Our kind of love

By sirbizzle94x

835 26 33

Juliet and her best friend who is a belieber go's to a Justin bieber concert and she don't like Justin, but h... More

Our kind of love
Oh i'm so sorry!
I love you so much.
Just leave me alone
New drama, new people
All laugh's and game's
Well maybe you should

Movie night

106 4 3
By sirbizzle94x

Chapter 2

I went back to Jess and she was freaking out.


I knew why he picked me, to get to know me and get on my nervs.

I don't know.


Oh I didn't get one.


She said screaming from freaking out.

~after the concert~

Me and Jess where chillin in her room watching tv and on our laptop's.

"OMG Juliet, look!" She said showing me Justin's tweet, it was a picture of me sitting on the chair and him real close to

My face, we where both looking into each other's eye's, he put the caption ":)" that made butterflies go in my stomach.

"Juliet the way you where looking at justin, it looks like you actually liked him and wanted to kiss him. I did want to kiss him idk why tho? Ugh! Why did she have to take me to the stupid concert.

Jess it's getting late I need to go home. I said and got my bag, I lived right next door, she start saying "Juliet likes justin, Juliet likes justin"

No I don't.

"Yes you do, and it looks like he likes you to, but I'm not worried cuz you'll never meet him again...HA!"

I don't care, see ya later. I said to her and left.

I went into my room, my mom was sleeping, I have a pretty small family, it's only me and my mom, sometime's my cousin's come around but it's mostly us, my father left my mother when I was only 1 year old, I never knew him.

I went and stripped out of my clothes and took a hot shower, it was 11:00 pm, I went and put on my pajama's, and went on my bed

I heard my phone go off and I seen it was a number I didn't know.

~Phone convo~



Who is this?

"It's me justin"

Oh ya, I gave you my number.

"Ya, so what you doing?"

Uh..I just got done putting on my pj's and laying in bed.

"Oh, so how old are you?"

17 almost 18

"When's your birthday?"

It's actually coming up, on May 14th.

"Can I ask you something?"


"Can I come over to your house" I bit my lip, and thought about it.

You can't, if you come my friend lives right next door to me and will freak out!

"Juliet, calm down, I'll wear all black, I just want to get to know you better"

Ok but if this gets out I'm never talking to you again!

"Ok ok give me your address"

I gave him my address, after 30 minute's I heard a knock on my window and knew it was him, I went over and opened.


Hey, I can't believe I agreed to let justin bieber come over to my house while there' a crazy fan of his right next door and if she finds out or anybody I'm screwed.

"Don't worry no one will find out"

Why did you want to come anyway?

"Cuz I want to get to know you better" he said to me and smiled.

I don't understand, why me? Why out of all the girls in this world why me?

"Cuz...your different" I smiled at that.

Ok so, what do you want to get to know more about me?

"Idk uh..just tell me random stuff" he said while laying on my lap while I was sitting down on the bed.

Ok well when I was 5 i went to Disney land, and seen a big door, so I knocked on it and I didn't think no one would come out, but then goofy came out and I start crying and ran to my mom hugging her and was crying...goofy felt terrible. I said laughing and so was justin.

"That is an instresting story" he said while laughing.

Tell me one of your Child hood story's?

"Ok so when I was little me and my grand parent's went camping and there was a bear, and we shoot it and ate it"

I start laughing.

You guys ate bear omg

"Ya it's pretty cool"

We stood up all night telling story's about our child hood and more stuff, he really gets me, he's not a bad person after all, I'm happy I gave him a chance to get to know him, I checked the time, it was 4:00 AM.

It's 4 am justin..

"Really?" He said in a tired tone of voice and checked his phone.

I think you should go and get some rest.

"I wish I could stay here and sleep" he said with a tired smile.

To bad you have to go. I said acting like him.

"I'll see u later Juliet, goodnight beautiful!"

Goodnight. I said and smiled as I watched him go out my window.

I went in my bed and I had I text.

