Grieving Hearts [Completed]

By rickydonna7

1.5M 53.7K 9.9K

Agustin DeLuca looked at the photos infront of him, rage burning through his veins, as he watched his wife in... More

1- New Beginning.
2- Regret
3-The Nightmare (part-1)
4-The Nightmare(part-2)
5- Happy Birthday?
6- Please, Not Him.
7-Sleep with me
8-He is not that bad after all
9-Finally found you
10-when we first met.
11- I am doomed
12- I need a plan.
13- And then it happened.
14-he knows?
15-the truth.
16- I will make you mine...again.
17-you all are same.
18- Onika-1; Agustin-0
19-the date
20- are you serious?
21- you did nonetheless.
22- scars.
23-the golden cage.
24- let her go.
25- inhumane.
27- devastated.
28-falling deeper.
29- put on a show.
32- yes or no?(part-1)
33-yes or no?(part 2)
34- the master mind.
35- The face off
36- illusion.
37- trapped.
38-I do.
39- two simple words.
40- delicate.
41. surreal.
42- shining star.
43- meaningless.
Bonus chapter-1
45- tears.
Bonus Chapter-2
46- despair
47- forever.
Bonus Chapter-3( #Day 8)
48- bleeding raw.
49- royally screwed.
50- believe me.
51. two can play in a game.
52- no one.
53- Too Easy.
54- Nothingness.
55- numb.
56. breath in, breath out
58- Prove it.
59- painful.
60-life won't be worth.
Bonus Chapter-4

57- drowning.

13.6K 753 269
By rickydonna7

Double update, as promised✌

Third Person....

Agustin De Luca was driving the car through the eerie silent, dark night, not aware where he was going, but he did have one place in his mind. Tears streaming down his face, feeling guilt so profound that his whole body was shaking with silent sobs, for he had killed not only the soul of the women he loved, but also his own daughter.

Sickening sounds reverberating in his head.

'You were pregnant--'

'It was a girl--'

'The report said there were marks of abuse all over your body--'

'Please stop'

'--It said you can never get pregnant again due to complications.'

'Don't.... please don't.'

'Congratulations Agustin Deluca..I am everything you ever wanted me to be.

I am ruined.'

The car stopped with a screech infront of a boxing club he and Jacob often used to go to after work.

It was dark and quiet outside, he tried to breath against his constructed lungs, all the while feeling as if someone is compressing his chest painfully, making it impossible to draw the air in, he uselessly rubbed his chest to ease the excruciating pain.

Opening the door of the car with shaky hands, he got out of the car, moving towards the entrance gate.

The guard stationed at the gate stood up abruptly and looked at him in alarm. Taking in the miserable conditions of the person walking towards him, stumbling over his own steps, in a state of complete chaos. His eyes widened as he recognised the person, Agustin De Luca, the same person whose name is enough to make people crawl away in fear. He couldn't believe his eyes.

As Agustin halted infront of him, he immediately recovered himself from his shocked state and managed to ask,

"Sir, you here, at this time of the night, how can I help you?" He couldn't help but give him a sympathetic look, his condition reminding him of a small lost child.

Agustin kept looking at the guard as if trying to comprehend what was just asked to him, after a while he gathered his voice,

"Is-is there anyone inside" Agustin's voice was so hoarse he could barely speak against his constricted throat.

"Yes sir, some of the fighters are in there preparing for tomorrow's match."

Agustin walked past the guard to enter inside to find some of the fighters practicing in the boxing ring, his limbs automatically moved forwards till he was standing in front of one of a well built fighter, Martin.

Martin furrowed his brows looking at the man standing infront of him, interrupting his practice session.

"How can I help you?" he asked in a stern voice.

"Hit me" Agustin simply said. Martin looked at him as though the person infront of him has grown two heads.

"Have you lost your mind" he asked in a scary voice thinking it to be some kind of joke. Completely annoyed at the interruption, not being the most patient man on earth.

"Hit me" Agustin repeated like a robot, Martin was just this far to taking him up on his offer, he was not someone to be poked, unless you have a death wish.

