most annoyed.


Alastair stopped himself and cleared his throat, shooting a look of warning to Nalini who immediately glanced away. He turned and swiftly walked towards his study.

How had he no words to say anything? Him, Alastair, Duke of Birmingham, speechless.

He scoffed coldly and shook his head. An icy curve of his lips appeared for a moment as he walked into the study.

He shot a sharp glare at Nathaniel who watched him with a sly smirk.

"You are worse than Lady Ainsley, for god's sake," Alastair snapped.

Nathaniel shrugged innocently.

"Both Charlotte and I believe you need a woman to keep you some company these days. You will eventually wilt in this god-forsaken room, Alastair."

Alastair raised his eyebrow at the man in front of him.

So it was like that, was it?

"You are a fool," he stated, bluntly as he walked over to his pool table, picking up the cue stick.

The corner of Nathaniel's lips quirked up. His eyes flashed with amusement as he watched the composed, yet cold, man in front of him sport the crankiest expression he had ever seen. He brought his arms behind him and grinned.

"Well, is it not true?"

"It's far from the damn truth, Nathaniel," he looked up from the ball he was aiming at, his face hard, "and you very well know it."

Nathaniel tried not to gulp; they were good friends, but even he wasn't immune to the Duke's wrath.

"I do know, but it is in good interest to you that you bring a companion."

Alastair struck a ball into a socket and straightened up, eyeing his friend.

"And how is it in good interest to me? Do explain."

"Well for one, it will not be terribly uncomfortable," Nathaniel started eagerly as if he had been practising the reasons for a while, "and if you bring another lady, Lady Ainsley and her family may not bother you so."

It was not such a bad idea but it was not great either. He had no interest in taking anyone to the dreadful balls where they would try and fail to seduce him.

It was an utter waste of time.

"I am glad you have my best interests at heart, but I have to decline," Alastair stated with not a care in the world. "I am content with bringing just myself to these heinous balls."

Nathaniel sighed. "I knew you would say such a thing. Don't get mad, you not think that Richard is in need of a mother-figure in his life? After eve—"

The sound of the cue ball violently hitting the edge of the pool table echoed throughout the now silent room.

"Enough," Alastair boomed, angrily.

There was silence in the room as both of them said nothing. The atmosphere was tense and instantly Alastair ran a hand down his face, regretting his sudden burst of rage.

He had not intended to show such anger towards a good friend.

"Forgive me, Nathaniel. We don't need anyone but ourselves; Richard and I are very happy with just the two of us," he explained, his voice sounding extremely strained.

Nathaniel nodded his head in understanding, an apologetic expression etched on his face.

"No, no of course. I understand. It was just...a thought, Alastair. Please do not think much of it." After a few seconds, he said, "I shall take my leave, then."

Before he turned, Alastair watched as Nathaniel turned around.

"We just want to see you happy again, Alastair. Do keep that in mind."

As the door shut, Alastair's loosened his vice-like grip on the cue stick and placed it on the pool table.

He placed his hands on the edges, leaning down to even out his frustrated breaths. Pushing himself away, he ran a rough hand through his hair multiple times.

He knew Nathaniel and Charlotte only had his best interests at heart, but they did not understand.

They knew very well what occurred the past few years would never be possible to erase from his mind. There was no way he could move on.

Yet they acted like the events of the past years were nothing and had no importance.

And that bloody crossed him.

He made his way to his seat and leaned against it, staring at a point on his desk, numb. He hadn't felt like that in a long time.

It was new but also very familiar. It wasn't a very good feeling.

Alastair didn't have time to do much else as the door opened a crack, a maid peeping her head into his room.

His eyes trailed over to hers. With not so much as a twitch of his expression, he watched as she gulped and tore her gaze away.

"Come," he motioned, beckoning the maid in with a quick hand movement. She quickly scampered over to him and handed him an envelope. He stared at it, fine, cursive writing on the front of it and addressed to him with only his given name.

With a raised eyebrow, he took it from the maid's hand and nodded his head at her in thanks. After she left, he opened the envelope and plucked the letter from inside. Unfolding it, he recognised the writing to be Chastity's and allowed himself to let out a breath of irritation through his nose.

He read the letter, nevertheless, with disinterest.

'Dear Alastair,

I don't know how else to reach you as I know you wouldn't want me in your house. I am well aware that you are not interested in me, Alastair. Yet...a part of me still yearns to see you.

I have come to the understanding that you don't wish to get married and I have had a good chat with mother and father. They understand they have been too bothersome.

Forgive me, Alastair. Though, I do hope you will give me a chance to redeem myself in your eyes by accompanying me to the ball tomorrow night. I will promise to not be a bother!

Signed by yours truly,


He scowled at the piece of paper in his hands before carelessly chucking the flimsy paper onto his desk.

The woman was being a bother without even trying, for Christ's sake! Nathaniel's words suddenly emerged within his mind and he let out a disgruntled sigh. He rubbed his temples. Was he being too hard on the girl? Possibly, but within good reason.

But...perhaps it mightn't hurt in giving her another chance.

He hoped he didn't come to regret the choice he was about to make.

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