Endings and Beginnings

By donmaryfan

85.3K 2.6K 411

As Don and Meryl's life as empty nesters end; they embark on a new beginning. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98

Chapter 86

654 24 2
By donmaryfan

The next day was spent with Don and Meryl just enjoying time with one another and their babies; soaking up the family time before they had to be back in court the next day for Peggy's trial. They of course spent time with his parents as they didn't want to be rude; but Brad and Jane also knew the best thing for their son was to spend time with his wife and their youngest children as he tried to get his strength back from the exhausting experience of remembering what happened the day of the accident. Don and Meryl had called the kids to tell them what happened; but whenever they wanted to talk to Don he would keep it short. He was hurt all over again. Meryl completely understood and didn't push him at all. Yes, it was incredibly hard for her to hear her husband recount what the kids said to him; but she had already gone off on them and been mad at them, giving them a silent treatment. She knew it was now Don's turn to go through those emotions since he was experiencing it all over again. She had offered an ear if he wanted to talk about it; and he said he wasn't ready but he was hoping to hear an apology. Meryl let it go at that and just enjoyed their time together with their two youngest. Knowing the next day facing Peggy would not be fun.


Don and Meryl had just settled the babies in Mike's office with Liz and Maggie; and Meryl had her hand on Don's back as he hobbled on the crutches towards the courtroom. "My guy doing okay?"

"I promise I'm fine, sweetheart." Don said stopping and turning to her; giving her the smile that still melted her. "I had an amazing day with you and the twins yesterday. I am just ready to get all this over with and we can get home. We can get back to a schedule for Mags and Brady. We both can be in our own home. I'm just ready for our own kind of normal."

Meryl ran her fingers across his cheek. "Being in Indianapolis is still hard for you."

"In some ways, yes; and in some ways, no." Don said honestly. "I just like it better when we're in our home. I'm selfish."

Meryl knew it was hard for him to share time with the babies since he felt like he had missed half their lives already. "I am too, Don Man."

"Kids?" Don asked surprised as they got closer to the courtroom. "What are you doing here?"

Grace, Mamie and Henry all exchanged looks when Don seemed to keep his greetings and hugs to them short; but not Louisa, Suzie or Lily. Henry spoke up. "We wanted to be here for you, Dad."

"And Mom." Mamie smiled.

Grace nodded as she tried to smile at her father. "Mostly Dad."

"When did you get in?" Meryl asked as she hugged her kids and granddaughter after Don did. "You didn't say anything on the phone."

Suzie smiled. "Dad's pilot brought us last night; and we've been hiding out at Grandma and Grandpa's."

"They didn't say." Don said somewhat tightly. While he absolutely adored ALL of his children; he couldn't help the feeling of hurt when he saw them-the first time he had seen them since remembering what happened. It caught him off guard; he thought he would have time to mentally and emotionally prepare for this moment. "Babe, I'm going to go talk to Larry and Mike and sit down. Love you."

Meryl nodded as she kissed his lips. "I'll be right there, sweetheart; and I love you, too."

"I told you." Grace said sadly to her siblings.

Louisa shrugged. "He was fine with me."

"Because you weren't there that day." Mamie said.

Suzie nodded. "He was fine with me; but I see what you guys are talking about."

"What ARE you all talking about?" Meryl asked even though she was pretty sure she knew.

Henry sighed; feeling though he had been the ring leader. "Ever since Dad has remembered what happened the day of the accident he's been short with us. I don't understand; we've apologized."

"And as I have said many times in the past 24 hours." Suzie began. "That was before he remembered."

Louisa rolled her eyes. "You seriously can't be upset with Dad about this."

"He said he forgave us." Grace added.

Mamie nodded her head. "I thought we were moving forward; Mom, has he said anything to you?"

"I would NEVER EVER break your father's confidence; I'm sorry, but husband-wife confidentially comes before trying to make you all feel better in this case." Meryl said.

Henry sighed. "He has; and you're mad again too."

"Was it easy to watch him remember his heartbreak from that day? Of course not; but I've already let you all know how I felt when it happened and accepted your apology after I went through what you are seeing your father currently going through." Meryl pointed out. "I want you to put yourself in his shoes. As he watched the child that was created by the abusive bastard who he thought was his father and his ex-wife claim to be your son and spew all kinds of lies and hate; he remembers his children saying devastating things to him. Things so devastating he felt it would be best to leave his home which resulted in said child and ex-wife running him off the road in a snow and ice storm resulting in him losing 10 months of his life from his memory bank. He then remembers his wife screaming for him as he felt fire getting closer and closer to him; and not only fearing for his life, but his wife's as well. He had to live through this several times: hearing about it from his wife when he realized he couldn't remember the past 10 months, then in the courtroom. then telling the judge and lawyers; and watching his wife live through that pain over and over. If you put yourself in his shoes, then can you understand why he might not know how to react? Especially when these children that he has given his LIFE to haven't really acknowledged all that. Now, he hasn't really talked to me; but I probably wouldn't be handling things as well as he is right now. Please also remember that your father, your hero and mine, is suffering brain trauma. Maybe this will give you all some perspective."