" I don't have time for this child's play get the fuck---"

"I will pay you." That got Martin's attention, a smirk appearing on his sadistic face, If someone was stupid enough to pay for getting his ass beaten up, he was not stupid enough to pass the chance, though he was quite sure after two powerful punches from him and he will have this man running out of here as if the room was on fire, let the man know what he has bargained for, he thought.

Agustin felt the first punch land on his gut, knocking all the air out of his lungs.

The other one directly aimed for his face, he could feel the metallic taste of blood.

'I wish, I never loved you.'

'I hate you with every fibre of my being. '

'I am scared the wounds may have healed but the scar will remain engraved in my soul as a permanent damage.'

'loving you has become a curse for me. I am ashamed of myself that I loved a monster like you, that I thought you could change, that I thought you are also a human, that you also deserved to be loved , little did I knew that this thinking of mine one day would become reason for my own destruction.'

If only I knew that loving you will become a cross around my neck......"

'I beg you please kill me I can't stand being your wife for another second."

His breath got caught in his throat, he was not sure whether because of the force of the punch or the brutal memory, the one he created.

With the next punch he coughed blood, Martin gave him a wary look and stopped, but he signalled Martin to keep hitting. He doesn't deserve any kind of sympathy from anyone, he thought as Jacob's words resurfaced.

'Was it the same way you used to hit her...oops sorry I guess you preferred your belt, right? Must be painful like a bitch, For your sweet little fragile wife whom you love so much, you can't imagine someone laying an eye on her when all you did was torture her to death. I am sure you used your power to the fullest to beat a helpless women...tell me Agustin did you enjoy it? Was it worth it?'

'You where so engrossed in your sadistic pleasure and revenge that you didn't even realize you where killing her everyday bit by bit.

'Believe me sweetie after I am done with you death will be a pleasure'

'You remember that day Agustin? Someone tried to rape her, hit her, bruise her. And she was so scared she came crying to you because she thought you are her safe haven'

You should have been the one there for her at such vulnerable phase of her life.'

'if I stay here a moment longer nothing will be left of me. . .please help me get out of here before I die.'

'It was a girl--'

'After I am done with you death will be a pleasure' his own words to Onika echoed in his head, the sound of it deafnening his ears as the irony of the situation hit him.

Agustin felt his legs shake but urged Martin to keep hitting.

"Fuck, I am not taking someone's death on my hand, you are motherfucking crazy!" Saying that, Martin gave him a last look, looking at his disfigured condition, he was sure he had given him a jaw fracture, multiple bruises and the way he was coughing blood he may even go in shock.

Agustin was drowning in his own guilt.

'You remember how we planned when we will have our first child, we will go somewhere far and peaceful for a while, with just you me and our child, and how we will take care of the child, I used to get so happy just by thinking about it.'

If it's a girl, I will name her Iris, you know Iris means rainbow in Greek, she will be our little rainbow.'

'It was a girl--'

'Don't.... please don't.'

Agustin screamed in seer agony, clutching his head in his hand he fell on his knees breaking down, unable to bear the grief any longer.

He was responsible for ever pain the people around him has gone through.

'How easily you have destroyed lives like it's nothing, how can you even live with yourself.'

He has failed in every aspect of life and he is left with nothing other that unbearable guilt and pain, clawing at him, tearing him apart.

He had hurt the single most precious thing in his life, had taken every thing away from her, repeatedly, again and again till there was nothing more left to take, but he still came back to ask- demand for things he never deserved. He wondered how can Onika even look at him without killing him.

He destroy the innocent girl who deserved nothing but love and all he gave her was pain, agony and tears. Those blue eyes which deserved nothing less than to sparkle with happiness was always filled with tears streaming down her cheeks as she tried to make him believe that she was innocent in her small scared voice.

The ringing of his phone fell on his ears, breaking him out of his trance, he knew who it was, he took out his phone and looked at the screen.

45 missed calls from Onika,
12 missed calls from Jacob,
3 messages from Onika,
1 message from Jacob.

He read the message through his blurred vision, his hand shaking violently, barely able to comprehend anything.

Onika: please pick up the phone Agustin, please.

Onika: Please come back home.

