Endings and Beginnings

By donmaryfan

82.7K 2.6K 411

As Don and Meryl's life as empty nesters end; they embark on a new beginning. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98

Chapter 91

669 25 12
By donmaryfan

Don was tapping his fingers on the table and looked at Larry. "Shouldn't she be back by now? The judge will be back any minute."

"Maybe she needed to feed the babies or something." Larry pointed out. "If there were a problem, Mom or Lizzie would have said so. Peggy is sitting right there."

Don nodded as Mike came over. "Where's Meryl? We're going to start any minute?"

"I don't know." Don sighed frustratedly, and worriedly, as he ran his fingers through his fair. "I'm worried."

Henry patted his father's shoulder and pointed back towards the door. "Meryl Streep, making a grand entrance."

"Thank God." Don said as he saw the judge walk in; he also saw Peggy get up and go towards his wife. "OH...NO!"

Meryl saw Don racing towards her, well as fast as she could, and then Peggy walking towards her. "Don, baby, don't get hurt."

"Sit down, Gummer." A guard said to Peggy, grabbing her and taking her over to her seat. "Don't move."

Don looked at Peggy. "Don't you EVER get near my wife and children ever again."

"I'm okay, Don Man." Meryl assured him with a kiss. "Really."

The judge smacked his gavel. "I saw that, Mrs. Peggy Gummer. Sit. Order. Court is back in session. Thatcher, keep your client in line."

"Yes, sir." Thatcher gave Peggy a look. "I call Mrs. Peggy Gummer to the stand."

Meryl helped Don go sit down."What took so long, M? I was getting worried."

"I'm sorry, D." Meryl whispered as they sat down. "I couldn't get your daughter off my breast."

Don winked at her. "That girl loves to eat. You're really okay?"

"I promise, sweetheart." Meryl said with a kiss to his lips. "I really am; now let's see that bitch get what's coming to her."

Thatcher got up and approached the stand. "Mrs. Gummer, how long has Donald Gummer said that he would leave his wife?"

"Ever since I became pregnant with our son, Harry. For 31 years." Peggy said.

Mike jumped up. "OBJECTION! It has been proven over and over and over that Donald Gummer is NOT the father of Harry Gummer."

"Sustained." Judge Stewart said. "Mrs. Gummer, you are under oath. You perjure yourself and that will only worsen the outcome of your trial."

Meryl squeezed Don's hand harder as Thatcher continued with questioning. "Mrs. Gummer, tell us what your life was like raising your son alone."

"Lonely; the only man I ever loved left me for some blonde shallow bitch." Peggy pretended to cry.

Don looked at Mike. "MIKE! LIES!"

"I can't stop it; she hasn't exactly lied." Mike sighed. "I'll have my chance at her."

Don looked at Meryl. "I'm sorry, baby, you shouldn't have to sit through this shit."

"Neither should you." Meryl kissed his hand.

Peggy continued. "He would tell me over and over how he would leave HER; I guess it didn't matter how many times she spread her legs for another man."

"MIKE!" Don was becoming unglued. "NOT OKAY."

Mike shook his head. "We need to let her go; she's only going to dig herself deeper and deeper. I'm sorry, Meryl."

"If it puts her away then okay." Meryl turned to Don. "Don, you know..."

Don kissed her lips over and over. "Damn fucking lies."

"When Don was here for his parent's wedding about a month ago we met up." Peggy said. "He told me to come for him and to let Mann take Meryl so we could be together. That's why I was in Connecticut."

Don couldn't take it. "You lying fucking whore! I never did that!"

"Mr. Gummer." Judge Stewart smacked the gavel. "Order. I have warned you..."

Meryl pulled Don down. "Baby, don't be thrown in jail...PLEASE!"

"How do you know, Don?" Peggy glared at Meryl and Don. "I thought you had amnesia."

Judge Stewart shook his head. "Mrs. Gummer, I WILL throw you in contempt of court."

"Then maybe Donny and I can finally be together." Peggy swooned.

Judge Stewart looked at Thatcher. "Do you have any substantiated questions or evidence?"

"I am trying to prove that Mrs. Gummer is the victim in all this." Thatcher said.

Judge Stewart watched as Don held Meryl close, kissing her over and over. "Do you have any facts or evidence?"

"No, your honor." Thatcher sighed. "Your witness, DA Brown."

Don wrapped his arm around Meryl as he held her hand with his free one. "Ms. Gummer, you said that when Donald Gummer was here about a month ago that you two met up. When and where was that?"

"It was the Saturday afternoon he was here; the second Saturday in October." Peggy said. "At Patachou downtown."

