Daddy's Little Horror

By Blitzkowski666

199K 3.4K 307

a DDLB story between Chris Cerulli and Ricky Olson More

The Date
im gonna call this chapter chapter 3 cause i cant think of anything else
Playing With Daddy
punishment time
Accidents Happen
idk what to call this one
Uncle Ryans House
Bad Boy
Bad Boys Get Punished
A New Day
New People
Dirty Little Secret
Daddy's Gift
Plot Twist


4.9K 93 19
By Blitzkowski666

Chris woke to Ricky thrashing around and crying in his sleep.

"No! Please no! Please don't hurt me!!" Ricky cried out.

"Baby, its OK, I'm not gonna hurt you,'' he said. ''C'mon, wake up baby, you're OK.'' He gently lifted Ricky onto his lap and smoothed his hair. Ricky's eyes flew open in a panic.

"No! No! Get away from me! I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me, I didn't mean to do anything wrong!" He screamed. He quickly jumped off of Chris's lap and ran upstairs to their room. Chris walked after him, not wanting to startle him more by running. He walked through the door and found Ricky cowering in the corner of the room, on the floor. He slowly walked over to him.

"Baby, its ok. I'm not going to hurt you, you didn't do anything wrong. You're perfectly safe.'' He said softly.

"Noooooo, get away please! Don't hurt me!!!" He cried. "I'm sorry!"

"Baby its me, Chris. I'm not going to hurt you. Please stand up.''

Ricky slowly got to his feet, trembling. He was still crying, tears streaming down his face. Chris walked up to him and put a hand to his face. He looked Ricky into his eyes.

''Baby, I would never hurt you. I'm here to take care and protect you, never to hurt you. I love you.'' Ricky didn't say anything, but he through his arms around Chris and cried harder. Chris wrapped his arms around Ricky and lay his head on Ricky's. He brought a hand up and strokes his hair.

''I love you baby. I'd never hurt you intentionally. Please know that.''

"I-i-i- I had a nightmare daddy. He t-t-tried to h-hurt me again.'' Ricky sobbed

"Who baby?'' Chris asked.

"My ex, TJ."

''Baby , just know that you're safe here with me, you'll never see him again and he can't get you here.'' Chris said soothingly. Ricky had never talked about his past, so he didn't know if he really had an abusive relationship prior to this one, or if it was all nightmares.

"We can talk about this tomorrow if you'd like, I doubt you want to right now.'' Chris said.

Ricky nodded into Chris's chest. ''Otay daddy,'' he said. ''Will you pick me up pwease?" Ricky asked.

"Of course baby,'' Chris said. He gently scooped him up off his feet. He walked over to their bed and sat down, still cradling Ricky in his arms. He reached over to his night stand and got one of Ricky's pacis. He offered it to him, but Ricky shook his head no. Instead, he grabbed Chris's hand and put his thumb into his mouth. Chris moved around so that he was leaning up against the headboard and Ricky was in between his legs. Ricky leaned back into Chris's chest, still sucking his thumb. Chris used his free hand and played with Ricky's hair to help calm him down, and possibly get him back to sleep. It was three in the morning and thankfully, a Saturday so Chris wouldn't have to drag himself to work. He needed to stay home with his baby anyways.

Ricky took Chris's thumb out of his mouth, ''Daddy, do you mean it when you say you love me?" He asked.

"Of course I do baby, why do you ask?'' Chris replied.

"He always said I was a stupid, good for nothing whore and that I was ugly and worthless and that no one would ever love me.'' The tears started coming back. "He said if someone else ever told me that they loved me, they would only be saying that so they could keep me to fuck and use. He said I'm unlovable.''

Chris turned Ricky around to face him. His head was lowered and he was sobbing.

"Ricky, look at me.'' Chris said. Ricky slowly lifted his head to face Chris.

"I don't care what some dumbass says about you, you are the most amazing person in the whole universe. You are not by any means, stupid, you are not a good for nothing whore, you are a beautiful man, you are good for so many things. You bring a smile to peoples faces, you light up their day. Me and Ryan, man we fucking love you. We couldn't live without you. When he first met you he told me the next day that you were the most adorable and loveable person he's ever met. He kept telling me all these good things about you and they are one hundred percent true. There is not a single thing bad about you. Not only that but when he he first saw you, he smiled.'I know it doesn't sound like a big deal, but he has been depressed for years now and hasn't smiled a genuine smile like that in almost a year. You made him smile, you made him happy, something he hasn't known in a long time. And you've done the same for me. When I first started dating you, I was afraid. Afraid that you'd decide you didn't love me and I was afraid that you'd leave. You wanna know why I was afraid? You made me happy. You still do. And I wouldn't be able to live without you. You are my sunshine on my darkest days. You make me smile, you take care of me, you're nothing but a beautiful, amazing person. And if it takes me a thousand years to get this through to you, then so be it because I will make sure that you know that you are important and loved and beautiful. I'm so lucky that I found you because honestly, I'd probably be dead if I hadn't.''

Chris had tears forming in his eyes. Ricky wrapped his arms around Chris's neck and cried. He was speechless. Chris let him let it all out for a bit before pulling him back.

"I love you more than you'll ever know my little prince. Nothing can or will change that.'' He said.

"I love you too daddy,'' Ricky replied. He wasn't crying now and Chris saw this as his opportunity. He placed a hand on Ricky's cheek and the other on the back of his neck and leaned in to kiss him. Ricky instantly relaxed into a sense of comfort. He felt safe with Chris and that is what he needed, to feel safe and loved by someone. He kissed back, placing a hand on Chris's shoulder. They finally pulled away and gasped for air.

"Baby boy, you sure to take my breath away,'' Chris lightly panted. Ricky smiled and giggled.

"There's that smile that I love to see.'' Chris said happily. He pulled Ricky in close and hugged him, leaning back onto the headboard again so they were sorta laying down. He pulled the blanket over them.

"I really do love you baby boy,'' Chris said.

"I love you too daddy,'' Ricky replied.

Chris smiled and handed Ricky his paci. He accepted it this time, popping it into his mouth. He curled up on Chris and closed his eyes. He felt safe. He felt loved. He felt relaxed. Now he could sleep peacefully. And he did.

Sorry, another suckey chapter. I hope y'all are still liking this story and if not, I apologize. I'm clearly not the greatest writer, but I'm working on it.- ryan

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