O.M.F.G I Think I'm Falling F...

By yoongisgrl

937K 5.1K 1K

Remy Walsh, hates only one person in the entire world, Drew Maddox; he who likes to make her life hell 24/7... More

1. It's A Remy Thing...And Stay Out Of It Drew!
2. Coffeecake is made out of...?
3. I was bought for 12 dollars!
4. I Want A French Maid!
5. Skee-ball Is A Violent Game
6. I'm Tired Of Flicking People
7. She's Got Stripper Boots!
8. Don't Mess With A Girl When She's PMSing
9. Oh, You're Such A Giggly Girl!
11. Revenge With A Side Of One Sexist Boyfriend
12. I Found A Lost Letter! It's Like...A Pirate Movie!
13. The Power of a Ruler
14. The Love For A Squirrel
15. A Room Full Of...Penguins?
16. Nappy Time With The Raccoons
17. Billy & Mandy Reruns? I'm So In!
18. The Abandoned Cheese Fries Shall Haunt...Dishsoap?
19. What The Heck Is Bull Testosterone?
20. It's Just Santa...Right?
21. What's A Conversation Without A Little Drama?
22. My Friend's Are Mini-Satanists!
23. I'm A Once In A Blue Moon Sight
24. I'm Jasper Hale! Well...Not Really...
25. European Models...My Weakness
26. Falling In Love...?
26. I Can Do The Urkel Dance!
27. Remy Defends Drew
28. My Boyfriend's a Dog...FML
29. If Only Dogs Could Talk
30. Super Ninja vs Dr. Crane!
31. A Living Nightmare?
32. A Night At Hotel Love
33. An Awkward Car Ride
34. Banana's Are Lethal
35. Remy is Missing?
36. His Secret; The Tragedy Unfolds
37. Surviving The Cold
38. Snakes, Iguana's, and Me
38. Meet Me At The Lake Tonight
39. Shakespeare Inspires Teens! To Hate School
40. Marth Always Pwns Kirby. Always.
41. Welcome to the Haunted House
43. The Piano I Never Owned
43. Falling In Love (All Over Again)
45. Remy's Broken Heart
46. Codename Charmander & Killing Cobra...Reporting 4 Duty
47. Poetry Fanatic Drew & Me
48. Brownie Balls Almost Save the Day
49. My Love's Lust
50. The Voices in My Head (OMFG 50th Anniversary!)
51. The West Rogers Carnival
52. My Feet Smell Like DrewVomit
53. Drew Cures Poverty! Atleast...He Looks Like He Will?
54. I Abuse Animals. What? It's Normal!
55. The Zoo Game...It's On

10. The Stories Held Behind A Toilet

24.8K 142 12
By yoongisgrl

OMG !!! how long has it been?!!! officially a month, seriously, i've been counting! I spent an entire month in the East coast, my trip to washington and new york was great! Then i spent three weeks i saw the white house and ill probably change my display pic to the awesome pictures i took, probably. But yeah, i decided to continue this story, and i wrote an awesome chapter, i know it's been long, please spare me, but i think this chappie is long. Most people liked this story better, and i decided on it, so this story has a lot planned for it, so i guess im going to continue this one.

SO i hope you guys like this chapter! And comment and vote!


I straightened my dress from the bottom, nervously biting my bottom lip as I waited for Drew to show up. Izabela and Nick would meet up with me and Drew at the club. I told Izabela she could go ahead without me, Drew would pick me up. But it's been at least 10 minutes and Drew hasn't really showed up. I'm worried, what if this is his way of getting me back? To get revenge for something I did, and all of this was a trick? He'll never show up and leave me hurt out on the chilly pavement. I hold back a tear, come on Remy, stop overreacting! The honking of a car interrupts my horrible thoughts, I snap out of it and look towards a black SUV pulling onto my driveway, I see a very handsome Drew in it. My hearts stop beating at the speed of lightning, and all the thoughts of him not showing up wipe away, the vibes of relief enter my body. I quickly compose my face and a smile reaches till my eyes.

