Find Me a Find, Catch Me a Ca...

By DKGwrites

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Finding out that Kara and Lena harbor feelings for each other, their friends play matchmaker. A fake assassin... More

Chapter 1 - SisterZoned
Chapter 2 - The Worst Dating Site Ever
Chapter 3 - The Confidant
Chapter 4 - Pandora's Box
Chapter 5 - The Kryptonian, the Lesbian, and the Thespian
Chapter 6 - Letting the Kryptonian Out of the Bag
Chapter 7 - I Have a Type
Chapter 8 - They Call Me Bell, They Call Me Stacey
Chapter 9 - Bunk Beds
Chapter 10 - Vittles and Veracity
Chapter 11 - Family
Chapter 12 - Press Conference
Chapter 13 - When it Reigns it Pours
Chapter 14 - Midvale
Chapter 15 - A Whale of a Tale
Chapter 16 - Mustang Sally
Chapter 17 - Boundaries
Chapter 18 - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
Chapter 19 - Truth or Consequences, Not Just a Town in New Mexico
Chapter 21 - Genie in a Bottle

Chapter 20 - Occam's Razor

6.8K 191 905
By DKGwrites

Sitting in the back of the towncar with a Cadmus goon on either side, M'gann had her arms crossed, her legs crossed with one foot tapping, her back straight, her chin thrust out, and her best Lena Luthor Glare ™ in place. While another goon drove, Hank Henshaw rode shotgun.

They hit a bump, and she snapped, "Be careful! Kara's sensitive right now." Reaching her mind out to where J'onn was stowed in the trunk, she asked, "How are you doing back there?"

"They could have at least thrown down a blanket back here. Is he aiming for potholes?"

"I think he's just a bad driver, but it's possible. They're not fond of aliens."

"Well, then they should love you, Miss Luthor."

"Don't get sarcastic with me, J'onn. This wasn't my idea. We could have just flown away or at least beaten these guys up and taken them back to the DEO. You were the one who suggested we see where they took us." She sighed loudly, squirming a bit in her seat.

"To Lillian Luthor, I think. This bit of indignity will be..." As they hit another pothole, he grunted from the trunk. "Okay, this has to be on purpose. Our city's budget isn't that bad, is it?"

"I don't know. I fly everywhere." Clearing her throat, she leaned forward. "Are you aiming for the potholes? You're going to give us a flat tire. Watch where you're going."

"You know, Miss Luthor, none of this had to be necessary. Your mother was very upset with your life choices of late," Hank informed her.

"My mother was upset with my life," M'gann retorted. "Since the day I was born, I've been nothing but a disappointment to my mother. Why change a formula that's been such a success to date?"

"You have potential, Miss Luthor. You and your mother have had a difficult past, but she'd be willing to overlook all of that and welcome you back into the fold. You have an incredible mind. Join Cadmus, and you can save the world."

"From aliens?" M'gann smiled. "But I like them. You see, Mr. Henshaw, I find humans to be so..." She looked at the guards on her left and right. "...pedestrian. I'm more of a free flying spirit. I don't want to be tied down with anything as ordinary as what you have to offer here."

Leaning between the front seats, Hank glared at her. "You're making a huge mistake. Your mother is a patient woman, but even she will run out of patience with you eventually. What do you think will happen then?"

As she leaned closer to him in return, M'gann replied, "You're not bad looking, Mr. Henshaw. You know, for a human. You have a face I could get used to, I suppose."

"M'gann, be careful."

"Relax, J'onn, I'm just having some fun with him. You're just upset that you're stuck in the trunk while I get to play with your old pal Hank. You know, you could have been Lena. Hey, if they lock us up somewhere together and aren't watching us, want to switch?"

"M'gann, this isn't a game. This is serious work."

"Work can be fun too, you know."

"Not my work. My work is life and death."

Sighing again, she leaned back in her seat. "From now on I don't want to do your work things. From now on you get to visit me at work instead. The bar is much more fun than the DEO."

"Agreed. Now, play nicely with Henshaw until we can find out where Lillian Luthor is. Then I'll call for backup."

Plastering a smile on her face, M'gann leaned forward a bit. "All right, Mr. Henshaw, consider me intimidated. Tell me why my future would be better under Cadmus."


Lying on the porch swing with Lena's body pressed below hers, Kara barely noticed as the piece of wood her hand was wrapped around groaned in complaint. Her other hand slid further up Lena's torso, under the woman's shirt, stopping at the underside of the woman's bra. Each word, muttering, murmur was uttered into the other's mouth until their lips parted, Kara tattooing kisses along Lena's neck.

Her hands underneath Kara's shirt, fingernails digging at the other woman's flesh though not scoring, Lena pushed her head back. "Oh, my God, Kara. I've wanted this for so long. I've wanted you for so long."

"Mmm-hmm. Yeah. Same." Tongue pressed against Lena's pulse point, Kara flicked quickly making the other woman squirm underneath her.

"Fucking-A!" Grabbing Kara by the back of the head, Lena pulled the other woman's head back only to kiss her again. It was long and deep, but hurried and hungry as they seemed intent on consuming each other. When they broke apart, both panting, Lena said, "Too many fucking clothes."

Eyes wide and licking her lips, Kara asked, "You want to...?"

Green eyes staring intently, Lena asked, "You don't?"

"I do," Kara replied, immediately. "Rao on high, I do. I really, really, really do. Are you sure?"

"Months ago."

They went from staring to a flurry of action. Knees and elbows jostled, hands pulled at clothing, and feet pushed and wiggled. Kara levered herself up and pulled off her shirt, as Lena sat up somewhat and tried to do the same. She was less than successful and had to stop to unbutton it. When Kara tried to help, at least one button went flying off into the night.

Watching it disappear, Kara looked back at Lena. "Oops. That was probably expensive."

"I'll buy a new shirt. I'll buy a hundred new shirts," she continued as she tugged it off, grunting when the cuff got stuck on her hand and finally spiking it to the ground with finality. "I'll buy the company that makes the shirt."

"Good call. We might go through a lot of shirts."

Leaning back on the bench, Lena raised an eyebrow. "Promise?"

Allowing her gaze to roam up and down Lena's torso, Kara leaned forward to cover the other woman with her body again. "If you keep putting shirts back on, yes."

Running her hands up and down Kara's back, Lena said, "God, your skin is so hot. Is your skin always this hot?"

Kissing along Lena's jaw, Kara replied, "Yeah, I run hot. Is this okay? Do you want me to stop?"

"Don't stop. I don't want you to stop."

"Okay, okay. I won't." As Lena's hands ran down her back, and the other woman bit down on her neck, Kara moaned. "Oh, Rao, don't stop. Don't stop." Stiffening, she grabbed Lena's hand. "We have to stop."

Blinking in confusion, Lena asked, "What? Why?"

"Eliza's coming."

"Well, good for her."

"...what? No, I mean she's coming down the stairs and calling our names."

"Oh! Oh... fuck!"

"Yeah... that," Kara grumbled as she scrambled off of Lena and grabbed her shirt from the floor. She pulled it on and began to look around while straightening her shirt.