Mike nodded. "That's funny because Mr. Gummer was at his parent's wedding that I was at; in fact this whole side of the courtroom can corroborate that he wasn't with you."

"Oh, I mean evening." Peggy said.

Mike nodded. "He was also at his parents until he took his wife back to the hotel with their babies; and according to what their daughter-in-law told me, he spent the whole night with his wife and children."

"Well, it happened." Peggy cried. "He wanted Kevin Mann to take her away."

Mike shook his head. "It is hard for me to believe that a man who spoke with such love and commitment earlier today about his wife and children; would want his wife's rapist ANYWHERE near her."

"He was supposed to be mine." Peggy broke down. "I made a mistake by letting him go in the first place. I want him to look at me the way he looks at her. He never did. I wanted to have his babies; not James'. I'm supposed to be his wife, NOT her. If I can't have him then she can't; and he might as well be dead and she might as well be raped!"

Don pulled Meryl even closer to her as she cried into his chest. "It's almost over, baby, it's almost over."

"No more questions your honor." Mike said. "This won't get us anywhere and it is just hurting the TRUE victims here."

The judge nodded. "In that case I am ready for closing arguments and am prepared to render a verdict?"

"Really?" Don looked at Larry. "Today?"

Larry nodded. "It's in the bag."

"I'm ready for this to be over, Don." Meryl choked. "I need to know she won't hurt you ever again."

"Or you." Don whispered with a kiss to her lips. "Stay strong, baby; it's almost over and then we are going to celebrate."

Mike looked at Don and Meryl. "All day we have seen the love and devotion between Donald and Meryl Gummer despite the hell that Peggy Gummer has put them through. She just admitted to trying to get to Don. To leading Meryl's rapist back to her. She's guilty. She has perjured herself on the stand. In order for this family to EVER be safe again then she needs to be in jail. The Gummers had guards placed on their youngest children because she tried to take them away. No man, no husband, no wife, no mother, should fear for their family's life like Peggy Gummer has made Don and Meryl Gummer fear for those. I urge the court to render a guilty verdict."

"First wives are always the victims." Thatcher began as Don looked at Meryl, rolling his eyes. "Mrs. Gummer, was just trying to put her marriage back together. She is the victim and she should not have to suffer anymore."

The judge was writing some things down when Thatcher sat back down. "Peggy Lucas Gummer, please stand." Peggy stood. "I have poured over the evidence, the tapes, the testimonies, the recordings and the transcripts from your previous trial. I am no psychologist, but are deeply disturbed. Had Mrs. Meryl Gummer not gone looking for her husband then in fact you would have killed him." The judge said as Don kissed Meryl's head. "You are a danger to the Gummer family, to your son and to all of society. I hereby mandate psychological counseling as well as life in prison. Court is adjourned."

"Don!" Meryl threw herself in Don's arms. "You did it; she's in jail forever."

Don pulled back and crushed his lips to hers. "No, WE did it. Thank God she can't get to you or the kids."

"Or you." Meryl cried. "Is all this shit really over?"

Don couldn't resist her lips again. "It really is, sweetheart. Harry is in jail. Peggy and Kevin will be in prison for the rest of their miserable lives. James is dead. It is all over, baby. I love you so much; thank you for saving my life."

"Thank you for saying mine." Meryl helped him up as they hugged their family.

Don hugged his adoptive father. "Thank you for loving my family; and keeping us safe."

"Your family is my family." Mike said hugging Meryl and giving her a kiss on the cheek. "We need to celebrate."

Brad and Jane were hugging their son, daughter-in-law and grandkids. "Celebration tonight at our house; EVERYONE!"


"Where are we going?" Meryl laughed as she followed her husband out onto the deck of the first floor of his parents' house. "The party is for us. Our kids are here."

Don shook his head as he continued his trek. "They are all busy with their cousins; and our babies are being fussed over by the grandparents Gummers and Browns; I needed a moment alone with my wife."

"Out here?" Meryl asked as she followed him. "Don, you can't go out on the dock on crutches!"

Don laughed at his wife as he went out on the deck as far as he could and sat down, pulling her to sit on his good leg. "Then we'll need to just sit here."

"Am I hurting you?" Meryl asked in concern since she was sitting on his lap; though not on his good leg. She smiled as he shook his head. "Then what are we doing out here? The party is celebrating you and finally being rid of Peggy; I think they will notice it if you're gone."

Don shook his head as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "This celebration is for BOTH of us. If it hadn't been for my gutsy wife then we NEVER would have found out who was responsible."

