Abelle- A Chinese Romance

By GarnetsPearls

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As everyone knows from the olden days to the present, people marry people that are up to their standards. It'... More

Abelle- Love Story
To Be Engaged (Part 1)
The Ball (Part 2)
A Song For Me (Part 3)
Close Encounters (Part 4)
A Partnership I Desire (Part 5)
The Reception (Part 6)
Escape in Taiwan (Part 7)
The Dangers of Falling for You (Part 8)
Teared Apart By Wealth (Part 9)
Forgive and Forget (Part 10)
What The Heart Wants (Part 11)
The Truth Hurts (Part 12)
What Is True Love (Part 13)
Officially Over (Part 14)
We Meet Again (Part 15)
To Risk A Fortune (Part 16)

Forever Together (Part 17)

460 8 0
By GarnetsPearls

It's been weird for me these couple of days. I can't go anywhere without covering my whole body and face from the paparazzi. They even tried to stalk me where I lived! It's a good thing, James hired some bodyguards to stop any sneaky reporter who would try to get past the lobby in my apartment building. The press seemed genuinely surprised that Chan Teng chose me to be James's "lover" over Chelsie, his mother hasn't made an announcement yet but rumors are spreading. I've heard from Chelsie a few days ago that she and Jack have reconciled. That's good for them! James and I haven't met face to face yet since that day in the CEO's office, but I do get messages from him every night about work. I've been living in a fantasy these past weeks.

"Shoot, I don't have any eggs," I tell myself after closing the frigerator's door. I need to buy eggs! I grab my apartment keys off the kitchen counter and put on some shoes. The thought of running into the paparazzi on the lobby floor made me nervous. Don't worry, I think inside my head, at least there are bodyguards below doing their job. I stand up from tying my shoe laces on my sneakers just as the door bell rang. What? Who could it be? It better not be a reporter or I swear I'll--- I swing open the door and come face to face with my mother. I don't remember her calling about a visit..... "Morning Li, how are you?" I stare at my mother who stands in the doorway with a gentle smile wearing a light-colored dress with white shoes. "I'm....fine. Come in." I say and swing open the door wider for her to come in. "You seem nervous," my mother says with a laugh and follows me into the kitchen. Li Hua opens a cabinet door and takes out a tea bag. "That's because you referred to me as Li, the only time you ever call me by the family's last name is if only I'm in trouble."

Li Hua pours the tea kettle over a teacup and flashes me a smile. "I only use that name for serious events. I have come to your place to discuss about you and James Chan." Oh no......is she going to go against me for loving him, even though I was suppose to stay away from him in public?!? Li Hua sips her tea and comes closer to me. "I was very surprise from your outburst in the CEO office that day......I had no idea you would cause such problems for me." "Look, I'm sorry mother--" "I'm not finished." My mother looks straight into my eyes, as if she was trying to find anymore hidden secrets inside of me. "I admire your courage, Abelle. I have begun to understand why you would object marrying Jack Ting, was it because you had loved James Chan all along?" I feel my heart freeze up inside. Why am I so nervous all of a sudden?!? AND IN FRONT OF MY OWN MOTHER TOO! "I would have objected you marrying anyone else if they were part of your career, but this actually makes sense! James Chan is the son of a CEO who has an extraordinary amount of fame and wealth! I would never have imagined him to be interested in you.....but your relationships with him were always friendly and full of passion when you and him were younger. Now, you can have a splendid marriage with James without worrying about money or love issues!"

"MOTHER! You make it sound like as if James and I are starting to get married, which we are not!" I blurt out. My mother takes another sip of her tea and whispers something in my ear, "I approve of this relationship and marriage with James Chan, but Chan Teng does not. I know that deep down in her heart, she hates every bit of it. You should be careful with your actions in the future." Maybe mother is right, although James assured me the night he called me to let me know that everything had gone smoothly with Chan Teng, maybe Chan Teng still hates me. I know that Jina will. "Then why would James tell me that everything is alright?"

Li Hua sighs and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "He doesn't know it, but I do. Chan Teng and I have been friends for more than 30 years, if you don't count the years we made no eye contact at all, but I know that woman. She is a sly and a very assertive woman, but she wants the best for her son. Rumors are already spreading that yo and James are engaged! She doesn't deny the rumors in public. She was very stern in our friendship during college years, but deep down inside we loved each other," Li Hua tells me with chuckle, "You have to understand Abelle that I don't hate Chan Teng as a person, no. I find her to be very admirable! But her actions are something that needs to be reconsidered. Remember what I've said here my dear."