From: justin

Hey had fun, hope to hang with you some more :)

To: justin

Ya me to, I'm glad you came.

Then I drifted to sleep.

~next morning~

I woke up with a smile on my face and smelled pancake's!

I went into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth, and put on legging's and a baggy shirt since there's no school today!

Went down stair's and sat in the sofa, I thought about last night and smiled like an idiot.

"Why so happy huh?"

Nothing just thinking about last night. Shoot! Did I just say that out loud!! Oh no I messed up!

"Ohh ya the concert! How was it, I heard you where the OLLG?"

It was great and yes I was. Thank god! She thought I was talking about the concert!!

Mom I'm gonna take a walk in the park.

"Ok hun"

I went walking to the park and got there and was on the swings, I start swinging, and then I heard my phone beep.

From: justin

Hey wanna hang out today?

To: justin

Idk? I don't want to get cot in the media..

From: justin

I under stand.

To: Justin

Do you wanna come over to my house for dinner?

From: justin


To: justin

Ok dinner starts at 7:00 here so come a bit early.

I wanted to invite justin over to dinner so my mom and Jessica know's that where friend's, I think it's a good idea..right?

I went to my mom and told her that I invited a friend over for dinner.

I went up to my room and put on a simple dress, curled my hair, put on mascara, and put on my eos lip balm, put on my white shoe's, and sprayed perfume on me.


After that I told Jessica to come over for dinner around 6:35 and she said ok, I looked at my phone and the time was 6:29, I heard the door knock hoping it was Justin, I wanted justin to come first so when Jess come's she'll

Be confused

I went and open'd the door to see Justin wearing darkish blue jean's with a white shirt, and a leather jacket http://www.polyvore.com/m/set?.embedder=10873152&.svc=copypaste&id=125982384

He smelled so good I could of just sat there and smelled him all night (I know that sound's weird but oh well lol) I seen his eye's and they looked into mine and i looked down and smiled and told him to come in.

Justin's P.O.V.

She opened the door, and she was wearing a simple dress with a white converse, and she wasn't wearing a lot of make which I like when girls don't wear a lot of make up, she smelled so good, and she looked gorgeous!

She looked at my eyes and I looked into her eyes and she looked down and smiled.

"Come in" she said and moved out of the door way.

Thank you.

"Mom my friend is here"

Oh so I'm your friend?

"Ya, why is that bad?"

No, no I figured cuz you didn't like me I was just an annoying pop star popping up in ur face and kept on nagging you.

"Justin, I use to not like then I hung out with you and you seemed like a nice guy and now we are friend's" she said giggling.

"Honey I need- oh my gosh, Juliet!" Juliet's mom said.


"That boy that you don't like is here in the living room" I start laughing, and Juliet laughed also, Juliet told her how we are friend's and stuff.

So what are we having for diner?

"My mom is making chicken casserole, it's really good"

Oh I never try'ed that before.

"Trust me you'll love it, first time for everything right?"

Juliet said and we heard a knock.

"Oh gosh, in 10 second's your gonna see one of your most biggest fans freak out and pass out and fan girl, and flirt with you most of the night"


Juliet went and opened the door, it was a girl, that was at my M&G, she came in and seen me at the table and she had a confused look on her face, she told Juliet something then Juliet told her something then she start freaking out and crying.

Jessica's P.O.V.

I walked in my best friend's house to see justin bieber sitting down at her table.

Juliet, I think I'm seeing thing's, cuz I see justin bieber sitting at the table right now.

"Nope your not seeing thing's, your seeing justin bieber sitting at my table"

When she said that I start freaking out, and crying, she sat me down and try'ed to calm me down.

How??? Are you even?? Why is he!!?? Tell me???

"Ok look, when we went to his concert and I went to get Starbucks I seen him blah blah blah, then the M&G blah blah blah, then when I was the OLLG he asked me if I could hang out with him and I said no, then he asked for my number and I gave it to him, I wanted to give him a chance to be my friend, and I needed to tell you some how so this is how I'm telling you"


"Jessica, you need to chill, I don't like him, now come on let's go eat" she said and we went to the table.

