Endings and Beginnings

Por donmaryfan

82.7K 2.6K 411

As Don and Meryl's life as empty nesters end; they embark on a new beginning. Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98

Chapter 85

583 25 2
Por donmaryfan

Larry and Meryl got Don and the babies back to Brad and Jane's as quickly as possible. While Larry and Brad helped Don get into the house; Liz and Jane helped Meryl with the babies. Once the babies were settled down in their bassinets, Meryl told everyone she could take it from there and thanked them for their help; Don had fallen asleep as soon as they got him in bed. Jane and Brad offered to take the babies but Meryl said Don would want them as soon as he woke up; and she wanted them as well. She promised Don time alone just the 4 of them even though they were staying with his parents; and she wanted to make sure he got it. Once they were alone she stripped Don down to his boxers and undershirt due to him sweating so much. "This isn't even waking you up?" Meryl teased her husband with a kiss to his lips as she ran her fingers down his chest. She shook her head that even in his sleep and the hell his body had gone through that he was responding to her sexually when she saw evidence of an arousal in his boxers. "Even asleep and mentally and emotionally exhausted you're ready for me." She laughed quietly as she tenderly kissed his lips again. "Soon baby, I promise you. I'm right here with you. The babies are great and are here with us. I'm going to change and get comfortable. We're going to have time alone just the 4 of us when you wake up, sweetheart. Just get the rest you need. I love you so much." Meryl sighed as she changed into comfortable clothes. She knew this was expected with the stress his brain was under. She smiled as she changed when she thought about even though he was absolutely exhausted that he continued to flirt with her in the car on the way out to his parents. That was her Don through and through. As much as she knew he needed sleep; she also couldn't wait until he woke up because she needed to make sure that with the extreme stress of the day that he was alright.


Meryl was sitting on the bed next to her husband, constantly talking to him and kissing him, with her babies laid out on the bed in front of her. She knew they needed to stretch and have some one on one time with her; she also knew they would need time with their daddy whenever he woke up. She talked softly to them. "I know, I want Daddy to wake up too, my loves. I'm sure he will soon. In the meantime you're stuck with me. I know I'm not as fun as Daddy because he makes up those silly songs and rubs his stubble on your cheeks. Though I am pretty good at the funny voices according to your brother and sisters." Meryl looked beside her as the babies started crying, knowing they were hungry but was hoping Don would be awake before they needed to eat; but he wasn't. "Okay, it looks like you get just Mommy with this feeding."


Meryl had just finished feeding and changing the babies. She then sang to them and put them in their pajamas and laid them in their bassinets for the night. Meryl leaned down and kissed them both. "You two are growing up too fast for this mama; already in your own bassinets. Don't grow up too fast, please. Get some sleep, my loves; and hopefully your daddy will be awake by the time you are." Meryl sighed as she climbed back in bed next to her husband, feeling his forehead with her hand and tenderly kissing his lips as she then gently rubbed his chest; knowing how much he enjoyed that. "Well, you're cooler, so that's good. I called Hal and told him about you remembering and your headache and sweating; like the courthouse doctor said, it's normal. I just needed to make sure. I hope you're able to sleep off that headache, baby. When you wake up I will get you whatever you want to eat; I don't care if I have to call a taxi to take me to get it. You'll get it." Meryl whispered with a kiss to his lips as there was a slight tap at the door. Meryl sat up as she wiped away her tears. "Come in."

"How's he doing?" Jane asked quietly as she walked into the room.

Meryl shrugged as she looked back down at her husband. "Still sleeping. He's cooler which is good. I called Dr. Abbott and this is normal. The babies cries haven't woken him up. Me fussing with him hasn't woken him up."

"He's just tired, honey." Jane tried to assure her daughter-in-law as she walked over to her. "Why don't you come out and have some supper with us? We can turn on the baby monitor and you can pull it up with your phone."

Meryl shook her head as she ran her fingers through her husband's hair. "I can't leave him; he wouldn't leave me."

"Honey, he's just sleeping." Jane squeezed Meryl's shoulder.

Meryl didn't even try to blink past the tears. "I'm not sure; he looks just like he did when he was in the coma. I'm not leaving until he wakes up; just as I know he wouldn't leave me until I woke up. Besides, he was terrified when he started remembering of me not being with him. What if he wakes up and I'm not with him." Jane began to walk out until Meryl spoke again. "I'm such an idiot."

"Why on earth would you say that, sweetheart?" Jane asked as she peeked in on her grandchildren in the bassinets.

