
By doubleblaack

75.6K 1.8K 1.3K

"Run away with me Chuuya." "W-What?" Chuuya looked at the brunette in shock. He didn't know what to think o... More

Run With Me, And Start A New
Mafia Ties Cut
Running From Our Past Regrets Pt. 1
Running From Our Past Regrets Pt.2
Dazai Arsene & The Life We Built
Let Me Save You Now
Darkness Comes to Light Pt. 1
Darkness Comes To Light Pt. 2
The Love of Family
Trump Cards
Violetta and New Beginnings
Protecting Our Family Until The End
Until The Very End

Enough Is Enough

9.2K 119 70
By doubleblaack

Chuuya groaned loudly into Dazai's shoulder as he held him up by his waist. Dazai moved his hands down lower and he grabbed Chuuya's ass and opened him up more. Chuuya screamed when Dazai hit his prostate. Chuuya was on the brink of feeling too full and not full enough. Dazai groaned out as he felt Chuuya clenching tightly around his member, and Dazai leaned his head on Chuuya's shoulder and he thrusted harder inside Chuuya as the pheromones he was giving off made him want him even more. At the rate it was going it wasn't long until Chuuya moaned loudly as he climaxed. Dazai rode him threw his climax as he himself finally felt sweet release. Chuuya and Dazai both panted heavily, and after a few moments Dazai pulled out of Chuuya and Chuuya winced at the sudden loss of contact. Dazai kissed Chuuya sweetly, and he stepped into the bathroom. Dazai cleaned himself up, and then he made his way back to the bathroom cleaning his lover up. Once done, Dazai threw all the dirty laundry in the hamper and made his way back to the bed. Chuuya was fast asleep and Dazai smiled at that. He climbed in bed with Chuuya and pulled his pregnant lover into his arms. Dazai rubbed his fingers through Chuuya's hair, and he hummed contently as he too drifted off to sleep.

Chuuya had just finished cleaning up the kitchen after him and Arsene had lunch. He smiled as he heard his son playing with his toy cars in the living room. Dazai and Chuuya had debated in letting Arsene go back to school with everything that was going on right now. But since everything seemed pretty calm, with a lot of reassurance, persuasions, and with huge reluctance. Chuuya finally agreed to let Arsene start school next week. Chuuya was a bit worried how the adjustment would be for Arsene. Arsene spoke minimal English, and he tried to communicate as best he could but it was very broken speaking. Chuuya and Dazai where use to the language here as they had to run away here once before when Chuuya was pregnant with Arsene. Chuuya was pulled from his thoughts when he heard the doorbell ring. Chuuya walked over to the front door and he looked through the peep hole. Chuuya smiled as he opened the door.

"Good morning Tane-sama." Chuuya said bowing.

"Good morning Chuuya." She smiled as Chuuya let her in. He closed the door behind her locking it.

Arsene's eyes beamed in excitement as he saw his grandmother.

"Obaachan!" Arsene said as he ran into her arms knocking her down. Tane giggled as she rubbed her hand through his brown locks.

"Hello." She giggled again as she kissed his head.

"Have you guys eaten?" Tane asked.

"Mmm!" Arsene nodded happily. "Me and Mommy just ate breakfast."

"If you're hungry I can make you something." Chuuya offered.

"Oh no love. I just wanted to make sure you both have eaten. Especially with you being pregnant. You need all the nutrients you can get."

Chuuya smiled. "I appreciated that."

"Of course." Tane said smiling. "Where is Dazai?"

"He had to go run a few errands. Things to get us all more settled here."

"Ah I see." Tane said smiling. "Oh! That reminds me. I bought something for Arsene. Mind if we go get it and I bring it up?"

"Not at all. Go ahead." Chuuya said.

"Let's go Obaachan!" Arsene said grabbing her hand and he tugged her along pulling her out of the front door excitedly. Chuuya chuckled at the sight and he smiled. Tane and Gen'emon had been around for a few weeks now. And their relationship with Arsene was growing beautifully, and Chuuya was happy about that because he wanted Arsene to have as much of a relationship with his family as he possibly could. Chuuya turned his head looking at the picture of him, Dazai, Arsene, his mother, Henrietta, Tane and Gen'emon that they had taken when they all first got together. He picked up the picture smiling and he wanted their family to always stay this close no matter what. Chuuya heard the front door click open. He sat the picture back down on the hallway table.

"Wow that was fast." Chuuya said walking to the living room. Chuuya looked up and just saw the front door open.

"Tane...?" Chuuya called out. But he didn't receive an answer. "Arsene?" Chuuya said but he still didn't receive an answer. Chuuya thought of it as a bit strange. The door wasn't cracked or anything like that for it to be pushed open. Someone opened it on their own. Chuuya went towards the door cautiously and he closed it back, putting the lock and chain up until they came back. Chuuya turned around and he gasped as he saw a gun pointed at him.

"Hello Chuuya." Akutagawa said. "Where's the kid?"

"He's not here." Chuuya said sternly.

Akutagawa shot a bullet into the ceiling and Chuuya shielded himself as plaster from the wall fell down. Akutagawa pointed the gun back at him. "I'll ask again. Where is he?"

"I told you he isn't here."

"You're willing to bet your life on that."

Akutagawa walked up on him and he took one look at Chuuya. He smelled his pheromones and he smirked. "You're pregnant. You couldn't be a threat if you wanted to be. Where's the fucking kid before I shoot you and your baby dead?"

