Endings and Beginnings

By donmaryfan

82.7K 2.6K 411

As Don and Meryl's life as empty nesters end; they embark on a new beginning. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98

Chapter 90

590 23 6
By donmaryfan

Don and Meryl were sitting in court, along with the rest of their family, as they were waiting for it to start. Don held Meryl's hand in his and he could feel her shaking; and he turned to her in concern, cupping her face in his hands. "Darl, are you okay?"

"I'm nervous." Meryl whispered as she chewed on her bottom lip. "I don't want what happened to you on Monday to happen today. The way you were sweating and shaking and not moving while you were sleeping..."

Don wiped away a few of her stray tears as he kissed her lips. "Baby, that was because I remembered that day; and the sheer exhaustion caused by my brain trauma. You took amazing care of me and I feel even better. Besides, the court doctor checked me out a little while ago and I'm okay."

"They are absolutely awful to you." Meryl sighed looking over at Peggy. "If she takes you away..."

Don turned her head towards him and pressed his forehead to hers. "Look at me; don't look at her. She won't. No one EVER will. I really will be okay, Darl."

"The prosecution calls Mr. Donald Gummer to the stand." Mike said. "Don."

Meryl helped Don up and buttoned his suit coat. "I love you, my Don Man; I'm right here."

"You always have been; and I know you always will be." Don replied with a wink and then a kiss to her lips. "I love you, my girl."

Henry went up to sit next to his mother and wrapped his arm around her. "He'll be fine, you know."

"You didn't see him the other day after he remembered." Meryl said wiping away her tears. "It really scared me."

Henry rubbed his mother's back. "He's done the hard work. I can tell by the way he's looking at me right now that he is more worried about you."

"That's my Don Man." Meryl smiled weakly at her husband. "Always so worried about me."

Don took a deep breath as Mike began. "Mr. Gummer, please tell us when you were married to Peggy Gummer; and what that was like."

"We married when we were 20 years old; and it only lasted a year." Don began. "I came from a very unhappy home. Peggy and I had dated in high school and I was desperate to make a new life for myself and to get out of my childhood home; so we got married. I never loved her, not really. She was awful to be married to; and was continually cheating on me. People who I called my chosen parents." Don smiled at Mike. "And my grandfather said there was someone out there who really loved me. I wasn't sure. I thought the divorce was mutual but I was the one who filed; and I just trusted after I signed the papers it was all taken care of. I have regretted that so many times." Don looked at Meryl. "Not filing for divorce that's not what I regret; that is the BEST thing that EVER happened to me. I regret trusting her that it was finalized. Anyways, I was ready to start over so went to art school in Boston and then got my masters at Yale. I then met Harry Streep the Third who introduced me to his sister, Meryl. She is the BEST thing to EVER have happened to me. After everything with Peggy I never wanted to have kids, a family, or even get married. That was until I went to a movie screening and met the love of my life; I immediately knew she was who I was always supposed to be with, and I couldn't wait to have children with her. I didn't know what true love was until I met her. I didn't know what peace and contentment and happiness were until I met her. When I found out I wasn't legally divorced from Peggy my devastation stemmed from the fear of  losing the best thing to ever happen to me, the only woman who was ever meant to be my wife-Meryl."

Mike smiled tenderly at Meryl. "Did you?"

"Never; neither of us would let that happen." Don took a calming breath. "We knew we didn't need a damn piece of paper to validate the love we share; or the family we were creating."

Mike nodded. "When did you realize Peggy hadn't given up on you?"

"I guess when she smacked Meryl when we were out here and Hen was like 4 months old or so." Don choked. "I was so furious and devastated. I never wanted my past or family to hurt Meryl or our children; though it has over and over. Nothing breaks me like when my wife and children are hurting."

Mike nodded. "Let's move forward to Peggy Gummer's trial after your wife's rape. You don't have to relieve your wife and son's kidnapping but tell us about what happened when Peggy attacked your wife in the bathroom during the trial in this very courthouse."

"Objection!" Thatcher popped up. "Mrs. Gummer was already tried for those crimes and paid her time."

Mike shook his head. "I am showing the pattern."

"I'll allow it." Judge Stewart said. "Mr. Gummer, please answer."

Don was trying not to cry as he saw his wife crying. "Meryl went to use the restroom and I felt it was taking her too long. This wasn't long after her rape and I was worried. Peggy came out and made some comments about Meryl and I realized she had done something to her. I ran into the women's restroom and saw my wife in a heap on the floor; crying hysterically. It broke me when she thought I would leave her when I found out what Peggy said."

"Why was she afraid of that?" Mike asked.

