Chapter Six

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So, I've been waiting and plotting ahead. Be prepared for the best chapter yet. Also, I totally listened to Ed Sheeran's Divide album for inspiration. Not denying beauty. It's a great album.

At the nurse's office, Clifford signed out his daughter

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At the nurse's office, Clifford signed out his daughter. He seemed angered by Cheryl's action. Diana stared at the wall, her lips slightly parted, and her green eyes wide in shock. Her sister lied to her. She lied to her over the worst thing too. Her phone buzzed from Veronica and Betty, who actually did tend to worry about her. Betty constantly worried about everyone, but Veronica had growing feelings for the girl.

She didn't answer though. She was frozen almost, her dad pulling her gently out of the school, students onlooking. Betty tapped Veronica, pointing at the broken strawberry blonde. Veronica turned, her eyes looking over her in sadness, hating that she felt pain in any kind of way. Watching as she was taken out, shielded by her father's glares, Veronica sighed deeply, accepting Chuck's offer to hang out after school as he passed by.

The next day, Diana sat in the student lounge, hearing about how Archie also heard the gun shot. Then, she heard something that made her head go straight up. "Chuck Clayton. You're going on a date with Chuck Clayton?" Kevin asked. Diana looked at Veronica as she shrugged. "He's kind of a player." He noted.

"Who cares? He's the hottest of hot. Also, it's just as friends, anyway." She assured, her eyes meeting Diana's. Diana quickly looked away, Cheryl walking in. Diana rolled her eyes, getting up quickly. Cheryl let out a sigh knowing that her sister was mad at her. No matter how many gifts Cheryl has given her over the last five hours, Diana hasn't forgiven her. And why would she? The only sibling she had left lied about the death of their brother before he was killed.

The next day, Diana walked into the school building, her heels clicking on the floor rapidly to show Veronica what Chuck had done

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

The next day, Diana walked into the school building, her heels clicking on the floor rapidly to show Veronica what Chuck had done. "Hey, Veronica." Diana smiled as Kevin and Betty also joined them. Veronica responded with a soft hug for Diana, looking at the three others. Diana was about to say what Chuck did, but Kevin was quick to act making her roll her eyes slightly.

"So, how'd it go with Chuck?" Kevin asked with a wide grin on his lips. He wanted to know if Chuck was all everyone said he was. However, Veronica looked at him, crossing her arms. "Chuck has muscles for days, but his conversation is nothing of the stuff of Oscar Wilde. Or even Diablo Cody." Tina and Ginger walked by, asking Veronica about her sticky maple, to which Diana grabbed her phone, about to show the screenshot when Kevin did.

With a glare at Kevin, she watched Veronica's response. "What the hell is a sticky maple?" Veronica hissed. Diana looked at Kevin, waiting for him to steal her thunder again. Her eyes returned to Veronica when Kevin had said it was a Riverdale thing. "No, Kevin, it's a slut shaming thing. And I am neither a slut, nor will I be shamed by someone named, excuse me, Chuck Clayton. Does he really think he can get away with this? Does he know who I am? I will cut the breaks on his souped up phallic symbol." She hissed.

"Or we can take this up with Principal Weatherbee?" Betty suggested.

Veronica sucked in a breath. "About the coach's son and Riverdale's golden boy?" She has a point. Who would ever believe that Chuck Clayton would purposely hurt a female. It was something that no one would go for, no matter how true it may be.

Betty stuttered slightly, still trying. Though, Diana didn't know why. "I can expose him in the pages of the Blue and Gold." Betty expressed. "Yeah, I can do that." Betty tried really hard. It sucked about what was going on. Betty wanted to help her friend and get her to help herself by not returning to the old Veronica.

"No, spoken like a true good girl who always follows the rule." Veronica said. "Well, I don't follow rules." She slammed Kevin into the lockers with his phone, beginning to walk off, Diana and Betty following. "I make them. And when necessary, I break them. You both want to help me get revenge on chuck, awesome. But, you better be willing to go full dark, no stars." She turned to them for a moment. "What do you say, in or out?" Diana gently grabbed Veronica's hand, showing she was in.

Betty and Diana had followed Veronica into the locker room and Diana met eyes with someone from the night of the pep rally. The guy who raped her. Veronica pulled the girl gently, fingers now intertwined with hers as the other hand held her phone, stopping in front of Chuck. "Huh. B and V and D. Right on. Ladies." He spoke smoothly.

Veronica narrowed her chocolate brown eyes, shoving her phone in his face. "This is disgusting, take this down." Veronica tried to stay calm at first, but not really doing the best job because of the situation. They didn't even do more than a simple goodbye hug that night.

Chuck rose his hands in defense, but his lips were twisted into a smirk. "Woah, what's got you so wound up?" Chuck lowered his hands, raising a brow. "It's a badge of honor. Besides, you weren't exactly virgin territory after your closet date with Andrews." He said, some other bulldogs laughing.

"Okay, that is beyond irrelevant, Chuck." Betty jumped in. "You aren't allowed to go around humiliating girls, for any reasons, under no circumstances, you... Jerk." She spit out a bit pathetically.

"I get you're not a closet kinda girl, Betty, but if you want to ride the Chuck Wagon, go ahead." He said with a smirk upon his lips. That made Veronica ten times angrier. "Okay, let's make this simple so your preppy-murdered half-brain can understand. Take. This. The hell. down." Veronica growled.

Chuck leaned in close. "Okay, that high-maintenance bitch attitude may have worked on the betas you dated in New York, but you're in Bulldog territory now." Some other football players began barking as the blonde boy that harmed Diana smacked her butt, making her yelp. "But please, fight back." The boys backed away and Veronica took Diana close, pulling her out gently, disgusted with them.

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