Putting her shirt back into place with a bit of a struggle, Lena hastily pulled the tie out that barely held her ponytail in place. She combed through her hair with her fingers before putting the tie back in her hair. Looking over at Kara, she asked, "What are you doing?"

"I can't find my glasses," Kara replied.

"You weren't wearing them."

"I wasn't?"

"No, you left them in the couch when you left."

"In the couch?"

"Yes, in the couch. Your temper tantrum left quite the impression in the furniture."

Before Kara could reply, the back door swung open and they both turned quickly.

"Girls, come inside," Eliza directed. "We need to talk."

Kara nodded rapidly, her pupils still blown wide and her heart hammering.

Lena, on the other hand, made a noise somewhere between affirmation and a grumble and then mumbled, "Nothing good ever started with that sentence."

In the living room, Eliza paced. "Girls, I spoke to Alex and..." Looking up, Eliza studied Kara and Lena. Hands rubbing together in a spill of nerves, Kara blinked rapidly, weight shifting from foot to foot. Lena stood with one arm down and the other wrapped around her torso, body language tight and even the woman's features tense. Grabbing the tissue box, Eliza approached the two younger women and held it out. "Here."

Shaking her head, Kara said, "I'm good."

Lena merely shrugged.

With an eye roll and a sigh that held a note of impatience, Eliza dropped the tissue box on the coffee table and pulled out two tissues, bringing one over to each girl. "Here, fix your faces... and your necks."

The young women glanced at each other then, simultaneously, turned back to gape. While Lena inhaled sharply, Kara blushed. They each, in turn, took the offered tissue and wiped at their mouths. Once done, they had to attempt to clean lipstick from each other's necks. They reached out, straightening the other woman's shirt a bit, trying to restore everything to a semblance of order.

As Kara began to fumble with Lena's shirt buttons, undoing and redoing them, Lena grabbed the woman's hands to still them. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Your shirt's misbuttoned."

"Oh, my God." Forehead on Kara's shoulder as she dropped her head forward, Lena said, "Do it. Take revenge for what my brother did to your cousin."

"What are you talking about?"

Lifting her head to meet Kara's gaze, Lena explained, "Kill me now before I die of embarrassment."

Glancing over at Eliza, Kara replied, "No, we face this together and die together. You don't get to take the easy way out, Luthor."

Lena grumbled as she fixed the remaining buttons on her shirt, hands paused as she took note of the missing one from their earlier fit of passion. "Some friend you turned out to me. I wish my mother were here. She'd kill me."

Kara chuckled, and a bit of the tension in the room was defused. Finally, both younger women were able to turn and face Eliza. They looked, if not entirely kept, much better put together.

"As I was saying, I just got off the phone with Alex, and she told me everything."

"Everything?" Kara asked.

"Everything," Eliza confirmed.

"So, when you say everything..." Kara tried to fiddle with her glass, finding only air.

"She told me that you two aren't engaged, that you weren't dating. She told me that you were just pretending because..." Eliza paused, choosing her next words carefully. "Because, Kara, you were trying to protect Lena as you always do. Thinking it made sense to act as her girlfriend in order to stand between her and a potential hitman, you did so. Then, when things became more potentially dangerous in National City, you two came here. Does that sound about right?"

"Well, yeah," Kara replied rubbing the back of her neck. "Funny thing about pretending to date though. It got really real."

"I've noticed," Eliza said dryly, as she crossed her arms.

"No, like—" Kara paused, looking down with a smile when Lena took her hand. She raised her head and met Eliza's gaze head-on. "We're together."

"For how long?"

Lena spoke up. "Actually, we've been dating for quite a while, Eliza."

"That's not what Alex said."

"Oh, we didn't know," Kara explained.

"You didn't know."

Kara nodded.

"What does that mean?"

"You see—"

"Kara, please." Lena held up a hand. "You're amazing, but before this goes down a rabbit hole from which none of us can recover, please allow me." Stepping forward, Lena gestured toward the couch, and the three women all sat while they spoke. "You see, Eliza, Kara and I have been dating for some time, but we just didn't admit it to ourselves or each other. We've been going out on dates, staying in on dates, doing everything but the more intimate aspects of dates together."

"Well, we'd snuggle and sometimes fall asleep together on the couch," Kara added.

"That's true," Lena admitted. "We were basically dating, scheduling it regularly several times a week, and though I can't speak for Kara, I wasn't doing this or anything I called dating with anyone else."

"Me neither," Kara immediately said as she took Lena's hand.

"So you see, Eliza, we have been dating for some time. The people to whom we've been lying are ourselves. We finally got honest."

"Yeah, darn liar selves. I'm mad at me." Kara smiled. "I forgive me though because I finally told you the truth, and that means telling me the truth too. I was just... scared. I'm sorry I lied to you for so long about everything, Lena."

"No more apologies," Lena replied as she scooted the inch over to be closer to Kara. "What matters now is there are no more lies between us, and we won't lie about anything else again. Agreed?"

"Yeah, definitely. Agreed."

As the girls leaned into each other, Eliza cleared her throat. "Well, that's all very well and good, but I do think we need to clear the air about a few things still."

"Uh, like what?" Kara asked.

"You said you girls finally got honest about dating, and that it got real. Obviously it..." Eliza waved a hand vaguely in front of the two younger women, causing them both to blush a bit. "Yes, that. How long ago did you verbalize to each other that you're dating?"

"Well..." Gaze shifting over to meeting Lena's, Kara swallowed hard.

Patting Kara's hand, Lena squared her shoulders and said, "Allow me. We've been dancing up to and away from this line for the better part of two weeks now, Eliza, but officially we used the word dating yesterday."

"Yesterday. I... see. So not only are you not engaged, but when you came here and told me you were dating, you lied."

"For a good cause," Kara hurried to add.

"Kara, I understand the facade for the public's sake, but you lied to me, why?"

"I... Eliza, there was cake and then I..." Shaking her head, Kara merely shrugged.

"Oh, girls. How could you?"

"Verbatim, that was verbatim," Kara whispered as she tucked her head in toward Lena.

"Eliza, it wasn't Kara's fault."

"Lena, don't," Kara said.

Lena held up her hand. "Kara, it's all right. I'm not letting you take the blame for this. The truth is, Kara and I had agreed to tell you the truth, the whole truth. We'd agreed to tell you that we weren't engaged or even dating. Then you said how our being together, us beating the odds despite our families, was the best present you could have gotten, and I opened my mouth, and... lied. I lied, and one lie became many. I went on and on about that ring for Kara and forced her to either call me a liar in front of you or come up with something just as outrageous to keep up with my lie. It was all me, Eliza. Kara wanted to tell you the truth, but I forced her hand, and she went along with it to keep from humiliating me."

Watching Lena critically, Eliza turned her gaze on Kara. "Is this true?"


"Kara, that's what happened," Lena said.

"Oh, it's what happened, but it's only mostly true," Kara clarified. "See, I agreed to tell you the truth, Eliza, but I didn't want to because that meant calling a lie a lie and not the truth, and in truth, I wanted to be lying, well, not lying but telling you the truth and having it not be a lie when I said a lie. I wanted to be dating Lena, so I wanted a lie to be the truth, not a lie which meant there was no truth for us not to tell you we were lying about. Then, when we lied, and everything was going so well, that felt like the truth, not a lie, so I thought maybe we wouldn't have to tell you the truth because the lie would be the truth, not a lie so there would be no lie to tell you the truth about. Now the lie is the truth, so where's the lie?"