Juliet's P.O.V.

Jessica is so mad at me, she was angry cuz I didn't tell her, but I caked her down and sat at the table, Justin sat across me, and Jessica and mom where across from each other.

Justin try'ed my mom's food and he loved it, it was my favorite, and I think it's his favorite now, after we finished eating, Jessica was talking with justin while I was helping mom clean up

I looked over at justin and he looked like he wasn't having fun, Jessica was telling him random stuff about her like how she's single, and love's him, and asking if he has a girlfriend.

I laughed, and putted the dishes away.

Justin's P.O.V.

Jessica was getting me nervous, she kept on asking personal question's and was just annoying, don't get me wrong she's a beautiful girl and is very nice but she need's to treat me as a friend, like Juliet treat's me

You see that's what is different about her, she sees me as 'justin' and her friend sees me as 'JUSTIN BIEBER'

Every girl I meet uses me or don't love me, or sees me as a pop star, when I met Juliet in Starbucks I felt normal, I liked how she was acting all mean with me, I liked how she gave me money back and didn't want me to pay

And I like her a lot but I know she sees me as 'just' a friend, she said when I came.

"Ok well I gotta get going Justin, I'll see you around I love you!" Jessica said and I said ok love you to.

I know I said she annoyed me but she still is my Bieleber and I love her for that.

"So how you like Jess huh?" Juliet said

She seems nice and is very pretty, but she annoyed me with all the stuff she was asking.

"I know she can be annoying she just reallyyyyy love's you"

And how about you?

"What about me?"

Do you really love me?

"Yes..as a friend that I care for."

I smiled at her.

"Kids I'm going to bed good night" Juliet's mom said and we said good night to her, it was 9:00 PM right now.

"Do you wanna see my back yard?"


"My backyard..do you wanna see it?"

Sure. I said laughing a little.

"Come on!" She said grabbing my hand, our hand's felt perfect when we touched, she was really exited to show me.

"Ok close your eyes and don't peek"

Ok. I felt her guid me to the back yard.

"Ok now open"

I opened my eyes to see light's all around the back yard, and a pound with fish and frog's, and flower garden, and a white stand thingy where you dance in (like the one in Cinderella story where she dancing with that guy)

Wow Juliet, this is beautiful!

"Thank's, I did it all my self." She said smiling.

Juliet you did all this?

"Ya, and your the first person to see it"

Wow this is really amazing!

"Thank you."

Do you wanna come over to my house?

"I don't know, my mom is sleeping and she might wake up worried, and won't the pap's find out?"

Juliet I don't care about the pap's, like u said we are only friends and leave a note to your mom that you'll be back in a little.

"O-ok hole on" she said going in the kitchen getting a note and pen"

You ready?


Juliet's P.O.V.

I went outside into Justin's car to go over to his house, I was nervous, why did he want me to his house?

We where on the road him driving and I put on the radio, it was fancy by iggy azalea (idk if I spelled that right??)

I start singing along to it

'First thing first I'm the realist' I said looking at Justin with hand action's laughing.

'Drop this and let the whole world feel it'

He was laughing and so was I.

Ok I'm gonna stop now.

"No,no keep on going"


"Why not?"

Cuz I don't know all the lyric's. I said laughing.

"Ok fine"

He pulled up to his house, and it was huge.

This is your house?

"Ya, it's kinda big"


I was gonna open the door but Justin did it for me, he reached out his hand for me to grab and I took it and he helped me out.

Thank you

"Your welcome"

So it's only you here no one els?

"No not really, Ryan come's over sometime's and my mom and dad and sister brother"

Oh, so how many girl's have you brought here to this house?

"Only 1"

And who was that, and don't say me!


Oh..I thought you where gonna say me.

"No your the second girl that I brought here"

He opened the door and I seen his living room, his living room was so big and so was the kitchen.

