Boys Over Flowers


78.8K 2.5K 271

This is based of the Kdrama tv series. This is a scene-by-scene rewrite of the original tv shows. I kept it c... Еще

Wonder Girl
Shin Hwa High
Brattiest Boy in America
Standing up to F4
The Red Card
Going to Far
Fed Up
Revelations and Regrets
Pampered for a Day
First Kiss
The White Shoes
Reality Sucks
New Tactics
Our Daily Routine
The Cruise
School Events Suck
The Dance of Disaster
Rumor Has It
Another Party
The Announcement
Drinks of Desperation
The Morning After
Meeting His Mother
The Auction
To Show Her How I Feel
The Time for Goodbyes
Saturday at 4 O'Clock (The First Date)

Ironic Gratitiude

1.4K 77 7

⚫️Jan Di⚫️

"Wake up!" I yelled at Jun Pyo's lifeless figure while doing compressions on his chest. "Breathe Gu Jun Pyo! Hey!"

He needed air.

At this point I didn't see any other options so I pinched his nose, tilted his head back, put my mouth on his, and pushed my breath into his lungs.

It felt weird having my mouth pressed against someone else's. Especially weird since this person was unconscious.

His lips were soft, but bigger than mine.

That's when I realized who this was, and it didn't feel so much as weird, but repulsing.

I then leaned back, took a deep breath and did the same thing again out of necessity.

I was about to lean down a third time when Jun Pyo's eyes popped opened.

Startled I tried to get farther away from him when he grabbed my neck and tried pulling me closer.

He was trying to kiss me!? Really? He almost died not 5 minutes ago and this is my thanks?

I squirmed away until I was out of his grasp.

"What the heck!?" I yelled at him.

He sat up off the ground and was grinning smugly.

How dare he!

He probably did it on purpose!

Faked it so I would do this to him.

My pent up anger was boiling over and without thinking I slapped him on the face.

"You. You are really the worst. You little scam artist you!! Ugh!"I screamed before standing up, grabbing my shoes, and stomping away angrily.

⚫️Jun Pyo⚫️

I remember falling in the pool, the next thing I remember is feeling someone's lips on mine.

They felt nice and were gone too soon.

I was in a haze and it felt like I was dreaming.

It sounds strange but even though I didn't know what was going on, this made me happy.

I opened my eyes and saw Jan Di looking down at me.

Her eyes showed that she was startled, and I think they even looked a little relieved.

The first thought that came to my mind was, this must be a dream.

I try to pull her closer for a kiss but like usual she doesn't cooperate.

I guess this isn't a dream then.

She thrashes away from me and looks at me aggravated.

"What the heck?" she asks me, clearly upset.

I sit up and I know I can't wipe the grin off my face.

The next thing I know she threw a half-hearted slap on my cheek before getting up and storming away.

I look to the crowd of people who are gathered around us. Most of them were either looking at me with concern or were glancing at Jan Di.

I see F4 right at the front.

While Yi Jung and Woo Bin are grinning at my mischievousness, Ji Hoo was watching Jan Di's retreating figure.

My next thought was when I saw Ji Hoo, look who she has her lips on now.

He looked concerned for some reason.

Jealousy maybe?

That night we sailed home and I was in my own bad by midnight.


The next morning I wake up it a great mood. It must've been obvious because most of the maids were looking at me weirdly.

I was sitting in the living room while I ate my breakfast and drinking my coffee. While I was reading the newspaper, a maid was pouring me some coffee.

I couldn't help but let my mind replay and think about the events of last night.

Wow she must really like me.

To do that in front of a crowd.

And then to act repulsed when she slapped me was good acting on her part.

She was very convincing.

Lost in my thoughts I hear the maid who was pouring my coffee apologize and tell me she was going to make some more.

"What?" I asked her.

Mr. Lee who was in the room with me gasped and asked me quickly, "Are you feeling ill? Should I call Doctor Kim?"

"What do you mean ill?" I asked cheerfully. "I feel great! Get the car ready though, I should get going to school soon."

His shocked expression grew.

"You mean you want to leave this early?" He asked.

"Mr. Lee can a student really be too early for school? Haven't you heard the phrase, 'The early worm gets eaten?'"

"I'll get rid of the maid right away," he told me.

"But why?"


"Don't you think you're being a little too hard on her? Be gentle with them. Gentle."

I stand up, walk over to, and look out the window. Even though it's storming outside I tell them, "Wow! Isn't it a beautiful day?"

⚫️Jan Di⚫️

After the Shin Hwa party me and Ga Eul stayed on the down low until we made it back home that night.

When I made it home, my parents and brother wanted to ask me a million questions about how my first Shin Hwa Cruise went.

I guess they forgot the fact that I was pretty much working the whole time.

I gave them a brief overview of the trip, conveniently leaving out the part about what happened at the party.