"Don't you love the taste of these cakes?" Chelsie asks me with a wide grin. Jack wipes his mouth with a napkin and laughs. "They're amazing, Chelsie! You have incredible baking skills." I take a bite out my mini cake and chewed thoughtfully. These were delicious! "You can have as many as you'd like, Jack! You too, Abelle!" Chelsie hops into a seat next to Jack and they cuddle with each other in warmth. I feel jealous just watching them. They are exactly comparative to Liu and Shu. "Oh! I'm sorry to disturb you all," a voice says in the doorway. I turn around in my seat on the sofa and see Chan Peng standing in the doorway looking slightly worried. "We're fine here, mother. Is there something you need?" Jack answers back politely. Chan Peng shakes her head. "Oh no, I was looking for your father. Well, I'll be going now." Chelsie pipes up, "Chan Peng, would you like to try a mini cake? I made them by myself, they're really good!" Chan Teng stares back at Chelsie with a blank look for a second. "I'm not hungry for now, sweetie....but save a few cakes for later will you?"

"I know she still hates me," Chelsie whispers to Jack after Chan Peng leaves. Jack sighs and puts his arm around Chelsie. "She's just upset over the fact that Ting Buo joined on my side during an argument. She'll come to like you again Chelsie, just like the first day she met you." Unsuspectingly, Jack gives Chelsie a kiss on the forehead, making her feel better. Jealous? Of course not. "Hey Abelle, are you coming to the CEO event on Friday?" CEO event? "I wasn't invited, so I guess not," I say bluntly and take another mini cake off the tray on the table in front of us. Chelsie scowls at Jack who looks alarmed. "Don't tell me she doesn't know yet?" Jack frowns at her then glances at me. "There were invites sent out last night about the event. I heard from my mother and father that Chan Teng was going to cancel it, but instead it's still going through." I chew and swallow a bite from a lemon cake before saying out loud, "If the invitations were handled by Chan Teng, I bet she doesn't want me there." Chelsie gives me a sad look on her face. "That can't be....the CEO event is for her son after all. I'm sure James Chan would have invited you right away." I rolled my eyes at Chelsie.

She just doesn't get it yet does she? Even though Chan Teng acted as a horrible person during that time when we were all together in the office, Chelsie still doesn't know that James's mother has a grudge against me. "What is the CEO event for anyway? To celebrate the anniversary of Chan Teng's ruling?" Jack chuckles at my answer. "Close. The CEO event is to celebrate the next person to take over Chan Teng's role as the head of Chan Enterprises." Chelsie winks at my surprised face and adds in, "It's going to be a great party! I heard of alot of millionaires coming to the event. I'm so excited to see him on stage in front of everyone!" Jack and Chelsie share a secretive smile with each other on the sofa. "James Chan?" I question out loud. They both nodded their heads enthusiastically. "That's impossible! James told me before that he wouldn't be able to take over the title as CEO until he got married!"

Jack nods his head. "That's true. Chan Teng wanted to cancel the event after Chelsie broke up with James, but she had already called several of her friends to be there at the event. Chan Teng has decided to step down as CEO in order for her son to take over...I don't know her exact reason why. Maybe she's thought it over well enough for it to happen?" I don't say anything and stare down at the hands resting calmly in my lap. If James and Chelsie were still together then..... "I think Chan Teng's plan was like this. Since James and I have been engaged for a couple of months now, Chan Teng decided to plan for the CEO event which would happen on James's birthday. After the event, a wedding would take place immediately." I look up and catch Chelsie staring at me wistfully. "Oh my god! I forgot about his birthday! It's on March 2!" I exclaim. How coud I forget his birthday? I must've remembered his birthday during the first few years we were apart, but then after....I must've not cared anymore. March 2......that's tomorrow. "I-I have to go home now!" "You want a drive?" Jack asks me as we both stand up together. "It's better if you don't...I don't want any reporters getting the wrong idea that we're together. Bringing me here to your mansion is enough. Bye, I'll call you maybe tomorrow Chelsie!" I quickly wipe my hands on a napkin and dashed out of the sitting room. There's something I need to do.

