Nanbaka fanfic: The Lady

By Zecha13

177K 4.1K 1.1K

Nanbaka is a prison full of men But what happens when a female inmate joins them? She is also a stunningly be... More

Oc Introduction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
New book!
New book

Chapter 18

4K 91 13
By Zecha13

Eliza was invited by cell 13 to go to building 5, she didn't have anything to do for the day so she said yes

They were trying to put up a conversation, but it was a bit awkward so no one can keep a conversation, they walked inside building 13 and before they knew it, a cage was dropped at Hajime

"Huh? Did you guys press something to get in a cage?" Hajime asked

"'re in tha cage" Uno said


"WHAT?!" Hajime said, he tried to break the bars but hand cuffs cuffed him

"Hahahaha!" Uno, Nico, and Rock laughed at him, while Jyugo watched from the sidelines

Eliza clapped her hand "Your attentions please" which caused them all to stop and look at her

"Yes?" They asked

"So are you going to laugh at him all day long? I suggest you help him out" She said

"Y-yes ma'am" they said and was bout to go to the cage when the floor opened

They fell along with Eliza "AHHHHHH!!!"

"Serves you right! Except for No.19, I hope you'll be fine 19!" He said and tried to calm down even though he might get fired or something worse once word comes out that the princess was harmed because a bald gorilla couldn't pay attention, got trapped, and watched her fall, the 3 day suspension from before was hard enough, he doesn't even want to imagine the consequence for this one


Someone came in causing Hajime to look their way "Y-you?! Why are you out of your cell?! How did you get out?! Where's your monkey brother?!"

"So many questions" the familiar man said, next thing Hajime knew he was knock out cold


After the long fall ,they then landed on something, or someone, they looked and saw Upa and Liang under them

"What are you guys doing here?" Liang asked while Jyugo took his handcuffs off along with Upa's

The others answers his question while Upa looked longingly at Eliza who didn't even greet him

"Liz-nee...." he hesitated

"I am the youngest child of the family, I do not have younger siblings" Eliza said which caused Upa to look down in sadness

Just then mummly like dolls came, they were attacking with much strenght enough to rival them so they had to fight it off

Jyugo got his blades out, Uno helped predict their movement, Nico copied Liang, Rock and Liang were all out, Upa was using his qiugong, and Eliza fought them off with speed

Many came after they defeated some, dolls kept attaking

As they were fighting the boys kept looking if Eliza to see if she was ok, they wanted to help her but she seemed fine

Not long after they were getting tired but more were coming, there were too many and they needed some rest sonner or later, they also need to say their energy if there are more dolls ,so they decided to retreat

They all ran the other way with Nico leading and Upa at the end "Argh!" They all turned and saw Upa is being attacked, he lost focus from always looking at Eliza

Liang was the closest so he was about to help him when something fast dashed infront of him and the doll came crashed to the wall

He then saw Eliza standing infront of Upa


Eliza smiled "good thing it is only scratches" She bended down and touched his scratches

Upa almost teared up at seeing her smile, he took the oppotunity and then jumped to hug her, Eliza was about to pull back but more were coming, she lifted Upa up and sprinted up to ran causing the others to realize the dolls following them

They followed Eliza who turned corner to corner in attempt to lose them, luckily they did

"So tiring!" Jyugo said


"Liz-nee!" Upa said, they all turned to them and saw Eliza leaning heavily on the wall with Upa still on her arms

"Eliza! Are you ok?!" Uno asked

"If you need anything I have some medici-" Nico looked at his bag only to find it missing "Eh!? My bag! It's gone!"

"Don't worry, I'm fine, fighting with such speed drained my energy fast and it's just been a long time since I've run that fast, not to mention I'm carrying Upa" Eliza said

"Sorry Liz-nee" Upa got down on his own

"Let me out dammit!" They heard from the corner, they looked and saw Honey and Trois in a cell

"I'll fucking kill you!" Honey said to no one

The others came out of hiding "Stop being noisy, you'll attract more dolls" Uno said

"What are you doing here!? And why is Eli like that?!" Honey asked noticing Nico helping Eliza up

"She's just tired, we'll let you out so stop being noisy"

"But why are we here dammit! I swear if something weird happens aga-!" Honey said but was cut off by Eliza pinching his cheek "Ow!"

"Shhhh if you speak louder they might found our wereabouts" She said

They stayed quite, Jyugo set them free, then they talked about how to find their supervisors, Eliza leaned at a wall near them slowly regaining her energy, but just then Uno screamed

"AHHHH!" She turned and saw the dolls

They ran again before Eliza could fully recover, they walked through a hallway then suddenly arrows flew at them, she barely doged them, then after that obstacle she tripped

" hah...hah.." She inhaled heavily

"Eli!/Eliza!/Liz!/Liz-nee!" The boys came to her

"" she said kneeling to the ground

Nico was the one a bit far from them then he saw the dolls coming again "Oh no! Just come on!" He lifted Eliza up and started running before anyone can reply

They folowed Nico to an abandoned room that the dolls don't go to, they stayed in hiding for a while until the coast will be clear

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