The Shelter|Frerard|

By childestiddies69

23.9K 381 239

Gerard is a neko. Half human half cat. He's lived in a shelter/cage for 10 years of his life. He's been abuse... More

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780 13 3
By childestiddies69

Wow I'm a horrible writer I'm so sorry

Franks POV

Today is the day, the day Gee has to go to a mental hospital. I sigh to myself, closing the door to my car. I start the engine and drive off to get Gerard. I look over to the passenger seat and see one of his stuffies he left in the car. I quickly pick it up and put it with the rest of his things.

As I arrive, I feel a hot tear fall down my cheek. Walking inside, I see a lady talking to Gerard's nurse. "Oh, Frank! You are right on time." She says, smiling. "On time for what?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. "To take Gerard to his hospital." She says. I feel like my heart is slowly breaking each day now that he will be with strangers and I won't be there. I sigh and nod, following the nurse to Gees room. I walk in and see him asleep, his ears twitching. I smile to myself and waltz toward his bed. "Gerard?" I whisper, nudging his shoulder slightly. I hear him groan and whine. "It's Frankie, Gee." I say, finally seeing him open his eyes. "Hi, Frankie." He says with a smile. "Hello, baby boy." I reply back, rubbing his head. "So, now that Gerard is awake, he can get ready to leave. Do you have his things?" She asked. "Yes, it's in my car." I sigh. He nods with a big smile and leaves to room, leaving me and Gerard alone.


"Okay, you ready?" I ask, as he gets into the car. He doesn't respond, just nods. "Hey, I will be visiting you everyday of the two weeks you'll be here." I say, rubbing his ears. He lets a soft purr escape his lips.

As we arrive and this huge looking building. I start to hear small cries come from my right. "Baby, it'll be okay." I say, trying to comfort him. He gives me a tight hug, and doesn't let go for about two minutes. "Cmon, let's go." I mumble, letting go of him. We walk inside and immediately, a short blonde woman walks up to us. "Hello, are you Gerard?" She asked him, his ears bend down to his head, then he hides behind me. "He is." I say, looking at him. "Okay, follow me." She says, walking away. Gerard and I start to follow, heading toward his room.

Once there, there's a bed and gowns for him to wear. He looks up finally and gasps. "Daddy, I don't want too." He whines. "It will be Okay." I say again. "So, I need Gerard to get into his gown and to give him his things." She speaks finally. I nod, giving Gee his bag. "I will see you tomorrow, okay baby boy?" I murmur. He nods slowly, then he starts to cry. "No crying honey." I say, trying to calm him down. He takes a breathe and calms down. He walks to the bathroom and gets dressed.

About five minutes pass, he comes out in a mint green gown, frowning. "It's not pink." He complains. "Oh, I can get you one." The nurse says, smiling. Gees face lightens up a bit. She leaves the room. "I love you Frankie." He says, all of a sudden. "I love you too Gerard." I reply back, giving him a hug.


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