✔Come Back To Me (L.T Fanfic)✘

By Boys_On_The_Stairs13

5.5K 179 27

Hi I'm Zoey Carter and this is my messed up life. My best friend is Louis Tomlinson, you heard me right Louis... More

Come Back To Me
Character List
Day In The Sun
Too Much Dough
Movie Night
Sleep Over
Food Day!
Zayn And Natasha's Alone Time
There She Is
I Think Its Time
Harry And Nila's Time Alone
The X-Factor
Tonights The Night
Back Home
Romantic Ride At The Carnival
Its Time ;)
Its Over
Authors Note
How Could He?!
Final Goodbye
Could It Be?
The Appointment.
Here Comes The Mood Swings
TWINS??!! And A Date To Remember
The Gender And A Secret
Authors Note
Picnic, The Secret Plan And The Unexpected Guest
Growing Feelings?!
Is This Really Happen Or Am I Dreaming?!
Common Question And Baby Names
The Revealed Plan And Is It Worth It?
The Truth Comes Out And Does He Believe Us?!
He's Here And Can It Work??
The Twins And Derek?!
Authors Note
Can't Leave You And The New Boys
Finally Able To Leave, The Presents And She's Back?!
Little White Lie And Jinxed Night
Answer To All The Questions And A Warrant
Authors Note.
One Thing After Another
The "Lawyer" On Our Door Step
Need A Plan
Author Note!
Midnight Call
Im Sorry
The End

Will Louis Like The "New Me?"

163 5 0
By Boys_On_The_Stairs13

Zoey's POV

Its been months since I've last seen in person my best friend, Louis Tomlinson. Now he was coming home and I was a nervous wreck. What if he didn't like the "new me" I've changed a lot since he left me. The first couple days I didn't want to leave the apartment, then I became angry with the world I mean my best friend the one that I was in love with just left me, I then started blaming myself saying that he didn't love me that's why he left. My friends, Nila, Megan,Natasha and Ellie helped me, they took me out and tried to help me but it wasn't the same. I missed him so much. I used to be so sweet and kind well most of that's gone, I mostly keep to myself and I don't open up like I used to. I know what your thinking "but this is his 2nd tour shouldn't you be used to it?" Yeah well guess what I'm not. During the 1st tour I didn't know how I felt about well Louis, I felt weird around him all the time. My skin feels tingly when he touches me, I get butterflies in my stomach when he's near, I have a hard time talking to him and I've think he noticed. I stood in the air port waiting for Lou's plane, the boys all took different ones cause they were going to different places. The girls lived with me while the boys were away and when they came back the girls went back to their hometowns. Except for Ellie she moved a couple blocks down from my apartment, so Niall is coming her. As you guessed the boys are all dating their best friends except for Liam, Megan, Niall and Ellie but soon enough they would be. Leaving only me and Lou single. I was wearing a black short sleeve shirt with a  jean jacket vest that had sequences on it. I was wearing a pair of dark blue ripped skinnies and black flats, my cross necklace comforted me. The heart locket was heavy on my chest, there was a key that opened the heart locket, my mom said to give the key to someone that owned my heart. The locket was made of gold and the size of a

a babies palm, the key was a little bigger and was also gold and had "To the one who owns my heart," written on it. The key was at home in my dresser, maybe one day I could give it to someone I love a lot. Anyway, I finally saw Louis, he was walking towards me with a big smile on his handsome face. I was shaking, and gave him a small smile back. He dropped his bags and took off full speed towards me. Louis picked me up in his strong arms, wow he's gotten a lot stronger, and spun me around. He buried his face in my neck, breathing in deeply. "I missed you so much," his lips brushed my exposed neck causing me to shiver, God he'll be the cause of my death. Lou pulled away and looked my up and down, the smile never leaving his face. "You look amazing," he breathed out the last word, his gorgeous blue eyes were shining. I couldn't help it, I wrapped my arms around his neck and......put my head on his chest listening to his heart beat. I know you people were thinking, you were thinking we were gonna kiss. Well not even in this life time, I'll never get to kiss him.

OK so next chapie will be in Louis's POV when he got off the plane and first sees me and how he feels so yeah bye

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