One Last Summer (Dylan O'Brie...

Від aajscribbles

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Life was a fairytale for just one night A Більше

One Last Summer
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Ninteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one (Epilogue-ish)
Broken Together
New Story!!
Random OLS oneshots??
25th February, 2014
13th June, 2014
8th March, 2014
15th March, 2014
17th March, 2014
1st April, 2014
8th April, 2014
21st June, 2014
30th December, 2017
7th August, 2026
I'm sorry!!!

Chapter Eight

6.8K 134 88
Від aajscribbles

Alex's POV

It took a good ten minutes but I eventually fell asleep. It didn't bother me as much as I thought though; Dylan and Ashley. I think I was finally letting go of the idea that something was going to happen between us. But I was okay with it you know? At the end of it all Dylan was my best friend and I got to know stuff about him that none of his girlfriends knew and knowing Dylan; his wife probably won't know half the stuff I knew about him. I rolled over and checked my phone for the time. I saw a text from Caleb and smiled before I even opened it. I sat up and opened the message and smiled when I read it.

~ Hey pool side buddy! How was the night with the bitter bff? ~

~ Dylan's tongue wrestling buddy called him last night so I just went to sleep. How was yours? ~

~ Filled with tons of homework. I have a lot to do before I leave. ~

~ And you were texting me so much last night? ~

~ Meh... it was worth it. What are you doing today? ~

~ Uh, going to school... ~

~ lol I meant after school. ~

~ Oh, idk. Dylan and I are probably just going to hang out later. ~

~ So when will I get to see you? ~

~ Probably this weekend :P ~

~ :-O ~

~ Give you enough time to miss me. Look, I gotta get ready for school, ttyl? ~

~ I'm already at school. ~

~ Private school sucks. Laters. ~

When I looked over Dylan was nowhere to be seen. I didn't even notice him slip out. I quickly showered, shoved my homework in my bag and headed downstairs. "Dylan tells me you have a new boyfriend." My mom said when I sat down at the table. I glared at Dylan.

"He's not my boyfriend mom. He's just this guy who decided to keep me company when my best friend ditched me to stick his tongue down Ashley Green's throat." My mother turned and smiled at Dylan.

"Alex!! That was not fair."  I raised my eyebrow at him.

"I still love you Dylan. If we don't leave now, we'll be late." He got up and started clearing the table.

"Dylan, leave it. I'll get to that; you need to get to school." I bent down and gave my mom and kiss on the cheek.

"Love you, when I get home I'll tell you about this guy."

"So, did anyone do the reading on Ben Franklin?" I looked around the class; not a soul was paying attention to this woman. It was no surprise she didn't get a single A last semester.

"Okay, fine, I guess I'll just tell you. Today we'll talk about the Junto. Now, in 1727, Benjamin Franklin created the Junto. This was basically a discussion group for dealing issues that were prevalent at that time..."

"Psst, Alex?" Dylan whispered in my ear. I leaned back. "What?"

"Look at Craig’s eyebrows; they're drawn on. And they’re really uneven." I choked on my laughter causing Ms. Craig to look right at me.

"Is there something you want to share with the rest of the class Ms. Lanchester?"

"Is she trying to raise her eyebrows at you? She should've thought about moments like these before she shaved them off." Dylan was still whispering in my ear. I bit my lip to stifle my laugh and shook my head.

"I thought so. Now as I was saying; Franklin conceived the idea of a subscription library, which would pool the funds of the members to buy books for all to read. This, class, was the official birth of the Library Company of Philadelphia and he himself hired the first American librarian; a man by the name of Louis Timothee."

"You see how big her forehead is? It’s like a canvas. Maybe that's why she shaves her eyebrows. She probably wanted to be an artist but got stuck as a History teacher. And doing that shit on her face is the closest she could get to art." Dylan whispered laughing at his own joke.

"Dylan!" Ms. Craig yelled causing his head to jerk up. "Yes?"

"What was so funny?"

"Uh, I was just telling Alex how it would probably suck balls to be a librarian, even if you were hired by Ben Franklin."

"You think that's funny?"

"No, I don't think being a librarian is funny, I think it's boring." She gave him a death stare.

"Will you allow me to continue my lesson?" She asked.

"I wasn't aware I had the authority to. But, yes, you may continue. As you were."

"Graduation couldn't come sooner enough for me. I can't wait to get rid of you." Dylan just stretched out in his seat and winked at her. She shook her head before continuing.

As promised; Ashley had lunch with us. It wasn't as bad as I'd thought it would be. Although, that was probably because I was texting Caleb the entire time.

I was packing my stuff in my locker. I'd just completed the final class of the day and I was more than excited to leave. When I closed my locker I saw Ashley standing in front of me and I screamed. "Jesus Christ Ashley! You need to warn a person, that’s too much Botox to just lay on a person all at once."

"Funny, but have you seen Dylan? We're supposed to be going out."

"Really? Dylan didn't mention that you were coming to join us." Ashley laughed.

"Join us? I don't think you get it. Dylan and I are going out, as in together, as in alone, as in without you." I nodded and walked away.

Ashley ran behind me. "So, have you seen him?"

"Dylan usually has a fee period Monday afternoon. He's probably already outside." When we got outside Dylan was waiting by his car. Next to him was (surprise, surprise) Caleb. He was looking down at his phone. When he looked up our eyes met and he smiled at me. I returned his smile and made my way over with Ashley trailing behind me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him. Caleb shrugged and smiled at me.

"I've decided I've had enough time to miss you. You look nice." I smiled and looked down.

"Thanks. And I really like your... uniform." He laughed, I loved his laugh.

"So, what's the plan?"

"Well, I was just informed that Dylan has a date with Ashley so my afternoon just opened up."

"You can come with us." Dylan said. That earned him a glare from Ashley.

"No, we'd rather not disturb you. Right Alex?"

I nodded my head. "Yeah, besides, Caleb has something he wanted to show me since yesterday. I'll call you later Dyl. Ashley." I nodded at Ashley and walked off.

"So, where are we going?" I asked when we got on Caleb's truck. He shrugged and pulled out the school's parking lot.

"I have no clue. I didn't think past the dramatic exist." I laughed and turned on his radio. After flipping through the stations I got bored and just turned it off.

"Why don't push play? I have a CD in there." I looked at home.

"This better not make me want to jump out this car when I hit play." I said doing as he asked. A few seconds later Small Bump by Ed Sheeran came one.

"Do you want to jump out the car?" He asked quickly glancing at me. I shook my head.

"No, do you have any idea how cooler just got? I could kiss you right now." He laughed.

"So I guess you're a fan?"

"A fan? I love him so much!  His voice is like melted butter and rainbows riding a unicorn though a fairy dust storm." He looked at me like I'd grown a second head.

"Well, that's one way to put it. But the dude's legit. I dig his stuff." I nodded but didn't say anything.

"What's wrong?" He asked after a while.

"Huh?" I asked looking at him.

"You haven't said anything in a while. Is something wrong?" I shook my head.

"Caleb, you don't understand. It is improper to speak when Ed Sheeran is singing."

"Oh, because I was wondering if you..."

"Caleb, you're still talking." He smiled and put his finger on his lips.

"Sheeran, singing, me quiet. Got it."

Five minutes later we were pulling into the parking lot of the pizzeria that was a popular after school hangout. We got out and made our way into one of the booths at the back.

"I'm gonna order a large pizza." He said when we sat down across from each other.

"Why would you do that? It's just the two of us."

"We're gonna have an eating contest. If you win, I show you my move."

"And if you win?"

"If I win I get to show you my move."

"So either way, I'm seeing your move?"

"Precisely." He said calling the waitress over.

"Are you ready to order?" She asked.

"Yeah, uh, two Cokes and a large pepperoni." She nodded.

"Actually, make that one Coke and one Pepsi." I said smiling at her. She nodded and moved off.

"What's wrong with Coke?" He asked getting defensive.

"Nothing, I just like Pepsi better. Is that so bad?"

"Pepsi is shit."

"Your face is shit."

He laughed. "That was really original."

A loud noise at the door distracted us and we both looked over to see what was wrong. About five kids in Caleb's uniform rushed in. They looked around and one of them screamed when they saw Caleb. He turned around and slid down in his seat.

"Please don't Co e here. Please don't come here. Please don't fucking come.... Hey guys!" He forced a smile as the group stopped at our table. "What are you guys doing here?" They all took a seat and not a single person had acknowledged my existence.

"Dude, you know we always come here after school." One of the guys answered. Caleb forced a laugh.

"Why the hell didn't I remember that?"

"Where did you run off to? We were looking for you after school."

"I had to meet a friend." He said motioning to me. Five heads turned and studied me and I suddenly felt under dressed in my casual clothes.

"Who is she?" I wanted the ground to open and swallow me.

"Oh, shit, where are my manners? Guys, this is Alex. Alex, this is Crystal, Sarah, Jake, Drew and you know Justin." I smiled and gave a small wave.

"That's what you wear to school?" The girl he introduced as Crystal asked and I shrugged.

"Well, it beats wearing that shit uniform every day, doesn't it?" A few of them at the table snickered and Crystal glared at me.

"I like your hat!" One of the guys shouted. He was trying to ease the tension at the table. When the pizza finally came, I didn't even get a slice, it was ridiculous. No one even talked to me; it wasn't as if I could join the conversation though, they were talking about school. My only comfort was that Caleb looked equally uncomfortable with the situation. I resorted to playing candy crush on my phone.

"She's so antisocial." Crystal whispered. "She's doesn't talk to anyone."

"Maybe she isn't used to having her afternoon ruined by a pack of private school wolves. Well, a private school wolf." I said without looking up.

"You, bitch, what are you doing hanging out with Caleb anyway?" I put my phone on the table and looked at her.

"Maybe you should ask Caleb why he is hanging out with me. What are you, his grandmother or something?"

"Look, I don't need this. Sarah Let's go."

 "But I like Alex, I don't wanna go." Crystal glared at her friend. "Sara! I said, let's go!" She got up and Sara hurried behind her. "Someone needs to get the stones out of her ass." I said when they left.


My internet was down..

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