Chapter 21: My Hero

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Lauren's POV
I've been stuck here for a few days. Baz has been using me as a sex slave. All I can think about is Alex. Alex has probably moved on. I just wished I could have had a goodbye, my way.

Alex's POV
I have been depressed in my room. Just thinking about, what Lauren is doing. It just didn't feel right. Why would Lauren break up with me, I didn't do anything. Especially why over the phone? That's the worst way to break up with someone.
(Alex then realized it was Sunday, and he knows Lauren uploads on Sunday.)
Why hasn't Lauren uploaded her video yet. It's Sunday. Lauren never misses an upload. Ok something is definitely wrong.
(Alex then heads over to Lauren's. He knocks on the door and no answer. He then calls some of her friends and they all said they haven't seen her. So he gets worried.)
Maybe I should call her.

(Alex then calls Lauren, but no answer.)
Ok now I'm definitely worried.

Baz's POV
Are you fuckin' kidding me! Alex is calling Lauren again. I thought I took cate of his ass. I thought that break up would have ended this.

(Alex then realized that Lauren had the Find Friends App on so Alex can track where her phone is.)

Alex's POV
Wait I can track Lauren's phone with the Find Friends app, I can find out where she is.

(So Alex used the app and it led him to an abandoned house. Alex then got suspicious and called the police just in case. Then he knocks on the door and Baz came out!)

"Ugh! It's you!" Baz said.
"Ugh it's Baz!" Alex said.
"Get off my property!" Baz yelled.
"Where's Lauren?" Alex asked.
"She's not here! Bye!" Baz said. He then tries to close the door on Alex, but Alex stops the door.
"Where's Lauren? I know she's here!" Alex said.
"Get the fuck out! She isn't here!" Baz yelled.
"Baz! I'm not fuckin' leaving until I get to look around!" Alex said.
"Get OUT!" Baz yelled.
(Alex then punches Baz in the stomach and Baz collapsed! Then Alex went and looked for Lauren!)

"Lauren! LAUREN! It's me Alex! Where are you?" Alex called out.

Lauren's POV
I start to hear Alex's voice, but it can't be! It's probably me going crazy!

(Then Alex finally finds Lauren's room.)

"Lauren! I found you!" Alex yelled.
"Alex! It's you! Omg I never thought I would ever see you again!" Lauren yells with tears coming down her face.
"Lauren what happened!" Alex asked while untying Lauren from her bed.
"Baz he kidnapped me and he's been using me as his sex slave!" Lauren yells with more tears coming down her face.
"Lauren it's all over now! You're now back with me and safe!" Alex said while putting a blanket over Lauren.

(The police arrested Baz and then they asked Lauren questions about what happened! She told them how he raped her and abused her. So the police took Lauren to the hospital to get checked out.)

(Back at Alex's Apartment)

"Thanks for staying in the hospital with me!" Lauren said.
"No problem! I just wanted to make sure you were safe," Alex said.
"Listen, you aren't mad about that breakup, right?" Lauren asked.
"No because you didn't want to breakup! Baz forced you!" Alex said.
"Yeah he did. I felt so awful knowing what I was saying! I honestly thought that was the last time I was ever going to speak to you!" Lauren said.
"Well it wasn't! I'm just glad I have my chicken nugget back in my arms! I never want to lose you ever again!" Alex said.
"Yeah me either! I can't live without you, Alex! I love you!" Lauren said. She then kissed Alex on the lips.
"I love you too, Lauren!" Alex replied.

(Then Lauren fell asleep in Alex's arms! She never felt more safer.)

Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you so much for the 999 reads. Wow I'm gonna count that as 1000. This is so crazy! Anyway if you enjoyed this chapter please give it a vote, I would really appreciate it. Don't forget to come back everyday for more updates.
Mkay Bye

— Citlaly

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