The Universe Put us Together...

By Mama_umbrige

221K 8K 14.2K

By Snoop_kat AU where the date that you met your soulmate is written on you. When you met them, the date chan... More

Learning something new
Omg this is so cute
The truth
Wait what?
Shopping and lessons
This isn't so bad......right?
A/N *shout out*
You want to support me?
Emotions and talking
Late night talks
New names and realizations
Ready, set, GO!!
I'm sorry
So you wanna...?
Pick and choose
Take your time
Oh boy (*boi*)
Hey, I'm Lance
New views
Not in my house

Is this okay?

5.5K 235 447
By Mama_umbrige

Lance wasn’t really sure how long the two of them sat in silence but he was enjoying their time together as long as he could. Lance kept his eyes closed and focused on the heat that radiated from Keith’s finger. Lance felt calmer the longer they sat there, he figured it was the chemicals at work but Lance really wanted to hug him. He wanted to brush the dark locks away from his face and simply memorize everything about his face. Stop it Lance, you don’t deserve him. You’ve done nothing nice to him since the day you met him.

“Lance? Are you okay?” His voice was light and concern rolled off every word.

Lance slowly lifted his head off the couch and looked towards the raven haired boy. “I’m just stressed. Nothing is going right.”

Keith squeezed his pinky tighter around Lance’s and looked at the tanner boy. “Yeah, this isn’t exactly a stress free situation I suppose.” Lance nodded in agreement and Keith stared at his face. He looked exhausted, purple surrounded his eyes and his skin didn’t glow like usual. “Lance, how much did you sleep today?”

Lance used his free hand to count the hours, but quickly put his hand down, “Um like one hour? I’m not sure, I couldn’t shut my brain down enough to sleep.”

Keith gave him a sympathetic nod, “do you think you could try to sleep? For me?”

Lance turned his head towards Keith, his eyes looking lost in thought. Lance could feel his heartbeat pick up and prayed his face didn’t turn red. He want’s me to sleep? For him? Why does he care? “Sure.” Lance stood from his seat on the couch, reluctantly dropping Keith’s finger.

Keith pulled his hand down and stared at Lance. “Where are you going?”

Lance raised his arms above his head, stretching slightly, “my bed. I can’t sleep on the couch.”

Keith nodded, his eyes falling towards the floor. Lance made his way towards the stairs and Keith closed his eyes. Should I leave? I don’t think Lance would want me to go to his b-

“What are you doing mullet? Come on.” Lance crossed his arms and waited for Keith to catch up to him, taking his time up the stairs.

Lance watched Keith out if the corner of his eyes and his legs took the familiar path to his bedroom. He looked uncomfortable, like he wasn't sure if he should be following Lance. He probably is, after all he most likely thinks that I hate him. Lance fought back a sigh as he opened his bedroom door, shutting and locking it as soon as Keith had walked in. “Welcome to mi dormitorio,” Lance gestured to his room and made his way towards his bed, sitting in the comforter.

Keith looked around the room, picking up items then placing them back down. He stared at the posters that decorated the walls. “Nice room.” Keith stopped, staring at the picture frames of Lance and his family that was on top of his desk. Keith gently picked the frame up and examined the people in the picture. “I take it this is your family?”

Lance nodded and patted the spot next to him on the bed. Keith strolled over and sat next to the tanner boy, closer than he needed and Lance started to point at the people in the photo.

“This is my mom. She's really sweet and makes the best chocolate chip cookies ever.” Lance moved his finger away and Keith stared at the women. Lance has her eyes.

“This is my dad. He's an interesting person and his views are set in stone.” Lance slightly grimaced at his dad and Keith nodded along. Lance definitely has his facial structure.

Lance moved on to the twins, pointing at each one as he said their names. “This is Lily and this is Emily. The weirdest people you will ever meet.” Keith released a small chuckle and leaned a tad bit more into Lance.

If Lance noticed what Keith said he didn't bring attention to it and simply moved on to Benji. “This is Benjamin or Benji as he likes to be called. He's very sneaky at times and likes to be right.” Keith nodded and Lance continued towards the youngest girl in the picture.

“This is Anna. She's super nice and she's more of a listener than a talker.” Lance gave a small smile at his sister and Keith scanned the picture once more, his eyes trained on one person.

“Who's that?” He pointed at the girl who had her arm around Lance's shoulder and Lance gave a sad look at her.

“Camillia. She's super smart and very patient with people.” Lance took the frame out of Keith's hand and stood to place it back on the desk.

Keith stared at Lance as he walked back to the bed and sat next to him. “You miss her don't you?”

Lance nodded, “but I can't tell anyone. I'm suppose to hate her.” He rubbed his eyebrows and laid down on his pillows.

Keith nodded and stared down at the floor, should I leave now? He glanced back at Lance, who was now hiding his eyes with his right forearm.

“I really do miss her. I feel lost without her.” Lance's shoulder began to shake and soon a familiar wetness fell down his face. No! Not in front of Keith! Lance went to wipe away the evidence, praying that Keith didn't see him cry but soon felt fingers start to wipe the tears away.

“Shhhh Lance it's going to be okay, believe me it will be.” Keith's voice was gentle and Lance nodded, his arms finding home around Keith.

Keith was shocked at first but eventually he wrapped his arms around the other boy. They both stayed like that for a few minutes until Lance pulled Keith down with him, wrapping a few blankets around them. Soon Keith found himself snuggled up against Lance's chest, his legs intertwined with Lances long legs and his heartbeat going faster by the second.

“Is this okay?” Lance's voice was small and Keith nodded into chest. “Good.” Lance pulled Keith a bit closer, sleep tugging at his eyes. I'm cuddling Keith. I'm cuddling Keith. “Keith?”

“Yeah Lance?” His voice was muffled and Lance couldn't help but smile at how cute he was.  

“Why don't you hate me? I've been nothing but mean to you and yet you've only been nice to me.” Lance felt his throat close slightly and prayed Keith didn't feel his arms shake as he anticipated the answer.

Keith was quiet, but eventually he lifted his face off the boy's chest and looked Lance in the eye. “I just don't. Believe me I know I should but I can't find the emotions to hate you.”

Lance squinted his eyes and looks down at the boy, “that doesn't make sense.”

Keith released another laugh and pulled Lance closer to him. “Life doesn't make sense.”

Lance hummed in agreement and Keith kept his eyes trained in him. He wanted to kiss him, he wanted to make sure Lance knew that he didn't hate him but he couldn't bring himself to do it, so he turned his head towards the ceiling. “Leo and Cancer?”

Lance nodded his eyes trailing the outlines of the stars that hung above his bed. “Leo for me, and Cancer for Camillia.”

Keith turned his head slightly at Lance, his eyebrows raised slightly. “I didn’t know you were a Leo.”

Lance smiled and gave a small chuckle, “I was born July 28th and Camillia was born June 24th.” Keith nodded at the new information, filing away Lance’s birthday in his mind. “What about you?”

“Oh I was born October 23rd, so I’m a scorpio I guess.” Keith laughed and Lance soon joined in.

“Scorpio. It suits you.” Lance adjusted his body slightly so he was on his back and Keith was laying on his chest.

“You think?” Keith smiled and adjusted his legs so he was more comfortable, his arms going back around the slightly taller boy.

Lance was quiet and Keith thought that he fell asleep, until he saw his eyes still opened. His furrowed his brows, “Why aren’t you asleep?”

Lance looked down at Keith and gave him a small shrug. “I’m thinking.” Lance kept his eyes trained of Keith’s face for a few seconds longer before he reluctantly brought his eyes back towards the ceiling. Everytime he looked at Keith his heartbeat would increase and his skin would feel hotter than normal. Man forget chemicals, I really got it bad for him. Lance had never had feelings this strong before. Sure he had crushes in the past, he was just a lovable person who fell in love with anyone who gave him attention but never like this. He felt safe with keith, he felt like he could be himself. It was a strange feeling and Lance couldn’t help but wonder if Keith felt the same about him. I gotta do something first. Lance looked back down at the boy he was holding and willed the words off his tongue. “I’m sorry.”

Keith lifted up his head and look at Lance in slight confusion. “For what?”

Lance closed his eyes and formed the sentences he needed to say, he needed them to be perfect. “For everything I’ve done. For punching you, for calling you those horrible names, for shoving you after our kiss for just everything negative I’ve done to you. I know ‘I’m sorry’ doesn’t really cut it considering what you’ve had to endure because of me and I know you probably have your own pr…” Oh no! I’m rambling, I’m probably boring him or making him hate me or something terrible. Lance was so caught up in his own thoughts and trying to find ways to stop the words from falling out of his mouth that he didn’t even register when Keith said his name...four times.