I went to my room, unpacked the necessities and went to bed. I was so tired that I'm pretty sure I went to sleep before my head even hit the pillow.

The next morning I woke up early and decided I should get back in my normal routine since today was the first day that school started back.

I packed my swim bag and had my dad drive me to school since it was rainy and stormy outside.

When I made it to the girls changing room I grabbed the door handle but jerked back when I touched it.

My hand was covered in a clear gooey, jelly-like substance. I looked and saw the whole door handle was covered in it.

I went inside, washed off my hand and the door handle before changing in to my swimsuit and putting on my swim cap and goggles.

When I stepped in to the pool area, I quickly realized I wasn't alone.

I was surrounded by.......ducks!!

They were everywhere. In the pool, on the deck, and sitting in the chairs.

They weren't quiet either, they were quacking loudly, and the sound was echoing throughout the complex.

"JUN PYO!!!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

I stomped around the pool complex in anger.

"I'm going to kill you, idiot!! Ughh!" I screamed in aggravation.

"You won't get away with this!" I promised.

⚫️Yi Jung⚫️

Me and Woo Bin are standing, drinking our coffee an hour early at the school while Jun Pyo sits in his chair laughing at the TV.

It looks like he just pulled another prank on that girl, and had a video camera set up so he could watch it all.

It was a tedious thing in my opinion.

"He's been giggling and laughing like that since morning," I told Woo Bin where we stood across the room from Jun Pyo.

Jun Pyo didn't seem to be listening to us.

"This is the first time that I've ever seen him try so hard at anything," he replied.

"Why, of all things, does it have to be tormenting a poor transfer student?" I asked.

"And if you think about it, isn't she his rescuer?" stated Woo Bin.

"He is repaying her grace with enemy-like behavior. If he keeps this up she might just let him sink next time," I replied.

"Enemy?" Jun Pyo asked surprised from across the room. "This is all my show of gratitude. Why else would I stoop to do something like this by sparing a glance to a nobody like her?"

I guess he could hear us talking then.

"If she's anything like a normal person, I doubt she'll be thankful after being put through something like that," I told him honestly.

"Be quiet!" Jun Pyo told me. "Oh, I guess since Ji Hoo isn't here, you are being the righteous one now huh?"

"Seriously though, where has he gone off to now? He was suppose to be here by now." I asked, changing the subject.

"I'm curious to know about what happened at that party," Woo Bin said.

"It's another lovers quarrel." I told him. "Min Seo Hyun is....... so complicated."

"What a pathetic guy Ji Hoo is. If he likes her, then he should just snatch her up! What's so hard about it?"

Says the guy who has never even asked a girl out, I thought to myself.

At that, he started laughing again at the TV.

⚫️Ji Hoo⚫️

We got back from the Shin Hwa cruise party a few days ago and school has already been back in session for a few days.

It's been lonely the past few days because Seo Hyun has been working so much since she got back.

After school, I usually end up finding my way to the secluded bench I always sit at, with violin in hand.

Today it is icy and snowing outside. I probably look stupid playing my violin outside in these freezing cold temperatures, but believe it or not it's actually calming to me.

Whenever it's snowing it's as silent as it ever gets around here.

This silence helps me find myself and helps me think.

Today, I play a soft lonely melody. It reflects how I've been feeling.

I play for a while when suddenly one of my strings breaks.

I sigh, aggravated, then toss the violin and bow down on the bench next to me.

I then sit down myself, and lean over my knees looking down at the ground and at my hands.

I realize my finger is bleeding, apparently from when the string that popped off.

Oh well, I should be fine.

I stay like that until I hear someone walk up to me.

I look up to see Jan Di standing in front of me.

She doesn't say anything, but looks at me concerned.

I look away, not wanting her pity.

She bends down in front of me and grabs the handkerchief I let her borrow a few weeks ago, out of her bag.

She reaches for my hand but I pull it away from her.

What does she think she's doing?

Without hesitation she reaches for it again, and this time I reluctantly let her have it.

"I'll leave after I do this," She told me quietly, almost a whisper.

Her small gentle hands grabbed my finger that was bleeding and wrapped it delicately with the handkerchief.

I look away from her and stare off into the distance.

After she got up and left, I waited a few minutes before I got up to leave.

I glanced over and saw that she had left an umbrella sitting over my violin, protecting it from the snow.

A/N: Over 1800 words and a third chapter in a week?! I am on a roll. Don't get used to it though😂

I know this part of the series can be interpreted in many different ways but I hope you guys liked my version.

Also, please give me some ideas and feedback. (I would really appreciate it and I might be able to update faster)

Also, does anyone want think I'm changing points of view too much? I really enjoy writing it that way, but is confusing to a reader?

Thanks again guys for reading, it's much appreciated!

Will update after 4 votes and 5 comments

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