Endings and Beginnings

By donmaryfan

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As Don and Meryl's life as empty nesters end; they embark on a new beginning. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98

Chapter 84

651 26 12
By donmaryfan

Don and Meryl were sitting hand in hand as Harry walked up to the witness stand. Meryl turned to Don. "Thank you."

"What?" Don was a little caught off guard. "What for?"

Meryl whispered as Harry was being sworn in. "For being the best damn husband and father in the world; I have no idea what I did right in this life to get you, but thank god I have you."

"Thank god I have you." Don whispered with a kiss to her lips. "You saved me; you do save me. It's always been you, M."

Meryl nodded as she swallowed past her tears. "I feel the same way, D."

"Mr. Gummer." Lee began. "Tell us about your childhood."

Harry struggled. "My mother tried; but it was difficult. She was ruined because as she often said 'the only man I ever loved left me for some shallow actress.'"

"Mike." Don hissed as he was already losing his cool. "We separated 11 years before I even MET Meryl.

Mike was writing something down as he jumped up. "Objection! It has already been proven that Donald Gummer and Peggy Gummer formally separated in 1967 when Mr. Gummer filed for divorce; and in those papers the court has, it cited Peggy Gummer's infidelity as the primary reason for the dissolution of their marriage. Mr. Gummer didn't marry Meryl Gummer until September of 1978. In 1967 Meryl Gummer was graduating from high school in New Jersey; while Mr. Gummer was living here in Indianapolis. They didn't even meet each other until the late spring of 1978."

"Your honor." Lee began. "Harry Gummer is telling us his reality growing up."

The judge nodded. "I'll allow it."

"It's okay, baby." Meryl whispered as she rubbed Don's shoulders and kissed his cheek. "I know the truth."

Don wrapped his arm around his wife as Harry continued on. "My mother would show me pictures of my father with his other family; accompanying his other wife at fancy events and pictures of him with his other wife and other children. That is what she always called them."

"Mike?" Don asked again.

Mike shook his head and whispered to both Don and Meryl. "We all know that is a lie; however, the judge has already allowed this."

"Mike will get his chance, sweetheart." Meryl whispered in Don's ear. "This won't stick."

Don nodded as Lee continued. "Harry, who is your father according to your mother?"

"That man." Harry pointed to Don. "Donald Gummer."

Mike jumped up. "Your honor, it has already been proven that Donald Gummer is NOT Harry Gummer's father."

"Your honor." Lee jumped in. "I asked Harry who his MOTHER said his father was. I am trying to show how Harry Gummer grew up."

The judge nodded. "Once again, I'll allow it."

"Mr. Gummer, was your father a part of your life?" Lee asked Harry.

Mike shook his head as he saw Don getting upset again. "There's nothing I can do, Don; the judge keeps allowing it."

"No, he wasn't." Harry said. "We would often drive out to his home in Connecticut, even going to his home in California. We would go when he was working in Japan and Germany. Always staying in the background."

Don looked at Meryl with big eyes. "Meryl, I didn't know that."

"I know you didn't, baby." Meryl whispered to him. "This is all James and Peggy; we can't even blame Harry for this. He was a child."

Don agreed with his wife by nodding his head as Lee continued. "Mr. Gummer, please tell us how you were treated when your mother took you to see your father this past Thanksgiving."

"Like a bastard child." Harry answered. "We walked in and my father's other children started yelling at me; saying I wasn't welcome. Henry started attacking me, saying I wasn't my father's son."

Don looked at Meryl. "He's not mine!"

"We're not going to change his mind, Don." Larry said.

Meryl rubbed Don's good leg. "Just stay calm, Don Man; I can deal with listening to his lies, but I couldn't deal with you being thrown in jail for contempt of court."

"My father refused to acknowledge me as his son." Harry said. "Probably because SHE was there."

Don held Meryl closer to him. "I hope these fucking lies are almost over."

"I have no other questions, your honor." Lee said. "I'm sure that was difficult; thank you, Mr. Gummer."

Don rolled his eyes at Meryl. "Thank god that fucking farce is over."