I'm not sure what James likes. All the presents I have given him in the past during our childhood were things like candy, a new violin case, race cars, tickets to a concert, etc. Here I am in front of a top jewelry store in Beijing, Top Diamonds, with not a single clue on what to buy. I thought it would be better if I gave James an expensive accessory to wear, just like the pearl bracelet he gave me, then we would be even. But all the things I see in the glass display glasses, I'm not sure if he'll like or not. He's a rich man, he could buy out this whole store if he wanted to! "Having trouble miss?" I turn around and see a young man in wearing a neat suit with a tag on his shirt. The salesman of this store. "Oh, I'm looking for something as a birthday gift to a friend." Hearing my voice, the salesman's eyes widened. "Aren't you Li Abelle?" I cross my arms at the man and nodded my head. He laughed. "It's a pleasure to serve you, young lady! Let me show you some exquisite gems that your friend may like."

The salesman shows a few bracelets and necklaces with dazzling gems that stun me. "How about this one for your friend? Only for 885 yuan." The salesman shows me a beautiful sapphire necklace with tiny diamonds surrounding the whole gem. The necklace even came with matching earrings too! "This is amazing! I would totally buy it for myself, but I'm looking for something that my friend will like....something that he may not have already. Can you suggest anything?" The salesman chuckles and puts away all the jewelry. "I misunderstood the term 'friend.' If he is a man, he must want other things beside flashy diamond rings, right?" I laugh along with the man as he takes me to another glass display case. "How about a fancy wristwatch for the gentleman?" No....I'm sure James already has a watch. The salesman takes me to the rings section. Wouldn't giving a ring to James be weird? "I'm sorry," I tell the salesman with a sigh, "but it seems like my friend has every type of accessory possible in your store." I expect the salesman to look disappointed, instead he gave me a smile. "Your friend must be very wealthy, indeed. May I suggest that it doesn't matter what you give him here....what matters is that you gave him something. He'll cherish any gift from you, it doesn't matter if he already has it or not. What matters is that you took the time to look for something that he would love and you gave it to him."

He's right. It doesn't matter if James has this or not. As long as I give him something that's from me. "Thanks for the advice, sir. I think I know what to buy now." The salesman winks at me and takes me to the other side of the room. "My pleasure."

I leave the shop with a gift bag and hurry on out into the night air. How long did I spend my time in that shop? An hour at least? "Abelle." I turn to my left and see James wearing a dark overcoat, leaning against a lamp post. Down the street, I see a parked limo. "What are you doing here?" James laughs and teases me playfully, "I thought that now sine we revealed our love to each other, you would greet me with a kiss instead of a question like 'What are you doing here?'" Hmph. I'm beginning to see the boyish side of him. "How did you find me?" I asked politely. James takes my arm as we walked down the lighted street together. "Rumors. I heard that you were visiting this jewelry store here. I tried calling your phone, but you wouldn't pick up." I stop walking and frantically looked left and right down the street. Where was the press? Wasn't anybody going to take pictures of us together?!? "We drove all the nosy crowds away, you can relax." Instead of the driver opening the passenger door, James does it for me. I slide right in without any complaints.

"Taking me out to dinner?" James chuckles and puts on his seat belt just as we pull away from the street. "That was the plan." James's eyes wander a little to the gift bag sitting next to me on the other side. "What did you buy from that jewelry store?" I blush a little when he mentions the bag but answered right away, "I needed to pick up something for Shu, you know, Liu's boyfriend. It's a gift for her." James nods his head then frowns at me. "You do know that going out in public by yourself is dangerous, with the paparazzi snooping about to photograph you." I hinted a bit of anger in his voice. James was being worried about me! "Aw, did you come and fetch me by risking yourself in public?" I teased him playfully. James makes a face before looking away. I could tell he was embarrassed. "Relax." I put my hand on top of his and squeezed it gently. I'm glad to have a friend like James, even more as a lover. James doesn't squeeze back, but I could see in the reflection of the car window that he was smiling.