"Remy," Drew takes in a gasp as he walks out of his car and gets a good look at me from the streetlights. "Wow, you...you look amazing," He takes my hand and kisses the back of it, smiling his cute-dimpled smile.

"And you look handsome as always," I compliment him back, he was wearing a white button up shirt and a loose black tie, with black sort of skinny jeans. He looked more than handsome, he looked hot. I forgot about reminding him he was late and got in the car with him.

"I'm so glad we got together," Drew says, entwining our fingers as he starts the car. I turn a deep shade of red, I've never been so used to hearing compliments from a guy who was my worst enemy, so you know how I feel. "You're blushing?" Drew asks, examining my face for a long time in the dark, the only source of illumination is the streetlights and the moon. He smirks, opening the light above the car. I see him even more clearly.

"No! Pshh, no, I'm not blushing!" I contradict, stuttering as I do.

"Yes, you are." He states.

"No I am not," I cross my arms.

"Are too,"

"Am not,"

"Are too," I let out a frustrated sigh.

"Am not!" I scream, and he laughs. "What makes you even think that?" I ask, changing our useless conversation.

He chuckles, "Um, just the fact that you're cheeks are slightly pink," He laughs, but I'm not ready to give in to his egoistical self.

"Pshh," I scoff, "That could be powder!" I lie, feeling my cheeks warm up. Oh god, what is this boy doing to me?

"Really?" He cocks his head to the side, then his hand raises to my cheek and he keeps it there."Then why are your cheeks so warm?" He whispers, slightly panting. My breathing becomes difficult as he leans in towards me, feeling my cheek. There's so much silence between us, even the chirping of the cricket is inaudible. He comes so close to me that are noses seem to touch, and I close my eyes for a half second. Deep inside me, this moment amazes me, this moment is how I want it to be, and I want Drew Maddox more than anybody right now. When my eyes open, Drew has his eyes closed, and right now he's leaning in and cocking his head to the side in order to kiss me. O.M.F.G, he's going to kiss me, I think, my heart beating so loudly. I let my eyes close again, I'm going to let him kiss me, because right now, Drew's making me forget all the bad times between us and he's stirring up love between us. I can't help but let him have me. I feel his breathing

heavy, our lips are half an inch from colliding.

And then...

my fu€king phone starts ringing! I flinch back, away from him, our eyes flipping open like a light bulb. I let out a deep breath, one I was holding for such a long time. I see an emotion cross Drew's face, a disappointed look, but it quickly vanishes. He composes his face and sits straight in the drivers seat, clicking his seatbelt as I answer my phone. Izabela.

"Hey Bella," I give a sigh, trying to hide the disappointment in my voice. I wanted to say instead, "Great timing Bella, really great." But I didn't.

"Remy! Where are you?" Izabela shouts through the phone, loud music is playing in the background, and a bunch of other voices are also cheering, I guess they're at that teen club already.

"Oh, I'm on my way Izabela! Drew and me are on the way!" I scream back, Drew starts driving quietly.

"Ooh!" Izabela sings, "Were you guys having a make out session?" Bella teases me, and since she was screaming it, I'm sure Drew heard it too. Drew laughs, throwing his head back.

"No Bella, we weren't," I say in a calm voice, a little annoyed by her teasing. "But we were about to," I mutter under my breath, knowing she wouldn't have heard it. I take a glance at Drew who is smiling inwardly, then put my attention back to the phone.

"Sure, whatever babe, just hurry up, me and Nick booked a table and you need to hurry your butts here before us fata$ses finish all the food!" Izabela laughs her melodic laugh, and hangs up. I chuckle, putting my phone back in my purse.

"So...what was Miss Hysaj saying?" Drew holds back a laugh, keeping his attention on the road.