Squinting, Eliza looked over at Lena. "Did you get that?"

"Unfortunately, yes."

"Well, it's official. If you speak Kryptonian babble, you get to keep her."

Gasping, Kara grabbed Lena and pulled her close while smiling. In turn, Lena bit her lip while ducking her head to try and conceal her own shy smile.

"Oh, don't be so excited you two. I'm still disappointed in you."

"Oh, disappointed," Lena mumbled.

"I warned you," Kara said.

Lena nodded. "A bullet would be much better."

"However, I understand you didn't have any choice in getting into this situation. It wasn't your doing, and you had no ill intentions." Standing, Eliza held out her arms. "Come here both of you." As the girls rose and come over to her, Eliza hugged them both tightly and kissed them both on the forehead. "You are both forgiven, but no more lying."

"Yes ma'am," Kara said.

"We are!?" Lena asked.

"Of course." Eliza squeezed Lena's shoulder. "That's what family does. We forgive each other. People make mistakes, and we forgive each other because we love each other. You two should both remember that, both of you. Kara, Lena, both of you remember how important forgiveness is to a successful and loving family. Do you hear me?"


"Oh, uh, yeah. What does—?"

"Good." Stepping back, Eliza smiled. "Now, Alex and Maggie are on their way up to spend time with us for the holidays."

Lena and Kara shared a look of surprise before Kara said, "Alex didn't mention that. Are you sure?"

"I just got off the phone with her while you girls were... outside. Yes, they're on their way here, and we'll all spend some time together being a loving and forgiving family. All right?"

"Forgiving? Eliza, what—?"

Speaking over Kara, Eliza said, "And another thing, since you two just started dating yesterday, I'm taking my bed back."

Stepping close to her foster mother, Kara said, "Eliza, we're adults. We're two grown women. Don't you think Lena and I can decide what we're ready to do?"

"Absolutely, in National City, you two can do whatever you want. While you're under my roof, you'll be in separate beds."

"But... there's only one other bed," Lena reminded Eliza.

"Because Kara broke it," Eliza replied with a kind smile as she patted Kara's arm. "I suppose that means one of you will be sleeping on the couch. Do you want to start bickering about it now, or will you flip a coin?"

"We could get a hotel room," Lena suggested.

"You're going to leave before Christmas and leave me alone?" Eliza asked, her tone leading.

"Ah... no?" Lena replied.

"Good. I'm looking forward to having all of my girls home for Christmas. Now, I'm going to move my things back to my room. Whoever is staying in Kara's old room might want to do the same." Eliza was a few steps up the staircase when she stopped and said, "Oh, and flip over that one couch cushion. Kara managed to break that too."

When Eliza was gone from sight, Lena groaned and slumped onto the couch.

"Hey, are you all right?" Kara asked as she sat next to the other woman.

"Yes, I just can't believe that we've been... I feel like a teenager again except back then I didn't care if my mother caught me with some girl. I knew she'd confiscate my credit cards, maybe take the keys to my car, but it would be worth it to upset her. Disappointing Eliza, however..."

"Yeah, I know." Taking Lena's hand, she said, "We've waited this long, right?"

"Right, right... right." Lena sighed. "Are you as horny as I am?"

"Oh, Rao, yes!" Kara jetted forward so quickly, she had Lena pressed back into the corner of the couch in between two heartbeats. "I can't wait to get out of her and get you... sorry... sorry." She sat back, taking Lena's hand again and helping the other woman sit upright. "I'm sorry about that."

"Don't be. That was... hot."


"Oh, yes. Keep that in mind for later. I certainly will."

"Heh heh. Sooo, Eliza said my sister and Maggie would be here soon. That's kind of surprising, huh?"

Lena shrugged. "I don't think so. It's the holidays, and with Janković captured, it's probably pretty quiet. Plus, Alex is injured."

"Oh, true. Yeah, she should probably be resting up. Maybe J'onn is forcing her to take some time off."

"You think so?"

Smiling, Kara replied, "Sure, I bet J'onn's got everything well in hand in National City."


When the car unloaded at a small airport that looked largely deserted, the people in the SUV behind them pulled J'onn out of the trunk. He dangled from their arms, and they dragged him inside one of the hangers. M'gann was escorted between armed guards while Henshaw led the way. They passed dozens of armed guards as they went.

M'gann and J'onn were split up almost immediately upon entering the building, and she reached out to him. "J'onn, should I be concerned about this?"

"Not so long as we're smart. Henshaw is the only one here that can do anything to us, and we outnumber him two to one. So long as they don't know who we are, and they want to keep you in their good graces, we'll both be fine."

"All right, but if you're in any real danger, I expect you to let me know."

"You're so protective," He thought back at her, the warmth emanating from his mind.

"And I will protect you. Henshaw may have faced you before, Mr. Martian, but he's never faced off against Miss Martian. I'm a force to be reckoned with."

"Oh, I know it."

With an internal nod, M'gann turned to Henshaw and asked, "Where are you taking her?"

"Don't be concerned, Miss Luthor. Your mother's instructions were clear. So long as you cooperate, the alien was to be captured and brought back here but not hurt... yet."

"Yet?" M'gann asked, one eyebrow raised. "What does that mean?"

"That decision isn't mine. If it were, the alien wouldn't have made it out of the park. I would have ripped her apart with my bare hands." Hands in fists, his face strained, and the tendons stood out at his neck.

"You're a horrible man, aren't you, Mr. Henshaw?"

"Perhaps, but I am a man, and this is my planet. I belong here, and I will protect this world from the likes of that thing. Don't you ever forget that." He ended his statement with a wavering finger pointed at M'gann's face.

Head tilting to the side, M'gann asked, "Is that a threat, Mr. Henshaw?"

"Yes." He grinned.

After studying Henshaw for a moment, M'gann replied, "Remove your finger from my face, Mr. Henshaw, if you want to keep it. That's not a threat. It's a promise, and Luthors keep their promises." After a few seconds of staring him down, unsurprisingly, the finger was withdrawn.

They entered an office area off of the main hanger. It had several computers set up in it, and there were two obvious Cadmus thugs manning systems. Another stood off to the side with an automatic weapon slung across his body. All of them were casual in their manner as if they had nothing to fear. Ignorance was bliss.

"So, where is she?" M'gann asked.

"Anxious for a family reunion?" Henshaw jeered back.

"Anxious to get this over with and find out exactly what she's up to this time. You know, perhaps we could avoid future kidnappings if I gave her a form letter so she could just let me know what she wants in advance, and I could let her know if I'm interested. You know, like a 'yes or no' type of thing." Smiling, M'gann held out one finger and flicked her wrist about as she mocked marking things off mid-air. "There could be checkboxes next to sinister, diabolical, genocidal, world domineering, birthday..." Pausing and smile growing, she added, "What am I thinking? We don't need that last one."

Eyes narrow and mouth tight, Henshaw replied, "Why would she? It's not like she was there for your actual birth. That would make you her actual child."