"Watch that mouth, Gummer." Meryl flirted as she tenderly kissed his lips. "I feel the same way though."

Larry looked at Don and Meryl as his father got up. "Here we go; that little bastard won't know what hit him once Dad gets through with him."

"Mr. Gummer." Mike began. "Is it true that you have been stalking Donald Gummer and his family with the intent to kill his wife and children?"

Harry shrugged. "I wanted what was mine. My grandfather told me that the others weren't really his kids. He told me that SHE didn't love my father. So I thought why not?"

"Sick fuckers." Don choked with a kiss to Meryl's head as he held her close. "ALL of them."

"Who is your grandfather?" Mike asked.

Harry got a sad look on his face. "James Gummer; though he always told me that no one could know when I saw him. He was always sleeping over, though."

"You okay, Mom?" Don looked back at his mother; knowing she knew the real truth.

Jane gave her son a watery smile. "He's a bastard; and I'm fine, Donny."

"Tell us about your relationship with Kevin Mann." Mike said.

Harry shrugged again. "He was just always in my life; often in jail. He and my mom would write to each other. He would write to me. He kept promising me that he would be back with his true love so that my mother could be back with hers; and I would have my father like I was always supposed to have. We all helped each other have what we wee always supposed to have."

"He's getting them." Larry told Don and Meryl. "And our biggest help right now is actually Harry."

Meryl leaned her head towards Don's. "I can't believe he's saying all this."

"He's just a fucking by product of James and Peggy." Don whispered. "Like some sort of robot carrying out what he was programmed to do. Do you think that's why she got pregnant?"

"Knowing her and James?" Meryl raised her eyebrow. "It's a strong possibility."

Mike was ready to reel it in. "Mr. Gummer, were you in Mason's Island, Connecticut the week of Donald Gummer's accident?"

"That's when Kevin and my mother wanted to see their plan through." Harry answered. "We kept waiting for him to be alone but he wasn't until that morning."

Mike was unaware at what was happening with his adoptive son; who was shaking. "Tell us about that day."

"It was snowing." Harry said. "It was cold and wet and slick. I kept telling my mom that we were following too closely; but she said if we let him get away then Kevin wouldn't get what should have been his and neither would we."

Mike pressed on. "Were you driving that day?"

"He wasn't driving." Don whispered as he began to shake. "He wasn't driving."

Larry and Meryl both looked at Don as Meryl cupped his head in her hands. "Don Man, how do you know that he wasn't driving?"

"I saw her." Don choked. "In the rear view mirror before..."

Meryl's head snapped up. "He's remembering."

"Meryl, don't go." Don whispered. "My head hurts."

Meryl watched Larry jump up. "Your honor, permission for counselors to approach the bench? Mr. Gummer is having a break through in remembering what happened that day."

"Granted." Judge Stewart said and looked at Harry. "DA Brown, are you done with questioning this witness?"

Mike knew Don remembering would help even more. "Yes; he helped me make my point."

"Don? Are you okay?" Brad leaned forward. "Meryl?"

Meryl was rubbing Don's back. "We need to give him some space, I think; he's remembering the accident. Is that what's going on, baby?"

"I can hear you screaming for me." Don choked. "I can see them in my rear view mirror. I feel the heat from the flames. Please don't leave me, Mer."

Meryl pulled him to her. "I'm not going anywhere."

"We'll stay back here." Jane said. "If you need us."

While Meryl was encouraging and supporting her husband, the lawyers were conversing with the judge. Mike was leading the way. "Don is remembering. That is vital to this case. Before Harry could answer if he was driving or his mother was, Don said it was Peggy driving."

"His wife could have told him that." Lee said.

Larry shook his head. "Meryl didn't know; it isn't on the tape from Mann. Meryl wasn't there. The traffic cameras didn't capture the drivers on tape-they couldn't be seen. You all have heard the tapes with Mann, he didn't tell us who was driving; just that Peggy and Harry were involved. Three people knew who was driving: Peggy, Harry and Don. Harry hadn't answered. Peggy isn't here and Don sure as hell hasn't spoken to her; and neither has Merl. Don is remembering. We need to hear him out."

"But not here." Mike said looking back at Don and Meryl. "It will be overwhelming enough; and he is already experiencing brain trauma as you read in his records. It also states how it could completely wear him out and overwhelm him when he remembered the accident."

The judge nodded. "My chambers; only the lawyers and Don."

"Okay." The lawyers went back to their tables

The judge then spoke to the room. "The trial for today is over. In light of recent events I want to see counselor Lee, DAs Brown and Mr. Donald Gummer in my chambers for a private testimony."

"No!" Don's head popped up and turned to Meryl. "Please don't leave me; they're going to come after you. Just like before."

Meryl hated the thought of Don going through this without her; and he was experiencing some PTSD. "Papa Mike?"

"Your honor, Mr. Gummer is obviously experiencing PTSD from the accident." Mike explained. "Which is also in his medical records that it could happen. I feel if it upsets him to be away from his wife for fear of her safety then she should be allowed in the chambers."

Meryl looked at the judge. "Your honor, I won't speak; but I would like to be there for my husband."

"And our babies." Don said still shaking. "They were after our babies too; I can't leave you all."

Meryl looked at Don. "We decided not to have them around HIM."

"He won't be there, M." Don choked. "Please."

It became even more obvious to the judge how all of this affected this family. "I empathize, Mr. Gummer. Mrs. Gummer, you can be in there but absolutely no babies. We will meet in my chamber immediately. Court is adjourned."

"Meryl." Don was breaking. "I need them with us."

Meryl sighed. "Baby, this wouldn't be the best place for them. There's going to be stress and tension; and I am sure they are sleeping. The best thing for them is to be with Maggie and Liz."

"I'll have guards placed outside the door, Don." Mike assured Don. "They'll be fine."

Larry nodded as he was texting on his phone. "I'm texting Lizzie now; and she'll text or call me the moment the babies don't seem okay."

"See, Don Man?" Meryl tried to assure her husband. "Everything is going to be okay."

Don nodded. "Okay; but you're coming with me, right?"

"Of course." Meryl whispered with a kiss to his forehead. "Then as soon as we're done we will go grab the babies and leave."

Brad and Jane walked over with Brad talking first. "Since the babies are taken care of we are going to go back to the house."

"You call us the moment you need us." Jane added. "We just want to give you all the space that you need; as I'm sure this is overwhelming you."

Brad nodded. "Just give us a call when you are done in the judge's chambers and I'll come pick you all up."

"Don't worry about it, Brad." Larry said. "I'll take them home; we can fasten Mags' and Brady's seats in with the seatbelts."

Jane nodded at Brad. "Okay, thank you. We love you both."

"I'm proud of you." Jane said hugging her son and then daughter-in-law. "Of both of you."

Meryl ran her fingers through Don's hair. "Just take it slow, sweetheart; I'll be right with you."

"I don't want what I'm remembering to hurt you." Don said as everything from that day was flooding back to him. "Because of what happened with the kids; and reliving a day I know that was awful for you."

Meryl shook her head. "As awful as I know this will be for YOU, I am just happy you are remembering. For once, don't worry about me. All I care about is that I get to be with you through this."

"Me too." Don tenderly kissed her forehead. "I love you."

"I love you, too." Meryl said helping him up. "Let's go do this."


Meryl rushed into the judge's chambers after checking on the babies when she saw Don sitting there with his suit jacket off, his shirt unbuttoned and some woman listening to him with a stethoscope. Her heart immediately sank. "What happened? What's wrong?"

"It's okay, M." Larry assured her as Don reached his hand out to her; and she immediately took it. "It's just precaution."

Once the woman was done listening to Don's chest, he brought Meryl's hand up to his lips. "I'm okay, Darl."

"I'm the court doctor." The woman said. "Because of your husband's recent health concerns the judge just wanted me to listen to him; and do a quick check."

Meryl nodded as she sat down in the empty chair beside her husband. "How is he?"