"I couldn't let someone do this to you and get away with it." Meryl whispered as she pressed her forehead to hers. "I just followed my gut."

Don tenderly kissed her lips and winked at her. "Which is right all the time."

"Why did we come out here?" Meryl asked turning so she was leaning back on his good side. "It is pretty peaceful, though."

Don kissed her cheek and whispered in her ear. "Over 30 years ago I brought you and Hen to this lake when we were dealing with shit from Peggy, James and Mann. Remember what I told you when I brought you here?"

"Of course I do." Meryl whispered as she leaned her head back against his shoulder. "You said you used to come here when you were younger wondering if there was a better life for you out there somewhere."

Don nodded as he took her earlobe in his mouth and kissed it. "I came out here the day I decided enough was enough and to divorce Peggy. It had been really windy that day; but the moment I made that decision a calm came over the lake. It was the best decision I ever made because that is when I decided I wanted to move to the East Coast and pursue my dream of being an artist; I never in my wildest dreams thought that dream would lead me to the ultimate dream-you, our family." Don kept on even when he could tell she was crying. "You are literally the BEST thing to EVER happen to me. I guess I just wanted to bring my ultimate dream, YOU, out here where I decided to follow my dreams. My ultimate dream, YOU, then gave me the greatest gifts of my life with all 9 of our children. You made my dreams of having a big family, from the moment I met you, come true. You've made all my dreams come true, Darl."

"You've made all mine come true; even the dreams I didn't know I had until I met you-you made those come true as well." Meryl turned her face to him. "I love you so damn much, Donald Gummer. I love you more and more everyday. I have no idea what I would ever do without and these dreams you made come true for me; that's why I had to do it. That's why I had to confront Mann. That's why I had to find out who was trying to take you away from me, from us; because I absolutely can't let that happen."

Don shook his head as he wiped away her tears. "It won't, sweetheart; neither of us will let that happen. There is also something else I wanted to make sure you heard from me."

"What's that?" Meryl asked as she got comfortable in his embrace again and leaned her head back against his shoulder. "You can always tell me ANYTHING, D Man."

Don smirked as he kissed her cheek. "Everything Harry and Peggy and their lawyers said were lies. I know that there are only a few things from these past 11 months that I remember; but there are certain things I know to be true. I know that I will love and protect you and our children until my last breath and beyond. I also know this to be true." Don choked as he turned her head towards his. "You are the ONLY woman I have ever truly loved. You are the only woman who excites me; who brings me to life. All I need to be happy is you and our children by my side. I don't care if we go broke. I don't care if after Mann we wouldn't have been able to make love or have anymore children. All I have ever wanted, all I have ever NEEDED, is you to share in life with. I would NEVER in a million years think of cheating on you, sweetheart, that is NOT me. That is NOT your Don Man."

"Oh, baby." Meryl turned and carefully straddled his lap, being mindful of his bad leg. "I know that, Don Man; I know that better than anything. I also know this to be true: that I will love you and our children with everything I am and everything I have even after I take my last breath. That you are the reason I am alive and living this amazing dream with the man of my dreams. We are getting those 11 months back for you, baby; I just know it. Even if we don't, we are together and more in love with each other and our children than ever and THAT is all I ever want. THAT is all I have truly ever needed. I just need you and our children, baby. I couldn't let someone take you away from me. I just couldn't."

Don pulled her head to his as he crushed his lips to hers; he needed to touch her. He needed to feel her. He also knew she needed the same thing. "Love...you."

"Love you..." Meryl moaned as she squirmed against his lap. "So much."

Hands and lips were roaming over each others bodies and Don knew he needed to stop it; which was the last thing in the world he wanted to do. He regretfully pulled away and placed a tender kiss on her forehead. "Sorry, I got a little carried away."

"I love it when WE get carried away." Meryl flirted; and then realized she was straddling him. "I'm not hurting you am I?"

Don shook his head as he kept her in place. "I like having you on top of me like this."

"I want you so badly, Don." Meryl sighed into his mouth. "I'm so sorry we.."

Don placed his finger over her lips. "Don't you dare apologize, Mary Louise Gummer. You bringing our babies in this world almost made us lose you. You need to completely heal first. I can't let anything happen to you."

"I love you for that." Meryl sighed. "But your wife needs her husband."

Don ran his lips and tongue over her face. "I'm right here baby, and I'm not going ANYWHERE."

"Don Man." Meryl sighed as she gently pushed him away. "That's really not helping."

Don laughed as he patted her ass. "Sorry; actually no, I'm not."