"As if you didn't hear most of it," I rest my head back, my mind bubbling with the thoughts of tonight. The rest of the ride is silent, Drew doesn't say anything while I rest for a while, if you rewind the entire day, I could sum it all up to be a pretty tiring and eventful day. I wonder what mom must be thinking, she probably knows by now that I escaped through the window, but that's nothing new, I'll just return home late and she'll give me a lecture and I'll pretend like I care and go to my room acting guilty, but up at my room I'll be having a group chat with Nick, Bella, and now, Drew too. Life would be perfect, me and Drew, the most powerful couple in Mather High, we'd be popular, people would fear us. And next to our shoulders will be my best friend Bella and Drew's brother, Nick, we'd have our own popular table at lunch that everybody would want to sit at, and all those bimbo's that Drew sucked face with would stare at me with envy. That'd be

the life.

"Wake up sweetie, we're here," Drew's sweet voice brings me to reality, and I open my eyes to find myself back in his SUV, and Drew's angelic face hovering above me.

"Oh, hay-lo," I smile a crooked smile and he laughs, getting out of the car. He doesn't even bother opening my door to act like a gentleman, he just starts walking ahead into Kasey's Corner. I get out of the car, pursing my lips together and crossing my arms in front of me. He was about to enter the building when he realizes after what seems like centuries that I'm not following him. He turns around, cocking his head to the side, an eyebrow arching up.

"You know, we didn't come all the way here to see you stand by my car," Drew walks over to me, I narrow my eyes at him, shoving him back a little, but he manages to block me before I can react.

"You could have been a gentleman and opened the door," I complain, he laughs and shakes his head, linking his arm with mine and walking me to the entrance.

"Here, happy?" He opens the door and waits for me to go in. I think of a smart comment.

"No no, ladies first Drew!" I wait for him to go in first, holding back a smile. He narrows his eyes at me, then smiles.

"Are you referring to yourself as a man then?" He laughs. I roll my eyes,

"Hey, I do hit like a man," I punch him in the arm, and he draws back, starting to whine.

"Ow! Dammit Remy! That hurt, sheesh, you do hit like a man!" He rubs his arm, and I go ahead and walk in.

"Then you shouldn't have said that!" I exclaim, as soon as we walk in, the lights seem to blind my eyes, they're all types of different lights, purple, blue, yellow, red, green, and the place is full of noise. They were playing "Dynamite" by Taio Cruz, not one of my favorites, but it was a really good choice for clubs. I recognized almost all the faces from either our high school, or my other friend's high school. There were kids from Von Steuben High, Lane Tech, Northside Prep, and my high school too. I knew them because most of my middle school buddies went to these high schools. When we entered together, some eyes averted to our direction. I recognized the bimbo I last saw Drew making out with. She stared at us with wide eyes, and whispered something to the guy she was dancing with. I recognized him from our school, he turned towards us, his expression was similar to the bimbo's, and soon others were looking at us like that. I would be shocked

too to see myself in his position, what in the world is Remy Walsh doing with Drew Maddox?

"Remy, I'll be right back, go find Izabela and Nick," I nod my head and he walks off to some of his guy friends from our school. Inside, I'm utterly disappointed, a small frown forms my face as I walk over to a table in the corner where Nick and Izabela are happily chatting while munching on fries.

Izabela looks at me and her face lights up.

"Hey Remy!" she waves me over, I smile, she looked so pretty today. She was wearing a black skirt, a sleeveless floral designed top attached to the skirt, and black net leggings. Her dirty blonde hair was curled and she looked amazing. Nick was wearing a black button up shirt with a red tie, and blue jeans, his slick black hair was spiked a little but he looked hot.

"Izzy! You look amazing!" I hug her and take my seat next to her.

"As always! Right Nick?" we look at Nick who smiles lopsidedly at her.

"Got that right, but wow Remy! You look sizzling!" Nick says with wide eyes, I blush.

"Props to your girlfriend, and my bestie!" I say dramatically.

"So, where's Mr. Smexi?" Izabela winks at me as I chomp on a fry.

I let out a sigh, "Talking with some of his friends," I look around to find him deep in the crowd laughing with a couple of guys.