"How's your chicken?" "It's alright." James and I don't talk much over dinner, we were more engrossed into our food than each other at the moment, it seems. "So....I heard from Chelsie and Jack that there's an event going on for Chan Enterprises tomorrow?" It may have been rude of me to pry information out of him so early in the dinner stage but, I was burning with curiosity of what he was going to tell me. "Ah yes! I was going to discuss about that with you tonight. It's an event planned by my mother.....looks like I'm taking over her job." James eyes me for a sudden reaction and I give him one; a very dramatic one. "You-You're going to become the CEO?" James laughs and takes another bite out of his food. "Yeah, I'm going to be in charge soon." Well, at least I know that this bit of information is true. I take a sip of my wine then say, "Congratulations James. Your family must be proud of you."

James doesn't say anything and focuses on drinking his wine. Maybe he wasn't as happy as I expected him to be. He hasn't even invited me yet to the event, only telling me about it. Well I can't wait any longer. "Thanks for the food but I need to get going now. I still have to....deliver Liu's gift to Shu." I wipe my mouth with a napkin and make a movement to stand up from my dinner seat. "Abelle, wait." I throw my COACH bag over my shoulder and then bent down to pick up the gift bag. "Yeah?" James clears his throat and looks at me with his deep, brown eyes. "I want you to be there for me tomorrow.....it won't be special to me if you're not there. Will you be able to come?" I sigh and pretend to think it over in front of James before saying an exuberant 'YES!' James chuckles and pays the bill for us, then we leave the restaurant together. "I also invited your family to come too. I think it'll be better that your parents get to see something like this." "Thanks James, my parents will be very pleased to know that they have permission to attend a social event," I say with a giggle.

Throughout the limousine ride home, James didn't even mention one thing about tomorrow being his birthday.


You have been invited to attend Chan Enterprises's CEO event, to celebrate the next upcoming individual, James Chan, to take over the company's business and finances.

The event will take place at Beijing's 4.6 star Prime Hotel beginning at 6:30pm. Dinner will be served around 7:30pm and performances by well-known singers will be there for entertainment also. Speeches will be given by executives working in Chan Enterprises, and finally James Chan will prepare his opening speech after former CEO, Chan Teng. The ceremonial event will close around 9:00pm.

*It is recommended that you, as the guest, dress appropriately for this event. Men must wear suits with ties while ladies wear dresses that cover the knees.

Please RSVP by 4:00pm on March 2.

Abelle, I can't wait to see  you tonight! My apologies for the late invitation, I know you'll be there for me. XO

-James Chan

I read down the invitation to the point where James wrote in a special note for me at the bottom. His handwriting is neat and perfect, as a CEO's handwriting should be. I have already called my friends, letting them know that I had already received my invitation. Truthfully to begin with, I had already received my invitation last night when I had dinner with James, but I don't mention this to any of them. Liu was particularly excited to be invited by the Chan family along with Shu too. "What color dress are you going to wear tonight?" Liu asks me into the phone. I stand in front of my bathroom mirror, holding up a dress under my chin in the reflection. "I'm not sure yet. I don't think I'll wear any bright colors, those stand out too much." Liu snickers. "Well, we're opposites! Shu brought me this nice mellow yellow dress that his mother use to wear. It is so elegant, Abelle! It fits me perfectly well with my body shape, even Shu says so!"

"I'm sure it'll look great on you tonight," I complimented her on the phone. No, I can't wear this black lace dress, looks too serious for me...like something that Chan Teng would wear. "Oh I almost forgot to tell you," I say to Liu, "Chelsie has invited us to go with her to a shopping spree. She wants our hair and makeup to done by professionals so we three can all enter spectacularly when we arrive at the Prime Hotel." "Oh sounds so fun!" I chat with Liu for a little while longer, then I hanged up on her. I still have to find something to wear that's appropriate for tonight. I have many dresses already so I don't see a need to buy anything new at all. I go through my wardrobe and try on several dresses. They looked so fancy on me, but I just don't have a special feeling with any of them. "This could take a while longer than I expected," I say with a sigh. I make a move to hang my dresses back inside the closet, then I hear a whoosh and something soft and silky fell near my feet.

I bend down to pick up the hanger and found myself hypnotized by the beauty of the evening gown. It was a long dress made of soft, silky fabric that felt smooth on my skin when I instantly touched it. The color was a nice light blue and showed off with sparkly sequins in the front and back. I eagerly tried it on and felt satisfied by wearing it. I turned around in the mirror and flashed a smile in the reflection of the bare back the dress revealed. When did I buy this dress? I smelt the scent of the fabric and was surprised at how new it smelled to me, with a hint of dust up my nose. Oh I remember this dress, I wore it to a cousin's wedding years ago. I have only worn this dress once. It's perfect for tonight.

