Burning Love ~ A johndave fan...

By thatgeekygirl2001

63.7K 3K 1.4K

Dave has a problem. He was born with the power to control fire, into a city who aren't very accepting to the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 6 part 2
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chatper 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
The Cat and the Spongebob - Authors Note
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter Update, Update
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
A few things to address
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Yet another update + Article 13
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 27

635 30 40
By thatgeekygirl2001

The streets were filled with dressed up children, parading door to door in hopes of scoring some sweets or deciding to egg a house, like twats.

Dave and Rose walked down a series of roads to a large haunted house, the house itself was an ancient mansion that'd been abandoned for years, so the community decided to do it up for occasions like this.

As the Human Torch and a wizard approached the haunted house they saw a witch frantically waving at them. It was Jade, she was standing with Karkat, who had dressed as some take on Jesus but wasn't really Jesus, like an oc jesus but it's not an original design just a recolour.

Dave didn't actually know what Kanaya was dressed up as and didn't actually want to ask for fear of being rude.

Rose greeted Kanaya with a 'hey babe' and started talking with each other.

"So what exactly are you, Karkat?" Dave looked his friend over, slightly judging the costume in his head.

"I'm a work of art Dave, it's about fucking time you realise that."

Everyone's conversations were interrupted by the arrival of John, who was dressed up as a Ghostbuster, vacuum cleaner and all.

While everyone was talking with each other Dave swore he saw John look over at him at least once, or twice, or a whole bunch of times, and Dave had just remembered he was wearing a skin tight leotard that was moderately uncomfortable.

Dave couldn't question anything though because they had all been ushered into the haunted house.

Everyone had started together, the haunted house not being particularly scary, but eventually everyone had drifted off doing their own thing, Rose and Kanaya looking for some alone time, Karkat going to get food because holy shit does fake Jesus work up some hunger, and Jade had gotten lost, poor Jade.

Dave, conveniently was left with John,  totally and utterly alone, apart from the other people in the haunted house.

John had been acting slightly on edge, he was more quiet than usual and looked like he'd rather be anywhere else. Dave, on the other hand, had started freaking out, thinking John somehow found out about his powers and now hated him, or just straight up didn't like him for some reason.

"Hey," John finally spoke, shifting where he stood, "can we head outside for a bit? I just want to get some fresh air."

"Oh yeah sure, dude." Dave said, following John out the back door of the attraction where a small buffet had been set up with some halloween cookies and such.

Dave grabbed some cookies and apple juice, making himself quite comfy on one of the lawn chairs set out. John laughed at him, earning him a puzzled look from Dave.

"You look like a child with your juice and cookies." John laughed and sat close to him on a different chair.

"Hey, i enjoy the small wonders of life. Some aj and cookies? It's fucking happiness in a snack." Dave bit into a cookie.

He notices after a few minutes that John had been staring at him, not in a rude way but more gazing, admiring one would say, Dave didn't realise it was more admiring though. Dave's a bit slow.

"What?" Dave managed to say, mouth full of cookie.

"It's rude to speak with your mouth full, Dave."

"Wow thanks mom, I'll keep that in mind next time, truly great parenting I'm so lucky."

By now Dave's mouth had been de-cookied and he could now use his mouth like a normal human being. Another silence fell between them, John still staring at Dave.

Dave felt his heart pounding, he wasn't sure why, it was just one of those situations where a pounding heart seems appropriate.

Then all of a sudden John leaned in, only inches away from Dave's face, then he leaned in even closer.

That's when the backdoor swung open to reveal the gang. Dave jumped back from the fright and left out the breath he had been holding.

"We're heading down to the ice cream parlour if you two want to come!" Jade beamed, she loved hanging out with her friends and hoped they'd join.

"Um, yeah, why not?" John stood up, and walked towards them quickly, Dave followed behind.

"Cookies and now ice cream? Jade you really know how to treat me. It's official everyone Jade's getting Mayor in the inheritance." Dave laughed as Karkat protested to his statement, saying that he loved Mayor just as much as Jade and it should be equal custody.

John was silent most of the way to the parlour, he didn't participate much in conversation.

At the parlour there was an uncomfortable silence between John and Dave throughout the evening, no one really picked up on it except Karkat, who sent quizzical looks between the two throughout the evening.

He made note to ask Dave about it later.

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