"Come on, love of my life." Meryl flirted as she got off his lap and then helped him stand up and situate his crutches. "Let's go check on our big, and loud, family we created."

Don gave her his trademark lop sided grin. "Sounds like a plan to me."


Everyone was having a great time at Brad and Jane's. The Browns were all there as well as Don's brothers and their wives and their children. Brad and Jane absolutely loved having their home so full with love and laughter. Meryl loved watching Don have so much fun with his father and his brothers; she had longed to see that and now that he was having it she didn't want to tear him away for anything, not even when the babies needed to eat. So she decided to take them into their bedroom to nurse them. It didn't take Don to notice 3 of the most people to him were gone. He went over to his sister-in-law, Julie. "Hey, where's Meryl? Last I knew you had Brady boy."

"And his mother took him from me." Julie teased; but she could see the worry in his face. "They're fine, Donny G. They were just getting hungry so she went in to the bedroom to feed them."

Don continued to have a frown on his face. "I wonder why she didn't come to get me."

"She said she didn't want to bother you because you were having a good time." Julie could still see the worry on his face. "Don't worry, I carried Brady in there for her; I know she's not supposed to carry them both at once."

Don kissed Julie's cheek. "Thanks for helping; I'm gonna go check on them."

"You've done good, Donny." Julie choked. "You've done really good considering how you were raised."

Don winked at his sister-in-law. "Thanks, Jules; that means alot. I'm going to go help with my babies. We'll be back soon."


"I'm glad you're eating more, Brady boy." Meryl whispered as she rocked her son and fed him; not knowing her husband came in. "You make your mama worry when you don't eat like your sister; but you were bigger than her. Just eat and grow big and strong. That's all Mama wants; I am so glad you and your sister are doing so well. It's quieter in here, isn't it? Mama needed some quiet with her babies; and Daddy needed to spend time with his family so it's just us this feeding."

Don smiled at the tenderness and love in his wife's voice as their son nursed. "Now, this is a beautiful sight."

"Hey there, handsome." Meryl smiled when she saw her husband close the door and hobble further in to the room. "What are you doing in here? I thought you were spending time with your brothers."

Don winked as he hobbled over to the bed, then reached for the bassinet rolling it closer to him so he could pick up Mags; snuggling his baby girl and kissing her when he did. "I was missing 3 of my favorite people. How come you didn't let me know they needed to eat? I would have helped you."

"I know you would have, Don Man." Meryl smiled softly. "But I wanted you to have some time with your brothers and Julie helped me bring them in here; which I'm guessing she told you."

Don smiled with a laugh. "She did; and I wanted to get away from the noise as well. It is more peaceful in here."

"Eavesdropper." Meryl winked. "I'm glad you found us."

Don winked at her as he started changing Mags. "You better be. She needs a change?"

"Yeah baby, thank you." Meryl smiled softly. "Maggie was talking about having the whole family over tomorrow night. The kids are going to stay here tonight; which I am glad about. Not just having us all together, but I could tell how much that meant to your mom."

Don nodded as he proceeded to change their daughter. "I'm glad about that as well; I know how much that means to my mom. However, there's no reason why we can't leave tomorrow. I figured we would."

"Baby, you have had a really long and traumatic day in addition to Monday." Meryl said with concern. "I think it would be good to stick around here tomorrow. You can rest. The babies can have some one on one time with us since things have been kind of crazy this week. The kids are planning on staying. We can have some family time."

Don snuggled Mags to his chest. "What about Lou and school?"

"She has the work and she's doing it." Meryl said. "This is where she wanted to be; and talked to all of her professors."

Don looked at her with worry. "She didn't say why did she? I don't want you to end up in the rags."

"Calm down, Papa Bear." Meryl teased. "No, she didn't."

Don was still thinking this through. "What about yours and the babies check ups? That's too important."

"When I knew we were coming here I moved it to Monday." Meryl reminded him.

Don nodded. "That's right; sorry, things are still kind of jumbled."

"I know, baby." Meryl smiled at him as she brought Brady to her shoulder to burp him and she covered herself back up. "That's why I think it would be a good idea to stay another day. I know how much you want to get home, as do I; I just think this would be best for everyone."

Don leaned forward and kissed her lips. "You have been through hell as well and could get some extra rest. Okay."

"Okay." Meryl winked. "Let's go join the party now that these babies have full tummies. We'll pull the monitor up on my phone and leave them in here to sleep. Maybe they'll sleep all night."

Don laughed as Meryl put both babies in the bassinet one at a time. "Ha, we'll see, Darl; we'll see."