"Wow, he is a complete asshole."

"Easy, M'gann."

"No, really. This is how the people who want to get Lena on their good side treat her? Asshole." Clearing her throat and stalking up to Henshaw, M'gann stopped just a few feet back from him. "Tell me, Mr. Henshaw, what day do you celebrate your birth on? Is it the original one from when your mother Echidna gave birth to you?"

"My mother's name wasn't—"

"Or do you base it on the date stamped next to 'Made in Taiwan' on your factory installed bits? Hmmm? No, Mr. Henshaw, not only are you not human anymore, you're not even local."

Mouth in an angry sneer, Henshaw grabbed M'gann tightly by the upper arms. "I have no patience for you or the company you keep. Watch your mouth!"

"My, my. Someone's into... rough stuff," M'gann drawled as she lifted an eyebrow.

"I don't like this, M'gann. Stop antagonizing, him. He's dangerous."

"He's arrogant, and he underestimates me, J'onn. Anyway, he has no intention of hurting Lena, and he's no real threat to me."

"If he knew who you were, he'd love to hurt you."

"Well the feeling's mutual, and I do know who he is." Smiling again, M'gann said, "Tell me, Mr. Henshaw, is this why my mother keeps you around?"

"Enough, Lena."

Head turning toward the voice of a woman entering the room, M'gann was only aware in retrospect of the clicking of heels that had been growing closer. There, in all of her six-feet of glory, came Lillian Luthor. Dressed all in black, her blonde hair pulled back into a neat bun, the woman looked as if she could have been entering a boardroom and not coming to meet her recently kidnapped daughter. She pulled off black, leather gloves one finger at a time, handing each glove off to another woman who stood to her left and a step behind her. Once the gloves and coat had been shed, that was the first time Lillian deigned to make eye contact with M'gann.

"Lillian Luthor," M'gann said breathlessly.

"Mom would have been nice, but I'd settle for your usual disapproving 'Mother' with an eye roll thrown in for full effect."

"She's there?"

"In the flesh," M'gann thought back. "She's tall for a human female. Quite an air of power and confidence coming off of her. I'm not saying I'm ready to sign up, but I can see why she lulls the masses. She has an effect."

"Unfortunately true."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Keep her busy. I'll get us back up."

"O-kay." Clearing her throat, M'gann said, "Well, I'd say it's nice to see you, Mother, but..." She looked over at Henshaw who had stepped to the side but still held her firmly with one hand, and she tilted her head and gave a little sideways nod at him.

"Hmmm... Well, I'm sure you were antagonizing him, Lena." However, Lillian did gesture toward Henshaw who stepped away with only a small grumble.

"I don't think he likes my choice of companions. I can't imagine why."

"Really, Lena?" Shaking her head, Lillian said, "I have confirmation Kara was brought back here. What were you thinking, getting involved with an alien? You know what her cousin did to your brother."

"I think you have it backward, Mother. It's what my brother did to her cousin."

"Your brother is a great man. He's a genius."

"He's a lunatic, and he's in jail for a reason," M'gann shot back.

Jaw tight, Lillian stared M'gann down for several moments before working some of the tension from her shoulders. "I didn't bring you here to fight with you."

"Yet you kidnapped me."

"If I'd sent a car to get you, would you have come quietly?"

M'gann considered the question. "Valid."

"Thank you. Please, sit."

"I'll stand."

Lillian nodded. "A position of power. Ever the Luthor. You have that at least, but you're giving it up to associate with... Lena, please, do whatever else you want, but not that."

With a shrug, M'gann said, "But Kara's what I want."

"No, she's not."

"She's not?"

With a head shake, Lillian made a gesture to the woman to whom she had handed off her coat and gloves, and when the woman brought over two chairs said, "Let's both sit. How does that sound?"


With a slow smile, Lillian lowered herself to her chair and gestured to the other seat, waiting for her daughter to do the same.

"All right, Mother," M'gann said as she took a seat mirroring Lillian's pose. "Why don't you tell me what it is that I want. Do you have my future all planned out for me?"

"Of course. What kind of mother would I be if I didn't?"

"At this point, I'd settle for something a little bit less homicidal."

"Oh come, Lena. You complain if I don't take an interest in your life, and now you complain when I do. You can't have it both ways."

"You kidnapped me... again. I think there's room for middle ground here, don't you think? You could just send a card. You know, 'Planning to take over the world. Wish you were here. Mom.'"

Forearms on knees, Lillian leaned forward, "But I do wish you were here. What's the point in saving the world if I can't leave it to my children? With you literally sleeping with the enemy..." Lillian sighed. "Lena, you've made some rather outrageous choices in your life to get my attention, but this is a new low."

"You think..." Leaning forward, M'gann mirrored Lillian yet again. "You think I'm involved with Kara to get your attention?"

"You've always been willful. I say black, and you say white. That's always been our way, Lena. You adored your father, thought he could do no wrong. I, however, was questioned and argued with on every choice I ever made. You think it was easy for me to be your parent after Lionel died?"

M'gann sat blinking, saying nothing, ill-prepared for this discussion.

"I told you that I'd respected your father's wishes to stay away from you while he was alive, and with him gone, our relationship was already so... strained. You were eager to go when I sent you away to boarding school. Don't deny that."

"I... I'm not," M'gann stuttered out.

"So, I gave us what we both needed... space. But I did love you in my own way. As you grew older, our differences only served to divide us further. I thought that you would at least come home and take up your role in the family business when you graduated, but then you ran off and decided to work on that startup trying to do... what was it?"

Eyebrows high and mouth slowly opening, M'gann stared as she was unable to respond.

"You were going to cure cancer, weren't you?"

"It's... a noble goal."

Sighing again, Lillian said, "Of course, Lena. It would be in the best interest of humanity. Can't you see that you and I have so much in common? We both want to help people, help humans, and are willing to sacrifice everything to do it."

"I want to help all people not just humans."

"You think I hate aliens. I don't."

"You tried to kill them all."

"They're on our planet."

Leaning back and crossing her arms, M'gann asked, "So you were just fumigating?"

From where he stood lurking off to the side, Henshaw said, "They are vermin, and we're the exterminators."

Tension ran up M'gann's entire body, ending in tight lines around her eyes, but it was Lillian who raised a hand at the cyborg to silence him.

"Lena," Lillian said, "look at the history of any country, and you'll see the future of this planet if we don't do something to stop it. The indigenous people are met by newcomers to their land. They welcome these travelers, and it's too late before they find out they've laid out the welcome mat for their invaders. Years later, their numbers only a fraction of what they once were, their resources stripped, their rights subjugated, their heritage mere history, they beat their drums and their chests looking for someone, anyone, to help them rise up and regain a percentage of what they once called theirs. This is the future of the Earth if patriots like those you see around you at Cadmus aren't willing to put our lives and livelihood aside for the good of all humanity. You're a scholar, Lena. Surely you can recognize that pattern, can't you?"

"You're right, Mother," M'gann said, waiting until Lillian smiled to add, "That is what humans do."

"You think you're so smart, don't you?"

"Mensa agreed."

"Is this a joke to you, Lena?"

