Forbidden: Afterglow

By DeceasedSouls

20.2K 537 14

(GxG). Lesbian. Love. Demons. Angels. Supernatural. Mature audiences. Mature language. Sexual situations. Wh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Auth note.

Chapter 43

228 8 0
By DeceasedSouls


    I feel so sorry for my sister. I really do. I love my sister so much and I really don't want this to happen.
    The thought of losing a child is hard enough as is. I'm still sure that Zack and I won't for a while, have a kid. We're not ready and we both agreed.
    Dakota, well.. she's girl with a girl whom has a member. Something that's bound to happen at some point. But I am happy she is pregnant but I'm sad for what may happen.
    It's a possibility. Nothing more. Not yet at least.
    Being in deep thought helped me through the day. Mom reassigned me to our home territory too. But the only problem I have is the nurse dude.
    I don't even know his name. But he's always around when I'm here working. It's creepy. He's creepy.
"Is there anything you can't do?" ...speak of the devil.. walks out from behind the pile of supplies.
"A lot of things, actually. But I can manage this."
"Yeah. I bet you can do a lot."
    The way he says it makes me almost cringe. It's weird. He's like always there.
    I understand a crush but he is annoying. Or maybe it's just the fact that I'm far from interested. Even with crushes. I can say thanks for the compliments and be nice but in actuality, I can't feel shit for others.
    I love my parents and family. And my Zack, of course. But when it comes to someone trying to gain my heart, I can't.
    I love our people of the world. At a distance. Anyone getting that close freaks me out. I don't know why.
    I check the list again before questioning. "Is this all needed for the next month?"
"Whatever is on the list is what's needed. Nothing much more. We handle well and the only real problems that enter here are when idiots are playing with magical blades. Or the trolls wanting to remove their fatal organ."
"Right. I'll see you later dude."
"Looking forward to it." He says with a wink.
"Uh.. Yeah.."
    I take my leave. Home. Home. I need to go home. Where my loving fiancee waits.
"Finnley. How did you do today?" Mom asks.
"Just like any other day. Had some fun down with the demon territory. It's weird that it's a specific territory but it's a blended community."
"I gave the people a world. Whatever was chosen to call the place was on the ones whom moved in first. The demons were nice enough to let everyone else settle with them."
"Yeah but everyone has touch with their feelings. Cause of you. So they care for each other and stuff."
   I should have known. I should... but..
"Hey, Finn. Catch." She tosses something and with instinct, I catch.... a dirty diaper.
"Gross, mom. Gross."
"That's what I said every time I changed your butt too."
    I can't help but laugh. I love messing with mom. But sometimes.. it ends with me holding a shit filled diaper.
    I throw the diaper into the trash.
"What's for dinner?"
"You asked. You cook. My brain is fried right now."
"Why? What happened?"
"Nothing happened. I'm just worried about your sister."
"Yeah... I am too."
"You know I love you guys. I cherish every single moment I have with you. And with all I am, I will make sure your sister survives to be with her children."
"Wait.. that would mean you'd die."
"Possibly. I'd do the same for you, buddy. I'd do the same for Emma. And Jason. If it comes down to it, I will give myself to Dakota so she can live on."
"D..Does ma know?"
"To a certain extent. I'm sure she knows I will do something. She just doesn't know how far I will go if I have to."
"You are always the hero, aren't you? No matter the cost. Pain toward you just so you can save everyone else."
"Indeed. But everyone in this family has that trait."
"I guess so."
    I would sacrifice my life to Dakota if I could. But I can't magically do that and I know she would never let me.
     Ma pops up in front of me, pushing me to the ground.
"I'm sorry, buddy. Wasn't expecting you to be right here."
"Lucky I didn't land wrong."
    Ma helps me up. Her hand grabs my beard. "You need to trim. You'll end up tripping on yourself."
"It's not that long."
"You're adorable, my love, but you also has a grey part." She taps her thumb over an area.
"I'm kidding."
"Don't do that to meeee."
"You look handsome, buddy. You look like your father."
    Mom stops with Jason's diaper. She looks at me for a long second.
"He would."
"But I've only seen you male once. So I can't be sure."
"Wait. Mom can go full male?"
"What can't I do, buddy?"
"That's so weird. That's sooo weird. Please don't do that. Girl suits you."
"I was as confused as you were. I was like.. my girlfriend is now my boyfriend. He's good looking but it's weird cause she's far better looking."
"Did you just call my male form ugly?"
"No. I called you female form sexy."
"Oh. Gross. My ears. Oh. No. They're bleeeedding."
     Okay. So mom can be dad. And ma likes mom more than dad. I thought she could just have the part... oh this.. this is messed up.
    I'm not confused. Nope. It's okay. Everything is fine.
"Finn. Buddy. Catch."
    I quickly catch Jason. He goes into a fit of giggles.
"Hey Jays. What you doing?"
    He sticks his tongue out at me and taunts me.
"Oh. Right. Of course. Let's go see Frankenstein? Maybe Drago too."
    I walk off with Jason and head to my room. The second Frankenstein is in site, well.. He's hugged to death by a 1 year old.
"Hey guys."
"Hey Finn." All animal say in sync.
    I play with Jason and our pets until mom calls us down for dinner. And Zack meets me in the kitchen.
"Hey babyboy."
"Hey love."
"Have a good day at work?"
"As well as usual."
    We all eat together. My poor sister. Complaining cause she's fat. Well. She's not. I find her to be very beautiful.
    She's one of my heros. No matter how we treat each other, I know she loves me and I love her. We're family. It's how we are.
    But the night ends like any other. Laying in bed with my love. Exhausted for more than one reason. But we fall asleep.

