The GangLeader's Girl

By ccarpenter04

85.6K 1.7K 94

(I would recommend reading The GangLeader's Baby before this book. Thank you.) A sequel to The GangLeader's... More

The Crew Members
1. He Cant Be Here Now
2. Outside Family
3. ER
4. Meeting Him Again
5. Mornings Of Bad Luck
6. The End of Us and The Start of Something New
7. The Secret Message
8. The Fired Shots
9: Battle Grounds
The New Crew
11. Plots in Paris
12. Lucky Shot
13. Nightmares
14. Appointments
15. Let's Go Sword Fighting
16. Mystery Work
17. Terrible Twos
18. Ace Taylor
19. Return Of The Dead Hope
20. Home
21. Brutality
22. Bullet Wounds
23. Three Months Later

10. Paris Adventures

3.4K 67 1
By ccarpenter04

Jessica's POV

I can't believe that I am back in Europe. It is not the best place to be but it is still better than at home where we can be attacked at any moment in time because of Aaron. He is kind of an asshole. I mean he is abusive and I didn't know this until after we broke up and he is way overprotective of what was his.  Oh my god when we got to the hotels I saw all my friends with kids. It's driving me insane. As well as new couples. I can't believe that so many people had babies. First off when did Maddie Genesis get together with Cortez? Amazing little boy though. His name is  Maxy Cortez. Adorable right? I met two new guys today. Apparently, people just like getting new boyfriends. Well, the new couples are Hazel Berry and Alex Charm, and Aden Dee with Kasey Berry. The twins found love. Finally.

Kasey walked up to both Mason and I.

"So if I said that I'm having a baby what would you say about it?" Asked Kasey

"Well is it with your boyfriend?" Asked Mason

"No, It's with Billy Bob Joe. Yes, it with Aden." Replied Kasey

"Well if you are pregnant I would say congrats and tell you to keep it," I said.

"How come?" Asked Kasey.

"Well, not even Mason knows." I implied.

"Woah Woah Woah, wait up a minute." Barked Mason.

I nodded my head.

"No way," Mason said while hugging me.

Oh, by the way, the week before we left I found out that I was pregnant. Not with just one though. Two. I'm having twins. Which I believe is crazy.

"Wow, so first it was Emmy and Benny then You guys then Chad and Abby then Me and Aden, and then you two again." Asked Kasey

"Yup sounds about right," I answered.

"Oh, and Hazel is in the hospital having her first today." Shouted out, Kasey.

Holy name of Babies.

Kasey walked away as Chad and his family came. On time.

"Well, who is ready for our night out?" Asked Kasey.

"All of us." Answered Mason.

I smiled and that's when Zachary woke up. He started to cry but I calmed him down by giving him to his father.

"But before we go let's go through all of those who have kids and are pregnant. Okay, okay."  Chad implied.

"Why?" Asked Kasey.

"There are a lot of new children here." Replied Chad.

"Sometimes guys can be insane." Bugged Emmy.

"I know right." Giggled Sam.

"Well everyone knows that Hazel is pregnant with her son Luca Charm. Charm is her boyfriend's last name. He is Alex Charm. Charming too." Smiled Kasey as she talked about her twin sister.

"Oh and Wilson and Freshman just had their daughter a month ago. Her name is Emma." Clarified Mason.

"Wow, thanks for spoiling our news. Time for me to spoil your news, Mason." Said Abby.

"Which would be what?" Asked Benny.

"Well, she is expecting a baby," Abby said while pointing to me.

"Well, that's partially true," I stated.

"What do you mean by that Jess?" Asked Abby.

"Well, I'm having a set of twins," I replied.

I watched as Mason expression changed. It was a weird change though. It wasn't bad but it wasn't good either. He probably never thought of having kids in the first place. I mean he is a gang leader and all.

"Oh and let's not forget about Darrick and Maddie with their son Maxy." Stated Chad.

"To think about it there is only six new kids this year. Last year there was none and two years ago there were four. So not that bad right?" Stated Benny

"True that." Said Emmy.