"Where is our granddaughter?" Don asked Henry and Suzie when they came back downstairs to join the family. "On Gummer overload?"

Brad laughed. "That's easy to do."

"She is passed out." Henry said happily.

Suzie nodded as she sat down next to her husband and joined the rest of the family. "Maybe she'll sleep all night."

"Hasn't she been sleeping all night?" Meryl asked her daughter-in-law. "I thought she was."

Henry nodded as he grabbed a beer from the coffee table. "She was."

"Then she hit 6 months and it's like she's a newborn again." Suzie said.

Louisa laughed. "Just like her daddy."

"Funny, Lou." Henry teased.

Mamie teased her brother. "I don't know, Hen; you can be infant like at times."

"We're the mature ones." Grace teased.

Henry looked at his parents. "I believe I asked you to bring a baby brother home when you brought Grace home."

"We did." Don said smartly.

Meryl nodded as she leaned her head on her husband's shoulder. "Just 26 years later."

"See? I am the favorite." Henry teased. "They gave me what I wanted."

Brad shook his head at his grandchildren. "You kids are a perfect blend of Streep and Gummer."

"You have no idea." Maggie laughed.

Mike nodded. "The stories we could tell."

"We have all night." Jane smiled.

Brad nodded as he wrapped his arm around his wife. "Tell away."

"I really like this." Meryl whispered to Don as they watched their kids tease and tell stories with the rest of their family. "When has it ever been like this here?"

Don turned to her and shook his head. "Never; thank you for all this, baby."

"Thank you." Meryl whispered with a kiss to his lips. "I'm glad you have this; I'm glad we all have this."

Larry threw popcorn at his friends. "Enough of that."

"That is how you got the sleeping babies in your bedroom." Liz teased.

Louisa pulled a gross face. "Haven't we been traumatized by you two sucking face enough?"

"Oh we can definitely traumatize you some more." Don teased as he kissed his wife's neck.

Meryl giggled and carefully pushed him away; mindful of his still present injuries. "Down, Don Man, down."

And with that the big, noisy, and happy family enjoyed celebrating and finding a new path as a family.


Meryl and Don were in bed cuddling when Don kissed the top of her head. "I had a great time with everyone tonight."

"I can't tell you how happy that makes me, Don Man." Meryl whispered with a kiss to his neck.

Don was rubbing her arms. "Baby, are you okay it being just the 4 of us when we get home? It won't be too much for you?"

"I honestly can't wait, Don Man." Meryl said as she leaned her chin on his shoulder to look at him. "Finally, all four of us; just the four of us. Yeah, it was nice having your parents' help there and here. But I want to get back to our life. I also think some calm and normalcy will help you remember."

Don tenderly kissed her lips as he stroked her hair. "I don't want you to be disappointed if I don't."

"If you don't remember, baby; it is fine with me. I have you with us and that's all I want." Meryl said honestly. "I just know you will."

Don decided to change the subject; because he couldn't bear the thought of letting her down if he didn't remember. "So, your 6 week postpartum is Monday as well as the babies' check up? I'm going."

"Yes, it is." Meryl kissed his lips. "I want you there; then maybe that night we can finally make love, it's been so damn long and I need you so badly, baby."

Don couldn't believe he was going to turn down her kisses; but he was. "Baby, if we aren't that's okay. I mean you had to have surgery again almost 3 weeks after almost dying bringing our babies into this world in order to save me. I can wait."

"I can't." Meryl said making him laugh.

Don was thinking about a promise he made to her. "You know, I know I'm the one whose been saying we need to be home. We need to have normal. We need the babies on schedule. However, I think I owe my girl a trip to Maine."

"You remember that? Us planning to go to Maine after the babies were born?" Meryl's face lit up as he he nodded. "I guess you do."

Don laughed as he stroked her prominent cheekbones. "I don't remember everything from these past 11 months; but I do remember making that promise to you."

"And you don't break your promises." Meryl smirked. "Baby, that was before; don't feel like..."

Don silenced her with a kiss. "I want to. So, how about it? Only if you and the babies check out alright."

"I think it is a fabulous. idea; and I can't wait." Meryl beamed. "Then we can make love."

Don cupped her face in his hands. "I mean it, Darl; if we can't that's fine. I just want this for us."

"Me too, baby." Meryl kissed his lips as she grabbed her phone. "Let's start planning it now." Don and Meryl spent the rest of the night planning a vacation with their babies that they had been hoping to have for months. Both fell asleep in each others arms, lulled to sleep by their babies' breathing, feeling more relaxed and content and peace fulled than they had in weeks.


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