Remnants of a Color

By Rem_Flare

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This is an original story (the pictures and videos/songs are not mine), based off of my depressed state after... More

Story Insight...
Chapter 1: Her Everyday......
Chapter 2: Her Workday...
Sorry, not a Chapter *A/N~ (but please read)
Chapter 4: Sometimes Reality Hurts

Chapter 3: What...Happened?... Was it karma? Pure hatred?......

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By Rem_Flare

  ~~~*After her work shift... *~~~

  The young devil, after dressing out of her work uniform and back into her normal clothing, starts heading out of the cafe towards the Girls' Dorm Building's front door. Enjoying the coolness of the evening air that was surrounding her whilst starting to hum the lyrics of "Colors" again, still relishing the wonderful experience of her work shift today. 

As she neared the front doors, she caught a glimpse of her dear beloved boyfriend sitting next to a plant, and she smiles at the fact that he actually waited for her like she requested of him earlier that day, during her 5-minute break at work.  (Over the phone of course.)

When she approaches him, she giggles, because he was actually napping. So she lightly shook him to wake him up, then sat down next to him, still grinning like a madman.

"Ngh, huh?" Rem's boyfriend, Melodias, grunted as he woke up stiffly, "...OH CRAP! I fell asleep!"

"You sure did sleepy-head," Rem giggled, smirking at her boyfriend; her legs pulled up to her chest with her arms resting on her knees and her head lying on top of her arms.

He looks over at her apologetically with a light tint of pink spread across his cheeks from embarrassment, "I'm sorry about falling asleep, babe."

"Oh, don't worry about it," Rem says with a sweet face. But then it turns to a melancholy expression, "Also the reason why you're even out here sitting on this bench, just waking up from falling asleep waiting for me, is because I need to tell you a few things about me and, well... what I am exactly that I haven't told you yet..."

  Rem was fearing this moment of the day the most: The stress of breaking the secret that she was keeping from Melodias; the dead air between the two of them during this important and serious confession; the uncertainty if he would accept her for who she is even though they have been in a relationship for almost more than two years. Sure they've had a few small "lovers' quarrels", but this... this was a different situation.

"Oh? And what might it be that you're wishing to tell me, it must be quite important if you're looking that worried."

"U-um, ya..." she states shakily trying to grip her confidence steadily.

"Okay, go ahead then, I'm here to listen," he says calm and sweet-like.

  She takes a deep breath in and says more confidently, "I... am not what I seem; I am not human... I've been so... scared to tell you what type of being I really am. I am a... demon, but more than that. I'm a high ranking devil of the Lavished Orchid Demon House, a great family of devils, but the most demonic...... all of them except for me... I try to put myself at a more "holy" rank, well as holy as a devil can get, heh. I have forsaken my house's ways, hoping to be more trustworthy by the humans and earthly spirits and angels..." Rem continues, her voice getting quieter by the minute and her nervousness rising again as the fear and disgust becoming more visible on his face and deep within his eyes.

Being a member of the local church throughout his entire life has driven the "facts" that all devils are horrid creatures; that they can't and don't deserve love. Meliodas growls, "Oh, is THAT what you are? An unholy animal; a devil?"

It absolutely broke Rem apart at the sound of the words that just came out of her beloved's mouth. She felt like a million jagged knives had just been stabbed through her heart; now at the verge of tears. 

"N-no, please, I-I'm not evil. Give me a chance. Please understand how hard this was for me to tell you," she whimpers, tears starting to stream down her pink tinted cheeks, "I truly do love you; please... don't leave me."

"Ha! Me, a holy man, in a relationship with a devil? No way in eternity! I can't even believe that I was with a filthy creature like a demon for almost over two years! It's unspeakable for a man of a church! (I'll have to remember to ask the Father to cleanse me of my sin.) How could you have tricked me you vile THING?!" Meliodas spat out in a venomous tongue.

  Rem was soon crushed even more by how hateful he had become towards her. She ran off into the Girls' Dorm, back to the dark comforting room of her's. Her eyes blurred with tears and her cheeks stained dark pink from the salty water still streaming down her face. She knew this would happen, why did she decide to tell him? She felt so alone now; like no one loved her anymore, which she knew wasn't true because her co-workers excepted her for being a devil, but still.

She locked herself in her room and sobbed, curled up in a ball on her bed, slowly starting to cry herself to sleep; not bothering to change into any pajamas.

When she woke up it was already the next day, but before she decided to get up to do anything for that day she shakily grabbed her phone and checked her messages.

"1 new message" it read.

But when she checked who it was from she knows that it could not be any good. It was from her closest friend from school who was like a soul sister to her. And when she read it her heart sunk even more.

"Melodias told me exactly what you are, and I cannot have something such as you in my life either. So this is goodbye. Please never get near me or Melodias ever again, got that you vile creature?"

Again her body fell limp as tears found their way back into her still red and puffy eyes and started to fall down onto her bedsheets.

Deciding that she was too depressed to even get up for work, much less move, she called in sick, hoping to have the rest of the day to wallow in regret and despair.

'Why?  What did I do to deserve this? Do they actually hate me that much? What... happened?  Was it karma? Pure hatred that burst?...




'No, it was my fault for love...'


~AN:  Thanks for reading this update.  'Till the next one; peace out my lovely Little Sun Flares.~

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