"His blood pressure is a little high; which is to be expected. Breath sounds are great. Pupils look good." The doctor said. "I would just like to caution that when a patient remembers a traumatic event that caused their amnesia it could be very overwhelming. You will probably have a headache and be completely exhausted after this. As I said before your wife came in you might experience PTSD like it sounds you were in the courtroom. Just take it slow. Mrs. Gummer, be patient with him."

Don saw the broken look in Meryl's eyes. "She is; the most amazing and patient wife a guy could ask for."

"I will." Meryl nodded. "He's okay, though?"

The court doctor nodded. "Yes; come get me if there are any problems."

"Thank you doctor." The judge said taking a seat behind his seat. "Everyone please have a seat. I am treating this as a deposition. Only clarifying questions. Mr. Gummer is remembering what happened to him 2 weeks ago. He won't be grilled. Mr. Gummer at your pace; and I would like to remind you that you are still under oath."

Meryl tenderly kissed Don's lips and sat as close to him as possible. "At your pace, Don Man; and I am right here."


"Henry? Suze? Mai? Gracie? What are you all doing all the way out here during a snow storm? And with Lily girl." Don asked his family.

"What in the hell is going on?" Grace asked throwing her bag down on the floor.

Mamie shook her head. "Child Protective Services, Daddy?"

"Who told you?" Don asked as he already knew this conversation wouldn't be going well.

Henry shook his head. "Our cousins told us after you pressed more charges against their father. It doesn't matter WHO told us; why in the hell didn't you call and tell us?"

"Can we please keep it down? Your mother, brother and sister are all resting; which is what they need after all of this." Don said nodding towards the den and making sure the doors were closed. "I called and told you about Uncle Dana and that your mom needed peace and calm after all of that."

Henry put down Lily's baby carrier as she was asleep. "You left out the part where you were questioned by Child Protective Services.; and our 2 week old baby sister was hurt."

"I took care of it; I made sure them and all of you were safe and protected. That is what I have done for 34 years and will continued to do so until the day I die." Don said somewhat matter of factly. "Your mother was beside herself and I wanted to make sure she was calm; I was sick and tired of her having to live through that."

Mamie raised her eyebrow. "So it was all about you?"

"Excuse me? This was about your mother, your infant brother and sister and ALL of you. Trying to protect all of you and not hurt any of you with what happened by your uncle more that necessary. How can you say it was about ME?!" Don asked; not liking where this was going. "If you all came out here to gang up on your mother and me; that is the LAST thing in the world she needs right now."

Grace shook her head. "Do you even care or think about what she needs? What we all need?"

"That's all I ever think about." Don sighed. "It is also why we didn't tell you; we were trying not to bring you all into this."

Suzie had tried to talk her husband and his sisters down; but with no luck. She didn't like how her godparents were being treated. Suzie reached out and squeezed her godfather's hand. "That must have been extremely scary, Uncle Don; for you and Aunt Meryl. I can't even imagine."

"Thanks, Suzie girl." Don said winking at his goddaughter and daughter-in-law. "It was."

Grace was pacing. "Were you thinking about our mother and all of us when you chose not to tell us that she almost died giving birth?"

"That she did die giving birth." Mamie correct.

Henry shook his head. "What the hell else aren't you telling us, Dad?"

"Henry." Don was surprised by his son's tone after their heart to heart two weeks previous. "I thought we were good; I thought we had an understanding. I thought we cleared all of this up right after we brought Mags and Brady home."

Henry nodded. "I was wrong to accuse you of beating Mom; this is a different ballgame. You are keeping truths about our mother, and our newborn siblings, from us so you can keep control."


"Meryl, they accused me of beating you." Don came out of his remembering. "Why?"

The judge nodded. "I would like to hear this as well, Mrs. Gummer."

"My husband has NEVER laid ONE finger on me, he NEVER EVER would." Meryl started. "Our estranged son-in-law pushed me down when I was 2 months pregnant; and Don immediately threw him out of our apartment. When Don discovered the bruises on me from Ben he immediately insisted I get checked out. We were actually here in Indianapolis visiting family. I did get checked out and my husband's insistence; and was fine."

