Chapter 23: Lauren Is Sick

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Lauren's POV
So its been like 2 or 3 days since Alex and had sex, but there's a problem. I've been throwing up everything. There's legit no food in my system because every time I eat something, I throw it up. I haven't told Alex because he had to do something out of town, but he's coming back today. What if I'm pregnant? Of course I want kids, but I don't know if Alex and I are ready to become parents! Also, if I am pregnant, I don't know if Alex is the father! Since Baz did rape me, there's a slight chance this baby I might be carrying, could be his.

(4 hours past and Alex is back.)

"Hey Chicken Nugget!" Alex said.
"Hi baby," Lauren said with a sick face.
"Baby, are you ok?" Alex asked.

Alex's POV
When I saw Lauren, she looked sick, like she had been throwing up.
"Yeah, I'm fii..." Lauren said and then ran to the bathroom.
"Baby are you ok? Just relax! Just let it all out!" Alex said while grabbing Lauren's hair and rubbing her back.

(10 minutes later)

"Alex, you didn't have to do that!" Lauren said.
"I know I didn't! But I did because I love you no matter what!" Alex said.
"Awww thanks baby!" Lauren said.
"Anyway, how do you feel?" Alex asked.
"At the moment, I feel a whole lot better now since you are here!" Lauren said.
"Aww well that's good!" Alex said.
"Alex, I know this might sound weird, but I think I'm pregnant!" Lauren said.
"What? Why?" Alex asked.
"Well we recently had sex and we didn't use protection because we didn't have any condoms at the time," Lauren said.
"Oh yeah that's right! Well have you taken a pregnancy test?" Alex asked.
"No! But I was actually gonna ask you if you can run to the store and buy a couple of test?" Lauren asked.
"Yeah, ok!" Alex said.

(Alex then goes to the store to by some pregnancy tests.)

(20 Minutes Later)

"Alright I'm back!" Alex said.
"Ok I'm gonna take one," Lauren said.
"Ok, I'm gonna be out here waiting for you," Alex said.
"Ok," Lauren said.

(5 Minutes Later)

"So, what are the results?" Alex asked.
"It says ....."


Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter. So sorry this chapter was so short and I ended it in that spot. Also sorry I haven't updated in 3 days. Also, I'm starting to lose some inspiration for this book. I'm starting to run out of ideas. So if you guys have any suggestions for this book, leave it in the comments and if I use your idea, I will give you a shoutout! So what do you think the test said? Do you think Lauren is pregnant?
Mkay Bye

— Citlaly

The Start Of Laurex Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora