Legend of Spyro: The Abyss

By PsychoDemon101

966 15 21

Sometimes it only takes a monster to defeat a monster - that's wrong. Only the courage and endurance of a per... More

Chapter 1: Living in Emptiness
Chapter 2: Soul of the Forgotten
Chapter 3: An Awakening
Chapter 5: From within the Deep

Chapter 4: The Arrival

169 2 1
By PsychoDemon101

If there is one thing that I've learnt in life, and that is Non c'è inferno sulla terra, solo tu puoi farlo (There is no hell on earth, only you make it). I may have not been able to experience the full extent of my life, but I've seen adults go through it, with either ease or difficulty. My grandparents have told me many things about the hardships of life and I do understand what they were talking about, but I just haven't reached that point yet.

The only problem is that I'm just a teenager and I also go through many emotional obstacles. I do get affected by it, obviously, but I have to deal with it. I've gone through many turns and ups and down in my life - it honesty made me feel weak, breakable, easy to control...

I told myself... fuck it all.

I was tired of being this sad, breakable child. Always being weaker - never getting stronger! So, that's what I did!

I started going down my own path - never caring about other's feelings or emotions. I've become my own fortress, my own base to control. I was a heavily fortified human being, but there is a negative effect about feeling nothing, and that is the separation of people.

It didn't really affect me because once you've lost the feelings and interests of others, but still keep a strong composure, you'll become a wall of steel. This routine went on for three years straight and I never worried about anyone.

But now, something is different...

I've never felt so much confusion in my life! Finding out that you haven't died from a stab to the chest by some knight and including the fact that I have to continue his so-called mission. Then, finding out that there is something lurking inside of me - some sort of beast! Like what the fuck!? How can I just believe that and continue with my life?

And that was until I woke up...

I was breathing heavily and my body was soaked in sweat. A few patches of my skin were burnt, but they weren't so serious for an injury. My vision was a complete blur; the ringing in my head was uncontrollable and caused me to cringe in pain. I could feel that my body was beginning to wake up - waking up from a deep coma if you ask me.

'Again... do I have to wake up like this every time?'

I lifted my hand and placed it on my forehead, but when my sight started becoming less blurry, I could see what my hand looked like... covered in blood!


I stared at my hand with confusion, taking in all of it's detail. Beneath the blood on my left hand, there was a strange marking that my skin was meshed into. It was a circle that faded into my lower wrist. This definitely wasn't a tattoo because the marking was made up of scars! I touched it gently, in case the scars were very sensitive, and felt along the borders of the marking. I could feel and see that the skin wasn't disturbed by any sharp object, but it looked as if my own skin did something... abnormal while I was out.

"What in the actual fresh hell?"

My vision came back to me and then I saw the environment that I was in. I was enclosed by dark cave walls!

"You've got to be kidding me! Are you serious right now?" Anger, with a slight percentage of panick, rose from my chest trying to evaluate the situation at hand. I placed my hands on the caved wall and tried to move some of the debris that was attached to the wall. There were some cracks in the wall, but it felt like lifting a ton of rocks onto a truck. The problem is that this wall could enclose, by that I mean squish, his entire body and that could lead to death.

Looking around the space I was in, I felt a rough movement against my back. I was able to move my hand backwards and feel what it was - it was loose rock! I shoke my body, to at least hear and feel that there were more loose rocks against my back. I could feel the unstable formation of rocks, so while pushing against the wall with my back, I lifted my feet and placed them on the wall. I kept on pushing and pushing, even with the pain in my back.


I heard the wall starting to become looser and looser due to the amount of force I'm applying to it. With a final push, I felt the wall crumble behind me and I fell onto the floor.

"Ow, my ass!"

I got onto my feet and observed where I was. It was a large cave concave with many broken pillars that seemed to have supported some weird structure. In the middle of the cave, there was a massive bolder, but it was concealing a bright orange glow that shon through a few cracks. I looked around the cave and found one lit tunnel.

Just what the hell is this place?

'Okay, okay this must be some weird and crazy dream I'm having. I would like the wake up, now...'

Suddenly, the sounds of heavy foot steps could be heard from the tunnel up ahead. I ran towards one of the broken pillars and hid behind it, so not be seen by what ever was coming this way. Taking a peak around the edge of the pillar, I saw the weirdest creatures passing by. They looked like overgrown-mutated flies with rusted axes and other foreign blades. The large one looked very agitating and worse than the smaller ones. Two of the smaller minions were carrying two boxes that had some sort of ancient inscriptions along the bodies of the boxes. The leader of the group yelled, in some foreign and odd language, at the two minions and they lowered the boxes. The leader walked to a large boulder that was in the centre of the cave and gave it a whack with it's large mace.