"Well, that's the life of a popular guy Remy," Nick shrugs, managing to smile.

"Well, considering this was supposed to be a double-date, but without my date, I guess..." I trail off, my eyes still on him, a couple of girls eye him with lust but he's still talking with the guys. At least he's not secretly flirting with some girl, that'd be even worse.

"Oh come on Remy, stop jumping to conclusions, he'll join us later!" Izabela says excitedly, I shrug. "For now...let's go and dance!" She sings, and the song changes to "Gettin Over You" by Fergie and David Guetta. She pulls me on to the dance floor, where a bunch of teens are grinding and whatnot, euw, they're so perverted. She drags me to the center and starts grinding against me.

"What the fu€k are you doing Bella?!" I say between my laughter. She quits grinding and wraps her arms around my waist, and we swing back and forth. I can't help but laugh, she's so crazy sometimes. She takes my hand and turns me around, then she sends me forward, and then I twist into her arm, we were doing sort of the dance that the ballroom lady was going to teach us. I laugh when she let's go, and she does too. Then me and her just start randomly bopping our head back and forth to the music, and then we waved our hands and jumped to the music where a crowd was forming. In the center, a couple of guys tied their ties around their head and were doing that nasty bull ride dance step, where a girl gets behind a guy and pretends to slap their a$s, I found it completely disgusting. They were probably high, and were acting really crazy. I just observed the dances the rest of the crowd was doing, not sooner enough did I feel two arms snake around my

waist, and a warm chin rest in the curve of my shoulders. I wince, but quickly look towards Drew's body sticking to mine.

"Hey Drew," I say loud enough for him to hear. He keeps his eyes on the crowd, but speaks to me.

"Hey, how's the club?" Drew says in a seductive voice.

"Fine, a little disappointing," I mutter the last part under my breath.

"I can't hear you!" Drew's loud voice snaps me straight.

"I said it's fine!" I don't think he needs to hear the last part.

"Want a drink?!" Drew screams. I pretend not to hear.

"What?!" I ask, cupping a hand around my ear.

"Want a drink?!" he screams into my ear.

"Still can't!" I complain.

"Lets go somewhere else!" Drew says, before I can respond, he's pulling me away. I know Izabela caught a great view of what just happened, and she chose to play the peeping Tom, but I'll get her later.

Drew takes me to the bathroom, a huge and really clean bathroom where they also have a tub! The tub is actually for someone who's drank too much to vomit in, because they're a lot of those accidents happen here.

But most of the time people do it in there, that's what I've heard. Yuck.

Drew sits on the edge of the tub while I sit next to him, awkwardly twiddling with my fingers.

"So, what were you saying?" I asked, trying to stir a conversation.

"Never mind that, tell me more about yourself," Drew says, turning his body to face me. I try to lighten the convo up.

"Um...what's there to know about me? I'm mean, rude, I don't care about anybody, and...yeah, pretty much." I nod my head, interrupted by a boy I don't recognize running into the bathroom, he gets on his knees in front of the toilet, and starts gagging.

"Okay, I am officially out of here!" I state, getting up with Drew.

"Yeah, and I'm behind you," Drew shudders, his eyes stuck on the boy throwing up. He didn't look our age so I'm guessing he was allowed to drink and this so was the aftermath. Euw.

"Don't stare!" I smack him on the arm, he snickers and we leave the boy to his own privacy.

The rest of the double date went as planned, Drew spent the rest of the day next to me, and we ate together with Izabela and Nick, we chatted for a while, I asked Drew if he wanted to dance, but he said no, so I was like, okay, whatever, so while Nick and Izabela danced to the crazy beats of the club, me and Drew snuggled with each other, playing footsie and tickling. It was obviously way better than dancing, and the daggers we got from other teenagers were just so joyous to take, I've never had so much fun in making people jealous, I should try it out more often.

This time, Drew hopped on over to my door and opened it for me. I stepped out of it all high and mightily.

