Chapter 27: Baz Wants Addison

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(8 months Later)

Lauren's POV
I love my life! I have Lexia, Addison, Moose, and Alex to make me happy. My family is perfect! I just can never stop thanking Alex for what he's done for me!
"Chicken Nugget! I'm back from my meeting!" Alex yelled.
"Hi babe! How did the meeting go?" Lauren asked.
"It went well! Where's the twins?" Alex asked.
"Oh, there in their crib sleeping!" Lauren said.
"Oh!" Alex said.
"Alex?" Lauren said.
"Yes, Chicken Nugget," Alex said.
"Can you get the mail? I forgot to get it today," Lauren said.
"Ok," Alex said.

(5 minutes later)

"I got the mail!" Alex said.
"Is there anything important?" Lauren asked.
"Yeah, these are for you, and these are for me," Alex said.
"And what about that envelope?" Lauren asked.
"Um, it looks like it's for the both of us!" Alex said.
"Does it say who it's from?" Lauren asked.
"No! But do you wanna open it?" Alex asked.
"Sure!" Lauren said.

(Alex opens the letter.)

Dear Lauren and Alex,
Congratulations, on having twins! Lexia and Addison are very adorable. But there's a problem. Alex, Addison is not your son. That is why he is way cuter than Lexia. I know, Lauren! I know, Addison is my son! And I want him back! There's no way, I'm letting this idiot raise my child. I want him back or else! And remember I'm released from jail, and I finished my probation. We can do this the easy way or the hard way! If you want to do this the easy way, then call my number (213) ***-**** and will meet up and you hand him over. But if you want to do this the hard way, then I will hunt you down and take Addison myself and maybe even Lexia. Choose wisely Laurex!
Sincerely your
Worst Nightmare,

"Oh no! I forgot Baz was free!" Lauren said.

(Two months after the twins were born, Lauren and Alex were watching tv in the living room. Then the news came on saying that Baz was being released from prison. They were obviously worried, but then they found out he was going to be on probation, so they were less worried.)

"I know! I thought he was going to stay on probation longer," Alex said.
"Alex, I'm scared! I don't want him near the twins! He may be Addison's biological father, but your more of his biological father than he ever will be!" Lauren said.
"Aww thanks babe! But I don't know what he'll do! I don't want the twins, Moosie or you getting hurt!" Alex said.
"I know, but what are we going to do!" Lauren asked.
"I don't know, but what I do know is that I'm gonna do whatever it takes to protect my family!" Alex said.

Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter. Oh my god, I can't believe I hit 2k reads. Wow you guys are insane! I can't believe my book has that many reads. Anyway if you enjoyed this chapter please give it a vote, I would really appreciate it. Don't forget to come back everyday for more updates!
Mkay Bye

— Citlaly

The Start Of Laurex Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora