Breakable Deal | TayK

By iamdebii

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" If the eagle doesn't follow the flow, than he doesn't go with everyone else. " Copyright © by 47goddess, al... More



239 14 1
By iamdebii

»There comes a time when silence is betrayal«


We waited for them to leave before we started our investigation.

"So.........y'all think Dexter left this here?" I questioned while staring at the note.

"First of all why would he be here?" Danny questioned.

"Wait." Jayden said before we froze. "Are yhu thinkin' wat I'm thinkin'."

"Nooo." Danny said. "I'm ain't yo' brain and plus,we ain't connected."

"Danny..." Jay sarcastically looked at him.

"Why would yhu think she done dat." I sighed going against his thoughts, that I knew I was right that he thought of.

"Sold us out?" Danny said. "How would she, she'on kno' shit 'bout our moves and plans."

"Think 'bout it," He said. "She's being quite and so distant."

"Dis is fucked up." Danny shook his head siting down on the bed.

The buzzer of the extension phone went off like an annoyed rattlesnake. I picked up the phone from the bed and put it to my ear before walking downstairs.

"Tracey Watkins," The voice of Clinton spoke.....before I sighed

"Clinton Matthews." I said standing in the kitchen.

"Taymor Mcintyre."

"Clinton....Matthews." I sighed once again but looking away once Danny and Jay appeared next to me.

"Wat ah surprise ta' have yhu pick up da phone," He said.

"Ion know why y'all speak like y'all from da 18th centuries." I said. "it's no need, this ain't Al Capone's time no mo it's ours."

"We're both thugs now, jokes to the side." He laughed. "Speak like a real g." He laughed on and on.

"Wat's yo' message...." I said. "why are yhu messing wit' da girls......I thought we had our deal."

"Dat deal was dead ages ago," He said. "Remember?"

"Dan why are yhu still comin' for da money," I said. "Why did yhu have ta' bring Tracey in dis."

"Caus' I figured out she is burden and would do anything to win her life," He said

"No shit , who wouldn't do anything fo' their lives," I said taking a sit.

"Ah mean it would've being Royalty-"

"Go nex' ta' ma girl and yhu gon' find yo' self in hell," I said, before he busted into laughter.

"She's such beauty," He said. "Keep her close caus' I'm sure yhu'on want her ta' end up like Tracy."

"Clinty, as Jayden would call yhu. Yhu'on wan' Jayden ta' hear yhu talk like dat 'bout his sister." I said

"Jayden? He's Victoria's issue," He said. "I'm not worried as long as she gon' handle him."

"Ha!" I scoffed. "Goodluck wit' dat dat one,"

"Taylor died wit'out sayin' goodbye ta' his ma," He said before letting a little scoff. "He ain't deserve dat."

"I can't take dat day back now," I said before he continued scoffing. "Wat's funny?"

"Ma man Dexter did her da good favour...." He said chuckled, as I thought of Tracey.

"I'll let ma man, Malcolm kno'.." I said grabbing an apple.

"Yhu'on take me as a fool do yhu?" He said once I laughed.

"I certainly don't," I said taking a bite out of the apple.

"I'm glad dat yhu kno' who Clinton is," He said

"Lemme remind yhu.......Clinton Matthews. Ima write yo' name on every bullet I own. Dis time it's gonna be me," I said

"Ohhh I'll keep dat in mind, uhh maybe yhu should do da same.." He said once da sirens of ah police car stopped right out the door.

"Tay, we got an issue." Danny said running through the back door once I followed

"We're not done Clinton......" I said. "Don't forget dat."

I placed the phone in my pocket and jumped the fence after Jayden. The sound of glass breaking was heard from where I stood, the next door neighbours.

Jayden broke the glass once we ran in through the black door. The house was owned but nobody was here. Nobody was in the house.

"We need ta' find ah way out of here." Jayden said

"Upstairs." I ran once they followed.

I opened any door I could see which was to a little child's room. I ran by the window and checked if we had any safety....which we did......the bin.

"We have enough safety ta' land safe now come on." I said before jumped down and landing on the bin. "Aaarrrggghhhh.....That didnt feel right." I groaned getting up and waiting for the rest.

Jayden fell down and quickly jumped off before Danny could have his shot. "ffffuuuuccckk." Danny complained. "That was not comfortable."

"Stay down." I said once we hid behind the phone rang and distracted me from what ever thought I had running in my head.

"Mal." I said.


"Hey how is she?" I questioned

"Lost blood, but she'll manage." He said.

"We're in trouble, get Lik and D down here now." I said.

"Wat's happened."

"Stupid motherfucker Clinton bailed us." I explained. "Meaning there are cops at Traces house."

"No helicopters?"

"No helicopters." I said. "Which is great."

"Lik , and D go get dem now." He said over the phone. "They're on their way."

"Great." I said. "We'll be waitin'."

"Aye man." He said. "Do yhu kno' wat happened ta' her."

"Ion think yhu want ta' hear it." I sighed. "Long story."

"Man, yhu have ta' tell me." He said......

"Well uhhh, ha well yhu kno' Mal-"

"Tay I ain't got time ta' laugh." He cut me off. "Tell me."

"Listen man......Dexter.......Dexter.......he raped her." I said.

"Dat mother fucker is dead." He cussed out........

Oh boy.
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