Larry nodded. "They called me that night to get a restraining order for their daughter from that weasel."

"A few days later it came out in the tabloids that I was pregnant. We were out to brunch and hadn't told our kids yet, though Mamie had found out by accident, and we immediately went to the hotel to tell them when we saw the tabloids while walking after brunch." Meryl explained. "When we got back to the hotel, the kids were waiting for us in our suite and they already saw the tabloid story about me being pregnant. Don helped take my coat off me, my cardigan sweater slipped down my arm and I was wearing a tank top underneath; so you could see the bruises from what our son-in-law did. Henry, our oldest child, VERY MISTAKENLY accused his father of beating me; not knowing about what Ben did. However, as I told him that day, he should have known better than that. My husband has NEVER EVER laid one finger on our children or me. We told them everything about Ben then about me being pregnant.. After the babies were born, but before the accident, Henry apologized AGAIN to Don and said he was so scared about becoming a father himself that when he thought his hero was someone different he freaked. Just as I believe he did the day of the accident. Don didn't deserve ANY of this. No child could have a more loving father; and I could NEVER have a more perfect husband than Don."

The judge watched as Don tenderly kissed Meryl's lips. "Thank you for clearing that up, Mrs. Gummer; please continue, Mr. Gummer."


"Is that what you think?" Don was beginning to lose it. "Never mind; you won't listen to me."

Suzie knew she needed to be the voice of reason. "No, Uncle Don, what is it? What were you going to say to them? I've tried to be the voice of reason with them; and I have obviously failed at that. Maybe you can be."

"Did you ever stop to think that I am trying to keep your mother alive?" Don asked.

Grace shook her head. "So she can do things for you? So you don't have to raise the babies alone?"

"What the fuck?" Tears appeared in Don's eyes. "I'm trying to keep her alive because she is my best friend and my partner; and the mother of my babies, which includes all of you. The choices I make is always about all of you. It is VERY RARELY about me."

Mamie threw up her hands. "Dad, I have defended you and Mom but when you continually keep things from us I can't do it anymore. I am starting to believe it is because you want control. Why else wouldn't you tell us about Child Protective Services and Mom dying? Why do we always have to hear about it from some other source. What's next? We find out Mom died from the fucking tabloids?"

"Mamie!" Suzie gasped. "You all are out of line."

Don shook his head as he walked to the entry way table and grabbed his phone out of the drawer, turning it on. "I'm not going to change your minds. I need air. I need to think. Can you at least tell my WIFE to call me if she needs me or ANYTHING? Can you please have her call me the moment that she wakes up?"

"You're just leaving?" Mamie was shocked.

Don shook his head sadly as he grabbed his coat. "You three obviously don't want to see me. If you do ANYTHING, I ask that you don't upset your mother. Believe it or not, I'm not thinking of myself here. We were trying to protect all of you; but you have absolutely no idea what that amazing woman has gone through."

"Uncle Don." Suzie went over to her godfather. "Don't leave."

Don kissed her cheek. "If they don't tell Mer to call me; will you?"

"Of course." Suzie said hugging him and whispering in his ear. "I love you; I'm going to try with them."

"I love you too, Suzie girl." Don nodded sadly as he turned the know on the front door. 
"I know that for some reason, unknown to me AND your mother, you think I am this monster or whatever. I'm not. Every decision I make is with all of you, your brother, sisters and mother in mind. It's never about me. Believe what you want. I love you all more than you will probably ever know. Please have my wife call me."


"Darl?" Don choked as he saw Meryl shaking and the tears streaming down her face. "I thought you knew all this."

Meryl shook her head as she wiped away her husband's tears. "They summarized it; this is the first time I heard how truly awful they were to you. I'm so sorry, baby."

"It's over, sweetheart." Don whispered as he kissed her lips. "I'm alive because of you."

Meryl shook her head. "They made you leave our home; YOUR home."

"We're all moving forward." Don assured her.