“Lance.” Keith voice was stern but Lance kept on talking, his voice on the verge of hysteria. Keith closed his eyes, his mind only going to one thought. He gave a quick prayer to any God listening and quickly leaned up towards the talking boy, his lips gently pressing against his.

That got Lance to shut up and after a few seconds Keith pulled away. It was a light peck, nothing too special. Something you would see when you’re parents are saying goodbye to each other before they leave for work in the morning. It lasted only a few seconds but it felt like an eternity and Lance could still feel the pressure of Keiths lips even after he pulled away. Lance knew he was blushing and kept his eyes trained on Keith’s, who’s eyes were wider than Lance had ever seen.

“I’m sorry! Was that too far?” When Lance didn’t answer Keith started to push himself off the boy, “I’ll just leave.”

Lance grabbed Keith’s wrist and held them in place, not tightly, Keith could have easily pulled away if he wanted too but he froze, staring at the boy he just kissed. Lance was trying to form a sentence, any sentence but his brain had shut down. Keith just kissed me! It was the cutest thing ever. But he just kissed me, like his lips were on mine. This was our seconds kiss, how is he so good at kissing? “Stay, it’s okay. I know I can talk a lot sometimes. Everyone has their own ways of getting me to shut up, I guess this is yours.” Lance gave Keith a small laugh, pulling Keith back down on him.

Keith nodded, feeling his own skin heat up and closed his eyes and Lance started to run his fingers through his hair. Usually Lance hated the silence but he was enjoying it now, even though his brain was filled with ‘what if’s’ and uncertainty he was enjoying his time with Keith.

“What are you thinking about?” Keith’s voice was muffled through Lance’s shirt.

“I’m just worried about what will happen. Do you really think that we can stop Rolo? Do you really think that we can delete that picture? If my parents ever see that I’ll be thrown out on the streets.” Lance’s voice wavered slightly and Keith hugged him even tighter.

“We can’t predict the future but we can hopefully change it’s course. Have faith in Katie and the others and I’m sure everything will be fine. What will be, will be.” Keith prayed that his words soothed Lance and smiled to himself when Lance nodded in agreement. After a few moments of silence Keith reached for Lance’s hand, his eyes immediately focusing on his knuckles. “Lance, where did these come from?” Keith traced his fingers lightly over the wounds and Lance pulled away, sucking air through his closed teeth.  “Sorry.”

Lance waved him off, “I was upset last night and I started to punch pavement on the road. I really regret it now.”

“Are you feeling better now?”  Lance nodded and Keith sighed in relief, “just text me next time you feel like doing that.”

“Alright mullet.” Lance closed his eyes and soon his arms went slack around Keith, indicating that he was asleep, Keith not far behind him.


“Lance? Are you awake?” A female voice came from outside of Lance’s door followed by the doorknob rattling and a few knocks.

Lance slowly opened his eyes, slowly regaining his bearing and nearly screamed at the situation he found himself in. Okay so my mom is home, I’m cuddling Keith and I need to get him out of here. Thank goodness I locked the door before I fell asleep. Lance nudge Keith awake, covering his mouth when he started to mumble. “Keith, you gotta go, my mom is home.” Lance whispered and slowly Keith opened his eyes, fear consuming his pupils

“Lance?” Another knock.

“What should we do?” Keith asked quickly and he stood from the bed, running his fingers through his hair anxiously.

Lance pulled himself out of the bed, immediately walking over towards his window, good no one is outside. He looked at Keith, “the window.”

Keith blinked in confusion before the Lance said sunk in. “You want me to jump out a window?!”

“Shhhhhh and yes, I do it all the time. Just bend your knees so you don’t hurt yourself.” Lance quilty pulled the window up and a few more knocked filled the room.

Keith seemed to think for a few seconds before he started to climb out the window, turning to look at Lance, “no kiss for good luck?”

Lance smiled, “just get going mullet.”

“Raincheck then.” Keith turned from the window, following Lance’s advice and bending his knees. Once he was on the ground he gave Lance a thumbs up before bolting off the property.

“Lance, open this door now!” A few more knocks and Lance slammed the window shut, running towards the door and swinging it opened coming face to face with his mother.

“Lance! I thought you died.” She brought him in for a hug and Lance hugged back. “What did you do all day?”

“Ah nothing really, just slept all day.” Lance scratched his head and followed his mother out of his room.

“Well I hope you’re feeling better.”

Lance nodded, “much better.”

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