Mamie looked at her siblings. "I think we have it now."

"Should we not have come?" Grace asked.

Henry shook his head. "I think it is good we did."

"I agree; but please don't push him." Meryl hugged all the kids. "Suze, your mom and grandma are in your grandpa's office with the babies. I'm going back in with your father. I am glad you're here; please just keep in mind everything your father has and is going through. He has shown you all patience and understanding and unconditional love your whole lives; and I expect you show him the same."

Louisa smugly looked at her siblings. "Well, I think she just told you."


Meryl took a deep breath as she walked into the courtroom with a bottle of water; going over and kissing her husband on the head and handing him the bottle. "Here you go, handsome."

"There you are." Don turned to her. "You're mad at me aren't you?"

Meryl heart was breaking at everything he was going through. She pulled his head to hers; showing him with her kisses just what she felt about him. "And why would I be mad at my favorite guy?"

"Glad you're not." Don smiled. "How did things go with the kids? I was afraid you'd be mad because I walked off. I was just caught off guard and am still trying to sort out how I..."

Meryl placed her fingers on his lips. "You don't need to explain to me, Don Man. I went through EXACTLY what you are going through. They know you're upset. Baby, I didn't betray your trust but I told them to put themselves in your shoes; so, I think they might finally get it."

"I know you wouldn't, sweetheart." Don smiled softly at her. "I also knew that you couldn't sit by and do nothing when you know I'm hurting. That's why you're my girl."

Meryl breathed an inward sigh of relief. "I think they are taking your Lily Bean to Mike's office."

"She'd have more fun back there; and maybe she'll entertain Mags and Brady." Don winked at her. "Yes, I am hurting and I am trying to figure all this out; but they will always be our babies and I love them no matter what."

Meryl pressed her forehead to his. "There has NEVER been a doubt in my mind about that, Donald Gummer. You shouldn't just get over this over night, baby; a lot has happened. I told them they need to give you space for that."

"Thank you, Darl." Don said tucking her hair behind her ear. "I am glad they are here."

Meryl's face lit up at hearing him say that. "I know you are; and so am I. Now, can I get you anything before this farce starts?"

"Yeah." Don smirked as he tapped his lips; and she quickly obliged. "I'm much better now."


"Why haven't we started yet?" Meryl asked Mike and Larry as they came over.

Don sighed. "I'm in no hurry to see her."

"Neither am I, baby." Meryl sighed. "I just want this over with; for you."

Larry nodded. "Dad and I asked to start a little later; because we had an idea that we think would help."

"Suzie, girl?" Mike turned back to his granddaughter and her husband. "Could you and Hen come over here please?"

Don looked at everyone as Meryl wrapped her arm around him. "What's going on?"

"Since Suzie is here I want her to testify." Mike said.

Don shook his head. "I don't want to put the kids in the middle."

"Why do you want Suze to testify?" Meryl asked. "You said you thought this would help?"

Larry nodded. "Meryl, she was with you when you found Don. She saw the damage. She was the one to take care of the babies until Lizzie and I got there. She's the one that talked to the EMT's after you passed out. She talked to the doctors. She is a first hand witness."

"But I didn't see Uncle Don's accident actually happen." Suzie pointed out.

Henry took her hand in his. "No; but like Uncle Larry said, you saw everything else."

"I'll do it." Suzie said quickly. "Of course I'll do it; if it helps Uncle Don and Aunt Meryl then I will absolutely do it."

Don smiled sweetly at his daughter-in-law. "Suzie girl, I don't want to put you in the middle; and I know your Aunt Meryl feels the same way."

"That's right." Meryl said. "I've told you this since that night after the accident; I don't want this to cause a problem between you and Hen."

Henry shook his head quickly. "While I was not the driver of the car; I know I helped put this into motion by making Dad feel unwanted and unsafe in his own home, which I will aways regret. I want to do whatever I can to help put the people who did this to my father, my family, behind bars. I absolutely support Suzie doing this; and it won't cause a problem between us."

"I already kicked his ass." Suzie gave her husband a playful wink. "Really, I want to do this. Ever since that day I have wanted to do whatever I can to help Uncle Don; and that included taking Aunt Meryl and the babies to find him."

Don reached out his hand to his goddaughter. "You have more than proven it, Suzie girl, thank you."

"I don't know I could have gotten through that day without you." Meryl hugged her daughter-in-law. "Thank you so much for doing this."

"You are a rockstar Susan Elizabeth Gummer." Don kissed Suzie on the cheek. "Thank you, sweetie."

Larry smiled at his daughter. "Let's go with your grandpa and we'll fill you in."