Meryl nodded. "I'm sorry; I know I said I would be quiet."

"We all knew better than that, Mer." Larry teased. "Don, tell us about the accident now."


Don sighed as he walked out of the house and over to his car and unlocked it. He sighed when he saw his wife's charger cord hooked into the USB outlet; and then when he saw the bases to their babies' carseats. He wasn't sure if he was doing the right thing by leaving. Of course he would immediately come back when he heard that she was awake; this was NOT her fault and he would be damned if he let anyone keep him away from his wife and their babies. He just thought it would be best if he wasn't around their older children until they all calmed down. Several times over the past year he had felt them stabbing him in the heart; and it felt like they just kept on turning that knife. He didn't know why but it seemed like ever since he and Meryl became empty nesters that their children thought they were keeping something from them if they didn't tell them EVERYTHING that was going on with them. He and Meryl knew they were husband and wife before they had the kids, that they would be husband and wife long after the kids left home; and so there would be some things that were just between husband and wife. That's how they wanted it. Don was surprised when he slid out of their driveway and onto the street. He knew it had been snowing all morning but didn't realize how much ice there was. "I guess it's slicker out here than I thought." Don said to himself as he kept driving. He didn't know where he was going to go. He just needed to think. It was too cold and snowy and icy to go up to his and Meryl's treehouse they often escaped to; or out to "their" cliff as she often called it. He decided to drive out to the Marina. As he turned down the road, tears sprang to his eyes as he thought about what his children said, he quickly wiped them away. He looked at the clock and wondered if the babies as well as his wife were awake yet. He decided to drive just a little longer. Don's eyes went up to his rearview mirror and he squinted when someone was following them. He couldn't believe his eyes as the car got closer. It couldn't be. Peggy and Harry? What? Why? He knew he needed to get to his wife and children. There had to be a reason why Peggy and Harry were in Mason's Island; and he knew it couldn't be good and his family was probably in danger. As he rounded the corner he felt the car behind him hit his car and he slid on a patch of black ice. "SHIT!" He tried to steer into the skid but he lost control of the car and he heard a loud crash as he saw smoke come up from the hood of his Lexus SUV. As his head hit the steering wheel after the airbag was down deploying only one word could be heard coming from his lips. "Meryl."


"You said my name?" Meryl asked.

Don nodded as he wiped away her tears. "I now remember being terrified that they were after you and the kids. I don't know how I could forget that. I mean; they could have killed..."

"Shhhh, baby, calm down." Meryl whispered as she pressed her forehead to his when she could tell he was getting worked up; which was the last thing in the world she wanted when he had made such amazing progress. "They didn't; we are all safe, love. You still doing okay?"

Don nodded tiredly as he gave his wife a weak smile. "Just tired; and have a headache."

"Mr. Gummer." Judge Stewart began. "Do you remember anything else?"

Don nodded. "I remember hearing Meryl screaming for me. I remember trying to open my eyes for her and move my arm to open the door. I remember my whole body feeling really heavy. When I could feel the fire I remember trying to scream for Meryl to get away. I then remember feeling her on top of me and I wanted to wake up and help her; but I couldn't. I also remember her talking to me in the hospital, kissing me and placing the babies on my chest. She's why I'm alive."

"You are why I've breathed for over 34 years, Don Gummer." Meryl laid her head on his shoulder.

The judge nodded. "Okay, no questioning Mr. Gummer. I want Harry Gummer brought back in. Counselors, I hope you have your closing arguments ready as I'm prepared to render a verdict."


As people were preparing for court to reconvene Don looked at Larry. "Shouldn't M be back by now?"

"Buddy, Harry and Peggy are with guards; and Mann is a thousand miles away." Larry tried to calm Don. "But I know why you feel the way you do."

Don was having great fear build within him and then tears appeared in his eyes when he saw his wife walk back in with a bottle of water. "Thank god; oh, thank god."

"Baby, I'm fine." Meryl sighed as he pulled her into his arms. "The babies are sleeping away; and I got you some water."

Don shook his head as they pulled away. "I don't care about water; you're really okay?"