Nice place you got here.

"Thank's, wanna see my room"

I gave him a look and said 'try anything and you'll be sorry'

"Ok I'm not" he said laughing.

We went up to his room that was so nice and big.

So this is your room

"Ya, and look at this" he said opening the balcony door's, I went out to the balcony and seen the whole city of LA, it was so pretty.

Wow..it's so beautiful. I said looking out, it was cold and I was holding my arm's, I felt a jacket go around me and it was Justin's leather jacket.

Thank you.

Justin's P.O.V.

She's was looking out on the balcony and I seen that she was cold and I gave her my jacket.

"Justin here, I'm coming inside now" she said giving back the jacket.

Hey you wanna watch a movie?


We can watch it downstair's in the living room


We went down stair's and Juliet went into the kitchen trying to find the cabinet with all the junk food.

"Justin I can't find any sweets are popcorn!"

Hold on. I said coming downstairs with a blanket, I went and showed her where's the stuff at and she was like a 5 year old in haven.

"OMG you have more sweets the a store has"

True. She fixed pop corn and we ate some sour patches (my favorite) and skittle's (Juliet's favorite)

"So what movie are we watching?"

A scary one

"Uh I hate scary movie's!"

Oh well. I said laughing.

Juliet's P.O.V.

I hated this movie, it was paranormal activity, I hate any kind if scary movie I could never sleep after I watch a scary movie.

Justin you know I'm not gonna sleep tonight

"Aw don't be scared, it's fake"

Even if it is it stay's with me, I get scared easily.

*scary part come's on*


"Come here" just said and I went over to him laying my head on his chest with a blanket on top of us.

Justin kept on staring at me.

Why are you staring at me?

"I don't know.."

Stop it, it's freaking me out. I said smiling.

"Why should I stop?"

Cuz I said so

"I don't care"

How would you like it if I stared at you?

"Go ahead, I know you want to.

Ugh. I looked at the tv and then looked at justin who was still staring at me, I smiled and thought 'he's not gonna stop' I looked into his eye's and I got lost into them, his face was hat so cute! And his eyes I was going crazy for

I looked at his hair, then his eye's then his lip's, then went back up to his eye's

"Like what you see huh?"

Shut up.. I said smiling looking at him.

Justin, do you wanna go to the fair tomorrow?


And is it ok for..Jessica to come?

"Ya I guess so..but I'm bringing one of my friend's also"

Ok that's fine, after this movie is over can you take me home?

"Ya, do you wanna go home now , I don't feel like watching the movie, and plus it's almost over"


Justin went and shut off the tv then we went to his car, he start driving and I was dozing off to sleep


"Juliet..Juliet! Wake up where here"

Hmm..oh ok, how long was I sleeping?

"8 minute's or so"


"Goodnight I'll see you tomorrow"

Thank you

"For what?"

Everything...for being so nice and driving this late at night. I said laughing a little

"Juliet don't thank me, I'm the one that wanted you to come and I needed to take you home"

Ok..goodnight justin. I said and kissed his cheek. Before I got out of the car Justin opened the car door for me like before and helped me out, I was wearing his leather jacket..i guess justin put it on me when I was sleeping.

I got out of the car and told him.

No boy has ever opened a door for me, it means a lot when you do that. I said and kissed his cheek again, and told him goodnight.


A/N: please read very important!

Ok so if there are any typo's in this chapter or any chapter I posted in the first one or future post I am so sorry, auto correct dose it not me I'm sure everyone has this problem.

Please let me know your option's and what character's you want to see in the future chapter's and if you would like leave your name down below and I'll put you in this story (if you want you can leave your hair color and eye color)

Please vote! Comment! And if you like my account or story's please follow me and I WILL follow all of you back!

And please leave massage's to me from my inbox or massage broad or in the comment's and I will reply to all

And if you want me to check out your fanfic's let me down in the comment's and I will check them out!


Have a nice day!

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