"No, Mother, the joke to me is that you, the embodiment of white privilege, is basing your whole genocidal crusade on some outlandish fear that you might one day have to ride in the back of the bus."


"As if you've ever been on a bus," M'gann added.

"I told you she'd never listen," Henshaw said as he stepped next to M'gann. "I told you she was corrupted beyond saving. Let me dispose of them both." He grabbed M'gann by the upper arm again.

"Get your hand off of me!" M'gann snapped.

"You had a chance, and you wasted it," Henshaw said. "Say goodbye to your mother."

Rising to her feet, M'gann stared up at Henshaw. "Perhaps you didn't hear me, Mr. Henshaw. I told you to take your hand off of me."

"I don't take orders from you."

"Oh, really? I'm not so sure about that. I know a dog when I see one, and I'm pretty sure you heel when a Luthor woman calls your name. Should we see if I'm right?"

As Henshaw tightened his grip, the veins on his neck popping out, Lillian said, "That's enough, Mr. Henshaw. Let my daughter go."

After several tense moments, Henshaw released M'gann and took a step away, but their gazes remained locked.

A smile curling her lips, M'gann said, "Good boy. Now, why don't you go fetch me something to drink? I'm parched."

As his hand snapped back up to hover that finger an inch from her face once again, Henshaw said, "You have no idea who you're messing with."

"No, it's you who has no idea who you're messing with," M'gann replied. "I am so looking forward to giving you an education."

"Are you done antagonizing him, Lena?"

Shrugging, M'gann said, "For now, Mother. No promises for the future."

"Then sit down." When M'gann had done as she was asked, Lillian said, "Is Mr. Henshaw right? Am I wasting my time with you?"

"And what if you are? Will you kill me?"

"Oh, don't be so dramatic, Lena. Honestly, I thought Lex was the dramatic child. You were the meticulous planner, the strategist, the stubborn one. You and I butted heads because we were so alike. It's just what mothers and daughter do." With a shake of her head, Lillian said, "I'd kill for you, but I wouldn't kill you."

"I... I don't think that's as comforting as you mean it to be."

"Should I deal with the Kryptonian?" Henshaw asked.

Raising a brow, Lillian watched M'gann for a response.

"Wait," M'gann said. "Mother, perhaps we could compromise."

"Compromise." Lillian shrugged. "Not one of my finer virtues, but I'm listening."

"You already tried to send the aliens off to other worlds, didn't you?"

"I did, and your little girlfriend and her sister got in the way of that. I'm telling you, Lena, that family has been no end of troubles to this family."

"I'm sure they could say the same about us." Before Lillian could respond, M'gann said, "Mother, Kara and I are trying to change that, but kidnapping us, threatening to hurt Kara, this isn't how it's done."

"It could be how it's done," Henshaw added.

"You're not part of this conversation," M'gann reminded him. "And where's my damn Perrier? Lime with a twist."

While Henshaw growled, Lillian said, "Do you have a better idea, Lena? You're running all over National City with not just any alien but one of the greatest enemies of our family. Here I was hoping it was all being done in ignorance but apparently not. Can you imagine how disappointed I am, how hurt Lex would be if he knew?"

"Mother." M'gann took a moment to control herself. "I don't want to hurt you or Lex."

"You have a funny way of showing it. It could only be worse if you were running around with Superman." Leaning forward, elbows on her knees again, Lillian asked, "Do you know who he is?"

After several blinks, M'gann replied, "She hasn't told me, sorry."

"I could find out." Henshaw curled his hands into tight fists.

Pointing at Henshaw, M'gann sat looking at Lillian.

"He won't do anything. Just relax, Lena. Now, what was that compromise you mentioned?

"I don't want any aliens killed," M'gann began.

"This is your compromise?" Lillian asked.

"No. I'm willing to discuss working with you if we can find a better way."

Her eyes narrowing, Lillian asked, "You'd work with Cadmus?"

Holding out her hands and gesturing about, M'gann said, "Willingly? Not particularly, but you have me at a bit of a disadvantage, Mother. You have me, but more importantly, you have Kara. I want your guarantee no harm will come to her."

Lillian studied M'gann for several moments before replying, "And if I agree?"

"Then we have our compromise," M'gann replied. "Show me what you have planned for aliens, and let me work with you to come up with a more peaceful option. What do you say?"

"What if I can prove to you how dangerous they are?" Lillian asked as she leaned back in her chair, her gaze heavy upon M'gann.

"I'll listen," M'gann replied as she struggled to not squirm under the heavy scrutiny. "I can't disagree that some aliens are surprisingly dangerous. Some, like Kara, are very powerful and can pass for humans."

"Sometimes you can't tell a human from an alien. Those are the most dangerous kind," Lillian said with a slow nod.

Keeping her face neutral, M'gann replied, "So, show me what you've got planned, and let me see if I can come up with a better option?"

"Lena, if this is some kind of trick—"

"No trick, Mother. You have Kara. You have me. You win. But... you still are my mother, aren't you?" Hand stretching out, M'gann waited.

"I am."

"Then meet me halfway. Let's do this together."

Lillian hesitated. When she first moved her hand, A sound of warning came from Henshaw which turned into a sound of disgust when she grasped M'gann's hand. "Together."

"Together," M'gann repeated, smiling.


Pulling clothes from the middle drawer of her dresser, Alex stacked them on the top before she closed the drawer with her thigh. Brows furrowed, she pressed her lips together tightly as she examined her selections. It was best to plan for four days in Midvale. If they were gone longer, they could buy things and/or do laundry there. With an assured nod, she moved to the closet, pulling it open and then taking out a suitcase for the trip.

"Yeah, thanks a million. I owe you Erickson," Maggie was saying into her phone as she entered the room. "I'll make it up to you."

"You send me pictures of whatever you and Danvers are off doing, and we'll call it even."

Making eye contact with Alex, Maggie grinned. "I'll cover your shifts at some point. How does that sound?"

"Not as good as I bet those pictures look."

As Alex crouched down, unzipping the suitcase, Maggie's eyebrows rose. "You'd win that bet. Look, I need to pack before my girlfriend leaves me here. Thanks, man."

"No problem. Take care and Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas."

As Maggie put her phone down, Alex asked, "Erickson covering your shifts?"

"Yeah, and he only asked me for nudes twice."


Maggie nodded. "It must be the holiday spirit. He's feeling generous."

Alex laughed as she sat on the side of the bed. "Well, you can let him know he's welcome to kiss my ass any time that he wants."

Shaking her head, Maggie said, "Babe, he would totally kiss your ass... like, totally."


Maggie shrugged. "Some chicks are into that."

"I'm not some chicks."

"Ditto, at least not with Erickson." Maggie grinned waiting to see if Alex would smile back, but when the redhead merely looked down at her hand, Maggie asked, "So, how are you holding up? You seem tense."

"I'm stressed about seeing my mom."

"Yeah," Maggie said slowly. "You know it's going to be all right, right?"

"She's upset with me. She's disappointed."

"Hey." Sitting next to Alex, Maggie squeezed her fiancée's knee. "Your mom doesn't agree with what you did, and she may read you the riot act. You'll get a lecture, have to apologize to your little sister—"

"Who can throw a bus at me."

