Dauntless Sweethearts

By thecosplayingwriter

14.6K 535 187

What if Tris and Tobias were the same age? What if they were best friends, and maybe even more, before choosi... More

Chapter 1 (Tobias)
Chapter 3 (Tobias)
Chapter Tobias (Six)
Chapter Roth (Four)
Chapter Tris (Six)
Chapter 7 (Tobias)
Chapter 8 (Tris)
Chapter 9 (Tobias)
Chapter Fourtris (Elsa)
Chapter 11 (Tris)
Chapter 12 (Tobias)
Chapter 13 (Tris)
Chapter Tobiasteen (Four)
Chapter Rothteen (Six)
Chapter Tristeen (Four)
Chapter 17 (Tris)

Chapter 2 (Tris)

1.5K 59 16
By thecosplayingwriter

So, I had a beautiful chapter all typed up, and now I have to rewrite it because the stupid computer deleted the  whole thing the sceond I hit save. Why in the name of Hades did it do this to me!?!? Also, I don't remember exactly how Tori explained to Tris about her results, so I'm just gonna wing it since I unfortunately don't own the book.

"Your results were inconclusive," Tori explained to me in a panic when I awoke from the test. "You had three results. Dauntless, Abnegation, and Erudite. You're Divergent, Beatrice."

"That's impossibe. No one can have more than one result!" I exclaimed.

"It is possible, just very rare, and very dangerous. You can't tell anyone about this, not even your parents."

Tori was dead serious. "What should I do?" I asked.

"Head home. If anyone asks, tell them you didn't feel well." As she said that I started to notice the nausea that seemed like it had been building since the test was over.

I nodded and walked out the door. Maybe some fresh air would calm the nausea. As I walked past where we had been sitting, I tapped Tobias on the shoulder and motioned for him to follow me. The nautiousness was still getting worse and I hoped that it at least waited until we got outside for me to throw up.

As we made it outside, Tobias turned to me, "What's wrong, Tris? You look a little green."

When he said that, I couldn't hold it in any longer, and I turned to the side to vomit up what little was still in my stomach from breakfast. As soon as I was able to stop, I turned back to him, "I don't think the serum settled well with my  stomach. Tori suggested I go home, but I didn't want to be alone. Plus, I wanted to talk about what we're going to choose."

Tobias smiled the smile I loved dearly, "Well, let's get going. Are we walking or taking the bus?"

"Walking, I don't want to risk throwing up on someone on a bus."

Tobias nodded and we started to walk towards my house. I looked over at him. No matter how much the Abnegation robes are supposed to make you look average so that there's no competition or jealousy, I always felt that it didn't work on him. He looked extraordinary in anything, and he knew it.

"So, what was your result?" I asked him. We had promised each other the week before the test that we'd tell each other our results. I wasn't sure what I was going to say about my result. Should I tell him I was Divergent, or should I just tell him I was Dauntless. I would have chosen Abnegation if it weren't for Tobias. I know he wanted to get away from Marcus, so it was best that we don't choose Abnegation no matter what.

"Abnegation, unfortunately," he replied sadly.

"You know you don't have to choose what the test tells you, Tobias."

"I know. What did you get?"

"Mine was, well it was inconclusive," I replied hesitantly. "I um.... I got three results."

"Divergent," Tobias whispered. "What were the three?"

"Abnegation, Dauntless, and Erudite," I replied spitting Erudite like it was a nasty taste in my mouth. "I'm choosing Dauntless, though. I figured we could be happy there. No Marcus to worry about."

Tobias smiled, "Yeah, no Marcus and a better life. Thanks, Beatrice."

"You know, if we're transferring to Dauntless, I really don't want to be called Beatrice over there. It doesn't sound overly Dauntless."

"Would Love or Sexy sound better?" he laughed. "I know, your name can become Sexy Love."

I laughed, "Tobias, I'm pretty sure you don't want anyone else calling me that. How about something simple, like Tris?"

"I guess I could call you that, Tris."

I smiled, "I just hope we both make it in Dauntless. I couldn't bear to live without you, Tobias." I paused, was I ready to say the three words that have been on my mind for the past couple months? Was he ready to hear them? I wasn't sure about the second, but as for the first, I realized, I was ready because I was sure of my feelings, "I love you."

Tobias stopped dead in his tracks. Did he not feel the same? Was everything we did just for some sick pleasure he inherited from Marcus? He looked at me with a shocked expression. "I expected to be the first to say it," he whispered before catching back up to me. "I love you too, Beatrice. I love you too."

I smiled. He felt the same! He loved me too! I felt like nothing could go wrong knowing that Tobias loved me back, but then I realized he was still calling me by my full first name, "Tobias, remember, you really need to pratice calling me Tris for when we get to Dauntless. It's going to be hard enough being Abnegation transfers, and a name like Beatrice will stick out like a sore thumb."

"Okay, okay, I'll try to remember, Tris," he smiled like he couldn't stop. "And just so you know, I was going to choose whatever you chose, so if you had chosen Abnegation, I would have dealt with Marcus for you, and even if you change your mind, I'll still follow you to whatever Faction you choose, even if it's Erudite."

Tobias was too sweet, and I felt I didn't deserve him, but the look in his eye told me that he didn't know what he did to deserve me. We walked the rest of the way to my house in silence, but it was a comfortable silence, and we ended up beating the bus to the house. Tobias tried to get me to go inside, but I was insistent that we sit on the lawn. Dad would know if we entered the house early, and I really didn't want to explain about getting sick to him because he'd insist on taking me to the doctor when I'm fine. I just needed to talk Caleb into not telling about us leaving early.

"I wonder if we can talk them into leting you start the night out with me instead of having a nightmare the night before Choosing Day," I mused while we waited.

Tobias laughed, "We've tried numerous ways to get them to agree to that before, Tris. I will be thoroughly shocked if they agree tonight."

"I wonder if we'll be able to sleep together in Dauntless. I mean, I'm sure they aren't as strict about relationships there as they are here."

"I guess we'll see, now won't we. I hope we can. Could you imagine if I woke up from a nightmare and couldn't get to you? Those dreams are aweful."

"Tobias, will you ever tell me what happens in your nightmares? I figure it has something to do with Marcus, but I can't figure out what."

He sighed, "Tris, they're about loosing you. H-he f-finds ou-out th-that y-you mat-matter t-to me, and h-he k-kills y-you." He starts to cry, and I don't know what to do. I couldn't hug him like I normally would because we were outside, but I also couldn't just leave him cry. I loved him, and of course, the Abnegation teach that you are supposed to help others.

"Come on, Tobias. Let's go inside. I'll explain about feeling sick after the test if I'm asked."

We went inside, and as soon as the door shut, I pulled his still sobbing form into a hug. We stood like that for a while before he was finally able to calm down and we sat on the couch in the living room. "Tris," he said, the sound of my soon to be new name sounded foreign coming from his mouth, but at the same time, it felt right. "I couldn't imagine life without you. Please, don't ever leave me."

I smiled, "I won't."

Remeber 4 votes and 1 comment before I post the next chapter. I hope you enjoyed this.

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