Don wiped his tears. "My wife knows that hers and our children's safety are my number one priority; and if I thought I was hurting them it would kill me. I assured her I would NEVER leave; no matter how much I hate what my family and ex-wife had done to the love of my wife, and our baby boy. It was recorded on a security camera that Peggy admitted to leading Kevin Mann to us; helping him to capture my wife and son which lead to her rape. She said that they wanted Mann to rape her so...so..."

"It's okay, baby." Meryl choked with a nod. "You can say it."

Don nodded as silent tears streamed down his face. "So badly that I never wanted to be with her again. I don't care if that were to happen; our marriage isn't about sex. I just need to share life with her; as I know she needs to share life with me. It broke me that people from my past aided in hers and my son's terror; and her rape. However, it brought us even closer together."

"Let's move forward." Mike said. "To your accident. You remembered what happened the other day as that had been wrapped up in your amnesia. Your wife was sure she knew Kevin Mann was involved. How did you feel when you heard that it was also your ex-wife and half brother?"

Don shook his head. "I was so overwhelmed; all I could think about was keeping my wife and children safe. Everything was so jumbled. My brave wife was the one who found out who was involved; and I was furious. All I want is for my family to be left alone. I walked away from Peggy the day I signed those papers, that's what divorce is; and she should have done the same."

"You don't need to go into what happened that day before the accident as your wife and daughter-in-law already have talked about it." Mike said. "Tell us about your accident."

Don nodded. "I just needed to clear my head; and give my older children some time. Yes, I was hurt. I was also worried about my wife and our babies after everything we had gone through. I noticed the roads were slick but I was being very careful. I was going to the marina which holds special memories for me and Meryl. I looked in my rearview mirror and noticed I was being followed. Then I panicked when I saw Peggy driving and Harry in the passenger seat. I needed to get back to my wife and kids; terrified for their safety. Next thing I knew this car hit me and I slid; I tried to correct it but I slid into the tree. The rest is an outer body experience; like I was watching it all happen from somewhere spa above. I remember saying my wife's name and hearing my phone ring right after it happened; but I couldn't move. I could hear Meryl screaming for me when she found me. I wanted to tell her to get away and be safe; but I couldn't move, I couldn't talk. Then when I felt the fire I thought that was it. I just wanted my wife to get away and be safe; but she saved my life. She put her own in jeopardy to save mine. I remember feeling so relieved when she covered my body with hers; and then I heard an explosion. I tried to wrap my arms around her to keep her safe but couldn't, I couldn't move. She saved my life that day like she has done so many times. Suzie explained about our injuries. My wife didn't leave my side. I could hear her talking to me. She has helped me through amnesia and an awfully broken leg. There is NO way I could have gotten through ANY of this, including the past 34 years, without the love of my life. My girl. My Meryl."

"He's laying it on kind of thick isn't he?" Henry teased his mother.

Meryl wiped away her tears as she smirked at her son. "That's my Don Man."

"What happened earlier today when you went to check on your youngest two children?" Mike asked. "Can you describe that to us?"

Don had been waiting for this. "During a break, M and I were going to check on our babies. Needing to love on them after the awful accusations that were hurled at me this morning." Mike looked to see if Thatcher was going to object but she didn't. "I'm still hobbling along on crutches so Meryl saw Peggy trying to get into a private office where our babies are being cared for before I did. Peggy was going for the door but Meryl jumped in front of her. We both knew what Peggy was after-our babies. Meryl said NO; and Peggy said she was coming to get what was hers. I hobbled over to them, I had no idea how a criminal was left unguarded; but I told her not to think about getting near any of mine and MERYL'S children; or my wife. My wife wanted me to go get a guard but after Peggy admitting to wanting my wife dead there was no way I was going to leave her alone. Meryl told me it wasn't going to happen and she basically stuck up for me and our marriage; calling her on everything she's done to us."

"That's pretty brave." Mike said.

Don smiled at his wife. "That's my wife. Peggy then took a step towards Meryl and called her a "self righteous white trash bitch" and I lifted my crutch in between them to protect Meryl. I warned Peggy AGAIN to stay away from my wife and called for guards. Peggy insinuated to Meryl that she was just she rebound and asked her about our intimate life after what Kevin Mann did. My wife has NEVER been a rebound to me; she is who I was always supposed to be with. The fact that she brought up my wife's rape not only crushed me, but it also infuriated me. I am so tired of people throwing her rape in her face. Once again, I don't care if we never could have been intonate again; all I have EVER wanted is my wife and out children."

"What happened then?" Mike asked.

Don was wiping away his tears as he took a deep breath. "I yelled for guards again and tried to get Meryl away then Peggy asked MY WIFE whose name I call out when we're together. I couldn't take anymore. If Peggy wasn't going to leave I was going to remove her; but my wife stopped me. DA Brown, Larry Brown and guards ran up at this point and got her away so I could spend some time with my wife and our babies. What Peggy insinuated is beyond sick and so far from the truth."