"Thank you," I said sarcastically. We held each other's hands as we walked up to my porch, I didn't know what Drew was planning to do, but it probably had a kiss involved in it. Well, I had made my mind up, I wasn't going to let him get me, not today at least. I was going to make him wait, make him want me more.

Before I knew it, Drew was slowly backing me up against the wall of my house, holding both my hands.

"What are you doing?" I let out in a gasp.

"Giving you a goodnight kiss." Drew leans in, his lips dangerously close to mine. Before they can caress mines, I put my hand in to act as a barrier, he ends up kissing my palm and I giggle. His eyes open, a confused look on my face.

"Sorry, but you haven't showed me that you deserve this kiss," I say, pushing his face further away from mine. The confused expression changes into a playboy smirk.

"Oh, really?" He asks, and I nod. He still goes ahead and wraps his arms around my waist. "But earlier tonight, you were ready to kiss me back, what happened?"

"I changed my mind," I purse my lips together.

"Really, well, what does your Prince Charming have to do in order to...deserve this kiss?" Drew asks, smirking. I scoff at the Prince Charming part.

"Another date," I say, making eye contact with him. Drew nods, thinking it over.

"Where to?" He asks, one of his hand reaches up to fiddle with my curled hair. He coils a bunch in his finger and lets it loose.

"How about the park? I really wanted to ride my bike!" I exclaim, remembering my awesome bike in the basement.

"A bike ride at the park?" He asks, scrunching his eyebrows.

"Depends, do you have a bike?" I ask, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Of course, I guess a bike ride wouldn't be bad." He shrugs, letting his hand fall back to my waist. I love the warm tingles he sends down my body whenever he touches me.

"Then, I guess a date it is," I say.

"So, we can go to our houses after school and bring our bikes, meeting up at the high school park?" Drew confirms.

"Sure." I say, releasing himself from my grip. He doesn't let go at first, but then slowly removes his hands and I walk towards my door, fiddling with the keys.

"See you tomorrow Drew." I say after entering inside my house. Drew stands at the threshold, looking cute and innocent.

"See you Remy." I slowly close the door, smiling to myself.

There was something about Drew that made me smile, that made me attracted to him, who knows, Drew could be a new chapter in my life.


So, what do you guys think, cute?? if i made typos,point them out for me plz, so i can save myself the embarressment. lol, i was sort of depressed after coming back from canada which is why i took a little break in writing, and i was reading more often. These books are on my iphone app of wattpad saved on my library, i suggest reading them.

On my Library right now:

1. Heartbreaker; The Three Month Rule- Just-Krissy

2. Pull My Heart Strings and Call me Yours Forever- Just-Krissy

3. "You're my Stormy Summer" He Whispered- Tattooed-Mistakes

4. She's Someone Elses Special Someone- LuvErChiick

5. I have a Crush on the Hottest, guy at school. Did I mention he's my roommate?-SemyPrecious

6. The Bad Girl is Always more fun-wishingc

7. Spongebob boxers really dude...Really?-jc22312

8. The New Sexy boys in town are virgins?- Blayze

9. The night i woke up to find a vampire in my room; green eyes- Abrocks

10. Sharing a room with four extremely hot, but toally different guys- Abrocks

11. i won a singing competition and now im his mate?!-SPK147

12. War Bites-xXMeXx627

13. Two Twin Boys...FML!-VampireLover269 (Waiting for sequel!!)

14. O.M.F.G I think im falling for my hot enemy- Srhkay.... ;)

15. Standing at the corner...who knew the guy that just paid me...-kyla6772

16. Riding Shotgun with a maniac on the road to crazy- xXMeXx627

17. When one player meets another it becomes one hell of a game- Faerie_Writer

18. the tutor- xXMeXx627

19. My Secret Boyfriend- xXMeXx627

yeah, lol, that's a lot. just wanted to suggest the best stories out there in my view.

so, my question to you is, which ones do you like from those up there?? comment and dont frget to votee!!

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