"I really am, baby." Meryl whispered with a kiss to his lips as she handed him the bottle of water and some pills she retrieved from her purse when she went to check on the babies. "Here, take these Aleve, please."

Don nodded. "Did I do okay back there?"

"You, Donald Gummer, were amazing." Meryl gave him a teary smile. "I am so damn proud of you. I can't tell you how damn proud I am of you. I can only imagine how awful it was remembering all that; but you did it, it's over. You are safe, all the kids are safe; and that's all I ever want."

Don pressed his forehead to hers. "And you're safe.

"Thanks to my husband." Meryl couldn't resist kissing his lips again. "I love you so much, Donald Gummer, so damn much."

Don couldn't resist her lips either. "I love you more than anything, my girl; thank you for being with me."

"I wouldn't be anywhere else in the universe." Meryl breathed. "Once this is over, we are going back to your parents house and we are going to rest and eat and play with our babies. How does that sound?"

Don finally smiled. "Perfect."

"We're getting ready to start." Larry said coming over to them as the judge was introduced.

Once everyone sat down the judge spoke. "I felt there was no reason to wait any longer. We will begin with closing arguments and then I will render a verdict. DA Brown."

"We have heard testimony from Mr. Donald and Mrs. Meryl Gummer at how Harry Gummer is a threat to their family. We heard from Mr. Harry Gummer how he has stalked his stepbrother and his family; following them all around the world. We heard from Mr. Harry Gummer how he wanted Meryl Gummer and the children she shares with Donald Gummer dead; so he can have Donald Gummer to himself. We have timelines and copies of his journal. All the proof is there. I urge a verdict of guilty to keep Donald Gummer, Meryl Gummer and their family safe. Thank you." Mike said as he went to sit down.

Meryl hugged Mike. "Thank you, so much."

"I don't know what we'd do without my chosen parents." Don hugged Mike. "Thank you."

Mike winked at both of them. "You're family; always will be."

"We heard from the defendant how he has been put through hell his entire life." Lee began. "He was simply doing what his mother told him to do; being a good son, and trying to claim what was his. We can't hold him responsible for that. He is simply a young man trying to find his place in the world. Thank you."

Larry looked at his father. "That's his closing argument?"

"It's in the bag." Mike said. "We've got it."

The judge started to speak. "Harry Gummer, please stand. I am sorry for you; you have been lied to your whole life about who your true father is. You have been brainwashed. However, you are an adult and participated in the crimes brought against you willingly. I hereby sentence you to 1 year in jail with probation after. We will reconvene the day after tomorrow for Indiana vs. Peggy Gummer. Mr. and Mrs. Gummer." The judge looked at Don and Meryl. "I hope you both take care of yourself and get some rest; we will see you on Wednesday. Court is adjourned."

"You did it, baby!" Meryl exclaimed pulling his head to hers. "You overcame amnesia to remember and protect our family yet again. I know this has been awful, but you did it."

Don gave her a weak smile. "You did it; I couldn't have done it without you." Don looked at Mike and Larry. "Or without any of you; thank you for loving my family like yours."

"You are ours." Larry said. "We still have Peggy to go."

Mike shook his head. "It's in the bag."

"Don? Baby, are you okay?" Meryl loosened his tie. "You've sweat right through your shirt, sweetheart."

Don closed his eyes. "I am just so tired and hot and have a headache. My limbs are heavy."

"Hal said this could happen; as well as that court doctor." Meryl stroked his cheek. "Let's get our babies and get you to bed."

Don didn't want her to worry so he decided to tease her. "I love it when you talk like that to me."

"Same old Don." Larry laughed. "We'll tell Mom and Lizzie to get the babies ready and I'll get a wheelchair so you don't have to walk."

Don nodded. "I'm ready for some time just us."

"Me too, baby." Meryl tenderly kissed his lips. "One down. One to go."


A/N: After all the Strummer cuteness last night I decided to post an update for you all! As always, thanks to all of you for reading and to Streep_Lange for all of her amazing ideas and help!

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