Chapter Five

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It felt like hours before you made your way back to the compound where you found a angrily pacing back-and-forth Klaus. You quietly approach him and he stops dead on his tracks, gathering your into a deep hug, not caring one bit about the blood. Your eyes are lifeless because you can feel it, feel Circe's blood running it's course and you know you only have so much time left, perhaps another 24-hours at most. However, there was no way in hell you were going to let Klaus know that, there was no point in bothering when there was nothing he would be able to do. How tragic, you were going to be another Camille.

Klaus leads you to the bathroom so you could get yourself cleaned up. It surprised you how difficult it was to wash off the blood but nonetheless, you persisted until you had scrubbed your skin raw. When you stepped out, you found one of Klaus shirt resting by the sink, intended for you. Drying yourself off, you pull his shirt to your nose, inhaling his scent then slipping it on. God, you were going to miss that. Your heart began to hammer again, you needed him, wanted him. Wanted that rushing feeling of him inside you and the thought of him whispering sweet nothings in your ear left you breathless. You'd had him before many times but this time, you would cherish it, relish in the sweet taste of relief.

Walking out of the bathroom and into Klaus' room, you found him sitting shirtless, busying himself to his new painting. You could hear your heart thumping by now and oh god, he looked like perfection to you. Klaus must have sensed you entering the room because he stops what he's doing and faces you. Mischief gleaming in his beautiful eyes. He eyes your body head to toe, gently biting his bottom lip, making you feel suddenly hot. You walked up to him, stopping when there was only a few inches between the two of you and gently brushed your fingers through his curly hair. The two of you shared an intense look and then suddenly with any warning, Klaus picked you up in his arm. You had been taming him for the past 3 years, but tonight, no.. you would not tame him at all.

Trembling at the longing, ravenous look on his face as his carried you to the bed, you felt your heart starting to hammer just as loud. Laying you down on the bed, he used his fingers to brush your lips, to outline them. It was like he was trying to savor every ounce of your body. This thought made you more weak. He leaned down, pressing his lips against yours. You were unprepared for how sweet and how it was a beautiful combination tender and demanding. You deepened to kiss, making Klaus growl as he brushed his tongue over you, exploring every inch of your mouth. Goosebumps formed along your body as he licked and nibbled, sucking on your skin causing you to throw your head back in pleasure. You buried your hands in his soft, beautiful blonde hair, letting out a moan as pleasure began to wash over you. If you hadn't known any better, you swore you were going to pass out from the ecstasy.

For the first time in a long time, you wanted something for yourself. You wanted to get to that unreachable part of him, to give Klaus something... special, different just one last time. Perhaps this very rare moment of bliss with someone that wanted to share parts of themselves with him.

Klaus stops kissing you and pulled back, making you let out a low whine. He only smirked, staring at your with a deep blue-green eyes that you had come to love very dearly. He pulled his shirt off of you but you could tell how much he wanted to rip it off, and loose himself inside of you. But instead, he decided to take his time, to relish every moment with you. You cupped his face in your hands, tilting it until he could looking to your bright, beautiful eyes that looked at him as if he was the last man on this earth. Eyes that saw everything in him, all of the bad, the ugly, and the good. Eyes that looked at him with nothing but unconditional love for him. Oh, how strange this feeling was.

"You're so ravishing, Klaus." Your gentle, sweet words tore right through him like a stake. Klaus hovered over you, staring down at your body, licking his lips. Klaus leaned down at the crook of your neck, gently kissing it and before you know, his teeth break the skin, causing you to let out a quiet moan as blood gentle trickled down, and at that, Klaus licked the bridge of your neck and began to give you gentle, soft kisses all the down to your belly button, leaving a series of barely there hickies in his wake. You held your breath as Klaus' ferocious gaze searched your body with his mouth. Moving from the bed, Klaus stood to remove his pants, and as they lowered, you swallowed, a lump forming in your throat as you saw how hard he was for you. His pearl-white skin was scattered with blonde hairs and was the most wonderful masculine sight you'd ever seen. Oh, he was so beautiful to you.

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