She is His

By True_Legend_

74.6K 1.9K 99

*Completed* No one takes what is the King's, especially his Queen. Being reckless and getting in trouble is k... More



4.8K 78 5
By True_Legend_

Stonewall Mississippi South Highschool. The school is known for the smartest students and the those who will accomplish something great. This school runs on the smart kids and big time jocks. If you don't belong to those two groups you belong to the others. Computer lovers but not smart, populars with no talent, goths, anime kids, and badasses.

Shit how rude of me, I'm Hazel "Storm" Grey, also known as Haz. I'm a 5'7", 18 year old, long black curly hair with blue strands, green eyed, big mouth, mixed girl, badass who takes no ones shit. Any who I'm a JR here at this prison with a 3.7 GPA. Shocking I know, a badass with a brain. But hey without me who would put others in their place.

Back to this prison some call school. I have been in this school system my whole life. After 7th grade the teachers finally realized I won't be one of the students who are quiet and just answer questions in their head. Nope I'm the opposite of their perfect student. This school just loves to push buttons also to top it all this distract allows fighting with meaningful cause proved by evidence. Hellooooo heaven right?

Let me introduce you to a couple people.

You have Jay Kong also known as my partner in crime. He is a laid back dude with dark blonde hair and dull blue eyes. Trouble is his middle name that is for sure. We have been best friends since kindergarten. His girlfriend is way cooler then him, shh don't tell him I said that. She is named Emily Rose but only goes by Rose. Her bright red hair and dark green eyes fit with the name. She loves to do art and obviously loves pinheads since she loves Jay.

Malx (Mal-x) Lee is the next one to know, a dark souled and keep to yourself kinda guy. His black hair and dark blue eyes usually catch girls even though he hates it. His twin on the other hand is grouped with the jocks and loves the attention. You see when Malx and Mason came to this school last year Mason fit right in with his brown hair and blue eyes, while Malx stood out. Soooo being the kind soul I was I roped him into my crew.

Finally in my crew we have the deva Christian Maverick who is bisexual but can fool anyone that he is gay gay. With his now dark green hair (constantly changing) and brown eyes he has so much energy and never knows when to cool down in some cases. Melody Heart on the other hand is the complete opposite. In sophomore year she got bullied for coming out as lesbian so I kindly beat everyone up who called her a name and taught her to defend herself. Now she may be quiet but will fight back when needed.

That's my crew, Jay, Rose, Malx, Christian, and Melody. They are the only ones I talk to in this hell hole and some of the few I call family really. I was adopted at the age of seven, and after my adopted mom died with cancer a year and a half ago. My adopted dad gave me my own place and helped me get a job at a tattoo shop. He tries but has a life of his own and own blood boys so I get it.

Aside from my friends and adopted family, I have two dogs. A pure white American PitBull and a black Wolfdog. Adds to my badass aroma I know.

My PitBull is named Angel-Face for the big smile he gives off, I usually only call him Angel. He has light brown eyes and weighs 180 lbs with some massive paws. He is never calm, everything is exciting to him, and I mean EVERYTHING. I got him when I was 15 during one of the worst storms.

Blu is my WolfDog and she is my stress reliever. Her size, pitch back fur, and piercings green eyes make her special some vets say. She is bigger then a regular wolf and some huskies as well. She is always calm and puts Angel in his place a lot. If it wasn't for me she would of been slaughtered because her mother was killed after having the pups. They are trained as protection and service dogs.

That's all I think, I covered everything I had thought about. Oh!! My car!! It's my dream I swear.

I drive a black Dodge Challenger. I had to fix him up but I didn't mind because he is badass now. And yes I call my car a he, everyone names their car. Back to my baby, I got him about three years ago after a year of repairing an fixing him I drove another year before getting my license. He's a really good car and ima have him for awhile.

Now I'm done and that's me. If anything changes I'll let you know.

Back to prison, it's the fourth month into the school year and everyone is jumping about the new kids coming from Australia. I guess it's some hot guys, at least that's what Rose said. To me they are just gonna be more guys who join the populars and the sports.

"Hello Haz!!!" I shook my head and looked at Christian.

"What the fuck do you want." He flipped his fake hair.

"I wanted to tell you you have to go to the office gurllll." I laughed and got up from my desk. I was currently in detention for glueing the teachers chalk to her borad, it's a classic but still good. One of my adopted brothers taught me almost everything I know.

I walked down the hall pulling out my head phones and plugging them into my phone. After choosing a song I continued my walk to the office. It is probably just to grab some work or something.

There were four guys standing by the side. One looked at me then looked back down. I leaned on Mrs.Kelly's counter with a smile. She is my favorite because she gives me candy when I come down.

"Ah it's my favorite girl." She said handing me a KitKat.

"Heya Mrs.Kelly, you know what I'm here for?" I asked putting it in my pocket.

"Yes I'm the one who called you down. Our student guide is sick and these gentlemen need to be shown around. Since you are in SR pretty much everything I thought it was good. It also gets you out of detention." The guy that looked at me now walked over and leaned over me from behind. I turned around and crossed my arms.

"Max I wouldn't do th-" I cut Mrs.Kelly off.

"Take two steps back before I take your arm and shove it into your body." He stepped even closer so we were chest to chest. He dominated me in height and weight but that didn't scare me.

"I wish you would." Two of the other dudes were taking money out of their pocket while one still focused on his phone.

"I warned you." I took out my headphone and in a swift movement had the guy's arm pinned behind his back with him slamming his hand on the counter.

"Let the hell go!" I did as requested and pushed him towards his friends. He hit the one with his head down making him now look up. His eyes, they were this piercing grey. He had this smirk stretching across his face. His jaw line could cut through stone and his black hair laid in front of his face.

"Damn Max she beat your ass."


Thoughts on Chapter 1?¿
-There will be 1 new chapter every Friday (this is the one for this Friday obviously) hope you're ready for a bumpy ride ;)

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