When two worlds collide - Bel...

By SkinnyLove2922

46.1K 1.2K 70

Clarke Griffin is one of the leaders of the 100. She always finds herself by Bellamy's side. It's like she al... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Epilogue: Part one
Epilogue: Part two

Chapter 50

464 17 3
By SkinnyLove2922

Bellamy's POV:
Clarke and I had gotten back to camp with our children. It was quite quiet when we came back. The sun had gone down. Many people had apparently got to bed. The whole time back we had to carry our children since they both had fallen asleep. Neither Clarke or I had a walkie-talkie with us. If we had, we could have stayed overnight at the bunker. None of us want to worry our friends or Clarke's mother. The best thing was for us to return to camp the same evening. Clarke and I agreed on that. 

-Clarke offered to take care of the kids tonight. So that I could spend time with our friends. I had suggested that Abby and Kane could take care of them. It didn't matter. She is too tired tonight so she wanted to go to bed right away when we returned. Plus M.J would probably wake up soon wanting to be fed.
-How was your day? My sister asked me.

-Great. We went to the bunker and spent time with the kids. M.J slept most of the time and Aurora were drawing. It was nice to be away for a while from all the madness that goes on here sometimes. I told my friends.
-That's nice to hear. Monty said. 

-Indeed it is. Harper said and looked at Monty in disbelief. 
-Wait, have I missed something? I asked. 
-Yeah, you have. Take a walk with me big brother. Octavia said and dragged me away. I were really confused now. It feels like they are going to tell me that someone died while we were gone. Apparently Octavia understood what I were thinking.

-Don't worry. No one died. Happiness half died. Remember when Raven told everyone that she is pregnant? The child is Murphy's. That means that he cheated on Emori with Raven. Emori is furious right now. They have been fighting for hours now since Murphy told everyone the truth. Monty and Harper broke up because some other girl were flirting with Monty. It was all innocent. Harper does not understand that so she broke up with him. There is nothing to worry about because Monty and Harper is going to figure out things and get back together. They can not stay mad at each other for long. That is what happened today. We all are really happy for you and Clarke. Many people envy your relationship and are jealous of the two of you. Octavia explained to me.
-Oh. I said. I couldn't seem to say anything else. 
-I would suggest that you go to your little family and enjoy your time together. Then thnigs will at least feel a little more normal here. Octavia said.
-Okay. You and Lincoln are okay, right? I asked.
-Yeah, we are better than ever. Octavia told me.

-That's good. I said and walked away. Then I got back to Clarke's and my room I took of my boots and jacket. Then I got under the sheets and pulled Clarke tight into me as my arms found their way around her waist. 
-You are in early. Clarke whispered. 
-Yeah, I would rather be here with you than out there with our friends. I said. 

-Is everything okay? Clarke asked worried. 
-A lot of things happened today apparently. You will found out about it tommorrow. Now I would suggest that we go to sleep before M.J decides to wake up. I said.
-I love you Bell. Clarke said.
-I love you deeply princess. I said and kissed her shoulder before we fell asleep together. 

Clarke's POV:
I woke up in the middle of the night. M.J had started to cry. His crying woke Aurora. Bellamy on the other hand didn't wake up. Lucky him. Then Aurora started to cry. I can not take care of two crying children by myself. I shook Bellamy a little so that he woke up.
-What is it princess? He mumbled.
-Your children are crying. I said. I got up from the bed and walked over to the crib there M.J were laying as he cried. I lifted him up, walked over to one of the chairs and started to feed him. Bellamy picked up Auora and tried to make her stop crying. It isn't often that she cries. Usually it's only M.J. Bellamy had a worried look.
-Clarke? I think that Aurora has a fever. Bellamy said.
-Okay, just do as we have done before. Go and get a wet cold cloth and hold it againt her forehead. She usually likes that when she has a fever. I told Bellamy.
-Right. I will be back soon. Bellamy said and made an attempt to leave.
-Aren't you forgetting anything? I asked Bellamy.
-Right again. Bellamy said. He picked up Aurora and walked out of the room. Luckily for us she were not crying, half screaming, anymore. Bellamy were going to the medical bay with her to get some other medicin for her meanwhile I kept feeding M.J. 
-Daddy and sister are soon back. I told M.J. Even if he had no clue what I were talking about. He is the most adorable little guy I have seen. And he is my son. Around fifteen minutes later Bellamy and Aurora were back. She had fallen asleep again on Bellamy's shoulder. He put her down on our bed as M.J were done being fed. I laid him in his crib. The crib is Aurora's old one. Then I fell asleep in Bellamy's strong and comfortable arms again.

