Daddy's Gift

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  "Ricky? Baby wake up," Chris whispered into Ricky's ear. He gently shook him.

"C'mon, you need to get up, I have to go to work and I need to drop you off at Ryan's, if you even want to go.''

Ricky shot up at the sound of Ryan's name.

"Uncle Ry-Ry?'' Ricky asked sleepily.

''Yes, uncle Ry-Ry, now come on, you can wear your pajamas there, but you need to be changed by eleven, OK?"

Ricky nodded. ''Yay, uncle Ryan's house!" He cheered. Chris smiled at Ricky and grabbed a bag full of Ricky's stuff.

"Your paci, blankie, stuffie, some clothes, and some movies are in here,'' Chris said. ''And I made you a special snack in there too for after lunch.''

"Otay, tank yews Dada. Tan we go now?" Ricky asked, eager to see Ryan. It had been a few days since he last saw him at Devin's house, and he was looking forward to spending the day with him.

Chris rushed Ricky out to the car. They were on a time crunch. He had let Ricky sleep longer than he intended, because he didn't have the heart to wake him up so early. They were at Ryan's a short time later. Chris handed Ricky his bag of things.

"I'm sorry baby, I don't have to to go in this morning, I love you,'' Chris said, kissing Ricky on the cheek. Ricky whined at Chris not being able to go in with him.

"Love you too daddy,'' he said before kissing chris. He got out of the car and walked up the sidewalk, to Ryan's front door. He knocked and was startled when Ryan opened it as fast as he did.

"Come on come on, I've been waiting all morning for you!" He told Ricky, gesturing for him to come inside.

Ricky eyed Ryan suspiciously.

''What's got you all excited uncle Ryan?" Ricky asked.

"I'm just happy to see you, that's all,'' Ryan grinned. He took Ricky's bag and set it on the bench that sat just inside the door. Then, to Ricky's surprise, Ryan grabbed him and gave him a big bear hug.

"OK, you're definitely not this happy just from seeing me. What's up?" Ricky asked.

"I'm serious, I'm just happy to see you!" Ryan shrieked. "I haven't seen you in a whole three days.''

Ricky still wasn't convinced, but he decided he'd have to play along with it since Ryan clearly wasn't going to tell him anything.

"OK, well, I'm happy to see you to,'' Ricky said awkwardly. ''I'm going to go change, Chris told me to be dressed in normal clothes by eleven,'' he told Ryan, grabbing his bag off the bench. He went into Ryan's guest bedroom and closed the door. He opened his bag and began dumping out its contents, scanning his eyes over what Chris had packed for him to wear. He eyed the pieces of clothing in confusion. Out of all the things Chris could've picked, he picked a tight, black, short skirt, a baby blue crop top, lace panties, and black thigh high socks with bows on the knees.

"Uhhh,'' Ricky mumbled to himself, staring at Chris's choices. He picked up the skirt and held it in his fingertips, in front of him. He'd never seen this stuff before, when would Chris have gotten it?

Maybe he ordered it? Rick thought. But why? Why today? Wh- just why? He asked himself. Then he saw a small, folded piece of paper stuffed in one of the socks. He plucked it out and opened it.

I expect you to be wearing the items I have chosen for you when I come to pick you up. Today will be an especially boring and long day for daddy, so I plan to enjoy myself when we get home. And I mean as soon as we walk through my front door. Ricky could just see the smirk on Chris's face as he was writing this

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