Chapter Two

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That very day you were brought to the compound, Elijah called a 'family meeting' chiding the others to come quickly. There was no trust whatsoever between you and Mikaelson's at that moment, and it would remain that way for the next 10 months. You stopped by every other day, just to check up on them. Not that it was necessary but you sort of felt like it. Though you would never admit it, you enjoyed being around them, you loved how furiously loyal they were to each and the way that they always took a bit at each other. Slowly, you became to be a constant in their lives, not just a guest star.

You never revealed the fulled extent of your powers until one night when Freya, Elijah, Klaus and you were sitting in the courtyard chatting among yourselves when Kol was was thrown down in front of you with a simple stake in his heart. Before any of you had the chance to react, at least 2 dozens of witches stormed into the Mikaelson's home, twisting their hands making you all drop to the ground. You withered for you few moments as you watched Elijah and Klaus scream in agony and while Freya clutched her head. Something had come over you and you had no idea what it was, but your instincts screamed at you to protect them.

Mustering all of your strength, you blocked the other witches magic and slowly rose from the ground. Fire burning deep in your eyes, you growled, using your vamp speed to reach the witch closest to you and sank your teeth into her neck. Before you knew it, you were unleashing all of your power, snapping necks, and burning them alive, it was possible there were a few severed heads in the mix.

Once you were finished with your rampage, your first thought was to aid Kol, who was still laying on the floor, his skin a pasty gray and you could tell that he had been that way for hours, which was highly unusual. You pulled the stake out, sitting next to him and pulled his head unto your lap and bit open your wrist, offering blood to Kol which he took with no hesitation. You winced in pain when he teeth hit your hit, you didn't expect it to hurt that much. When Kol released your wrist, he was immediately on his feet, standing next to his brothers and sister near ready for a fight, only to look around a see the waste of what used to be witches. "Why am I always the one that misses the fights?" Kol whined like a 5-year-old.

Slowly, you rose from your spot on the floor, cleared your throat, grabbing the attention of the others. You start moving backwards, nearly tripping over one of the headless bodies. Trying to keep your composure, you merely offered a gentle smile, stammering over your own words "Don't worry about the mess, I'll have someone come by.." giving each of them a quick nod, you speed out of there all the way to your apartment, located roughly half an hour away. The moment that you shut the door, the feeling in the pit of your stomach washes you over, causing you to flee to the bathroom, where you throw up whatever contents you had in your stomach.

Gently, you sit back against the wall, sobs racking your entire body. You had never intentionally murdered someone before, let alone 24 someones, and were left with an uneasy feeling, you knew that there would be hell to pay. Maybe not today, tomorrow, or even in the next few month, but you knew it was coming and decided to make it your personal mission to be ready. Sure, it was your job to bring peace but at this point, you weren't very sure of your purpose anymore. Seeing everything first-hand tends to change the perspective of a person.. well, usually, sometimes, maybe.

Trying to pull yourself together, you begin stripping off your clothes that are now caked head-to-toe in blood and step into the shower, watching as streams of blood flow down the drain. Looking down at your wrist, you noticed that Kol's bite mark was still there. While you had supernatural healing due to your vampire and werewolf side, you were still human, and some injuries too longer to heal and a vampire bite from an original was one of them.

You must have been int here for 20 minutes because the next thing you knew, freezing cold water was hitting the small of your back, causing you to shiver and goosebumps to form. Quickly, you step out, drying off and wrapping yourself in a warm bathrobe. You decided to allow your hair to air dry because, truth be told, you didn't have any energy in you to care for it.

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