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   Ricky's palms were sweating profusely. Tonight he was going on a date with his boyfriend, Chris. Why is it that has so scared of a date? See, Ricky is a little and has yet to tell Chris, so he planned on telling him tonight. Whether or not Chris would accept his lifestyle or not, rick didn't know. Hell Chris may leave him like his past boyfriends. Hopefully he wouldn't though because there was just something about Chris that drove Ricky wild. It was 10:00 a.m and the date was set for 3:00 p.m so Ricky decided he would start getting ready. First he took a nice, relaxing shower and applied fresh makeup after drying and fixing his hair. Then he decided to get dressed which consisted of a black HIM shirt, black skinny jeans, black and white Vans, and of course, a studded belt and beanie. Chris had told Ricky not to get too dressed up cause this wasn't going to be any fancy date, but he also didn't say where they were going or what they were going to do so it left Ricky with a curious and anxious mind. He couldn't wait to see Chris! He checked the time and saw that it was 2:50 p.m... Almost time for Chris to pick him up. Soon, Ricky heard a knock at his door and was happy to see that it was Chris. He had on almost the same attire as Ricky except Chris had on a slipknot shirt and no beanie. "Hey baby,'' said Chris. "You look amazing as always.'' To which Ricky blushed. "Thank you" he squealed excitedly. "You ready to go?" Chris asked. "Yup" replied Ricky. Chris took Ricky's hand and led him out to his truck. "Where we going?" Asked Ricky. "Just wait baby its a surprise" said Chris. "OK" replied Ricky and with that they drove off, Ricky being nervous as hell.

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