"I want bouncy curls for tonight, what about you two?" Chelsie says cheerfully. Liu laughs along with Chelsie, they've seem to become closer now. "I think I want mine to be straightened, because then I'm going to use a jeweled clip to tie my hair into a long ponytail." The two glance at me, waiting for an answer. I look at the choices of hairstyles I have on a big screen...I like to be simple, elegant, and classy. "I'll just go with a braided bun then with a decoration of a pearl clip in the back." The three of us walk proudly to the counter and told the staff there that we were ready for our hair to get done. Jack and Shu are also here with us. We step back as they come forward with their wallets i their hand. Shu pays for Liu while Jack pays for Chelsie. I fumble in my purse for my own wallet but then Liu taps my arm. "Jack already paid for you." I look up to see Jack swiping his credit card in the machine, then he put the card back in his wallet and clamped it shut. "I could've paid," I tell Jack stubbornly. He instead chuckles and pats my shoulder. "If you need to be treated, I'll treat you anyway." Chelsie who happens to overhear what Jack says playfully scolds him that 'she was the only one who needed to be treated here.'


"Are you nervous?" Liu whispers to me. We're riding in the back of SUV driven by one of James's bodyguards, seated in the SUV with me is Liu and Shu. Jack and Chelsie have decided to come to the event along with Jack's family, my mother and father decided to arrive on their own instead. "Me nervous? Not at all. I don't care how Chan Teng thinks of me anymore." I say with small laughter. Liu gives me a concerned look while Shu smiles at me and says, "That's good of you, Abelle. Will James Chan be greeting you at the entrance?" I shake my head 'no.' James Chan still follows a few strict rules, he has to become more of a man than he is now. I look down at the dark blue gift bag near my feet. I hope he'll like cuff links and a pocket watch. "I think it's sweet of you to be giving a gift to James, after all those other years where you two had no contact at all!" Liu exclaims as she eyes the gift bag below. "He shouldn't be the one spending so much of his money on me," I say with a sigh. Liu glances at Shu who in return gives her a smirk.

"We're nearing the Prime Hotel," the bodyguard informs us. Liu and I eagerly look out the window to see cars parked alongside of the streets going on for what seems like miles. "Alot of people must be here for this event," Liu mutters to herself. "I wonder if there will be a place for us to park," Shu says with a sigh as we stared at the parked vehicles along the street. "I just love your dress, Abelle. Where did you buy it?" I look at myself in the car window and smiled in the relfection. "I've only worn it once before to a wedding." A few minutes later, the Prime Hotel comes into view with its glorious lights on display. The SUV rolls to a stop in front of the entrance, I see crowds of people including journalists and the paparazzi standing outside being controlled by the police. "Is it safe to get off here?" I questioned out loud. "Do not worry about the people outside. I will find a safe place to park this vehicle after I drop you all off here," the bodyguard answers. I open the passenger door and come out with the long skirt of my dress fluttering in the light breeze. Cameras start flashing with people shouting my name. "Let's hurry inside," I tell Liu and Shu after they come out of the SUV behind me.

"There's so many of them," Liu says with an annoyed look on her face as we rushed towards the entrance of the hotel. "There are going to be a few reporters and journalists at the event tonight, I have heard from my agency. It's for publicizing the event, though it's not going to be live." I look at Shu with a curious expression. "So your agency allowed you to come here?" Shu then puts his arm around Liu's shoulder and gives me a smug look on his face. "I have a beautiful gem by my side tonight, of course I will be able to enter without any false information." Liu laughs and pecks his cheek. We come up near the entrance where a lot of men in black suits ask for each guests' I.D. One man looks at me with a funny expression then he says with a grunt, "You are allowed in of course." The man lifts the red rope tied to a gold pole and I go through. Liu and Shu get held off for a few minutes until they were finally cleared. "They let me in easily since they recognize me," I tell Liu with a smirk on my face. "Yeah, yeah yeah...." Liu says with a snort.