"I'm glad she can do this; and I can support her in doing this." Henry said to his parents once they were left alone. "I meant what I said. I know I wasn't driving the car that hit you, Dad; but my fears and insecurities put this into motion. I will spend the rest of my life regretting the things I did that day; and trying to make it up to you, to both of you. I really am so sorry, Pops. From the bottom of my heart. I don't know what else to say other than I am sorry; and you have been and always will be my hero especially for not kicking my ass like I deserve."

The tears in Don's eyes matched the one's in his son's, as well as his wife's who was watching; as he pulled him in for a hug. "Thank you, Hen; I know you are, bud. I'm just sorting everything out since it seems to be happening for the first time."

"I understand, Dad." Henry said as they broke apart from their hug. "Just know I'll be here for you, always; no matter what."

Don patted his son's shoulder. "Just as I will be for you."

"You okay there, Mom?" Henry hugged his mother.

Don then pulled her into his side as she cried. "Brady's the only one of my guys not making me cry."

"Oh, he will someday." Don teased with a kiss to her head. "Hen, go support your wife; we'll be fine here."

Meryl turned to Don once Henry walked away and Don wiped away her tears. "They really do love you, baby. So much. Though it makes absolutely no sense to me; but I think that's why they've done this lately. Though I hope to hell they stop. Like I told them the day of your accident, this absolutely canNOT happen again."

"It won't, sweetheart." Don said with a kiss to her forehead. "I think they really do get it. I love them more than anything; that's why it hurts so bad."

Meryl nodded as she stroked the mole under his right eye. "I know, sweetheart; believe me I do."

"That was quite a moment, though." Don smiled. "One I'm thankful for; and I'm pretty sure your little talk with them earlier played a role."

Meryl winked at him. "Gotta watch out for my guy."

"You always do." Don said as he continued to lean on his crutches. "Come on, your guy desperately needs to sit."


Don and Meryl were sitting hand in hand as the trial started. Meryl leaned over and whispered in his ear. "Why did I never knock that bitch out cold when I had the chance?"

"Don't let her get to you, Darl." Don whispered with a kiss to his wife's lips when he looked over her shoulder and noticed his ex-wife kept glaring at the love of his life. "You have always been the one for me."

Meryl nodded with tears in her eyes. "She tried to kill you, Don."

"And you saved my life." He whispered with another kiss to her lips. "And she's going to be thrown in jail because YOU didn't back down; and YOU found out what happened to me."

Meryl gave him one more kiss before laying her head on his shoulder as they watched Mike get up. "For over 40 years, Peggy Gummer has been trying to get revenge on Mr. Donald Gummer all because he filed for divorce from her after 1 year of marriage when she was repeatedly cheating on him. She almost succeeded two weeks ago when she ran Don Gummer off an ice covered road resulting in many injuries including brain trauma." Don lifted Meryl's head and wiped away her tears as he kissed her lips. "This HAS to stop. Mr. Gummer has tried to move on with his life after separating from Peggy Gummer but she hasn't. She has been after him, his wife and their children for 34 years. This family will truly never experience peace and safety until she is in jail. Mr. Gummer only survived because his wife and daughter-in-law saw found his car and his wife pulled his unconscious body from the fiery crash."

"My hero." Don whispered as he kissed his wife's head as he knew she was reliving that day, yet again, and was trying to keep it all together.

Mike looked at Don and Meryl; he was trying to be professional and not get emotional himself. "It stops now. It stops today!"

"Thank you." Meryl kissed Mike's cheek and then looked at Don. "I think this one is going to be harder than Harry's trial; SHE'S the one who tried to take you from me, from us...AGAIN."

Don tenderly kissed his wife's lips. "She didn't; she never will. All because we are so connected and you saved me."

"You save me." Meryl breathed. "Every day."

Grace leaned over to her sister as they watched the exchange with their parents. "How could we say those things to him? Look at them."

"I don't know." Mamie wiped away her tears. "The crazy ex-wife might have been driving; but we most certainly set the events of Dad's crash into motion."

Peggy's lawyer, Evelyn Thatcher, got up. "This is simply a case of a man leaving his second wife for the first one; which happens quite often. He had an accident. Doesn't remember deciding to leave the second wife for the first; and so he's concocted this story."

"Larry!" Meryl hissed. "She didn't just use Don's amnesia against him?! How fucking sick is that?"

Don held her tighter. "The truth will come out, sweetheart. I remember."

"Objection." Mike popped up.

The judge shook his head. "Brown, you know you can't object during an opening statement."

"Your honor." Mike began. "Mr. Gummer DOES remember the accident; and that deposition is filed with the court."

Meryl heard Don chuckle. "What's so funny?"

"Peggy." Don nodded his head towards his ex-wife. "The look on her face when she found out I remember."

Meryl got a proud look on her face. "She's going down."

"Yes, my kick ass wife." Don kissed her lips. "She is."

Thatcher shook her head. "My statement stands. That is all."

"It's over." Larry laughed. "We've got this."


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