    Leaving for work... I just have this odd feeling in my gut. And it feels like someone is watching me but every time I turn to look, I'm either alone or in a place with a lot of people so I can't tell.
    Maybe I'm going crazy. Not sure how mom does the whole world like this in a day like she use to. When I took over for the few days before she gave birth. And then the month.. she had everything spread out for me. Had favors brought in so people would ration and I didn't have to go there.
    Maybe I'm just working too hard. I think it's that. It has to be.
    So walking through one area of this demon territory and summoning specific things for the beings and breeds. And going to the hospital to do the same. It's a lot harder work than my other territories. I think mom did this so I don't overload. But what if I already am?
"Finnley..." someone whispers behind me.
    I turn but find no one. "Hello?"
"Finnley.." the whisper moves around the corner and I follow.
    In my mind I'm wondering if someone is in danger and needs help. My gut is telling me to walk back to my clipboard. And I'm going insane.
    I follow the whisper through the building. Finding myself in a place I haven't seen. That I haven't been to.
     A part of the hospital that hasn't been in use since this world began. Who needs the area when so little happens, sick wise, with immortal beings? But I've never wandered the halls to find it.
    A heavy shove into a dark room throws me off.
"Hello, Finnley."
"Show yourself."
    My heart is racing. Almost beating out of my chest. I use my xray vision to try and help but it only gives me a very blurry figure.
    I can't tell what it is. But he's definitely male. And...hard......
"You already know who I am, baby. But I'm here to take what's mine and mine alone. No Zack this or Zack that."
    I.. never mentioned a name? Ever. I never said Zack's name. Just my boyfriend or now fiance..
"The nurse?"
"Smart. Sexy. I love it."
     His hand suddenly touching my lower region makes me jump. His hand sliding down my pants...
"Get off of me." I try to push him off.
"What a big boy.."
    To his hand movements I want to puke. I want to cry. I want to die.
"Mm. Tell my name."
"Not my name, Finnley. Don't I make you feel good? You make me feel good."
"..get off..."
   He only laughs. His hand.. the.. I feel so gross. I feel so wrong. I AM ZACK'S...
    Anger takes over and I find the strength. Pushing him off of me. I hear a loud thud.. And the.. the smell of blood.
     Finding the lightswitch... I drop to my knees.. what... did I do..
"Mom..." I whimper through my tears..
"Please... please.. mom.." me.

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