Love Of A Sociopath

By BreakingggMyselfff

267 16 72

"You seriously don't know where to stop, do you?" He said, eyes burning with fury and heart alight with dark... More

New Challenge
Blunder Mistake
Hiding Beneath
Slipped and Spilled

Everything Disappeared

47 2 26
By BreakingggMyselfff

Bumpy. That is how I would describe today's morning. Who wouldn't love to have a foamy cup of coffee at a Cafe with a good novel? Definitely not me.

After giving a long 2 hour test of English at my University I am seriously tired and out my wits. The professors sure know how to teach kids in the best worst way possible.

I study at Lawliet university, a Psychology and Literature student at top of my University, first year student. Not kidding people.

The city of Lawliet has amazing malls, cool parks and great clubs. It is famous around and I love my town, which has a population of 1 million.

We also have the best facilities and being near New York has its advantages, doesn't it?

Sometimes passion becomes a lot of stress too. And being a psychology student can itself take a toll on you, but it is one of the best things in my life.

I want to become a Psychologist in criminal branch and work with FBI or I can always make a career in basketball, so yeah, I love my life.

I love my studies too. They give me a sense of direction and hope, a hope for making this world a better place, even if that place is as small as my apartment.

Today, I was wearing a loose white full sleeve t-shirt rolled up to the elbows with eternity symbol, along with my converse and blue washed jeans. My black hair was left open with blonde highlights and a beanie.

It felt good to be simple and elegant with no makeup. I dislike makeup with a passion. I have pure black eyes, pale complexion and tattoos on both of my hands till my shoulders and my back.

Each and every single of them had a meaning. A meaning deeply engraved in my soul.

Anyways, all these thoughts can wait for later. I am seriously craving my coffee.

Entering Canleen's Cafe, I quickly rushed over to the counter.

"Hey honey, how can I help you?" A girl slightly older than me asked in a sweet voice.

Usually, the students from the Universities work around here but I guess this lady is new. This area is a Uni hub, I guess. And a great place to make friends and party.

"I would like to have a three iced Cappuccino with some brownies and a chocolate tart, thanks."

After paying for the coffee, I headed towards my chosen place in the shop. Every person, and I mean every single person, have this one spot in a coffee shop which they love so much that they could live there forever. I do.

Reaching the place, I already see my two best friends settled in. Great. At least didn't have to wait.

"Hey M. How was your day?" Jake asked.

Jake Hyde is a science student and he is at the top of his collage along with being in the basketball team. He has a face and swag to kill for. He is in second year of University and wants to become a professional in basketball. But to me he will always be a goof.

His parents were both doctors. His mother Layla Hyde, is a dermatologist and his father Damien Hyde, is a cardiologist.

"Yeah Maya, you didn't even picked up my calls, is everything all right?" Charlotte asked in a worried tone.

And here comes Charlotte Jade. The decoration and final touch up of our frio. She is way too bubbly and cute for her own good and we both had been best friends since birth. She was doing a course in legal studies and wanted to become a lawyer.

Her mother Kira Jade is a proud owner of a chain of bakery shops while her father was a drunk abuser who left them when she was 15 years old.

This is one of the reason why me and Jake treat her as the baby girl of the group. Jake is like her elder brother while I play the role of her big sister, one big happy family.

While we both were 18 years old, Jake is 19.

I love them so much, but I was going to kill Jake.

"You goof, you are sitting on my window seat." I replied angrily, handing Charlotte her coffee and cake while shoving the tart and coffee on another seat.

"See Jake, I am always right. I told you not to sit on her *love* seat. Now pay the price, buddy." Charlotte replied smugly and I high-fied her. Jake should seriously learn by now. Every day we have the same argument on who is going to sit on the window seat and of course I always win.

But today I was feeling generous.

"It is alright Jake. Sit there for today. Only today." I glared at the end.

"And Char I wasn't picking up your phones because I was in the middle of a test." I told her in a duh tone while taking a seat opposite to Jake and beside Char.

"Whatever. You still up for hanging out later with me and the girls." She asked making puppy dog face, which looked like uh... Well... err... a dog.

"Sorry Char. I am hanging out with Jake and his friends today at the court for a match." I replied apologetically. The truth was, I wasn't into shopping and stuff as that. I just have different interests, like shooting hoops.

"Well, no problem, I too didn't want to go. Now I have an excuse. Lola irritates me like hell." She laughed.

Lola Kane was the fourth member of our group. She is quite pretty with a body and face like that of a star, the reason why she was pursuing a career as a model. She is a great friend to me and Char. Well, we all go to the same university.

"Hey, that's my girlfriend you are talking about." Jake said, rolling his eyes.

"It's no use Jake. The friendship of Lola Kane and Charlotte Jade was ruined the day Lola took her crayon in kindergarten." I and Jake laughed while Char flipped us off.

What can I say, our frio is amazing. The truth is, Char cares for Lola and vice-versa, but she like to mess with Jake. Speaking of Lola...

"Hey guys." Lola said entering now-a very bustling with life cafe-towards her boyfriend and friends.

