who are you? ↝ klaus mikaelson

Por nationalrebellion_

87.8K 1.9K 559

Klaus Mikaelson x Reader story. You're a tribrid which multiple abilities and find yourself part of the Mikae... Más

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine

Chapter One

16.1K 318 82
Por nationalrebellion_

You were a unique creation. A tribrid, but with the ability to tame wolves– even the alphas, the strength of an original, you could siphon magic from anyone else and had the power of a regent. Your greatest power though, was that you appeared as a measly, weak human who could be killed by any of the witches, werewolves, or vampires just for the fun of it.

Your sole purpose was to bring peace between the species, at whatever cost necessary.You never knew that you would end up altering that sole purpose.

The witch that created you was cast from her coven due to unorthodox methods. She expected to have the power of containing you, containing your power. That confidence was not on her side as time had past and trained with her every single day for the next 20 years. It was an unfortunate tragedy when you were magic-sparring with her, and tripped over a root, causing you to lose your balance and aim a paralysis spell directly at her heart. You were guilt ridden and tried to use your blood to heal her but she refused, as your creator never believed in extending her life, no matter how it was to end.

You gave her a small, but simple funeral, to thank her as she was the only mother-like figure you ever had in your 20 years. You said goodbye and decided to begin your mission, when all of the species were in the height of the conflict. You figured the best way to start was by hunting down the Original family, were all problems appeared to stem from.

You didn't seek them out right away, no, you knew better than that. Your instinct told you it would be better to understand them, watch from afar and gather the information you needed. You learned their names as they were whispered through the streets of the French Quarter. One thing you knew for sure was that the Mikaelson family was feared greatly and hated just the same.

At the top of the little family chain appeared to be Niklaus, simply dubbed "Klaus" or "Nik" by those close to him. He was the first hybrid with bright blue eyes and a smile that seemed to get him whatever he wanted. Niklaus had people tremble in fear whenever he walked by. He was smug but it was part of his charm and was known for being reckless and vicious. Few that fought him one-on-one lived to tell about it.

Right next to him, with a blind devotion, no matter the circumstance, was his older brother Elijah. He was known for being noble, whether during a simple conversation or war. He was generous, calm, mysterious, calculating and kept his word, always. He was captivating and very handsome, much like the rest of the Mikaelson clan.

You rarely heard her spoken, but one should not be fooled for Rebekah, the youngest sister of Klaus, Elijah, and Kol was just of vicious and calculating as her brothers but it was known that she had a great desire to lead a human life, or at least to be normal in the sense of whatever was normal for an Original vampire. She was certainly someone that you would want as an ally, for she was ferociously loyal.

Then there was Kol. Psychotic, reckless and wild Kol. He was feared just as much as his brother but if not more so due to his uncaring nature, which was a dangerous thing for a vampire to be. He did as he pleased, and was no saint. Hell, none of them were.

You were sitting at the bar in Rousseau's one evening, which was empty except for the bartender and a few patrons, nursing a drink when a few figures grabbed your attention. In the flesh was Niklaus, Elijah, and Kol, who were out and about just to relax. Which was highly surprising and sinister to you since the word on the street was that the witches and vampires with a grudge were, once again, planning an attack at the Mikaelson compound. You watched them speak among themselves and used your super hearing to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Tonight, we must be ready. We have the Crescent wolves and the Strix on our side with shall offer us the higher advantage." Elijah spoke in a hushed but harsh tone, you turned slightly in your seat but not enough to draw attention to you.

"I don't even know why this is even happening. It's clear suicide and they'll all be dead within second." Klaus remarked snidely. You could see Elijah shooting daggers at him. "Nonetheless, we must be ready, I will not stand for a few believing that they can run me out of my home. I will have none of that."

"Now, Kol is is in charge of keeping-" Elijah stopped mid-sentence when he realized that Kol was no longer next to him and Klaus, in fact, unsuspecting to you, he was sitting right next to you. Be fore you had the chance to turn in your seat, your back was slammed against the wall, with Kol's hand wrapped securely around your next. Elijah and Klaus strolled over to you and Kol, completely unfazed.

"Do you want to tell us why you've been following us these past few weeks? Brothers, I don't know about you but I'm not a big fan of being spied on. Don't bother denying it darling, you've walked right into our trap." Kol's grip tightened and you struggled to push him off. Through gasps, you spoke "Let... me... go!" anger building up inside you. You glances wildly at the patron in the bar, when Kol smiles wickedly. "Don't worry about them, they have no idea what the bloody hell is going on." Elijah tapped Kol's shoulder and just like that he released you. Falling to the ground, you clawed at your neck, trying to soothe the lingering pain. Looking up, you see three originals eyeing you carefully. You held on to the wall, struggling to find your balance, not that you actually need to but it was important to keep up the facade.