Onika: you are not such a big coward, I believe, please don't prove me wrong this time. Let me be right for once.

Jacob: you motherfucking bastard don't you dare do anything. I am warning you. Onika is in hysteria, she is close to passing out. If you have ever genuinely cared for her you won't do anything reckless, it's time you man up and face your problems, time of running away is over.

He can feel shame rise in him, why do they still care? Why does Jacob still cares when he had been nothing but hostile towards him even after everything he has done for him, at the cost of his own happiness?

Why is Onika still with him? Oh yes, because he didn't give her any choice.

Jacob's words rewinded in his head like a tape recorder.

'You have no freaking idea how much you are going to regret it all one day . Mark my words Agustin you will repent it all one day till your last breath but I am afraid then it will be too late.'

'There will be a day when you will look back and everything will be gone then no matter how much you cry or beg nothing is going to be same ever again. '

'You are the one who will regret your whole pathetic existence and will be left with nothing at the end, absolutely nothing.'

'I promise you Agustin when all this is over you will come to regret every action of yours and will be the one to say sorry for each and every thing you have ever done.'

'you were right, I am sorry Jacob, I am so sorry.' he wished Jacob could hear his voice, he was even ready to get down on his knees and ask for his forgivness if he happens to appear in front of him right now.

His phone rang again, displaying Onika's name.

He picked up the call and latched it to his ears with shaky hands.

He couldn't understand anything properly, his mind was in a daze.

But he did get one thing, Onika was crying and begging for him to speak something, anything. She said she will forgive him, but he doesn't want to be forgiven.

She was crying.

She was crying, crying again because of him, for him.

His heart clenched painfully, he could feel his heart beating again, his breath caught in his throat, as soon as he opened his mouth to say something, blood gushed out of his mouth, he immidiatly cut the call before he started coughing blood again.

The pain in his chest was making it harder and harder to breath.

His whole body was numb but he could feel his heart beat faintly, when he wanted nothing more than for it to stop but he knows it won't, because he deserve to suffer till his last breath, untill death finally take him in its embrace, because if Onika has taken all the pain without deterring, then he was no one to escape the truth and get away easily. Easy deaths doesn't come to demons like him.

He felt his eyelids droop, Only one thought repeating in his head, he killed her, he killed the baby, his and Onika's baby. Agustin heard someone shout his name before he passed out. That was the last thing he remembered before slipping into a pit of never ending darkness.


Oh mama, are my eyes moist? Yes they are, yes they are, though I am not sure whether it's for Agustin, all three of them, or the situation.

How many of you think Agustin should be forgiven? (Mind it guys I am talking about forgiven, not second chance, I will leave that one on Onika, yeah, yeah I know that would be me, hehehe 😁)

Even I felt bad for Agustin in this chappie, smh! That is saying something! Though he completely deserves it.

As the chapters are getting intense I am getting a headache writing them, I am not that good at dealing with such intense emotions, I have tried my best to portray it with the same intensity as I feel it, but when I read the chapter it always comes out to be milder, way too milder, either my imagination is hyperactive or I am a bad writing, I pray its the former one😝😝

Someone asked me to write in Agustin's Pov, that was the plan, but I realized I can better express his feelings in third person as right now he can't think straight, I hope that did the trick.

Oh, and the story hit 500k reads, how cool is that? Wooohooooo!!!!(okay, okay it's 496k for those who are going to cross check 😝) And I have got 500+ followers (doing a happy dance, thank you guys for adding up to the family)👻👻

OMG! The story will be over soon, how I am going to miss each and every character, even Agustin the egg head, and most above I am going to miss you guys!! crying T-T!!😭😭😭

I know some of you asked to extend the story, but in the present scenario it is not possible, or else I would have tried, I swear. 😟😟

And before you guys ask about a sequel or any other story, all I can say is I will think about it guys, right now after this book I need to take a break and sort things out in my life. But if I plan on writing a new story, sequel or otherwise, I will let you guys know (I hope this story will remain in your archive, if not library 😅😝)

P.S- the next update won't be any time soon, please bear with me.


Gotta go study, peace out.

Until next,
Ricky ❤

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