Shu escorts both of us in; he looked very proud himself to be escorting two beautiful, sophisticated ladies. The first hour goes by really fast, with me pretty much isolated during the whole event. A few celebs do have conversations with me, but nothing that catches my interest. Shu and Liu are having fun by themselves as I left them, Jack and Chelsie are no where to be seen, my parents I haven't met yet either......nor have I seen James yet, but he'll probably appear last during the event. I finish my last conversation with a millionaire before wandering aimlessly around the hotel's ball room. This is no fun at all....where have all of my friends gone? "Li Abelle!" I turn around and see my mother standing beside my father with smiles on their faces. My mother wear a brilliant peacock patterned gown with my father standing behind her wearing a dark grey suit and bow tie. This is probably the first time in the last 10 years I've seen them, dress so orderly. People greet my parents with ease with smiles, small laughter, and the nods of their heads. It's nice to know that we're respected here.......

"Mother, Father!" I cry out in surprise. I quickly rush to their sides and embrace them. A few journalists take this chance to snap pictures of us, but none of them come forward to speak with us. "The journalists sure are being careful within this building," I tell my mother. Li Hua gives my father and amused look before saying, "Chan Teng only allowed a certain number of journalists to be allowed inside the hotel tonight. They are allowed to take as many pictures as they want, but they are not allowed to interview certain people. Security is tight in this place...just as tight as when Chan Teng's husband died." A moment of silence passes among us, then my father flashes me a grin. "So I heard from your mother that you have taken a love interest to Chan Teng's son?" I blush at the mention of James's name and whispered to my father, "Don't bring up the topic so casually! I don't want people to know about me and James yet..." Li Shan pats my shoulder gently and says, "For an old man like me, I was worried that you wouldn't find a suitable man to marry. But, now I don't have to worry anymore...since you're going to marry a man that holds wealth and a lot of power. We'll be able to have relations with the Chan family now, ha!" "Dad...." I say embarrassingly.

My parents guide me to the dining area where already people were beginning to gather. "Let's find a place to sit and enjoy the food," my mother replies. We bump into Jina Chan on the way, holding one of her daughter's little hands. "You look lovely Jina," Li Hua acknowledges to her. Jina politely thanks my mother and starts up a quick conversation with my mother and father. I stand off to the side awkwardly waiting for them to finish. "You look fine yourself," Jina says, glancing in my direction. Stunned by her answer, I don't say anything. My father laughs and bumps my shoulder. "Excuse our daughter for her rude manner, we'll be going now. Congrats to your brother." My father takes my mother's arm and they walk away, leaving me and Jina alone. I stare down at the little girl beside Jina's legs, pulling on her long skirt. It's been such a long time since I've seen Jina's two small girls,...I don't even remember her name..... "My mother is dissatisfied with the choice James has made," Jina reveals with a scowl. This woman.....is so DENSE.

I glare at Jina and nodded my head for her to go on. "I don't see why my brother chose you over all the other women my mother has introduced him to. Though please don't take this the wrong way....I respect your family very much, Abelle. But, I feel you are too plain for James. He wields wealth, status, and power....while you wield absolutely nothing important compared to him." I stare at Jina's irritated look on her face. She has so much hate for me. "But," I begin to say, "isn't it the same for you? You don't wield enough power at all compared to Chan Teng and James Chan. Even though you are the oldest child....you don't get any credit for the wealth that your family has put in towards the company. James is the heir...and you are not. I believe that you have carried this burden for such a long time in your life..." Jina's face turns slightly pale. Her little girl pulls on her skirts again. "I've always felt your dislike towards me ever since we were children Jina. But you have to realize we are both in the same position. We don't get to have an share of the company unless we get married or have a child."

Jina looks away and snorts. "You talk to much, your words don't effect me at all. If you'll excuse me, I have to take my daughter to the restroom." Jina picks up her little girl with one arm and takes a step forward to leave. Then I remembered something important. "JINA!" Jina stops and turns around, her eyebrows raised. I hold out the blue gift bag. "As a favor for me, could you please deliver this to your brother?" Jina answers back, "You could have left it at the entrance, there was a drop-off gift center." "But, I want you to give it to James personally! Please!" I look into her eyes as I say this. I want Jina to trust me, to have at least some faith in me. Jina reaches out her hand and takes the gift bag from me. "Thank you Jina. We may see eachother sometime again tonight." Jina leaves with her daughter without saying a word. Jina sure is becoming such a cold-hearted person..at least to me.