"I wanted to see you all for myself. That's all." You stammered over your words, hoping to sell your lie. Elijah was the first to speak, "I sincerely hope you do not think us as idiots. Surely you know that right now we hear your heart hammering, albeit it could be from fear but something tells me that's not quite right. Now, I'll give you one more chance. Who are you and why are you here?" before you could open your mouth, you heard Kol's voice "Oh, I'm bloody bored of this already." and the next thing your knew, his teeth were at the bridge of your neck, ready to dive in. Your instinct kicked in, and before you knew it, you turned around, stepping away from him and pulled Kol towards you, knocking him off balance and flipped over your shoulder.

Elijah and Klaus looked at you with surprise, nearly ready to start a counter attack when you used your ability to tame Klaus' werewolf side, making him stand down immediately, which seemed to make him even more pissed off. With Kol on the floor, with you using your strength to hold him and and Klaus simply 'standing by' Elijah took a step back. He surveyed the situation, stroking him chin. He threw his hands up, as if in surrender, but of course you knew better than that. "Nice try, it's going to take more than that to make me release them."You said, Kol struggled beneath you, offering you one of those "I'll fucking kill you" looks, so you decided to place more pressure on his chest, making him let out a low groan.

Elijah lifted his head slightly, signaling that he understood you. You eyed him carefully, making it known you that you were ready if he decided to attack you.

"Okay, this isn't necessary." Elijah spoke in a calm and gentle manner, which you could tell was aimed to make you stand down. You let out a mirthless laugh, "You're the diplomat in the family, I'm assuming. I will have you know, first things first, I am not your enemy." He gave you a small smile, but there was no joy or happiness whatsoever in it. "You could have fooled me, considering you struck my brother over here–" pointing to Klaus,"-immobilized, for lack of the better word, and you have dear Kol stuck to the floor." This time you let out a genuine laugh, gaining you a confused face from Elijah. He made a gesture of surrender, and knocked his hands together, allowing you to offer your side.

You raise an eyebrow, still unwary of him. "I'll make you a deal- I'll release them, but they stay still." You begin to show your power by allowing fire to burn in the palm of your hand. "Because if you don't, I will burn you all." The Mikaelson's have had their fair share of run-ins with witches, and to Elijah, you appeared to be rather strong and you piqued his interest, so he decided to agree to your terms. Slowly you began releasing pressure off of Kol and in an instant, he was ready to go after you again, but Elijah used his full strength to hold him back. "Ah, brother, let's not." Kol stared Elijah down, looking livid, "Why the fuck not?!" He shouted, making you flinch. Elijah didn't respond, he simply moved Kol to the side and turned back to you, "And Klaus." said, or rather demanded.

Staring both Elijah and Kol down, you make a simple hand motion and Klaus comes out of his comatose state. At first he's confused but his attention quickly settles on you and you can tell that he was about to attack, so you speak very firmly "Don't." And Klaus stops dead on his tracks but this time is present. His face is struck with confusion, "I'm gonna to make you suffer in ways your spoiled, little mind cannot possibly imagine!" Klaus yells , his anger practically dripping from his mouth.

Unfazed by his threat, you clear your throat, "Now, can we all have a conversation like civilized people?" You ask, eyeing both Klaus and Kol, who in turn, look at Elijah, as he offers you a simple nod. You let out a breath, one that you felt you had been holding for the past 10 minutes. The Mikaelson's all move back a small step, but not nearly enough.

"I suppose I'll go first." Your face completely blank of emotion, "My name is (Y/F/N Y/LN). And I swear, on my life which I intend on keeping, that I am just here to learn about you. That's it. You're the Original vampire family, and appear to be the root cause to many of the issues regarding other vampires, witches, and werewolves. Which I am sure you're aware of, because God knows that there's a good amount of people who love to get their chance for revenge or for your heads on a spike." They all roll their eyes because, truth be told, this was no new information to them. You could see Klaus and Kol becoming more impatient. You hold up your hand, making a stopping motion "Look, I get it, that's not really a good reason for you to spare my life, but I would make a good ally. I've been studying your family, along with all the other powerful families among the witches and werewolves for years. I have no doubt that you can easily defend yourselves, believe me, I witnessed Klaus defend himself against Marcel's army. Very impressive by the way."

They were all silent for a few moments, Kol was the first one to speak "Exactly how long have you been watching us?" You lean your back against the wall, crossing your arms, allowing a small smile to form on your face. "By my count, roughly 6 years, now.I must say, you all lead a very exciting life and I've grown quite fond of your friends back in Mystic Falls."

"Say we do take up your offer on this... alliance. What could you possible do that sets you apart from the other witches we know? We're not quite on speaking terms, if you will." Klaus interjected, waving his hands in the arm like some French nobleman showing off a state-of-the-art chandelier. The smile on your face only grew bigger, you look down at your shoes, "Who said I'm just a witch?" When you looked up at the brothers, your eyes change right before them, your once unspectacular eyes glowing a dark blue as your pupils explode, causing the brothers to take another step back. They understood your were a tribrid, and then some.

Klaus, Elijah, and Kol shared a look, before smiling back at you. Each smile slightly more sinister than the next, you knew that this wasn't going to be easy, oh no, not a chance in hell but if it was necessary to her goal, then so be it.

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