Meryl didn't wipe away her tears. "Everyone was so worried about me testifying, about the stress it would cause me; Don was terrified for me to testify. No one seemed concerned about him testifying; and look what happened. HE'S the one that has brain trauma. I shouldn't have let him do this."

"You have met my son, right?" Jane teased her daughter-in-law. "You couldn't have stopped him. He's wanted to remember what happened that day so badly; and he has. I'm sure in some ways it's like he's been depressurized so his body is finally able to relax; so is his brain. Give him some time. Nothing will keep him away from you and the kids long."

Meryl gave her mother-in-law a teary smile as she accepted her hug. "Thank you, Jane; for everything. For the help and letting us stay here."

"This is his home; your home." Jane choked as Meryl nodded tearily. "Can I bring you something to eat or drink?"

Meryl shook her head. "No thank you; I promised him we would eat dinner together tonight and that is just what we are going to do."

"We're here if you need us." Jane kissed her son's forehead. "Thank you for taking such amazing care of him."

Meryl watched her mother-in-law walk out as she laid her head on her husband's shoulder. "I'll be right here when you wake up, handsome. I'm not going anywhere."


Meryl looked at her watch and sighed. Don had been asleep without moving for hours. This wasn't right. He had brain trauma. He had been shaking and sweating like crazy. She couldn't believe that she didn't insist he go to the hospital and get checked out after everything he had gone through 2 weeks before. Meryl pressed her fingers to his pulse and it seemed strong. Meryl was starting to think they needed an ambulance; she didn't want to be the overprotective or overreactive wife; but she just couldn't shake her fear and helplessness. She kissed his lips and got up to repack the babies' diaper bag. She then went over to them and kissed their heads. "I think we're going to go on a little trip; we just need to make sure Daddy is okay." Meryl sighed as she went back over to him and he still wasn't awake. "Okay baby, I'm going to get some help. Just hang tight, sweetheart." Meryl slipped on her shoes and a cardigan and went over to the door opening it. She was relieved when she saw Brad walking down the hallway. "Oh good, Brad!"

"What is it, honey?" Brad rushed over to his daughter-in-law when he saw how worked up she was. "Is it Don?"

Meryl walked a few steps towards her father-in-law. "He's still not awake; he hasn't even moved. I think we need to get him to the hospital. I should have insisted on it earlier."

"I'm sure he's just tired, honey." Brad tried to soothe his daughter-in-law. "I'll get the babies and put them in their seats in the stroller."

Meryl went back over to her husband kissing his lips over and over. "Please be okay."

"I love it when you're on top of me." Don mumbled sleepily. "Especially when you're kissing me like this."

Brad stopped what he was doing and put his grand babies back in their bassinets. "Same old Don. Come get me if I can help with anything."

"Thank god, oh thank god." Meryl cried as she kissed all over his face. "Do you know who I am?"

Don's heart broke at her anguish and he responded in the only way he knew to: by cupping the back of her head in his hand and pulling her head down to engage her tongue in a tantalizing and mind numbing kiss. Their breathing became rapid. When they eventually broke apart for air, Don placed one last kiss on her lips. "You're my girl who recently gave me two more amazing children. I'm not going to forget again, baby. I could never forget you. Are you okay? You seem so upset. Why was Brad in here? Did something happen after court?"

"You've been asleep for a long time and I was getting really worried." Meryl explained as she sat on the bad next to him, facing him. "Your mom was in here and you didn't wake up. I called Dr. Abbott who said all this was normal; but me talking to him didn't wake you up. The babies fussing and eating didn't wake you up. It was like after you accident all..."

Don pulled her down to lay next to him and hold her close. "You saved my life, Mary Louise. I'm fine, baby; I was just tired."

"You have brain trauma; we need to make sure. That's why Brad was in here, he was going to help me get all of us to the hospital." Meryl told him as she started to get up. "I'll have him help you up; and I'll get the babies."

Don pulled Meryl back down. "Sweetheart, I don't need to go to the hospital. I was just tired."

"We need to make sure." Meryl cried. "I could never live with myself."

Don placed his finger over her lips. "I'm sorry I scared you, Darl; but I really am okay. My headache is gone. I'm not sweating or shaking. And it looks like someone took my clothes off."

"You seemed to be enjoying it." Meryl finally smiled. "Even while you were asleep."

Don took her hand in his and pressed it to his crotch. "It only takes you being around me."

"Sweet talker." Meryl shook her head. "Really, Don Man; I think you need to get checked out."

Don winked at her. "You can check me out." Meryl shook her head. "Really baby, I am feeling so much better. This is what I think I need..."

"What's that?" Meryl smirked at him as she heard the flirtatious tone in his voice.

