Drunk Love || Jack Barakat||

By parx_bois23

2.5K 129 3

Book 2! Brook 1 Stupid for you ||Geoff Wigington|| Big changes happen in Chloe Jones life as her and Jack b... More

Work outs
Break up
The hurting
The i love you's
The healing
Control me
Mitchy's party
New Years
Lay low
Full of surprises
Pass out
Baby Daddy
Epilogue I
Epilogue II


35 3 0
By parx_bois23

~weeks later~

Jack and the boys were on their way to the UK. Lisa, Dallas and I decided we'd skip this tour due to me feeling completely sick. I hated leaving jack but I loved our goodbyes because he never wanted to let go.

Dallas and I ran to a few stores and got some things from her list. I sat in her Jeep as she loaded the bags in the back. "Chloe if you're not okay we can go home." Dallas said.

"I don't know what's wrong with me." I laughed. "I'm fucking sick to my stomach and I don't think I ate anything bad." I mumbled.

"I'll take you back to my place and you can try and sleep it off." Dallas said.


Dallas was basically a mom to me feeding me soup giving me medicine but I still felt the same. I've thrown up a lot more times than I wanted to. "So I've gotten to the point that I have no idea what's wrong with you so I looked up you symptoms and you either have a flu , or you're pregnant." She Said.

"I've been pregnant before I'm sure I know wh-." I started thinking to myself if maybe I was pregnant and didn't want to admit it. I sat up and looked at Dallas. "I have digital tests you can take." Dallas said.

"Why do you ha-." She quickly turned around and looked at me. "Sometimes birth control doesn't always work." She Said.

She handed me the box as I slid the blue test out. "I'll come back." Dallas smiled. I looked at the time noticing it was 10 at night and Jack had probably gotten off his flight an hour or two ago. I followed the instructions and set the test face down for three minutes. "You can come back in." I Said. I washed my hands and sat on the stairs to the bath. Dallas held my hand as I thought about how my life could possibly change by peeing on a stick. We were silent as the timer went off. She squeezed my hand as I placed my open hand on the test and flipped it. I read the word 'pregnant.' On the stick and looked at Dallas. We both had tears running down. "Oh my god." I smiled. Dallas hugged me tightly and kissed my cheek. "Don't post about it, I want to surprise him at least." I smiled.
I lifted my shirt up and poked my stomach. "I guess it was a baby growing not me getting fat." I giggled. As on que my phone rang to see it was Jack calling. I picked up the phone trying not to break out into tears. "H-hi." I Smiled.

"You Okay princess?" He asked.

"Everything is fucking perfect. I cant wait to see you again." I smiled.

Jack hung up the call and FaceTimed me. I accepted the call and smiled at the sight of his face. "Why are you crying my beautiful?" He asked.

"Dallas went out shopping," I lied. "And I'm all alone and I just want you to hold me and tell me everything is going to be okay and...and I want you to hold me." I repeated. I started to think about all the bad things that could possibly happen through the month and I made my stomach flip making me feel like I'd throw up again. More tears streamed down my face the more I thought. "Chloe Ash-Lin." Jack called. "I can't come hold you right now even though I really want too. When I get home I'll take you out for lunch, I'll make you a warm bath later in the day and you can tell me all your problems and worries and I'll make them go away." Jack smiled.
Jacks smile made me smile and made me want to be with him even more. "I have to go princess, I love you, it's only a few days." Jack smiled. He blew a kiss at the phone and hung up.

"Wow." I smiled. I looked at it again making sure it didn't change. "Okay, do I tell his sister?" I asked.

"Your choice." She Said.

I scrolled through my contacts till I found May's name and called her. After a few rings she answered in a tired voice. "Hello?" She Said.

"Shit your in a different country, I'm sorry I completely forgot." I Said.

"No, no it's alright. Everything okay feature Barakat?" She chuckled.

"Oh did jack tell you?" I laughed.

"Oh yeah he did I need a sister." She laughed.

"How do you feel about being an Aunt?" I smiled.
She went silent and screamed. "Are you fucking pregnant?" She asked.

"Yeah, but don't tell Jack I have a whole idea in my head on how I'm going to tell him." I smiled.

"Chloe!" She cried. "Okay if you need anything call me."

"Alright I will, get back to sleep." I laughed.
I hung up and stood us and cracked my back.

"Jack always uses a condom so I don't fucking know what happened. He'd tell me if it broke or something." I Said.

"Well my friend works at a women's hospital and I texted her she said that she's take you in tomorrow morning while we're still in Tennessee." Dallas smiled.

"Okay." I smiled.

~next day~

Dallas and I first went out for breakfast and then went to the mall and got a pair of black baby Vans. I was extremely excited about this new addition I just hope Jack is too. I uploaded a video yesterday and it was just an updated on what's been happening. Dallas has been so sweet to me the past 14 sum hours and I couldn't thank her enough. Last time I was in a room like this I was with Justin and we were finding out the Gender of Emma before Justin Traveled for Work.

"Hi Dallas." The doctor smiled.
"Chloe, would you like to be called Jones or Weber because you wrote two names." She Laughed.

"Chloe Jones is fine." I smiled.

She got out the blue jell and i lifted my shirt up. "She already knew what to do." The smiled.

"Yeah not my first time." I laughed.

I looked on the screen and smiled at the little bean like figure. "Alright it looks like it's Just one baby." She chuckled. "That's good." I laughed.
Do you want to hear the heartbeat?" She asked.

"No, I believe I'm going to save that for a different time with my fiancé." I smiled.

"Alright, you're about half way through your second month going on three so you're growing a little slow but that's okay He or She will have a very big growth spurt." "Going on three? Symptoms were late" Dallas pointed out. She wiped the gel off and threw out the tissue. Dallas walked over to the printer and grabbed the photos. "Expect due date is October 19." The Doctor smiled.

I sat up and looked at the photos. "Thank you." I smiled.

"No problem."

Dallas and I walked out and looked at the photos.
"Fuck I'm excited for you." Dallas smiled.

"Jenna said she wishes she could be here but she's working." I frowned.

"So What else do you want to do?"Dallas asked.

"I want to go eat a salad even though we had breakfast like 2 hours ago." I laughed.

"Okay sounds good." She smiled.

"Does Rian Have any baggy sweatshirts he left behind? I don't want to be asked questions." I Said.

"Yeah I'm sure I can find some for you." She smiled. Dallas put her sunglasses on and started to drive off.

"Would it be wrong of me to keep it a secret till I'm ready to share it with Jack, because you and I are seeing the boy's on the tour in April so I could just tell him then." I Said.

"That could happen yeah but that's like keeping a secret for a month. You'll be like 3 1/2 months by then." She Laughed.

"I'm gonna do that instead."

"Okay and how are you going to keep jack from trying to see you naked?" She laughed.

"I'll find a way."

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