Bellamy's POV:
The next morning I were tired like hell. Aurora had woken up another two times. I tried my best not to wake Clarke up those times. I knew that she needs the sleep. Even better that M.J didn't wake up because then Clarke would have to for sure.
Aurora's fever had not gone down but she is still asleep. M.J were doing werid noises. And Clarke were also still asleep. Great freaking morning.
-Come here little man. I said and picked up M.J. I left the room so that Aurora and Clarke could continue to sleep. People were already awake by now. I sat down at one of the tables there my sister and Lincoln were.

-Isn't that my favourite nephew? Octavia said and took my son from me.
-Where do you got the rest of the little family? Lincoln asked.
-They are still asleep. Aurora has a fever. I told them.

-I hope she gets better soon then. Octavia said. I agreed with her.
-Did Murphy and Emori solve anything last night? I asked.
-They are not fighting. Which is good. On the other hand they are not talking to each other. Lincoln said.
-Daddy, mama feeling bad. Aurora said. I had not noticed her
-What are you doing up sweetie? Octavia asked.
-Mama not good. She said again.

-I got this. Can you watch the kid for a while? Aurora needs to take it easy. She has a fever. I told Octavia and Lincoln.
-Yeah. We'll gladly do that. We will go and get breakfast. Octavia said and got up from the table. She gave M.J to Lincoln. I walked away looking for Clarke. She were laying in bed. I sat down on the edge of the bed. Clarke's skin were pale and she were burning up.
-How you feeling princess? I asked.

-Like hell. She answered quietly.
-That was a stupid question. I admitted.
-How is Aurora doing? Is she feeling any better? Clarke asked. 

-She still got a fever. But she is better than last night. I told her.
-That's good. And M.J? She asked.
-Lincoln got him. He is healthy. I answered.
-Good. Clarke mumbled. 
-Do you want me to stay with you? I asked.

-I don't want you to get sick to Bell. Clarke said.
-I won't get sick. I said and tried to kiss her. Instand Clarke pushed me away.
-I am serious Bell. I don't want you to get sick either. Clarke said all stubbornly. 

-Are you sure that you aren't pregnant? I said.

-Haha, really funny Blake. Of course I am not. I have a cold and so does our daughter. Bring me M.J when he needs to be fed. Can you do that? Clarke asked. 
-Will do princess. I kissed her on the forehead before I walked out of the room so that Clarke could rest in peace. 

I found Aurora there I had left her. She were sitting eating breakfast with Lincoln and Octavia. M.J were giggling as Lincoln were talking to him. Aurora had breakfast all over her face and Octavia were just sitting there eating breakfast to. 

-How is Clarke doing? Octavia asked.
-She has a high fever and is tired as hell. I have to help the guards today. So I was wondering if you two could take the kids today? Since Clarke is sick. I don't want her to feel responsible for the today. She request that when M.J is hungry you go to Clarke so that she can feed him. I told my sister and Lincoln. Luckily for me they agreed on taking care of the kids for the day. They didn't even protest. 
-I can't believe Emori! Murphy said as he sat down next to us. 
-You were the one who cheated. Lincoln pointed out. 

-I were going to tell Raven. But she shut me up. Murphy argued against Lincoln.
-Dude! You had a choice not to sleep with Raven. Emori has the right to be mad at you. I said. 

-Do you love them? Octavia asked Murphy. 

-In all honesty? Yes, I do. Murphy admitted.
-You know there is a difference between loving someone and being in love with someone. You know that right? Octavia said.
-No, I did not know that. Murphy said.
-Do you just love them or are you in love with one of them? Octavia asked. 
-I love Emori. Murphy said.

-But you are in love with Raven Reyes. Octavia said. Murphy did not answer that. We all knew that it is true. 
-You are losing both of them now. If you don't do anything about it. I told Murphy.

-Who do you think I should choose? Emori or Raven? Murphy asked my daughter. She does not even understand what we are talking about. 

-Raven! She said cheerfully. 
-Go with your heart man. Lincoln said. Murphy made some weird frustrated noise and walked away. 

-I need to leave now. I will come and check up on you guys later to make sure that my kids are in one piece. And if you see Clarke out of bed. I will give you all the permission to force her back to bed. Because she is not leaving the room until she is perfectly healthy and better again. I said before I walked away. 

I visit Clarke at lunch. I had some food with me and helped her sit up as she were eating. After she were done with that I had Octavia getting M.J from Lincoln so that she could feed M.J before I went back to working. Everything went by pretty smoothly. Aurora had wanted to sleep for a while since she still has a fever. I am just happy that M.J and I are not sick. If we had been Clarke would be stressed like hell. And that is the last thing I need her to be. It pains me to see Clarke sick. She is a strong woman so she will be up and running in a few days. 

The same night I crawled into bed as usual and pulled Clarke into me. She were no near tired so we laid up talking for a few hours before she feel asleep. She looks so little and vulnerable when she is sick. I wish there were something that I can do to make her better.
-Good night my sweet princess. I said and kissed Clarke softly on her forehead before I myself fell asleep. 

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