Don ran his fingers through her hair. "I believe my wife promised me time with just her and our babies. Since I've been asleep, and knowing you, I'm sure you haven't eaten. So, I want to have a private dinner with my wife. I want to hold her. I want to kiss her. I want to talk to her about how amazing she was today. Then I want us to crawl in bed together as she nurses our miracle babies; and I want to spend time with them. Now, just try to tell me that isn't better than going to the hospital."

"It's so much better." Meryl leaned her head against his. "And I can never say no to you."

Don mumbled against her lips. "I really like that about you."


Meryl reluctantly went to make her and Don PB&J sandwiches for dinner with fruit and chips. She told him she would order whatever he wanted and would even ask one of his parents to take her to pick it up, she would take a cab or have it delivered. Don insisted that he just wanted a plain old PB&J sandwich. While Meryl was making them, Jane offered to make them something but Meryl told her that's what Don wanted; and considering he hadn't had much of an appetite since his accident she wanted him to have whatever he wanted. Don and Meryl were sitting in bed eating; well, she noticed Don was just picking at his food and not saying much. Meryl ran her fingers through his hair. "Baby, are you feeling alright? I would be happy to make you something else or ask your mom to take me to get you something so Brad can stay here with you."

"It's fine, Darl." Don gave her a weak smile. "Thank you for making it; and I'm feeling okay."

Meryl continued to watch him; and knew something wasn't right. "Don Man, you know you can talk to me about anything, right?"

"I know." Don said; he knew he needed to get this off his chest. "You know I wasn't going off to meet with Peggy the day of the accident, right? You know that I would NEVER cheat on you, right?"

Meryl put down her sandwich and cupped his head in her hands. "Sweetheart, is that what this is all about?"

"I haven't really been able to talk to you about it." Don shrugged. "I mean I know I don't remember everything but I do remember that day; and I know me, I know us."

Meryl sighed as she turned his head to her. "Baby, I know you wouldn't do that. He was just trying to get Harry off. It was all lies. Everything he said was a lie. I would NEVER believe it. If you think I would then we have a huge..."

"No, I don't." Don said quickly. "It's just I'm missing all these pieces; and I'm terrified that I'm going to learn something about myself I don't like. That maybe I'm not remembering because I hurt you or something and I couldn't take that."

Meryl could understand where he was coming from. "Don Man, I know we weren't together 24/7 during my pregnancy; but pretty damn close. You barely went anywhere without me; and I didn't go anywhere without you. You traveled with me and I traveled with you. We were together every night. We ate almost every meal together. Even if we hadn't; I would KNOW it was all lies. Don Man, there is no one in this WORLD I trust more than you. There is no one in this WORLD that makes me feel as safe and at peace as you do. I just hoped I did the same for you."

"You do, baby." Don stroked her beautiful cheekbones. "You are the only one I have ever completely trusted; and opened up with. You are me; and I am you. Being with you makes me feel that everything is right in this world. That is why I couldn't take it if I..."

Meryl pulled his head closer to hers and kissed his lips over and over and over again. "You didn't; you never would. Feel better?"

"I do, thanks, baby." Don gave her a smile. "I'm sorry you keep having to..."

Meryl cut him off as she shook her head. "I love telling you how much I love you; besides sweetheart, you have been through hell. I can't imagine how overwhelming and confusing all this is. Please just trust me; trust us."

"About the only person and thing I completely trust." Don sighed. "I'm ready to get our life back, Meryl."

Meryl smiled as she looked over at the bassinets. "We do have our life back; because we have you back. That's all that matters. Listen, I know that's easy for me to say because I'm not missing months from my life. But when I saw your body in that car I thought that was it; and I couldn't let that happen. So, if you are here with me, with us, then I will be your memory for the rest of our lives. I don't care about that. I just want you."

"You have me, baby; and I'm here because of you." Don said playing with her hair. "You've put yourself in front of bullets meant for me and now you pulled my body from a burning car; you always have been and always will be my here."

Meryl brushed her lips across his. "I'm here because of you; you are my breath, my center and my home. Are you doing okay after remembering everything? Is there anything you would like to talk about that I can fill in for you?"

"Maybe later." Don smiled with a kiss to her lips. "I meant what I said earlier, I just want to spend a quiet evening with three of my favorite people. I want us to hold our babies and each other, I want us to eat these wonderful sandwiches you prepared for us, I want to hold you, I want to enjoy every part of this evening with you because I am so damn glad you brought me back and that I get to make new memories with you and our mid-life surprises."

Meryl gave him a teary smile as she kissed his lips once again. "Sounds like a perfect evening to me."



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