KIM POSSIBLE | Veronica Lodge

By lovinganne

102K 2.6K 327

❝I'm your basic, average girl.❞ Diana Blossom is addressed as the Kim Possible of Riverdale High and with Jas... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seven

5.1K 140 9
By lovinganne

A hand ran through her strawberry blonde hair as she escaped Veronica's hug, running to the bathroom. There, she cried. Sobbed. People had knocked on her stall, but got only an 'I'm fine' before they decided to leave it. Veronica had almost found out about where she was and came for her, talking to her through the stalls before Diana finally left, running into Veronica's arms.

Now, it might've been too early, but it felt right. Tears running down her face, Diana kissed Veronica. Veronica cupped the youngest Blossom's cheeks, wiping her tears as she kissed back. The two separated before holding each other. That's when Diana told Veronica what the boy did to her. Although, she couldn't figure out which football player, she had an idea. Either Reggie, Chuck, or the guy who smacked her butt.

"Veronica... Will you walk me home?" Diana asked, her emerald eyes looking in Veronica's chocolate for a moment. Veronica smiled small, pecking her lips before nodding. Taking Diana's hand, she intertwined their fingers, walking her outside towards Thornhill. "Thank you for today." Diana looked at Veronica, giving her a grateful smile.

Veronica squeezed her hand softly as they approached the gate. "You don't need to thank me, and I'll make sure to tell Cheryl you made it home safely if she asks why you aren't at practice." Veronica said. The girl kissed Diana gently. "But, just one more thing before I leave. Tomorrow night, will you go on a date with me to Pop's?" Veronica bit her lip. She was very nervous since she hasn't been going to Riverdale for a month yet, but she was still asking a question like this.

Diana just smiled, hugging Veronica. "Yes, of course." She unlocked the tall gates. Holding up her phone, she pointed to it, making Veronica smile and nod, watching her walk into the gigantic manor. A giddy feeling overtook Veronica as she walked home with a grin. However, her grin didn't stick, reading the comments to the 'Sticky Maple' post.

Later that day, Veronica got a call from Betty. Walking to school, Veronica stopped in front of the Blue and Gold office. There, many other girls were in there. "Looks like this story is bigger than we thought." Betty said, watching Veronica look at the girls, taking in who they are. "I began asking around to see if this happened to anyone else and if they'd go on record." Betty explained. "I will, 100%" Ethel Muggs said. "Okay, it's five guys on the football team, Chuck and his Posse." Betty told Veronica. Then, Ethel began to tell her story.

"I talked to Chuck for like ten minutes in the library one day. I helped him with a pre-cal question. The next day, he told people I let him do stuff to me... Sex stuff." Ethel explained. "And then, he or one, or his goons, wrote sloppy seconds on my locker." Ethel was then interrupted by the biggest diva on campus,

Cheryl slid into the room, crossing her arms. "Yes, yes, we've all heard your tragic origin story." She announce to Ethel. Betty gave a sincere apology for how they treated her, but Cheryl wasn't done with her rudeness. "Not as tragic as being a victim of your own brother's murder, but we all have our crosses. In the mean time, Vixen practice starts in five minutes, sluts, so..."

"They're ruining our lives, but to them it's just a game." Ethel spoke up. "They keep score and..." Ethel was about to continue until Veronica interrupted. "Wait, what do you mean by keeping score?" Veronica crossed her arms. "They keep track in some sort of score book.

Betty and Veronica looked beyond angry. Veronica scoffed, trying to fathom the fact that they think that it is okay to do this. "Okay, we have to tell Weatherbee." Betty declared. It was a great idea, but Ethel said that she tried that already and failed. She told them that Weatherbee couldn't find something so Betty announced that they had to find undeniable proof.

"Proof of what, Nancy Drew?" Cheryl asked angrily. "That boys will be boys? Besides, that playbook reeks of urban legend." She stated, looking at Betty and Veronica angrily. "How would you know, Cheryl?" Veronica looked at her, getting tired of Cheryl's attitude. "Because, Frida Shallow, before he died, my brother was the captain of the football team, and Jason would've never let it happen." Cheryl defended the boys, Mainly Jason's honor.

Now, Veronica was done with it. "Okay, well, I never met your brother, but I'm not lying about what happened to me. And neither is Ethel. And proof or no proof, book or no book, I'm going scorched earth on these despicable miscreants." Veronica narrowed her eyes more. "If you want to be caught up in the backdraft, Cheryl? Call me, or any of these young, strong, intelligent ladies... 'slut' again." Veronica threatened.

Jason | Polly Cooper (9) - shy girl

Chuck | Veronica (new girl bonus +1) 9

Veronica noted her name and Polly's name and the repeat of Ethel's name, but what fired her up was Thomas's girl. The name and what he put next to the name made anger bubble up inside Veronica's body. Cheryl also scoffed loudly and Betty was angered by Polly's  name in the book. But, no one's was as bad as Diana's.

Thomas | Diana (drugged and sex +5) 13

So, when Betty and her got revenge on the boys, it was sweet and everything she wanted from the boys. For them to realize not to mess with her or her loved ones. As the girls watched Chuck get suspended, Veronica held Diana close in her arms, wrapping her up close. Betty smiled at them slightly when she noticed, but grew serious again as he passed. This week was the most climaxing week Veronica Lodge witnessed, and all it was going to do was expand.

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