Dinner becomes enjoyable for my family and friends that surround me at the table: me, mother and father, Chan Peng and Ting Buo, Jack and Chelsie, and Shu and Liu. I sit between my mother and Liu while we ate. "Hey look, there's Jina Chan," Liu whispers in my ear. I turn around and see across the dining hall Jina taking a seat with the Chan family. She holds one of her daughters in her lap as her husband holds the other girl. Her mood looks calm and normal now than before when we were chatting. I see James Chan in a dark blue tuxedo wearing a black bow tie. I'm about to turn around back in my seat when I see a flicker of motion where Jina sat. She shows James the gift bag...my gift bag. James takes a quick peek inside the bag and says a few words to Jina who hands the bag to him. I can't see his reaction from far away...sigh.

A few speeches are given by Chan Enterprises' executives, they were long and lasted much through later the night. Finally Chan Teng reaches the stage in a slim, white cocktail dress. She takes the microphone at the front of the stage in the dining room. "Good evening gentlemen and ladies. Thank you for coming to this special event that is important for my family and the future of the company. I would like to especially thank those singers for giving such fantastic performances tonight, also the staff of the Prime Hotel has been very considerate and thoughtful towards the guest, I would like to thank them as well. I never expected this day to come for me....it's like losing a part of your childhood if you understand what I mean," Chan Teng says with a chuckle. Laughter scatters around the room. I look at my mother who stares at Chan Teng onstage, tears pricking near the ends of her eyes.

"It is also my son's 25th birthday, let's not forget. I hope the food was delicious enough for you all tonight. Eleven years ago....my husband passed away. I shall never forget what a bold man he was....I loved him truly from my heart. He's left such an impact with me and many of my close friends. The idea of starting up his company came from one of his colleagues in college, Li Shan. That man just so happens to be married to my college friend at the time, Li Hua. We started separate companies together....life was worth living then. Misfortunes have happened along the way, but I sincerely won't forget the past. To forget the past is like to forget myself. I'd like to make a clear statement for my friend who is here tonight with her family..." Chan Teng lets her words sink in before saying, "I apologize for your company's loss, Li Hua. I should have said these few words years ago...forgive me." Almost all of the guests in the dining hall turn their heads to stare at our table.

My mother remains strong and doesn't say a word. "Nevertheless," Chan Teng continues, "let's focus on my son tonight...who I will officially announce the new CEO of Chan Enterprises. A decade of taking over the company has been enough for me. James, my son...will you please come forward?" Chan Teng leaves the stage, erupting several different reactions from the audience who cheered, applauded, and whistled. The clapping doesn't stop until James Chan reaches the stage, the spotlight on him. "That was a short speech for Chan Teng," I tell my mother. Li Shan chuckles and tells me, "All CEO speeches are brief in public events. It's a professional way of doing so." James Chan smiles as his eyes survey the whole room. "I would like to thank my mother for this special occasion, my sister for being a great supporter, and the employees who work at Chan Enterprises, they are the ones who keep this company alive." Hundreds of people start applauding again and shouting James's name. James waits for the noise to die down before continuing, "But before I go on, I'd like for Li Abelle to come forward and join me on stage. As you know the gossip and rumors that spread us are true." A few people gasp, some whisper and look in my direction.

I quickly push my chair from the table and walked quickly down the aisle of tables with one hand clutching my long skirt. WHY DO I HAVE TO BE IN THE SPOTLIGHT LIKE THIS?!? James holds out a hand and helps me get on stage. He puts an arm around my waist and faces the audience saying, "Starting tonight, Abelle will be my offical girlfriend. We haven't planned to get married yet or any of that sort," James says with a laugh glancing at me, "but I do hope that one day it might happen." There are a few scattered laughs around the whole room, many of the guests stand up to toast this with a drink. After the toast, James continues on with his speech talkng about his childhood life, his family, how grateful and joyous he was to become CEO; he mentioned his father alot during the whole speech. I stare at Chan Teng sitting down at the dinner table with her family below. Our eyes meet for a few seconds, I become the first to look away.