Lola is the final addition to our frio. She came to be friends with us through Jake but we love her same, nevertheless. Her mother Jean Kane is a producer while her father Chris Kane is an agent for FBI.

I admire Lola's father and ask for his advice whenever I can. He is a total gentleman.

Jake kissed Lola like no tomorrow when she reached him and then hugged her. What can I say? I am more used to it than having breakfast in the morning, which I never skip, ever.

"Guys keep it PG." Char advised the most obvious comeback by any teen.

Jake just sat there, watching Lola with utmost adoration, while Lola laughed hugging char and clinking her coffee cup with me.

Yeah, I don't like hugging either, except when it is done forcefully, in the case of Char. That girl love hugs.

Suddenly, Charlotte squealed which immediately alerted me and my hand flew to my pocket, out of instinct.

"What is it?" I asked twisting in my seat.

"The new boy who just got transferred has arrived in the University."

"So what was the need to shout, what is he, an alien from a U.F.O.?" Jake used his sarcasm and for the first time I was glad Jake can use it or I swear I wouldn't have talked to Charlotte.

Stupid Girl.

Or hormones.

"Char, you sure know how to make a person go deaf before his or her 80's."

"I have heard from Violet that he really is like a god. She practically worships him." Lola said, rolling her eyes.

"Wait till you see him. There are rumors. Rumors way too delicious to not to be consumed." Char giggled.

Jake sighed before kissing Lola one last time and then saying,"If you all are done, let's go."

"You three head to my apartment, I will catch up with you guys later." I said finishing my coffee.

"Why? Where are you going? We were going to have a basketball match with your team. Remember the bet? Whoever wins gets to enslave the loosing team for a week." Jake said smirking.

"Yeah I know Jake. Thanks for boosting up my already awesome memory. I will be back before you know it. I really need to buy this book from a store nearby. Now, handover my love's keys to me."

"But M, you sure it is nothing serious. I am getting a feeling that you are shutting us out. I changed my University for you. You know we are here right?" Char said feeling confused. God, her mood changes faster than the weather of Lawliet.

"Yeah M, everything okay?" Lola asked, too.

I totally love my friends.

See, this is why they are my BFFs, my partners in crime, the one who are joined from hip since birth. I could tell them anything, share with them my greatest fears and embarrassments and what not, and they never laugh at me, well they do but they also listen to me.

"I am fine guys, really." I said grinning and they all hugged me, forcefully, before I exited the Cafe and made my way over to my motorbike.

I love my BMW HP4 Race. It is my one and only love ever since. I saved a lot before buying it. Jake drove it here and him, Char and Lola are the only one who can drive it. My partners in all my crimes, as stated above.

The three of them made their way towards Lola's Ford Mustang, waved and then sprd off towards my apartment.

Getting on my bike, I started the engine and made my way towards the bookstore I so dearly love.

The town's air brushed past my hands and although I hate helmets and can't feel the wind on my face, I absolutely love myself and my life.

The autumn air was warm and soothing and there is one beautiful thing that I noticed about autumn.

Autumn doesn't cry when all the leaves and plants shed their leaves and flowers. This is because autumn loves itself.

It loves how the roads become a beautiful carpet of shedding leaves.

It loves how nature gets a second chance at rejuvenating itself.

Most importantly, autumn loves itself. This is why it had been placed in the panel of seasons. This is the reason why people wait for autumn every year to crunch the leaves under their feet again.

Just imagine what would happen if autumn blame itself for the falling of leaves?

Would anyone enjoy it? Probably no.

So, autumn taught me to love myself no matter what.

Reaching the store, I broke my chain of thoughts and got off my bike. Entering the store always gave me a warm feeling. It felt like coming back to home.

The books and novels seemed to be welcoming me again. The smell of old books delighted me.

This store was designed in a medieval kind of way. Everything was just perfect here for a book lover, or a worm in my case.

"Hey sweetie, you finished your last novel?" The kind lady at the front desk asked. She was a gorgeous lady in her mid 50's, with wrinkled skin and grey hairs, she still looked gorgeous. I loved her like a Grandma.

"Yup, it was so good, Darlene." I replied flashing a grin to her. She really is a sweetheart.

"Glad you enjoyed it. Just do me one favor and bring me Wise and Otherwise. I have been craving to read it ever since."

"Sure." I replied.

I went through the designated isle and picked out a book that I wanted to read since a long time, To Kill a Mockingbird. The novel requested by Darlene was higher up. Thanks to my 5'9 height, I could get it.

After a little effort, I got it and started to make my way back.

As soon as I turned around, I came face to face with a black and white tee on a muscular frame. As my gaze went higher up, my eyes met the most gorgeous and sharp set of steel eyes I had ever seen before.

His face or the isle or the books or anything else except his eyes, just disappeared.

And my heart skipped a beat after a very long time.


Hey guys.... So another chapter is up.... I feel so evil leaving you all hanging. Now I know why other author do this *evil laugh*

Well it is up to you now. Like it, critic it, add it to your library or delete it.... the choice is yours!




Until next time


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