Chapter One

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You were a unique creation. A tribrid, but with the ability to tame wolves– even the alphas, the strength of an original, you could siphon magic from anyone else and had the power of a regent. Your greatest power though, was that you appeared as a measly, weak human who could be killed by any of the witches, werewolves, or vampires just for the fun of it.

Your sole purpose was to bring peace between the species, at whatever cost necessary.You never knew that you would end up altering that sole purpose.

The witch that created you was cast from her coven due to unorthodox methods. She expected to have the power of containing you, containing your power. That confidence was not on her side as time had past and trained with her every single day for the next 20 years. It was an unfortunate tragedy when you were magic-sparring with her, and tripped over a root, causing you to lose your balance and aim a paralysis spell directly at her heart. You were guilt ridden and tried to use your blood to heal her but she refused, as your creator never believed in extending her life, no matter how it was to end.

You gave her a small, but simple funeral, to thank her as she was the only mother-like figure you ever had in your 20 years. You said goodbye and decided to begin your mission, when all of the species were in the height of the conflict. You figured the best way to start was by hunting down the Original family, were all problems appeared to stem from.

You didn't seek them out right away, no, you knew better than that. Your instinct told you it would be better to understand them, watch from afar and gather the information you needed. You learned their names as they were whispered through the streets of the French Quarter. One thing you knew for sure was that the Mikaelson family was feared greatly and hated just the same.

At the top of the little family chain appeared to be Niklaus, simply dubbed "Klaus" or "Nik" by those close to him. He was the first hybrid with bright blue eyes and a smile that seemed to get him whatever he wanted. Niklaus had people tremble in fear whenever he walked by. He was smug but it was part of his charm and was known for being reckless and vicious. Few that fought him one-on-one lived to tell about it.

Right next to him, with a blind devotion, no matter the circumstance, was his older brother Elijah. He was known for being noble, whether during a simple conversation or war. He was generous, calm, mysterious, calculating and kept his word, always. He was captivating and very handsome, much like the rest of the Mikaelson clan.

You rarely heard her spoken, but one should not be fooled for Rebekah, the youngest sister of Klaus, Elijah, and Kol was just of vicious and calculating as her brothers but it was known that she had a great desire to lead a human life, or at least to be normal in the sense of whatever was normal for an Original vampire. She was certainly someone that you would want as an ally, for she was ferociously loyal.

Then there was Kol. Psychotic, reckless and wild Kol. He was feared just as much as his brother but if not more so due to his uncaring nature, which was a dangerous thing for a vampire to be. He did as he pleased, and was no saint. Hell, none of them were.

You were sitting at the bar in Rousseau's one evening, which was empty except for the bartender and a few patrons, nursing a drink when a few figures grabbed your attention. In the flesh was Niklaus, Elijah, and Kol, who were out and about just to relax. Which was highly surprising and sinister to you since the word on the street was that the witches and vampires with a grudge were, once again, planning an attack at the Mikaelson compound. You watched them speak among themselves and used your super hearing to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Tonight, we must be ready. We have the Crescent wolves and the Strix on our side with shall offer us the higher advantage." Elijah spoke in a hushed but harsh tone, you turned slightly in your seat but not enough to draw attention to you.

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