"Now can we go hang out with our groups?" Asked Kasey

"Yes." Answered Chad

The ladies and children all went to the mall. Which by the way is a huge crowd of babies and mothers. Seven women and six kids all in strollers. First, we stopped at a toy store for all the kids to pick something out. Bella picked out a Barbie doll, Maxy was napping but we picked him up some chew toys, Sara picked up a tea set, Zachary picked up some legos, and Patria picked up some dress up clothes. Huge bill for one store by the way.

The next store we went to was another store for the kids. We basically left everything at home so we need clothes. So each of us with kids picked out two outfits. For each child.  And Kasey even picked up some clothes for her nephew. It's cute how the twins care for each other like that. How many twins is that? I'm having a set of twins there are Kasey and Hazel and then Patria and Sara. I wonder if I will two boys, two girls, or one of each. I don't really know.

The next thing we did was eat lunch so that was good. We ate at Burger King because it was inside the mall.

"I still can't believe that you enrolled in college. I mean you have a son and you're pregnant with twins." Chirped Kasey.

"I know it's definitely an odd move." Chimed in Jackie.

"I understand where you guys are coming from but I still feel like I should get an education," I exclaimed.

"You and your family will always want to be on the top." Giggled Abby

"I know it's like you want to have a bright future but you had a child when you were a teen so it's even harder." Sam pointed out.

"Of course the one without any kids would say something like that." Smiled Kasey.

"Mommy!" Screamed Sara with tears running down her face.

The kids were just a few feet away from us playing a game. I mean the kids who were old enough anyway. I mean the four who are old enough are Zachary, Bella, Sara, and Patria.

"What baby girl?" Asked Jackie as she was hugging her daughter.

"Patria hit me and Bella."

Jackie giggled and the little arguing the kids had. Having twins must be tough. I thought one child was hard. Now I must try to work with three.

"Is it time to go home yet?" Asked Jackie

"Yes, mama." Answered Sara.

After that, we all left to go home which is two hours away. Well to the hotel anyways.

Mason's POV

It's normal here. Finally. Well besides the fact that we are in Paris France but I mean even back in Chicago before having children. I mean fatherhood has changed me. Probably for the better but Zach is something that I can look forward too in the future. As well as the twins.

"Hey Mas, you all cool?" Asked Chad


"You looked deep in thought bro." Charlie blurted.

I turned the tv on and we watch the football game. I miss this but I would miss the life that I have now more. I heard talking outside and so I peeped out the window.

"The girls are back," I stated.

"Wow, that was fast." Complained Darrick.

"Hey let's get our daddy faces on." Demanded Walter.

We all laughed. I mean most of us here have kids. The only guy here without a kid is Charlie so he doesn't know what fatherhood feels like. 

"Very funny. But I don't need one." Chuckled Charlie

"Let's just say then you're missing out on a lot." Stated Chad

"Wow, that came from you?" Asked Charlie

That's when the other peeps walked in. The twins went towards Walter. They had new toys and Jackie was holding a few more bags of stuff. Shopping. That is what they like to do. Seriously. Why is it always like that? Girls girls why can we not understand you?

"Hey girls." Chirped Walter

I watched as Jess and Zachary came in. Zachary just stayed with his mother but I guess he hasn't warmed up to me yet. I will change that. Jess walked over to me and just held my hand as she stood next to me. Watching the game on the tv. Then we just decided to all go our separate ways around Paris. I thought let's do something that will mean a lot. I mean sure it won't be in the same city but oh well.   I mean there are plenty of fancy restaurants here. Plus it won't be a real date. Well because Zach has to be there.

"What are you thinking of?" Asked Jessica

"Nothing Sugar. Well, how about we go get ice cream." I suggested.

"Sure thing Ice Cream." She smirked at me.

Ice cream is my nickname from Jess. We drove all the way to an ice cream store and both Zach and I got soft serves and Jess got a big bowl of cookie dough. Gotta love the Paris ice cream.

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