Chapter 84

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Don and Meryl were sitting hand in hand as Harry walked up to the witness stand. Meryl turned to Don. "Thank you."

"What?" Don was a little caught off guard. "What for?"

Meryl whispered as Harry was being sworn in. "For being the best damn husband and father in the world; I have no idea what I did right in this life to get you, but thank god I have you."

"Thank god I have you." Don whispered with a kiss to her lips. "You saved me; you do save me. It's always been you, M."

Meryl nodded as she swallowed past her tears. "I feel the same way, D."

"Mr. Gummer." Lee began. "Tell us about your childhood."

Harry struggled. "My mother tried; but it was difficult. She was ruined because as she often said 'the only man I ever loved left me for some shallow actress.'"

"Mike." Don hissed as he was already losing his cool. "We separated 11 years before I even MET Meryl.

Mike was writing something down as he jumped up. "Objection! It has already been proven that Donald Gummer and Peggy Gummer formally separated in 1967 when Mr. Gummer filed for divorce; and in those papers the court has, it cited Peggy Gummer's infidelity as the primary reason for the dissolution of their marriage. Mr. Gummer didn't marry Meryl Gummer until September of 1978. In 1967 Meryl Gummer was graduating from high school in New Jersey; while Mr. Gummer was living here in Indianapolis. They didn't even meet each other until the late spring of 1978."

"Your honor." Lee began. "Harry Gummer is telling us his reality growing up."

The judge nodded. "I'll allow it."

"It's okay, baby." Meryl whispered as she rubbed Don's shoulders and kissed his cheek. "I know the truth."

Don wrapped his arm around his wife as Harry continued on. "My mother would show me pictures of my father with his other family; accompanying his other wife at fancy events and pictures of him with his other wife and other children. That is what she always called them."

"Mike?" Don asked again.

Mike shook his head and whispered to both Don and Meryl. "We all know that is a lie; however, the judge has already allowed this."

"Mike will get his chance, sweetheart." Meryl whispered in Don's ear. "This won't stick."

Don nodded as Lee continued. "Harry, who is your father according to your mother?"

"That man." Harry pointed to Don. "Donald Gummer."

Mike jumped up. "Your honor, it has already been proven that Donald Gummer is NOT Harry Gummer's father."

"Your honor." Lee jumped in. "I asked Harry who his MOTHER said his father was. I am trying to show how Harry Gummer grew up."

The judge nodded. "Once again, I'll allow it."

"Mr. Gummer, was your father a part of your life?" Lee asked Harry.

Mike shook his head as he saw Don getting upset again. "There's nothing I can do, Don; the judge keeps allowing it."

"No, he wasn't." Harry said. "We would often drive out to his home in Connecticut, even going to his home in California. We would go when he was working in Japan and Germany. Always staying in the background."

Don looked at Meryl with big eyes. "Meryl, I didn't know that."

"I know you didn't, baby." Meryl whispered to him. "This is all James and Peggy; we can't even blame Harry for this. He was a child."

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