I was shocked and suprised to see a large yellow crystal being revealed with... two dragons?!

'You've got to be joking with me... two dragons! Wait, those two are actually familiar to me... a purple dragon and a black dragon... Spyro and Cynder!!'

My mind was blown,' That is Spyro and Cynder!'

The crystal, that the two dragons were trapped in, started to glow brighter and brighter until it shattered into thousands of shards. Spyro and Cynder fell onto the ground, but they seemed to be unconscious. It makes sense because after the two dragons defeated Gaul, the entire catacomb collapsed on top of them, but Spyro used his power to protect himself and Cynder by trapping themselves in that exact crysyal. The big one walked towards them and placed two strange enchanted necklaces, that had the shapes of snakes, around there necks. After that, it took them away through that passage.

'I wonder where they're taking them?'


I did not dare move from my spot when I heard the unsheathing of a sword from behind me. My body tensed up and my breath was held. I couldn't do anything, but wait for my assassin to speak to me...

That's what I'm afraid of...

"Don't even try and move," a deep, but strong voice commanded from behind me.

'Wait, that voice sounds familiar,' I though, while I slowly turned around to face the threat. A hooded figure was pointing a short straight sword at my chest. The grip on it's sword was very tight... wait, what's with the fur and claws? I tried to look at the figure's face, but the shadow from the hood concealed to much detail. I scanned the figure from top to bottom, but when I looked down at it's legs, my suspicions have been answered... it's an anthro! They looked a lot like cheetah legs due to the black spots covering it's fur.

I could tell that it was staring at me intensely and I could feel it's strong stare on me.

"I've never seen an ape like you before, but I don't have time to be curious..." It said and then thrusted his sword at my chest.

With as much adrenaline and reflexes that I could use, I quickly dodged to the left, but then the sword followed my movent and was by my neck before I could even blink. For some reason, the figure didn't even cut into my throat, it just kept the edge of the sword against my neck.

"I don't even know if it's even worth killing something like you. You don't even have a weapon on..."


Hunter flew into a column, but became dazzed because of the impact. He started at the creature in front of him, with shock. It's arm was stretched out with it's fist coiled up and was aligned with where Hunter flew into the column. He didn't expect this ape to do damage like that in one punch!

He tried to get off the floor, but the pain in his back was immense. He groaned and growled, but he still couldn't get up - he had to use his last healing position. He reached deep into his coat and pulled out his healing potion and drank it. He could feel his body relax and the pain in his back was starting to lessen.

Focusing his attention on Xavier, Hunter witnessed a scenery in front of him that could've forced someone to question their own existence.

Xavier's eye's were even beyond the level of bloodshot - his eye's looked like they were filled with blood and it was oozing down his eyes and out of his mouth. His teeth turned into dagger-like teeth that could tear up a person's flesh from their body. An abnormal activity started happening on his arms. The arm sleeves tore apart and revealed opening cut wounds where blood oozed, but circled around his arms. What was even more abnormal about this was the fact that the blood around his hands seemed to form claws by the fingers! Excessive amounts of blood started floating around Xaviers body until it enclosed on him and his body disappeared.

It was like playing Stuck in the Mud with Hunter because he wanted to be touched once and run as far away as possible because this situation is just disturbing and horrifying to witness. With no thought, he quickly dashed to the end of the catacombs and ran down one of the tunnels where the grublins left. The last thoughts before he left were that of confusion and terror...

"What in ancestor's name was that thing?..."

Xavier's body was still surrounded by the large amounts of blood that poured out of his open wounds, until...


All the blood surrounding him blew away from his body and scattered everywhere. This wasn't normal for any living creature, especially when they've gone through the most messed up metamorphosis ever!

Instead of having his own skin on his arms, they were covered in crystallized blood gems that still dripped with fresh blood. Instead of fingers, sharp claws were the replacement! All of his clothes and hair were soaked in blood, but it seemed that the blood was luminescent, but had a dim brightness to it. Streams of blood flowed around his body like a aura, but some of the streams flowed towards his closed eye's. There was more shadow around his eyes that almost made him look like he didn't even have eyes!.

His eye's opened to reveal his once dark brown eye's replaced with bright yellow-slitted iris' and his sclera were filled with dark red blood. On top of his forehead was a strange uncanny symbol that glew with bright radiant red.

Xavier looked up and released something that he or anyone couldn't do... roar.


He looked at the end of the catacomb where Hunter last stood and smiled with his sharp bloodied teeth...

"You can't run away from me! When I find you, you better pray for a miracle to stop me because nothing will stop me from tearing your soul and lifeless body apart..."

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