"Which is an intimidating factor in this, yes, I'll admit it. However, your little sister is also a sweet kid who can be bought off with pizza and dessert. I recommend us bringing a dozen doughnuts down with us."

"Two dozen, but make sure some are crullers. Kara loves crullers."

"Noted. Now, about Eliza, you and she will be fine because though she may not agree with what you did, and though she may be disappointed in your actions, she isn't disappointed in you as a person. She doesn't love you any less or think any less of you. You're still her daughter. You get that, right?"

"Well, yeah but—"

Interrupting Alex with a kiss, Maggie said, "Relax. You got it made. Your mom is awesome. If you want to be stressed because your mom is upset, then feel free, but you don't get to have a second to worry that anything is wrong between you and your mom. That I won't allow because that she won't allow."

Smiling, Alex said, "Yeah, yeah, you're right, Mags. How'd you get so smart?"

"Good question. It was some time before I said yes to marrying you."


"Obviously. You still stressed?"

"Less stressed, so, thanks."

Leaning in to kiss Alex again, Maggie asked, "Want to be even less stressed?"

"Ah, I'm kind of down one wing here." She patted her hand that was in the sling against her body. "I'm not really sure what I can do."

Gently pushing Alex back on the bed, Maggie said, "Well, I know what I can do. Why don't you look really hot why I do it?"


Dimples deepening, Maggie replied, "Oh, yeah."

As her fiancée kissed her neck, Alex hummed her happiness. "Mmmm, you feel amazing."

Continuing to kiss her way down Alex's neck, Maggie asked, "You going to talk the whole time here?"

"Do you even know me?"

"Valid." Pushing down Alex's body, Maggie pushed the other woman's tank top up and laid kisses from along her ribs to a path down her torso. The whole time, Maggie's fingers massaged along Alex's sides, fingernails scratching lightly and leaving a trail of goosebumps in their passing.

Winding her fingers in Maggie's hand, Alex moaned slightly. "God, yeah, babe."

With a throaty chuckle, Maggie nimbly unsnapped Alex's jeans and shifted them down the other woman's hips. Alex was more than happy to press a heel into the bed and lift her butt to make the process possible. Quickly, the jeans were off and forgotten into a pile on the floor. With a quick jerking motion as she grabbed Alex by the hips, Maggie pulled her fiancée closer to herself. Smiling, she looked up and made eye contact to meet an equally eager gaze.

Maggie laid gentle kiss after gentle kiss to the interior of Alex's thigh while her fingers tickled the sensitive skin along the woman's stomach. When a thrown back head and small moan were the response, Maggie's smile grew.

"You're such a fucking tease," Alex complained as she squirmed.

Grabbing Alex again to hold her in place, Maggie increased the intensity of the kisses opening her mouth and following with a quickly flicking tongue as she moved her way up Alex's thigh.

"Oh damn, yeah babe. Please, that's it... J'onn."

Frozen mid-stroking tongue on Alex's inner thigh, Maggie lifted her head and stared open-mouthed at Alex. "What the fuck did you just call me?"

Eyes slightly unfocused as she nodded, Alex said, "Okay, okay, I'm coming, J'onn."

"Whoa! Hey!" Leaping to her feet as she jumped away from the bed, Maggie held one hand up even as she wiped her mouth with the back of her other hand. "Babe, no. I mean... no. Something like that you don't just spring on a person. I'm down with roleplay. You know I'm down with roleplay, but we need communication around it especially if you want to do something like... that. I mean, babe that's just... You're into that?"

Nodding as she sat up, Alex said, "Absolutely, we need Winn."

"Oh, fuck no. We do not need Winn. Look, I'm as kinky as the next girl—"

"And Vasquez, I've got this."

Shrugging and nodding, Maggie said, "Okay, Vasquez is negotiable. Where are you going?"

As she walked out the bedroom door, Alex said, "Mags, get my pants."

Grabbing Alex's jeans from where she'd shucked them to the floor, Maggie grumbled, "Damn straight because you are not getting laid now. I may be your daddy, but I am not your Space Daddy."

In the other room, Alex stood with her phone to her ear. "Winn, I need everyone activated immediately. This is a Priority Alpha situation."

"O-okay Alex. What is it? Is it Reign again? Is Kara back?"

"Negative. J'onn and M'gann have been taken by Cadmus."


Jeans in hand, Maggie stopped next to Alex.

"What do we do!? Do we call Kara!? Do we call Lena!? Can she talk her crazy mom down!?"

"Put my pants on."


While Maggie helped her dress, Alex said, "Just relax. Cadmus doesn't know they have J'onn and M'gann."

"But... I'm confused."

"They think they took Kara and Lena. J'onn and M'gann were posing as them. They took J'onn down with kryptonite, and M'gann went along willingly so Henshaw wouldn't hurt him."

"But kryptonite doesn't affect J'onn."

"Right, but it affects Kara. They're playing along. I need everyone brought in on this one. Full tactical squads. Get me a button down shirt?"

Yelling, Winn said, "We need all squads, full tactical, and a shirt for Alex!"

As Maggie nodded and walked away, Alex said, "So, J'onn says they're being held at a small airport on the southwest side of town. They have them in a hanger. Can you get us information on private airports no longer in use or that could be used by sympathetic Cadmus folks in that area?"

"On it. Oh, and Vasquez has the teams being called in."

"Excellent. I'll have Maggie contact the NCPD to get a crew together. Text us a location as soon as you get it. I'll drive in with her. Any questions?"

"Nope, I'm working on your locations now. I have it limited to three options, and utility usage should finalize that for us in a minute."

"Good work, Winn." As Maggie came over with a shirt, Alex said to her, "I'm so sorry about this, babe. You are so hot. As soon as my arm is better, I'm going to make you feel so good."

"Wh... what?"

"Text me that location, Winn," Alex said as she disconnected.

"Alex, what... what did you say? Hello?" Pulling out his earpiece, Winn laid it on the table and sat staring. "That may have been the most disturbing thing that's happened to me since I started working here. I never thought I'd miss the days of Alex threatening me."


Leg jittering and one hand tapping out a beat on the arm of the couch, Kara's gaze constantly strayed from the television screen to the woman sitting next to her. In contrast, Lena might have been carved from marble for all the expression she showed. Back ramrod straight and head held high, she could have been facing down an angry board of directors instead of watching a holiday special given her unaffected expression and perfectly timed blinks. When she casually pushed to her feet, Kara leaped to hers like a dog eager to chase a ball.

Running her fingers through her hair, Lena stretched and said, "I think I'll make a cup of tea. Eliza, would you like some?"

"That would be lovely, sweetheart."

"Kara, cocoa?"

"Uh, yeah, please," Kara replied with a smile. "Cookies too?"

"Of course. Give me a hand?"

When Lena's gaze flicked to hers, one eyebrow raised and a smirk appearing and vanishing like a magician's trick, abracadabra, Kara swallowed hard. "Yeah, sure. I'll just be in the kitchen, um..." Head down, she followed in the other woman's wake.

When neither young woman had reappeared more than ten minutes later, Eliza rose from her chair to head toward the kitchen. "Did they get lost or something?" As she opened the kitchen door, she gasped audibly. "Girls!"


"This database houses what we know nutritionally about the aliens we've cataloged. You'd think that doesn't matter, but from what we've been able to determine..." Looking at M'gann's slightly glazed eyes, Lillian asked, "Am I boring you, Lena?"

"Hmmm? What? Oh, no, Mother, I just... No, not at all. This is all very interesting."

"Really? You seem distracted."

With a smile, M'gann shook her head. "No, I want to hear more. Please, go on... and on... and on."

Arms crossed as she stared down at the shorter woman, Lillian said, "Lena, I'm sure you think this attitude is cute, but I'm not amused. You were the one who wanted to see our research and try and reach a compromise. If you'd rather have Mr. Henshaw—"

"No, no. I apologize, Mother. I'm just worried about Kara, so I'm being rude. Forgive me?"

"An apology from my daughter? Should I circle this day on my calendar?"

M'gann smiled. "You might want to. I guarantee this will be a historic day."

Lillian smiled and began to talk about the database again, but M'gann was nearly immediately distracted by another voice.

"M'gann, we have company."

"Define company, J'onn."

"The DEO has taken position at the perimeter, and they have members of the NCPD with them. They're ready to move in on our signal."

Smiling, M'gann replied, "I'm ready when you are."

"Just give me a minute to join you," J'onn replied. "They only have two guards on me since I'm incapacitated by this kryptonite."

"Okay, Kara, I'll be waiting for you, darling." Clearing her throat, M'gann smiled up at Lillian. "You know, this really has been a fabulous education. I never thought I'd have this opportunity to get to know you like this. I never thought I'd want it, but honestly, I'm glad that I've had it. It's been enlightening."

"You think you've learned something?" Lillian asked.

"Tons," M'gann replied. "I always thought you hated aliens, but you said it yourself. You don't. You fear them."

"I'm not afraid of aliens."

"Of course you are," M'gann countered, "and with good reason. You've stirred up so much hate that many aliens who saw you would attack you in self-defense. Most humans have nothing to fear, but you, Lillian, you've earned their ire."

"I'm Lillian again?"

"You've always been Lillian. Lillian, or Mrs. Luthor or... Well, I'll stop there for my sake not yours. You, Lillian Luthor, are a hate monger. What you sow, you reap."

"My, my. Getting all biblical on me, Lena?"

"Is that what that's from?" M'gann asked. "I read it on the inside of a cap of Snapple iced tea."

"All right, that's enough, Miss Luthor. Maybe a day or two locked up like the Kryptonian will change her demeanor," Henshaw suggested.

"That's not nearly enough," M'gann replied holding fast when he grabbed her arm. "You know, I've seen a lot of movies on this planet, and usually I prefer the original. In this case, the original is just a cheap imitation of the new and improved."

As Henshaw glared tugging at M'gann's arm, she smiled up at him.

"Is something wrong, Mr.s Henshaw?" M'gann asked mockingly.

"What's wrong, Mr. Henshaw?" Lillian asked, concern creeping into her voice.

"I... I can't move her."

"That's not possible," Lillian said.

"I'm telling you, I can't move her!"

"Maybe his warranty's up," M'gann smirked.

Everyone's head turned when the door opened, and J'onn entered looking like Kara. "Did you start without me?"

"I was just about to," M'gann replied.

"How did you get loose? How did she get loose?" Lillian asked as she looked around for an explanation.

J'onn held up a glowing, green chunk. "Defective kryptonite."

"Ooooo, that happens. Defective cyborg too," M'gann said right before she spun on Henshaw and punched him in the chest, sending him flying across the room and burying him into the wall.

"Le... Lena!?"

Shaking her head a Lillian, M'gann's formed shifted into that of a green Martian. "Not Lena."

Lillian barely had time to gasp before M'gann had grabbed her and tossed her into the armed guards.

"Hey, save some for me!" J'onn complained as she shifted form.

"Then get your butt in gear and get to work!" M'gann said as she threw the people away from the consoles before they could hit an alert.

All too quickly, it was a blur of action. The humans were knocked unconscious, and Henshaw, as powerful as he was, was no match for two Martians. The combined forces of the DEO and the NCPD swept in and took out the remaining Cadmus members with some injuries but no casualties on the part of the good guys. Within two hours, it was a resounding victory for our heroes. Things were being tagged and bagged, and some of America's most wanted were being led away in cuffs before the night was through.

Hand to her earcom, Alex grimaced as a line of prisoners walked by her. "Crap."

"What's wrong?" M'gann asked.

"We've got press."


"Reporters are heading in en masse. Somehow word got out. Hey, Mags!" Alex waited while her fianceé joined her. "Did your folks spill the beans to the press about this?"

"Why do you think it would be my guys?"

"Well, it couldn't be my guys. My guys are government agents," Alex replied.

"Right, and the government is always trustworthy." Pointing up, Maggie said, "Babe, we've got airsupport and searchlights looking for runners. Reporters from the high school newspaper could have sniffed out this lead. It's not Pulitzer worthy. Chill."

You're right. Sorry. I just..." Running the hand on her good arm through her hair, Alex said, "I need to figure out a way to do some damage control. We just took down Cadmus, and we'll have every newspaper and television station in the local area here in ten minutes."

"Ten minutes? Just let me put on my face," M'gann said. Shifting until she looked like Lena again, M'gann nodded. "Perfect. How do I look?"

"What are you doing?" Alex nodded.

"Damage control," M'gann replied. "If we can't stop the press from showing up, we can at least control the face we put on this story, and it will be this face, the face of the heroic young Luthor who helped to arrest her mother. What do you think?"

"I think the press will be all over you," Alex replied. "Are you sure you're up for it?"

"I won't be alone. J'onn, I need you to change again!" M'gann yelled.

Across the way, J'onn yelled and shifted into Kara.

Shaking her head, M'gann yelled, "Not quite!"


"Girls! Girls, get in here right now!" Eliza called out from the living room. "Girls!"

"What is it? What's wrong?" Kara asked as she and Lena ran to the back door from outside, the Kryptonian tugging the human along.

"Quick, on the TV!" Eliza yelled again. "They're showing National City, and Maggie and Alex are there!"

"What!?" Hand-in-hand, Kara and Lena hurried to the living room.

"Are they all right?" Lena asked.

"I thought they were on their way here. Is it Reign" Kara asked.

"Reign?" Eliza shook her head in response. Then, turning to Lena, she said, "It's your mother."

"What!?!" Barely waiting for Eliza to move out of the way, Kara and Lena rushed to see what was on the TV. On the screen were several DEO and NCPD members escorting people in handcuffs into the backs of unmarked, black vans. Supergirl had a rather beaten up and subdued looking Hank Henshaw in custody. She disappeared offscreen with him. Alex could be seen holding a shocked Lillian Luthor by one arm while Maggie spoke to her fiancée. When Supergirl moved back on screen again, Lena was walking alongside her.

"Well, this just keeps getting more and more interesting," Eliza said.

"Shhhh." Grabbing the remote, Kara turned up the volume as reporters moved closer and started to asked questions of Lena and Supergirl.

"Supergirl! Supergirl!" One reporter called out. "What exactly happened here tonight?"

