The Start Of Laurex

By mendesxaly

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After her breakup with Baz, she meets Alex. When they begin to date some obstacles try to get in their way. W... More

Chapter 1: The Breakup
Chapter 2: Meeting Alex Wassabi
Chapter 3: "The Hangout"
Chapter 4: The Morning
Chapter 5: Will You Go Out With Me
Chapter 6: The First Date
Chapter 7: Do You Wanna Be My Girlfriend
Chapter 8: Seeing Baz
Chapter 9: Their first time
Chapter 10: The Threat
Chapter 11: Baz is gone
Chapter 12: Daniella
Chapter 13: The Stalker
Chapter 14: The Psyco Stalker
Chapter 15: Daniella Finds Alex
Chapter 16: Daniella Is Gone
Chapter 17: Baz Escapes
Chapter 18: The "Accident"
Chapter 19: Kidnapped
Chapter 20: Trapped
Chapter 21: My Hero
Chapter 22: Back To Normal
Chapter 23: Lauren Is Sick
Chapter 24: The Pregnacy Test Results
Chapter 25: Lauren's Water Breaks
Chapter 26: The Twins Are Born
Chapter 27: Baz Wants Addison
Chapter 28: The Break In
Chapter 29: The Court Date
Chapter 31: Lauren's Birthday
Chapter 32: The Birthday Surprise Is Revealed
Chapter 33: Bora Bora
Chapter 34: The Proposal
Chapter 35: Wedding Planning
Chapter 36: The Wedding
Chapter 37: The Ending

Chapter 30: The Judge's Decision

1K 22 9
By mendesxaly

Lauren's POV
Me and Alex were holding hands both hoping we won the trial. I really hope we won the trial.

Alex's POV
Lauren and I are holding hands, we are both nervous about the decision. We hope we won the trial.

"Oh ok I have made my decision. And my decision is that Baz will not have custody rights!" the judge said.
"Yes!" Lauren and Alex said at the same time.
"No!" Baz yelled.
"Case dismissed!" the judge said while hitting the gavel.
"No! This was unfair! I should have won! I don't need no paper saying I can visit my son! I CAN DO IT WHENEVER THE FUCK I WANT!" Baz yelled.
"Baz just calm down!" Lauren yelled.
"No you can be calm because you and this fucker get to raise MY SON!" Baz yelled.
"Hey don't talk to her that way!" Alex yelled.
"I don't give a fuck of what you say, because you get to stay with MY SON!" Baz yelled.
"Baz just accept it, you lost!" Alex yelled.
"No! I can't! I need to see my son! I need to see Addison whether you like it or not!" Baz yelled.
"Baz where are you going?" Lauren asked.
"Oh c'mon Lauren! You should know me better! Where the fuck do you think I'm going?" Baz yelled.
"Baz don't!" Lauren yelled.
"I'M GONNA SEE MY SON!" Baz yelled. (Baz runs out of the courthouse and drives to Lauren and Alex's house!)
"Officer! Baz is going to see Addison!" Lauren yelled.
"Baz I'm coming for you!" Alex yelled.
"Alex I'll take it from here!" the officer said.
"Alex please don't!" Lauren yelled.
"Lauren can I at least take you home?" Alex asked.
"Yes," Lauren answered.
"Let's go!" Alex said.

(The officer, Lauren and Alex rushed to their house.)

(Baz arrives at Lauren and Alex's house.)

"Open up!" Baz yelled while banging the door.

Mia's POV
Who's at the door? Lauren and Alex have a key to their house.
(Mia receives a message from Lauren.)

L- Mia whatever you do don't let Baz in!
M- Baz is the one knocking?
L- Yes he wants Addison
M- What do I do?
L- Go hide upstairs with the twins
M- Ok
L- Please protect my babies
M- I will

"OPEN THE FUCKIN' DOOR!" Baz yelled.
(Baz went through the window he broke and got inside.)
"Come out, Come Out Where ever you are?" Baz yelled.

Fuck Baz got inside! Please don't come up! Please don't come up!

"Mia I know you're in there! Make this easy for yourself and give me MY SON!" Baz yelled.

"Baz is inside!" Lauren said.
"I'm going in!" Alex said.
"Please be careful!" Lauren said.
"I will!" Alex said.

(Goes inside and tip toes upstairs!)

(Baz breaks down the door to the twin's room and he finds Mia right next to the twin's crib!)

"Mia just give me Addison and you won't get hurt!" Baz yelled.
"Never!" Mia yelled.
"Give Him To Me RIGHT NOW!" Baz yelled.
"I would never give him to you!" Mia yelled.
"He's my son!" Baz yelled.
"Actually he's my son!" Alex yelled. (Then he punched Baz in the face and he fell to the ground!)

"Officer he's right here!" Alex yelled.
"Thank you! We'll take him back to the station," the officer said.
"Ok thank you!" Alex said.

"Alex thank you!" Mia said.
"You're welcome! Can you hand me my kids," Alex said.
"Oh yeah! Here!" Mia said.
"Thanks!" Alex said. (Mia then went home.)

(Then Lauren comes inside the house.)

"What happened?" Lauren said.

(Alex turns around carrying Lexia and Addison in his arms.)

"I saved our babies!" Alex said.
"Is Baz going to jail for good?" Lauren asked.
"Yeah he is babe!" Alex said.
"So does that mean?" Lauren asked.
"Our family is now safe! We can now live normal lives!" Alex said.
"Yay! I'm so happy to have a family! But it's even better since I have you!" Lauren said.
"I feel the same way! I love Addison and Lexia! And I love Moose!" Alex said. (He then put the twins back in the crib.)
"Me too! I love all three of them!" Lauren said.
"But I also love you!" Alex said. (He then put his arm around Lauren's waist and pulled her close and he kissed her.)
(Lauren then pulled away.) "I love you too Alex!" Lauren said. (She then kissed him again.)

(Then Lauren and Alex cleaned up the mess that Baz made and then fell asleep.)

(That was the end of their crazy night.)

Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter! Did you expect this little twist? Also, how do you feel now that Baz is no longer gonna bother Lauren and Alex? Let me know in the comments! Anyway if you enjoyed this chapter please give it a vote, I would really appreciate it. Don't forget to come back everyday for more updates.
Mkay Bye!

— Citlaly

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