Looking For Love in All the W...

By ElizabethAnneEwing

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Lizzy has been teased all her life. The final straw for her was when she couldn't change on the day of her bi... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine - Part One
Chapter Ten - Part Two
Chapter Eleven - Part Three
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Eight

506 7 0
By ElizabethAnneEwing

Chapter Eight

I found a tree in the middle of the forest that reminded me of the tree from Fern Golly the movie. It was the big one that they were trying to save. Anyways once I found it I just plopped down and made the choice that I was going to take a nap.

When I finally woke up it seemed that I had only been asleep for a few short minutes but in reality I had probably slept over eight hours. I knew it was wrong of me since I had left the house without telling anyone and I knew that my brother would rip me a new one for it to.

I was going to take that lecture to because I felt I owed him something for his beta saving my life. But after wards we would be having a long conversation about him just trying to take over my life since he hadn't been part of it for so long.

I started to walk back to my home when I saw a woman standing in the middle of the clearing. She was beautiful but I really had no idea who she was. I wondered if she belonged to my brothers pack until she turned around that is and I noticed she wasn't a werewolf but a vampire.

I could feel my heart litterly trying to come up my throat, that's how scared I suddenly became. I went to try to run away but I must have made a sound because she suddenly turned in my direction. I blinked and she was gone. I turned in a full circle trying to see if I could find her again but she had disappeared.

I wanted to scream and run back to my house but I was very afraid if I even moved an inch she would come back and take one look at me and use me as her personal meal. I just sat down and decided that I would wait for my brother and his pack to find me. I was humane so it wouldn't take much to kill me and I wanted to live for the first time in years.

I thought back on everything I had learned about vampires from the library at my old home. The movies had gotten most of it wrong as usual but there were certain thing that they had gotten right. For instance yes they could move very fast but they weren't dead. They were living just like we were but they needed blood to survive. They could have children but it was harder for them because for them to have kids they had to find their mate. Only a few of them were powerful enough that they could have kids with someone other than their mate like the royals of the vampires.

The difference between the royals and the regular vampires were the royals could breed with any other supernatural creature and the regular vampire could only breed with their mates. No one had any idea why it was that way. But I had watched twilight and it made me laugh because vampires didn't sparkle and only the really old ones could be out in the sun without getting burnt.

Humans were just a food source to them. They couldn't mate with them and they couldn't change them into vampires. Like the werewolves you could only be one if you were born into one. Only were wolf's could breed with humans. It was weird but I had figured out that werewolves were the closest thing to humans out of all the super naturals.

I watched as the full moon moved to the highest point in the sky which told me it was past midnight. It meant that I had been gone a little over twelve hours. I had forgotten that the full moon was tonight or I would have never left my house knowing that there was a pack of werewolves so close to me.

Werewolves didn't have to change on the full moon like in the books and movies but their wolves would be closer to the surface than any other night. It meant that all it could take would be one wrong look and I would be dead meat.

I was trying to decide if I should get up and start my trek back to the house when I heard them. Howls from wolves not too far away from me. I wasn't sure if they were friend or foes but I knew I had to get out of there. I was getting up when I felt a hand cover my mouth and whisper in my ear to not scream.

I turned around and saw it was the vampire woman and knew I was in trouble. As I was about to scream I felt something hit me on the back of the head and passed out.

When I woke up I was and I was in bed. Thinking that everything had just been one crazy nightmare I started to get up and that's when I realized that my nightmare wasn't over. I was in a room I didn't recognize and knew I was in trouble.

I had just started my panic attack when I saw the bedroom door open to reveal the beautiful woman in the forest. I knew she was a vampire so I went very still. She looked up at me with a huge smile. You would think it would be one of those scary smiles but it wasn't. I felt at ease and safe when she gave me that smile.

"Hello Lizzy Mae" she said in a quiet yet confident voice.

I shook my head because I was scared yet I wasn't and I was terribly confused. Who was this woman and why did she think my name was Lizzy Mae.

She chuckled and shook her head at me. Then she moved with all the grace of a queen and sat on the edge of the bed. She was far enough away from me that I still felt safe but she was close enough that I knew if I tried to run she could catch me.

"Do you not know who I am?" She asked with a slight frown on her face and at once I wanted it gone from her face. She was about five foot nine and had the super model figure with blonde hair that in the moonlight looked almost white. Her eyes I thought were her best feature though. They were a silver blue that changed with her moods.

"I'm sorry but I don't have a clue to who you are" I felt bad saying it but I knew I had to tell the truth.

"What is your name and why did you kidnap me?" I asked knowing I had to get the hard questions out of the way first.

I watched her as she closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths. I could tell this was harder on her then it was on me. Why I knew these things I had no idea but I knew without a doubt that there was some connection to her and I needed to find out why.

"My Name is Clara Lizzy and I am really surprised that Derek didn't tell you."

I felt a frown appear on my face after she spoke. I could see from her face like I was supposed to know who she was when she said her name in connection to my brother but I still had no idea who she was.

"I am really sorry but why would my brother tell me about you?" I asked with a confused look on my face. I truly didn't understand and it was starting to upset me.

"Lizzy, Derek isn't your brother, he is your father." She spoke with such confidence that I knew she was telling the truth.

"Then who are you?" I asked again with steel in my voice.

"I'm your Mother." She said.

As soon as she spoke I could feel my world as I knew it changed forever. Derek had lied to me my entire life, my parents or who I thought to be my parents had lied to me and now this woman was changing my life and I had no idea if that was a good thing or not.

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