Placing her hand gently on Lena's near shoulder, Supergirl smiled. "With the help of Miss Lena Luthor, Cadmus was dealt a heavy blow. Lillian Luthor and Hank Henshaw, the group's ringleaders, have been taken into custody. I'm sure all of National City will sleep a little better tonight. This city owes a great debt to Lena Luthor."

"J'onn does an awful you," Eliza commented.

"Miss Luthor! This is the second time you've worked with law enforcement to aid in the arrest of your mother. Any comment?"

On the screen, Lena furrowed her brows, a sad smile coming to her face. "I'm sorry this was necessary. My family has brought so much pain to this city, to other cities, to this world. All I can do is continue to try and right my family's wrongs and make this world a better place. I know none of it will make up for the evil my family has done, the people they've hurt. I don't expect to ever make up for it, but I will always be better. With the example of people like Supergirl, we can all be better and make a better world."

"Well, now that's much more believable," Eliza said. "Is that M'gann?"

As Lillian Luthor was led a bit too close to the reporters, they called out to her. "Mrs. Luthor, any comments about your arrest?"

She strained against Alex's hands. "When the aliens have taken this world from us, I'll be remembered as a patriot. Do not wait until it is too late to rise up! Cadmus has not fallen! Rise up!"

The TV Lena sigh loudly. "Oh, Mother, you've earned this. Really, insane rhetoric and rantings? Isn't that beneath us? Take it like a Luthor. Try and show some class."

"You are not my daughter!!"

Raising one eyebrow, M'gann coolly replied, "Why, thank you, Mother. That may be the nicest thing you've ever said to me."

Mouth hanging unhinged, Lena landed, wide-eyed, on the couch.

Scratching the back of her neck, Kara turned with a crooked smile. "Wow, M'gann does do a really good you. Are you sure you aren't the alien shapeshifter, Lena?"

"I... I... well, fuck," Lena finally stuttered out.

With a sheepish smile, Kara said, "Sorry, Eliza."

"It's all right, Kara. There are cases where dropping the f-bombs are warranted. Watching yourself help to arrest your mother definitely makes the cut." As Eliza took a seat on the couch next to Lena, she laid a gentle hand over the younger girl's arm and applied just a hint of pressure. "What do you need, sweetheart?"

Eyes blown wide, Lena turned to meet Eliza's gaze. "Honestly? I haven't the foggiest. In my wildest fantasies, I never thought I'd see..." One hand spinning a bit at the wrist as she held her arm out in front of her, Lena blinked a bit and let her mouth hang open.

"Of course, you didn't," Eliza said with a kindly smile, never breaking her gaze from Lena's. "Kara, I think Lena could use your support, sweetheart."

"Oh, right!" Moving to sit on Lena's other side, Kara wrapped an arm around her shoulders and gently pulled the other girl into her. "I'm right here, honey. I've got you, and I'm not going anywhere."



Sighing, Lena relaxed a bit, closing her eyes as she sank into Kara. After a few seconds of silence, she asked, "You saw that too, right?"

"You and me arresting your mother and Henshaw, yeah."

"Okay," Lena said with several quick nods. "It's just that I'm here with you, spending a lovely time with your mother, and apparently we're dating." At that, she opened her eyes and pulled back just enough so she and Kara could look into each others' eyes, though both of their expressions were unreadable at the moment. "Right, anyway, happily dating Supergirl for the holidays, but I have taken far too many blows to the head not to be at risk for some kind of brain trauma."


"No, no, hear me out. Now I'm with you and also watching the two of us arrest my mother and Hank Henshaw, the greatest threats to our happiness. It all seems a bit pat, doesn't it?"

"That was J'onn and M'gann. You know that, don't you?" Kara asked.

"Or..." Lena held up one finger. "I'm hallucinating. That makes much more sense than my being the last free Luthor who is also in a happy relationship with one of two Kryptonian superheroes and on a lovely vacation and meeting her Earth mother... who is also lovely. Eliza, you're lovely."

Eliza smiled half-heartedly as her gaze flicked to meet Kara's uneasy one.

"So, as a scientist." Lena sighed. "Non sunt multiplicanda entia sine necessitate."

Kara shook her head. "What?"

"Entities are not to be multiplied without necessity," Lena translated.

"I... still don't get it."

"The simplest explanation is usually the correct one," Eliza said as she shut off the TV. "In this case, that means we're done watching the news, and it's time for you girls to go upstairs and relax for a while. You can even use my room... ahem, within reason. I'll call Alex and get an update from the source."

"Thanks, Eliza," Kara said as she tugged Lena to her feet. "Come on, sweetheart. Let's go upstairs, and you can explain the whole non sum multiples thing to me, and I'll kiss you and remind you how very real we are." Her gaze flicking over to Eliza, Kara smiled, "Within reason."

When the two younger women had left, Eliza dialed the phone. It went to voicemail twice before her daughter answered.

"Hey, Mom, is this important because I'm—?"

"I was watching TV, Alex. What's going on, and why didn't I know you hurt your arm?"

"Oh, you saw huh?"


"Oh. Well, it was kind of last minute, but good news, we got the bad guys. Merry Christmas?"

"Alexandra..." Eliza's voice held a note of warning.

"Mom, really I knew nothing until a few hours ago. I was with Maggie, um, packing and J'onn contacted me telepathically. While he and M'gann were out impersonating Kara and Lena, Cadmus took them. They got Cadmus' location, told us where it was, and we had to act immediately. I couldn't tell anyone what was going on. That's protocol. You understand, right?"

"I understand Lena is in shock after what she just saw on the TV," Eliza replied. "When I saw you and Maggie there, I wasn't expecting to see Kara and Lena too. Alex, that girl's been through too much especially lately. She needs a break."

"Yeah, right. I'm sorry about that, Mom. It just seemed like a good opportunity to give Lena and her company some good, free press. The last time she arrested her mom, Maggie had to arrest Lena, and it all back-fired on her. We were just trying to fix it."

With a sigh, Eliza said, "Fine. When are you coming here?"

"I'm not sure. We have a whole Cadmus base worth of folks to process and all of their equipment and information, not to mention Lillian and Hank. Mom, this is a goldmine. It could be a few days."

"Just... get here as quickly as you can. I'm keeping your sister and Lena apart until you tell them the truth. I don't want them to do anything they regret when they find out their relationship started from a lie."

"What do you mean apart?"

"I mean I'm trying to keep them from doing anything physical," Eliza explained with an eye roll. "Those girls are like bunnies in the spring right now. I'm afraid to let them out of my sight. They went to make tea and cocoa before. I got suspicious after ten minutes and found them on the kitchen counter... Well, you get the gist of it. I didn't think I'd need to have the 'not under my roof' conversation with two women in their twenties."

"Well, they are adults."

"Who deserve the whole truth," Eliza reminded her daughter. "After you've given them that, if they want to act on their obvious physical attraction, then I'll get a hotel room and let them do whatever around the house. I certainly don't want to be here the way they're carrying on."

"It's really that bad, huh?"

"We're not discussing this, but yes, it's really that bad. I'm sending you a bill for everything they break. I hope you get a big, fat bonus for capturing Lillian Luthor. You're going to need it."

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