"I'd like to make a pledge to my family and company. I, James Chan, now 25 years old....would like to promise those people who rely on my actions...a promise that I shall keep as I take this job seriously as the CEO. I promise I shall never fail the company's status, wealth, beauty, and employees through selfish decisions I make whether through my physical or emotions. I promise I won't fail as CEO." James does a slight bow and the nods his head to his mother. Everyone starts applauding again, louder this time than ever before. James leans in close to me and plants a kiss on my mouth. The journalists will definitely have to take a shot of this! We come offstage together arm in arm. A lot of people start moving out of their seats to go back to the ballroom where music played loudly. "Wait for me in the ballroom," James whispers in my ear then lets me go.

My family is already waiting for me in the ballroom. "Mother did you hear what Chan Teng--" I blurt out, before my mother throws her arms around me. "I know dear, I heard her." Father comes up and kisses my mother's cheek. "Let's dance, Hua. It's been such a long time." My mother flashes my father a kind smile and takes his hand. They dance together in rhythm to a slow beat. They look like a happy, old couple on the outside...but on the inside I'm sure they're feeling young again. "James is so brave to proclaim his love for you!" I turn around instantly and see Chelsie smiling at me with her rosy cheeks. She looks stunning in a black chiffon gown wearing pearls around her neck. Jack stands behind her with one hand on her shoulder, he wears a black tuxedo. They make a really fine couple. "You look beautiful Chelsie!" I exclaim in joy. Jack puts his arm tightly around Chelsie. "Isn't she Abelle? So...will James be able to dance with you tonight? Or will I have to dance with both of you?" Jack looks at Chelsie with a sly look then at me. "Oh no...James will be here for me." Chelsie tugs Jack's arm, wanting him to dance with her. 

"Got to go now Abelle. I'm glad you were able to settle down with James," Jack says with a gentle look on his face. He then reaches over to kiss my cheek, the only friendly motion he could do to me now. Chelsie gives me little wave before leaving with Jack; in the middle of their dancing I see them talk to Chelsie's father with smiles on their faces. I look to my left and see Shu waltzing around the dance floor with Liu. They were having a blast together, and catching many of the onlookers' attention. "Did you wait for me long?" I look up and see James standing by my side. "Not at all." He puts his arm around my waist and holds his hand with mine. After a few spins and twirls, we move ourselves to the corner of the dance floor, dancing slowly together. "Thanks for the cuff links and pocket watch, I adore your gifts for me." I put my head against James's chest and breathed deeply. "Your welcome. I owe you after all." "You owe me nothing...but your love." We smile at each other then James says, "Were your parents happy tonight?" I look across the dance floor and see my parents slow dancing together. They happen to bump into Chan Teng who was dancing with one of the executives. Instead of showing hostility towards each other, they nodded their heads and smiled.

"Seems like my mother's feelings for Chan Teng are alright." James then puts his face near mine and kisses me. "Let's dance the night away then!" I laugh as he guides me back towards the center of the dance floor. The people make room for us right away. Classical music plays slowly in the background. Tonight I am having the time of my life. I will cherish this moment forever. This dance....is a new beginning for me and James. Whether we become a serious couple or not in the end, I won't regret my actions for tonight.

While dancing I look around my surroundings spotting Jack doing a tango with Chelsie along with Chan Peng and Ting Buo. I'm glad they're able to get along now....all of their problems are resolved. I look to my right and see Jina Chan chatting with her husband, they have their two beautiful daughter together in the middle....I still can't remember their names, sigh*. Mother and Father are still dancing happily with each other, and also Liu and Shu too. I watch as Shu kisses Liu's cheek gently during their waltz. What will become of them now? Will Shu propose soon? Liu laughs after Shu finishes his kiss then she kisses him back. My best friend...if only she knew what was coming for her.

"Abelle?" I look back to stare into James's kind face again. "Are you tired?" ME? TIRED? Of course not. "Don't be kidding with me," I say playfully, speeding up my dance with him. "I remember the first time we danced together...you pushed me away instead." James chuckles as I frown at him. "I'll never forget the way you rejected me." "Very funny."

James then pats my head and says softly. "I love you, Abelle. Because of you...I have the motivation to become what I want to become." I embrace James and pull him closer to me. It's the same for both of us. "I love you."


Was it faith that brought me here tonight with James? I should think so. There are happy, lovey-dovey people all around us tonight. I can feel the aura of it all. This day will be a day I'll never forget. March 2, 9:45pm in the middle of the Prime Hotel's ballroom, were the words that made me fall in love with you again. "I love you, Abelle."

---------------*End of Part 17*----------------


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