"Thank you, Mr. Gummer." Mike said. "Is there anything else you would like to say?"

Don looked at Meryl and his children with tears in his eyes as he twirled his wedding band. "For 34 years all I have wanted is to live a life of love and happiness with my wife and our children; which we have. However, there has always been this cloud over us and part of that cloud is Peggy. She has admitted to wanting my wife dead. To trying to lead my wife's rapist back to her. She's tried to kill me. I am just so grateful Meryl and none of our children, or our granddaughter, were in the car with me. I truly feel that my family will only be safe if Peggy is locked up. I need that for my family; and for my own peace of mind."

"Thank you, Mr. Gummer." Mike said. "Your witness counselor."

Don saw Meryl smile at him as Thatcher got up; and he gave her a wink back. "Mr. Gummer, don't you feel like you owe Peggy Gummer for stringing her along?"

"I have never strung along Peggy LUCAS." Don said. "I filed for divorce to free both of us; that should have been it. However, she has terrorized my family ever since. If anything, she owes something to us."

Thatcher pressed on. "What about those secret meet ups? The promises to leave your wife?"

"Excuse me?" Don boomed. "I have NEVER met with her in secret or promised to leave my wife. As I have said, my wife is the BEST thing to have happened to me. I would NEVER. I wish to GOD that I had NEVER married Peggy Lucas. But my wife points out that the things we went through before we met is what lead us to each other."

Thatcher wasn't backing down. "Mr. Gummer, it has been proven that you have amnesia. So, how can you say that you would NEVER do that?"

"Mike!" Meryl choked. "These lies are outrageous."

Mike reached over to hold Meryl's hand in his. "Don will take care of it."

"Yes, Ms. Thatcher, I have amnesia." Don started. "The amnesia is just the past 11 months. I may not remember those 11 months but I know myself; and I know my marriage. I NEVER would have done that. I may not remember the last 10 months; but I remember the 65 years before that. I remember coming alive when I met my wife. I remember only wanting my wife and children in this life. I remember touching my wife for the first time. I remember feeling at home whenever I am with her and our children. So YES, Ms. Thatcher, when I say I would NEVER do that I mean it. These are all lies. Me telling my wife to have an abortion is a damn hurtful lie. Me wanting anyone else in this life besides my wife is an outright LIE. The proof is there. Peggy is guilty; and I'm tired of my wife and I being punching bags AGAIN!"

The judge looked at Thatcher. "Any more questions?"

"No more questions your honor." Thatcher said.

The judge nodded as he looked at his watch. "I want to move this forward. Mr. Gummer, do you physically feel like we can go on with the trial today?"

"Yes, your honor." Don nodded. "I would like my family to be able to move forward as soon as possible."

The judge nodded. "We will reconvene in 15 minutes with the defense's witness."

"Go." Henry said to his mom when the judge smacked his gavel.

Meryl quickly went over to her husband and placed a strong kiss on his lips. "God, I am so glad you moved to the east coast all those years ago."

"We still would have found each other, Darl." Don assured her with his Don Gummer smile. "I fully believe that."

Meryl nodded as she stroked his cheek. "Me too, baby."

"Darl, about what I said about our intimate..." Don trailed off.

Meryl shook her head as she kissed his lips. "Was beautiful; don't think twice about it. Everything you said was perfect."

"Now we just have to get through Peggy's testimony." Don sighed.

Meryl nodded as she wiped away invisible lent from his suit jacket. "And we will. Have I told you yet today how damn much I love you and how proud I am to be your wife, Gummer?"

"As a matter of fact you have; but I do love hearing it." Don smirked.

Meryl stood up on her tip toes and pressed her forehead to his. "I love you more than anything, Don Man; and I am so damn proud to be your wife and the mother of our many children."

"Nothing makes me happier to be your husband; and the father of your children, my girl." Don whispered with a kiss to her lips. "I happen to love and adore you, too."

Meryl smirked at him. "Adore? Did I say adore?"

"No; but you do." Don said proudly.

Meryl threw her head back and laughed. "That I do. Come on, let's go get you sat down and I'll go check on the babies real quick before we start again."

"I'll go with you." Don said as they walked back towards the table. "I don't want you alone."

Meryl looked over to the defense table. "She's in handcuffs and they won't let her leave unguarded again; besides there's guards outside Mike's office. You need to sit and rest your leg."

"I'm really okay, Darl." Don insisted. "I can come with you."

Meryl shook her head as their kids rushed over. "I think your fan club wants to tell you how much they love you. I'll be back."

"Be safe." Don said as his kids did indeed rush over to their parents, hugging their mother as she walked off and embracing their father and telling him how proud they were of him; and what an amazing job he did. Don was feeling better and better; thinking he really was getting their life back.


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