broken || j.r.a. • book one •

By wdw_bean

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"Let me help you, Sam.. I can help fix you..!" "I'm fucked up, Jack, but that doesn't mean I'm broken.. You c... More



181 3 0
By wdw_bean

Jack's POV

"Oh, Jack!" She  quietly screamed as she climaxed.

She then collapsed into my arms, her body quivering with pleasure.

"You have no idea how great that was..." She whispers, out of breath.

I chuckle, kissing her as I carry her from against the wall to the bed.

I sit her down as she puts her underwear and hoodie back on whilst I quickly put my boxers back on.

I then climb into bed with her, making her quickly move over to me.

We had both been so busy getting ready for us to leave that we hadn't really had much time to.. Ya' know...

But, maybe we needed that, because that was some of the best sex we've, like, ever had together...

Sam gently cuddles into my chest as I intertwine our fingers together, and kiss the back of her hand softly.

She giggles and stretches to peck my lips.

"When you're in Florida," I start, placing with her hair as she plays with my fingers. "I'm gonna miss you so bad.."

"When you're in Los Angeles," She starts, "I'm gonna stalk all your social medias, spam you with messeges, Snapchats, etc., and call and FaceTime you constantly... I'm gonna miss you so bad, too, though.."

I chuckle as I hold her tighter and close, her soon falling asleep in my arms.

It was still hard to believe that Samantha and I would soon be living so far away from each other... I mean, that's a 36 hour drive, more or less, from where I'll be...!

~The Next Morning~

Samantha's POV

I still couldn't believe that I was moving to Miami, Florida in a few weeks...

I mean, I don't have a problem with Miami.. Especially the house I'm gonna be moving into.

My aunt Beth got married in university to an amazing guy. His name's Mark, and he's a very wealthy and sucessful man..

Anyway, both of them are currently in their late twenties, and had been high school sweethearts.

The first time I had met Mark was for a summer that my parents had sent me out for a summer when I was - what - fifteen? Well, my birthdays in the summer, and Mark had taken the three of us out to do anything I wanted, bought me a new phone, a laptop for school and other things, etc.

Mark was a very kind, generous man, and I was glad that my aunt had found someone that made her so happy.. Kinda like Jack for me..

I began to chuckle as I imagined Jack and I ending up like my aunt and Mark.

Suddenly, my thoughts are interrupted by my phone beginjing to ring.

I answer it without checking the caller ID, putting the phone to my ear. "Hello?"

"Hey, sweetheart!" My favourite aunt say through the phone. "How are you?"

"Hey, aunt Beth," I smile. "I'm good.. How are you and Mark?"

"Oh, we're good! We've just been setting things up in your bedroom here.. You know, making sure everything's ready for you."

"Thank you both so much, aunt Beth," I reply.

"Oh, no problem!" Aunt Beth chuckles, "Mark and I had been so excited for you to get here! We haven't seen you in so long!"

"I've missed you guys as well, aunt Beth.." I smile, playfully rolling my eyes.

"Anyway, how's everything over there? I know you're probably still a little upset about everything with your parents.."

"Y-yeah, every now and then.."

"You know, your grandparents and I told your mother that there was something wrong with that man... But, did she listen? Nope.. Instead, she got hitched with the guy! .. She never listened to her family.."


"Oh, sorry, honey.. I don't mean to put down your father's name like that..."

"No, it's okay.. It's not like you're lying, right?" I answer.

For a second, there's just a long silence between us.

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot!" Aunt Beth suddenly says, cheerily. "So, you have a boyfriend now, huh?"

"Yes, aunt Beth..." I again roll my eyes, playfully.

"Ooo...!" She squeals through the phone, holding the 'o'. "What's his name? When did you meet? How long have you been together?"

And, just like that, aunt Beth began swarming me with questions.

"Okay, okay.." I chuckled, cutting her off mid sentence through a question I had barely even heard properly. "Alright.. His name's Jack, and we've been together for almost five months..." I answer.

"That's all I'm telling you for now." I add, giggling.

"Ooo...!"  She again squeals. "When will we get to meet him?"

"I don't know..."


"Anyway, aunt Elizabeth, I gotta now, sorry.." I quickly cut her off.

"Oh, okay... Bye!"

"Bye! Tell Mark I said, 'bye,' too.."

"Okay, I will."

Then, just like that, we both hang up as Jack walks into the room.

"Were you just talking to yourself?" He chuckles, sitting next to me.

"No.. My aunt just called me.." I answer, smiled. "She wants to meet you, by the way.."

He chuckles. "Oh, okay.."

"Are you still a little nervous about Miami?"

"Well," I sigh. "There's, like, two weeks left until we leave, so.. I guess I just have to suck it up by now..."

Jack grabs my face in his hands and kisses my lips softly. "Don't worry, okay? Everything'll be fine..."

I nod before our lips connect once again.

"Gross....!" Isla says, standing in the doorway.

Almost instantly, Jack and I pull apart. We chuckle as I blush a little.

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