"He isn't here. Don't believe me then fucking shoot me you coward!"

Akutagawa slammed his hand past Chuuya's head and into the wall. He missed Chuuya's face by mere inches. "Look. I don't have time for this. Since Dazai ran off, Mori doesn't have a prodigy. Someone to take over the Mafia when he dies. The closest thing to him now is Arsene. Dazai is the father of Arsene, meaning Arsene has now become Port Mafia property."

"And I am his mother! If you want him you will have to shoot me dead first before I EVER let him fall in the hands of you or Mori!" Chuuya's ability started to activate.

Akutagawa chuckled. "Have it your way. Rashomon!"

Chuuya and Akutagawa were fighting neck and neck. Akutagawa was relentless in his attacks, Chuuya dodged them as best he could. But it was difficult with him being pregnant. Chuuya used his ability as best he could to defend himself and to also keep Akutagawa as far away from Arsene as possible. Tane heard all the commotion as she went back to the apartment door. She went to go open it but it was locked.

"Chuuya! Chuuya open the door!" Tane yelled.

Chuuya and Akutagawa's eyes both widened. Akutagawa went for the door but Chuuya grabbed one of his knives from under the table and he threw it catching Akutagawa's jacket on the wall.

"Run-away Tane! Please go! Don't come in here!" Chuuya demanded.

Tane grabbed Arsene and she heard a bunch of tussling.

"Obaachan what's happening?!" Arsene yelled sobbing.

"I don't know honey! Stay behind me."

Chuuya groaned out in pain as his head hit the floor hard. Akutagawa sat on top of Chuuya.

"I am going to finish you off once and for all!" Akutagawa said as he started choking Chuuya violently. Akutagawa was choking the life out of Chuuya but he suddenly let go as he noticed Chuuya's shoulder.

"He hasn't marked you." Akutagawa chuckled. "Oh, that's great." Akutagawa smirked and he snatched Chuuya up and snatched his shirt to the side. Chuuya slapped him and tried to push him away as Akutagawa licked up Chuuya's neck and kissed down his shoulder.

"Mom!" Dazai said as he ran towards his mother and Arsene with his friend.

"Shuji!" Tane yelled crying.

"Mom what's wrong?! Where is Chuuya?!"

"He's in there with someone else! The door is-"

Dazai heard a gunshot and his heart dropped. Dazai pushed his mom and Arsene back and Dazai kicked the door in breaking the door completely off the hinges. Dazai's eyes widened as there was blood pouring out all over the floor. Tane shoved Arsene's face into her legs and kept his eyes covered. Dazai stood their shaken. He was afraid. Afraid to step over to the two bodies on the floor and realize it's Chuuya who has been shot, it's Chuuya and his unborn baby who is dead instead of Akutagawa. Dazai's friend Fyodor Dostoyevsky noticed his hesitation. Fyodor stepped in the apartment past Dazai, and he walked over to the two bodies. Fyodor's eyes widened as he saw a distraught Chuuya who was in complete shock.

"Dazai he's alive!"

Dazai rushed over and he moved Akutagawa off of Chuuya and he leaned him up. Chuuya was hyperventilating as tears streamed down his face. He couldn't calm down. He couldn't be at ease. There was blood all over him, he almost died, he was almost bitten, Chuuya felt Dazai's hands on his cheeks and Dazai kissed him over and over again holding him close. Thanking whatever God out there protected his lover. Dazai had Chuuya breathe with him as he tried to calm the ginger down.

"I- I can't... I-"

"Hey... You're okay Chuuya..." Dazai said kissing him again reassuringly.

"You can't stay here anymore." Fyodor said. "Look. You three can stay with me at my flat. There is more than enough room for you all. We should hurry. We won't have enough time."

Dazai nodded and he kissed Chuuya again. "Chuuya I am going to leave you with Fyodor for just a second okay...? I have to go pack a few things very quickly baby."

Chuuya nodded reluctantly but he understood. Dazai quickly made his way to the bed room. He packed enough clothes for him, Chuuya, and Arsene for a few days. Dazai would eventually come back for the rest but he knew time was critical right now. Not only was there a Port Mafia member dead in their flat but Dazai was more than sure the police was on their way and more Port Mafia goons coming. Dazai zipped up the bag and as he walked down the hallway he grabbed the one picture Chuuya was looking at earlier off the desk, and he went back into the living room. He quickly helped Chuuya change into a different shirt and sweat pants and he helped him up. Fyodor quickly wiped the gun clean of Chuuya's finger prints, and he wiped the door knobs clean as he stepped out. Fyodor quickly ushered everyone to his place.


"How is he?" Dazai asked worried.

"He is okay. The baby is okay. But he's a bit shaken up. I gave him something to help relax him. Dazai-"

"I know Yosano." Dazai said. "I appreciate you coming at such short notice."

"Well the ADA was here already to congratulate you both on the new place. But I can see how quickly that turned to hell. What are you going to do Dazai? You cannot run forever."

"I know that. Which is exactly why I plan to kill Mori Ougai." Dazai said his eyes turning dark.

Yosano's eyes widened. "I see. Will you take over the Port Mafia then?"

"Maybe. But if I do, it will be way different than how Mori ran it."

"Well whatever you need Dazai. You know we are here to help you and Chuuya protect that little boy."

"I know you are. If Mori wants to play games. Fine. We can play. But he'll soon realize we are playing my way." Dazai smirked evilly.

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